Rainbow Bridge: Blue Fawn Italian Greyhound Male

  • Dog ID 73275
  • Status Rainbow Bridge
  • Registered 09 Aug 2014
  • Name LUDWIG
  • Gender & Breed Male Italian Greyhound
  • Age Young Adult
  • Colour Blue fawn
  • Marks & Scars Last seen wearing a red neckerchief with white spots
  • Tagged Unknown
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Lost 09 Aug 2014
  • Where Lost Woodland Ave, Woodland Road Hove. BN3 6BN Area. Last sighted in the three cornered copse at 5/6pm on Saturday 9th.
  • Lost In Region South East
  • Lost In Post Area BN1
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info Bolted from daycare, first time away from home. Nervous dog, fast. Responds to a loud whistle.
  • Listed By Italian greyhound Ludwig
  • Views 6644
  • LUDWIG Poster Image
  • LUDWIG Extra Image


Sightings and Information

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Ah - such a sad outcome for handsome Ludwig and his family. Ludwig knows that he was well loved and looked after. RIP little one and happy play-days on Rainbow Bridge xx
gutted to hear about Ludwig.....RIP beautiful
oh I am so sorry. My heart goes out to you. I had just seen posters and came on here to look for any sightings. RIP, you were loved. xxx
Oh how very sad. Poor Ludwig, run free and safe over the bridge and play in the sunshine. As the owner says, the end was very quick so he did not suffer. My heart goes out to them. xx
DogLostSherlock- Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - Avon & South Gloucestersh
Tragic news.....poor owners xx ....but remember your little pup Ludwig will always be there by your side and forever close in your hearts x he has not far xx God Bless dear Ludwig xx
Oh I am so very, very sorry to hear about Ludwig. RIP darling boy. Run happy and free over the Bridge beautiful sweetheart xxxx
So sorry to hear that you didnt make it home safe Ludwig. Run free now you gorgeous boy. My thoughts are with the owners x
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Oh no.. I'm so so sorry to hear this. Most of you won't know that Ludwig's owners lost their previous rescue IG 6 months ago in a similar way so this must be the most awful news for the little lads owners.
I really feel for you and I know there's nothing I can say to make you feel any better right now. Just try to remember that you gave him a good home.
Run free at the Bridge Ludwig.
Oh no, how tragic. I am so very sorry and my thoughts are with the family at this devastating time. Gone way too soon, but run free with Sassi at the bridge dear Ludwig. You were beautiful xxx
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
So very sorry, Rest in Peace dear Ludwig ..x
What more can I say it`s all been said. At least you know he is not scared any more. You will smile again. xx
Happiness yorkie lover xxx
R.i.p so sad you never made home my thoughts are with you're owners who love you xxxx run free at the bridge fur baby xxxxxxxxxLast edited: 2014-08-11 22:15:01 by Happiness yorkie lover xxx
What a horrible thing to happen - so sorry Ludwig xxx
So sorry ~ Run free little man.
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
So very sorry to see Ludwig has gone to Rainbow Bridge.
Run free gorgeous boy.xx
DogLostRavenette - Area Co-ordinator - West Sussex
So very sorry that Ludwig has gone to the bridge. Run free beautiful boy xx
So sorry for your loss. Night, night Ludwig, sleep tight, and have fun at the bridge until you meet your family at the bridge one day. RIP+ God blessx A~~~Candle~~~burns for Ludwig who was taken too soon Run free sweetheartx
So very sorry to hear Ludwig didn't make it back home. RIP sweetheart.
I am so very sorry to read this very sad news. :( I was praying he would stay away from the busy road. My thoughts are with you both and know from talking to you how much you loved your boy. Run free little Ludwig xxxx
Italian greyhound Ludwig
Hi This is Jon, Ludwig's owner. I would like to Thank you all for your help, advice and kind thoughts. Sadly Ludwig was hit by a car this afternoon on the A27 slip road towards the foot of Devils Dyke road. I was alerted by a gentleman who saw our posters. The sighting was then validated by the local police. The traffic was so fast on this major road and so he passed away very quickly. We are so sad for our loss and wish the outcome could have been different however we would like to personally thank all involved for all effort. Rest in Peace little puppy , you were loved so much and will always be missed.
went out today and covered the roads he has been sighted also the Copse again. Met no other searchers but did speak to 2 ladies who go the area often who are now looking. We saw the den left by the owners but it looked undisturbed. We didn't go too near as didn't want to disrupt the scent. Walking down the path that runs down the full length of the back of Woodland ave there are many holes and gaps in fences a dog ( even a fairly large one!)could enter gardens. We looked into as many gardens as we could but some are large with many bushes and hiding places. Woodland avenue was very quiet with few cars about so I can see how he has felt safe to go there. It is very easily entered from the copse by a foot path and further down you can enter the copse again.x
Maybe local people are leaving food out for him? Mine had got himself trapped under the floor of a barn, and couldn`t have got out without helpers pulling up half of the floor - could Ludwig be hiding in someone`s shed, or trapped? I have IGs, and could bring them to help search, but no use if there are already some about. I think too many searchers can scare the timid ones off.
I have shared on 3 iggie uk forums on FB i wish i lived nearer to help xLast edited: 2014-08-11 18:59:28 by linda
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Thanks everyone for your comments. Searching is continuing today but no news of sightings yet. I agree Corinne .. most dogs are more resilient than we think.

Good suggestion from someone posting on BDW page says "have you asked the 77 bus staff to look out there up there twice an hour same two upperdeck staff work the route" Well worth giving any of the drivers posters and asking them to put on their buses so anyone on the top deck can keep an eye open for Ludwig.

angi: I hope you are right. Thanks for going out looking for him, you are doing a great job.
alikat: try posting to Fbk from the poster page .. the photo comes up then. This seems to happen when the orginal registration goes on our DL pages before a photo is added.

I would suggest another BBQ this evening if possible as Ludwig will be getting hungry now. Leave the bedding and do the BBQ with lots of whiffy food (sausages/bacon etc) near there if you think that is the best place to do so. Also try leaving a scent trail (from hoover contents) towards the den/box if you can. Good luck! Last edited: 2014-08-11 17:34:59 by Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Iggies are tougher than they look - 3 or 4 years ago I lost a 4mth old IG. It was February, cold and continuous rain, and he was out for 4 nights. When found he was a bit thin and filthy dirty, but very much alive, so don`t give up hope! Just a thought - have any of the searchers got Iggies, as sometimes they are drawn to their own breed?
Any news on this little iggie ?
Not sure why, but Ludwig's photo does not come up when sharing this post on Facebook.... another glitch on the website?
The places he has been seen are very useful . I had a feeling he may stay around the copse area because of the very busy road at the top. He is going from woodland ave back through to the copse that runs behind the full length of Woodland drive. There are several paths leading into Woodland ave. We will go up again today and cover Woodland ave and the close.xLast edited: 2014-08-11 07:22:25 by angi
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Thanks for your email Italian greyhound Ludwig with the map and the sightings marked .. good job.
As far as I can make out Ludwig has been seen about 5 times .. twice in Woodland Avenue, a couple of places in the area between Woodland Avenue/Woodland Drive and near to Woodland Close (Goldstone Cres end)
I'm 'bumping' the page as there have been sightings.

If you get any other sighting Italian greyhound Ludwig please post on here or contact our admin and we will 'bump' the page again for you. Thanks.Last edited: 2014-08-11 00:14:16 by Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Well done everyone and many thanks.
Italian greyhound Ludwig: Please believe me when I say that dogs (whatever the breed) are far more resilient than most people think. It's also possible that someone has found him and handed him in to the Dog Wardens .. as they and vets do not all work at the weekends it's possible you will find him there tomorrow, especially as there have been no sightings of him today.
Remember not everyone uses Fbk so they may not know you are searching for him. That's one reason why posters are so important. There can never be enough posters (Oh and if you see any Rory posters on yr way around Brighton please remove them!)
angi .. well done again and thanks!

Wld someone tell me which part of Dyke Rd this copse is please (other roads nearby?) Sorry but I don't know the area very well and wld like to look at it on google maps!

Good luck with your search.
Italian greyhound Ludwig
Thank you everyone for looking for Ludwig. We have put posters up and flyers through doors in area, Searched as much as possible. We have left a box /den for him towards the top of the copse with his blanket, our clothes and food inside. I hope we can find him. He is so small and delicate I just hope he is still alive. Everyone we have spoken to has been so helpful. We are very grateful.
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Thanks Riverlady .. appreciated. Poor lad will be feeling the cold wind out there.
I have advised owners to have a BBQ (VERY carefully!) and they have already left bedding as advised near to where Ludwig was last seen. Posters have been put out and about today and BDW page has lots of posts on with their lovely followers sharing and looking out for Ludwig.
I've also sent the general Doglost advice email out to them and let's hope Ludwig is found very soon.
circulating on twitter...LUDWIG Blue Fawn Italian Greyhound MISSING http://bit.ly/1sLasKt #Brighton #BN1 Plz RT
it was actually sunny this afternoon in brighton lol so we thought he might come out after all the rain earlier. The owners were putting leaflets through doors as he could be in someones garden shed or something. There are a lot of hiding places in that area for a small dog. The dog walking places of waterhall, Puppy park and the Windmill are good places for posters and also Hove Park which is just at the bottom of the copse. they may have postered some of these places already as we are not going out to our usual dog walking places at the mo because of my girls season!. It really isn't far ( about half a mile or so) to his house from the copse but it is along a very busy road and if he is nervous he may be afraid to go alongside it. x
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Thanks angi .. well done for going out in this weather and I'm glad you met Ludwig's owner and hopefully they will comment on here as well.
Posters are definitely going to help .. would suggest they go into letter boxes of all the houses around the area he was seen first, then further afield. Large posters in areas where lots of people will see them and maybe reduce to A5 for putting into leterboxes (saves on ink and paper too!)
we walked all around the copse and met Ludwigs owners so we then headed over the road and down past the Windmill,whistling all the way. Walked back to the copse and home via the woods. We spoke to several dog walkers and some ladies and their dogs who were also looking for Ludwig. it was very windy which would have made it difficult for him to pick up any scent from my girl unless he had been directly down wind. There was a possible sighting of him running around the grass area of the copse at 6pm last night. There are a lot of houses backing onto the copse with large gardens so he could be holed up in one. Owners if you get a sighting please put on here or Brighton dogwatch and we will go out as we live next to hove park and can get to the Copse quickly.Poster,poster poster! I am happy to help with any postering if someone can get some to me x
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Thanks Brighton Dogwatch.

angi: that might be worth trying. I expect Ludwig would have been holed up in the foul weather this morning .. but hopefully would be out and about again now.

Other advice:
A lot of dogs that are lost will go back to the place that they are lost from. If his owners take some of their clothing (unwashed) or his bedding to that place he may come back to the familiar smell. Sometimes works .. alternatively if it is near to where Ludwig lives and he knows his way around he's just as likely to find his way home so it's important that they make sure he can get in. (Rory did that after 4 days!)

Are the contact numbers/email on here for the owner of Ludwig or the Doggy day care please?
Email alerts sent to postcodes BN1,BN2,BN3,BN6,BN7,BN41,BN45
we will walk up the copse and down to the Windmill area tomorrow if he is still missing. My girl is still in season so she may bring him out! She seems to attract all the boys even when she's not in season ;) x
Dachshund Watch UK
We have emailed a pic of Ludwig to your admin team to add to the listing.
Red Alert
Added to fb page
pixies peeps
There is a photo on brighton dogwatch for this dog. Dont know if anyone can use here so alerts could go out. https://www.facebook.com/brightondogwatch/photos/a.512905065446087.1073741828.512212685515325/708121672591091/?type=1&theater

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