Reunited: White West Highland White Terrier Male

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  • Dog ID 67571
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 16 Apr 2014
  • Gender & Breed Male West Highland White Terrier
  • Age Adult
  • Colour white
  • Marks & Scars
  • Tagged Unknown
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 14 Apr 2014
  • Where Lost Rawden crematorium
  • Lost In Region North East
  • Lost In Post Area LS19
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info He managed to get of his leed outside the crematorium..he has long hair has he needs clipping ls19.
  • Listed By mark
  • Views 3766


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Nanni Byron
That is soo sad and a very bad, unavoidable, situation that has happened.
Sorry nanni Byron just seen your comment ....and no Archie got rehomed ....they was nothing we could do to get him returned ..
Nanni Byron
Has there been any further 'happenings' regarding Archie? I have been following this but it seems to have come to a standstill.
Well said nickyb x
I am very sad to read this story, but also very annoyed. doglost id68753 lost 14 may microchipped when found was taken to Manchester dogs home. 7 june two weeks later - yes two weeks later they scanned her found chip phoned owner.............. MDH told me today they couldn't get near her i.e afraid of her. she is sml-med collie mix. man who caught her, woman who brought her here and me are not afraid of this frightened dog...... am writing a very strong letter of criticism to MDH manager - they are incompetent idiots. they are also - as in archie's case - totally uncaring and unaware of all the heartache and effort gone into finding the dog. WHAT ON EARTH IS THE POINT OF MICROCHIPS?

Also is it 2016 the law says your dogs have to be chipped ....i understand the need to do this ...people will probably get fined if they get your dog handed in ....also then they don't ring us to let us no our pets have been found ....its always about money 😐
Could i plz ask who as put a picture of Archie on ...i have just logged onto site to show my brother all the lovly comments and peoples offers to help ...we didn't have a photo on our phones to upload brother is now very upset seeing the picture .
This makes me so sad and mad at the same time. Has the people that have adopted Archie been advised of the background and that he has a loving owner who desperately wants him back!! They have only had him a month or so, so they should do the right thing and give him back. If there's a problem with reimbursing them I'll happily contribute as I know others would too! This needs to go in the local paper and get as much attention as possible it simply is not right. A very upset Westie owner.
Nanni Byron
Absolutely gutting - so many issues here that need delving into. This dog should have been returned to his rightful owner. Power of the chip ???????????
Thanks Hazel. Will do. Mark could try the person who deals with dog laws.
I find this whole situation very question..So why do we microchip if dogs are not checked when collected as possible strays???? My vets never scan a new dog (older dog) unless it is there to be chipped and I know of 2 councils who don't scan as the law says must wear a collar and tag....!
I find this whole situation very question..So why do we microchip if dogs are not checked when collected as possible strays???? My vets never scan a new dog (older dog) unless it is there to be chipped and I know of 2 councils who don't scan as the law says must wear a collar and tag....!
DogLostSherlock- Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - Avon & South Gloucestersh
Oh I do understand his heartache and the sensitive nature of your dilema....dogs are family and Archie was a big part of his reassured he is happy and his character lives on. In time your brother may consider a new companion with the support of a disabled charity or trust?....maybe something to keep back and suggest at an appropriate point later in time one can ever take away the precious memories he holds of Archie....he will keep them forever x we are hear to help you all you know that don't you xx
DogLostSherlock- Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - Avon & South Gloucestersh
I know Janie but do email me ....doglost will be able to give you my email address
I hope x
Cases like this are very difficult and if either of the owners involved need legal advice there is a firm that deals in dog law ask for Trevor Cooper.
Hi Hazel. Thanks for the update, but surely Archie belongs to Mark legally? Can legal advice be sought please? It seems so unfair.
It is a very difficult time for my brother he his classed as disabled...and Archie was is companion especially more when he couldn't get out of the house ...he cant understand why he wasn't contacted when they checked his microchip ...instead they left it and it was only because he was informed from this site he had been found then Archie been in the kennels had incurred charges he couldn't afford ...we have checked at vets were he got chipped and it still had his proper contact details ...its nice to no hes cared for but i will have to break the news gently has he as been a big part in marks life ...thank you thou x
DogLostSherlock- Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - Avon & South Gloucestersh
Dear Mark.....I am so sorry to have to pass on this news but I don't want you to have false hope but rather channel your effort in supporting your brother to move on from this chapter in his life. I have managed to speak with a lovely, caring lady from West Yorshire Dog Rescue who confirmed that Archie was legally and officially adopted to a new home where he is enjoying a loving and happy life. Please take comfort in knowing that Archie is being well looked after ...he is safe, well settled and happy. I know this is not the news you were hoping for but as said early, I don't want you to have false hope but rather help your brother through this very difficult time xx
Hi i cant seem to find the email but the last 4 digits are 9058. And as for the date mix up that is my fault i explained he is dyslexic and i filled forms out ..thank you for helping x
DogLostSherlock- Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - Avon & South Gloucestersh
I have tried to ring Yorkshire Rescue again today but they are still on answer machine ....did the last 4. Digits match (sent through by email on Monday ?) I will try again in between work commitments tomorrow x
Hi Mark. If you have not heard from anyone soon, I would contact them. I would advise not to leave a message, as you did in the first instance but talk to someone there, and then. If you prefer perhaps your sister could phone on your behalf, as this is unacceptable. "Make a nuisance of yourself until this matter has been resolved. Keep us posted.Last edited: 2014-05-21 22:25:06
Also somebody contacted me and i was told i would be contacted back but i havnt heard anything as yet .
I really do appreciate all your help its so nice to no that you have all tried so hard to help it says i cant read and write hense why my sister is doing this for me ....i have rang the dog warden spoke to the answer machine a number of times ...but still no joy with contact ...i understand that they will adopt dogs out ..but it dosnt change how upset i am with loosing him ....many thanks to all you wonderful people for your help
Thank you for everything you are doing to help this little man and his dad. My internet connections are very unreliable at the moment - I'm sure Mark appreciates all your help. xx
Red Alert
Max here, minigirl is going to speak to the owner re any possible further action & update this thread.
Hazel. Thanks for the update.
DogLostSherlock- Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - Avon & South Gloucestersh
Sorry for the delay ....I am in receipt of the last four digits of the microchip.....I have passed this information on to DogLost HQ so hopefully they can check records behind the scenes ..Max this information is confidential and only for DogLost use to check we are talking about the same dog
Springer sharon
Max, are you able to give me a quick call please
Springer sharon
Can I be of any help. I'm free now. Number is below if I can do anything. Sounds like you are all working very hard.
DogLostSherlock- Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - Avon & South Gloucestersh
No but let me see if she will give me that info as I have spoken with her....just about to go into a meeting but will find time in approx 1hr x
Requested info and Waiting for them to call back :)
Red Alert
Hazel, did they give any info re the microchip? (comment from Max)Last edited: 2014-05-19 11:09:58 by Red Alert
DogLostSherlock- Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - Avon & South Gloucestersh
I have managed to speak with Flushdyke Kennals who are the boarding Kennals for Leeds Council. I got the Kennals to look at Archie's details here on DogLost and they confirm that it is the same dog albeit he arrived with knotted hair, aged around 6yrs old, with owner from Bradford. They held on to him for a good 2 weeks before he was moved to Yorkshire Dog Rescue where I have been informed he has been adopted within the last 2 weeks. I have to say both Abi, the Dog Warden at Leeds and Flushdyke Kennals have been extremely helpful and do try as hard as they can to reunite dogs with owners within their statutory powers
I will give the rescue a call now to see if any reversal adoption is possible but I think Max you may need to explain the situation with Mark at the moment x
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
Have left message for minigirl to ring me re this, as is complicated.
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
Post below put on by Max ( sorry was still in 'other' mode)
Red Alert
Mark says he may have mistakenly given the wrong date when he reported the dog lost,as he cannot read & write, but he says it was about the 14th?
Leeds council cannot give me any info, as they have no dogs registered as being lost on the 14th on Leeds road, near the crematorium. (He doesn't have a refeference number either). he says no-one has spoken to him.
The council have given me 4 kennels to where the dog may have been taken 1) Alfies kennels 079618
2) Cliff kennels 0122 6762391
3) Mount Pleasant 013027 22748
4) Flushdyke 019242 71028
Hoping and praying for a happy ending here xxx
Springer sharon
Thanks Max, please do let me know what I can do. The joys of owning my own business mean I can't really do anything til later in the day :(
Red Alert
I will try to sort it out 1st thing in the morning before I go out :)
(Edited to say that I am Max)Last edited: 2014-05-18 15:30:27 by Red Alert
Springer sharon
Absolutely, can't help but think poor Mark is the victim of an error down the line somewhere. I have a busy morning tomorrow but later I shall endeavour to do all I can to help sort this out. Anyone else with ideas, suggestions etc please contact me. Let's make this a happy ending!
Springer sharon Does seem odd about the date/"Chip" Someone has "Messed up" here I think: red tape? Grrr... Hopefully Mark will soon be reunited with Archie, who must be so missing his owner Paws, and fingers xd..Last edited: 2014-05-18 13:37:27
Springer sharon
I am not in a position to do anything until later tomorrow. Happy to do so then but if anyone could act sooner that would be good. Thanks Max for starting the ball rolling
Last edited: 2014-05-19 19:16:47 by Springer sharon
DogLostSherlock- Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - Avon & South Gloucestersh
Leeds Council use FLushdyke Kennels and I have left a message for them to call me.....anyone else in a position to follow up tomorrow please do so we can move this as quickly as possible x
DogLostSherlock- Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - Avon & South Gloucestersh
Well done Max....I was just about to ring the owner to check the position ....I agree this case should be back in found so that everyone who can help get Archie home to Mark can do just that....I will certainly try from my train to London tomorrow and any luck will post here x
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
I have spoken to Mark & informed him of the details on the page (he was out on his mobile), he will ring the council in the morning. Please can this be moved back to found until the dog is reunited? I am not be able to follow this up until later in the day. If there is anyone else who can assist tomorrow that would be great. Maybe we can get them reunited.
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
There is no out of hours number, leeds council 0113 222 4406.
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
I have spoken to Mark this morning, he has no idea where his dog had been located, no one from the kennels has rung him. He has tried to ring the council for updates & no-one seems to answer his messages. The problem seems to be he lost the dog in the Leeds area, (he lives in Bradford), so doesn't know where it might be! i will try to get an out of hours number to see if we can help.
Has anyone from that area any ideas please?
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Contact numbers are on poster above.tx ladies.
Springer sharon
Please can someone contact Mark? I will happily cover this. I am so angry about it. Once this is sorted I'm very happy to turn my attention to finding a solution to this terrible predicament that people find themselves in.
I will donate too , red tape huh xxxxx
I agree Nanni Byron - utterly ridiculous. I will willingly donate towards any release fees. This old gent needs to be back home. Is he really 19? xx
Nanni Byron
Oh come on, this is just pathetically ridiculous!! Over the top holding fee charge, dog unable to be reunited, upset owner, furious DogLost followers!! Something needs to change with all this, sooner rather than later!!
How can this boy be described as reunited?? Minigirl - do you have any further information on this boy please? How the hell will this old man adapt if he's rehomed?? He must be so confused...........
Last edited: 2014-05-17 23:51:58 by jobadger
Hazel we have no other information you will need to call the owner on the contact number above.
DogLostSherlock- Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - Avon & South Gloucestersh
Do we know if the fees are still due and if so how much outstanding....sure there will be plenty who see an injustice here who are willing to donate....surely common sense must prevail and some sort of repayment system set up in this day and age ....councils really need to rethink the release fee ....I am going to take this up with my local MP because the process simply does not work for owners who are found cannot find the fees so quickly :)
You will have to call the contact number above to find out any other information about fees etc.
Makes me mad through no fault of his own this poor dog loses his family. What fees are needed?
Springer sharon
Yes that's what it says about the chip but what I don't understand is the dates he went missing? April 14th? Even if that should have said May 14th then there is still a delay. Surely if he is chipped and the scanner worked it shouldn't have taken all this time and additional costs? I'm very happy to help but yet again this seems a ridiculous situation for this poor old boy to be in!!
Springrr sharon. According to his page he is "Chipped" Am willing to donate to help Archie be reunited with his owner. Paws xd.
Where abouts is he and how much are the fees. Surely something can be done to help this situation. Another owner who wants his dog but is prevented from getting him back because of the charges. This is ridiculous.
Springer sharon
Like wise but it would be good to establish the facts. Is he chipped and if so why Has he ended up where he is.
Do you need help with raising funds for the fee? How much is it? I would be happy to contribute.
how much is the fee?surely someone can help out here?
Springer sharon
But has he been reunited or is he still in the kennels?
Will move to reunited as he is no longer missing.
Archie was found but unfortunately i couldn't afford the fees truly gutted i have lost him for good 😞
Comment awaiting moderation
Brilliant news x
I'm pleased he's been located. Hope you get him back soon x
Thank you
Minigirl - Area Co-ordinator, West Yorkshire
Have spoken with Archie's owner.
He has been located at a holding kennel.
His owner is trying to arrange the fee to claim him back.
Hi thanks i will try find microchip paper work out so i can add details also i will try get a photo of him ..he is my brothers pet ..and thank you the westie i followed link below isn't him he went missing in rawden in Leeds ..thank you thou x
Text sent requesting photo.
Could he be this one? Doesn't say male or female.

Drone SAR

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