Reunited: White And Light Brown Staffordshire Bull Terrier Cross Female

  • Dog ID 65319
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 28 Feb 2014
  • Gender & Breed Female Staffordshire Bull Terrier Cross
  • Age Adult
  • Colour White and Light Brown
  • Marks & Scars 2 years old.
  • Tagged No
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 27 Feb 2014
  • Where Lost Stoneydelph, Tamworth, Staffs.
  • Lost In Region Central
  • Lost In Post Area B77
  • Date Found 16 Mar 2014
  • Where Found In a distessed state and dehydrated with paw inuries
  • Found In Region Central
  • Date Reunited 16 Mar 2014
  • Other Info Jessie was hit by 2 cars on the day she went missing and was later seen running up the A5, apparently her leg was bleeding. She was spotted 3 days later in Wilnecote and again near Belgrave Lakes. The vets details are: Riversmeet Veterinary Centre, 27, Lichfield Street, Tamworth, Staffs, B79, 7QE. Tel: 01827 63841. All help would be greatly appreciated by the owner.
  • Listed By Kelly
  • Views 6804


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I find it rather sad that Jessie`s owner has not given doglost an update on how she is doing.
DogLostSherlock- Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - Avon & South Gloucestersh
I hope Jessie is recovering ? Sending her healing hugs.
Seems to have gone quiet on Jessies page
Any more news on Jess please?
Have donated again
Lizzy. Thanks for the update. Poor thing has been through so much, so am sending her a gentle kiss for her amputated paw. Love the photo with the other dog too. Pleased she is doing okay. Will be sending another donation towards her treatment asap. ((((HUGS))))
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
Hope she recovers well. Had sent donation last week.
DogLostBobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
What a lovely photo with the other dog. Knowing she is so well loved will help her a lot. Sending her love and healing x
Oh bless her. Hope she makes a full recovery.
DogLostSherlock- Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - Avon & South Gloucestersh
Poor baby...will tweet update and another donation appeal xx
Jess had a bone removed yesterday, a plate put in and her paw amputated up to the joint. She is ok at the moment.
Thanks Hazel for updating jus. Pleased Jessie is doling well:-)xxx
DogLostSherlock- Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - Avon & South Gloucestersh
Albeit a bit behind with life, but made another donation for Jessie today....she is doing well you will all be pleased to know :)) x
Any more news on Jessie?
Will be donating again tomorrow. (((HUGS))) to Jessie
I'm in Tamworth tomorrow so will pop in and give a donation. Gentle hugs for a speedy recovery x
Vet details added to other info box
Poor girl. She must have eaten almost nothing while away, so thin. Will call and make a donation tomorrow. Best wishes for her recovery! x
DogLostSherlock- Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - Avon & South Gloucestersh
See post 16/3 13:57 for details how to donate make it easier can this info go into Jessie's main details above?
I will tweet for her and make another donation next week....I know you will update us all here with any progress....poor baby ....with lots of love and tender care she will get there xx
Reunited photo added (refresh page to view)
Will phone in another donation on Monday poor girl having to wait for her op xxxxx
Lizzy. Thanks for the update on Jessie. Sorry it is taking so long for her to have an operation on her leg; of course it is a long time, I know having suffered a badly broken leg myself a few years ago. However it will be best for Jessie in the long run, and of course her sleeping will help pass the time. Another donation towards her treatment will be on its way soon. Sending the beautiful Jessie absent healing, and gentle ((((HUGS)))), and cuddlesxxx
I have just spoken to the owner and it will be a while before she can have her operation. Her leg was badly broken and she is having bandage changes every 2 days at present which is costing £65.00 a time. She was only 14kg when found, so had lost a lot of weight. She is sleeping most of the time and only get up to go to the toilet.

Jess was found curled up in a bush by a young lad and had been hit by a lorry and a 4x4.

I am bumping her page as we still need to keep raising money for her. Her owner i sending in 2 pics of her later on today.

Thank you everyone for the money raised so far.

DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
update from a helper...

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Hi Jayne

Been following ID 65319. I spoke to vet this morning and injuries are ongoing.

Comments look like she's finished at vet but vet nurse says she is far from finished.

Wondered if you could make this clear?
Did the vets manage to save her paw?
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Well done everyone....
Great the bill is now paid. Well done cs for the whip round:-)xxx Sending Jessie (((HUGS)))
Had whip round at work, donated £50 to vets this morning. Apparently Jessie is due foe dressing change this afternoon, fingers crossed everything healing well
Hugs for Jessie
Donated today and they said the bill is now paid
Comment awaiting moderation
NickyB Brilliant. Hope she is still doing okay. Gentle (((HUGS))) from mexxx
just phoned Jessie's vet to say £100 on the wayLast edited: 2014-03-21 08:48:58 by Angus
Just donated £20 to vet who said people are being kind and Jessie is doing well , I was thinking couldn't it be put in local paper where it will generate more donations and local radio xxxx
Donated today! Glad to hear Jessie is doing fine! xxx
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
email from helper Elaine...

I have just donated £20.00 to help Jessie my friend has asked me to do this in memory of her

Old friend PIGGY who was a red staffy.

Could you please show this on the website so she knows I have done it

Many thanks

Seeks. Please do not worry if you cannot afford to donate. Your get well wishes, your healiung vibes, and especially your prayers will mean so much to Jessie`s owner, I am sure. PS You are not useless, if you were you would not be posting on Doglost:-)
I feel uselss as I am broke, very just now, but sending heing vibes. If the worst happens Jessie will cope.

Long ago I had a lurchery dog who broke her leg very badly. We spent 2780 to get it plated etc....she was very old and the bones didn't heal so she ended up losing it. She was fine. she really was fine so please know that.

I am sending hugs and healing vibes and so many hopes x
I will donate tomorrow xxxx
DogLostSherlock- Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - Avon & South Gloucestersh
Just tweeted for this baby and will make a donation myself via instructions 16/3/14 at 13.57 :)
19/3......Just donated £20 for Jessie and will keep tweeting for her x
Hope Jessie is feeling better. Have donated today. Sending her gentle (((HUGS))). BassetMad. You can donate by debit/ credit over the phone which is what I have done. If you prefer to donate by cheque then ring the number stated on the message as Nina said, and they will advise you. You will find them very helpful.
Vets details left below on a message left 16/3/14 at 13.57
Please could you tell me how to donate money for Jessie. Is there bank details I could transfer funds into? If you have to send direct to vets who should cheques be made payable to?
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
TX Max....your a star!
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
Donation made :)
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Tx GillyP
Sent some monies through to the vet. Get well soon Jessie xxx
is there a bank account or somewhere I can send monies to xxxx
Hope Jessie progressing and feeling a little better, donated yesterday.
Hugs and healing vibes to Jessie.
Friends of the animals is a great organisation, please give them a try, if they can help out......they will. Lots of kisses to Jessie, I hope the injuries can be healed.
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
Hope Jessie will be OK. Will check my finances, as I have already promised a few donations already!
Get well soon Jessie.
PS. Keep us posted on her progress please?
I am so happy that Jessie has been found; made my day. I am so sorry that she is distressed, which I suppose is understandable, as she must have been desperately missing her owner plus being hit by two cars; who wouldn`t? With lots of tlc, I am certain that she will feel better soon. Sending this beautiful girl Jessie gentle (((HUGS))), and healing vibes. I will be donating tomorrow.
The vets details are: Riversmeet Veterinary Centre, 27, Lichfield Street, Tamworth, Staffs, B79, 7QE. Tel: 01827 63841. All help would be greatly appreciated by the owner.
Have heard about a charity called Friends of the Animals perhaps they could help out in a small way with funds. Do hope Jessie will be OK
So glad to see Jessie has been reunited although sounds like she has a way to go until she is well…..all the best beautiful girl, sorry to hear you are distressed. Will still follow x
I will be getting the vets details and any money will have to be sent directly to them and not be doglost,
Red Alert
So pleased that Jessie has been reunited but sorry to hear about her poorly foot. There is a website called which could be useful in raising funds and could be posted on FB to raise awareness. I hope she gets well soon xxx
I have spoken to owners Mother and she has been found and is now at the vet, she is dehydrated and has injuries to her paw, which the vet has quoted at £2000 to put right. At the moment she has a dressing on which amounts to £400. The vet has mentioned amputation which the owner does not want to do unless absolutely necessary. I am looking at the possibility of helping the owner out to raise money for her foot. Jessie is in a distressed state at present.Last edited: 2014-03-16 13:20:37
Apparently reunited but please DO NOT put to blue until I have spoken to the owner
PS I meant to look behind hedges today, wherever people may be, as you never know: could be in someone`s garden.
Any new s yet please? Have posted in B79: just in case Because Jessie has been hit by two cars, she may be "Hiding behind a hedge or tree perhaps. Maybe a good idea if people can look behind bushes etc in, or near the area where she went missing; just a thought. Thank you. Paws xd that she will be found soonLast edited: 2014-03-16 12:47:41
a shame I am so far away. Really hope you get news of this lovely girl. Someone must see a poster and know something! x
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
search party organized for Saturday anyone that can help please contact owner.
No news on this beauty?
Come on Jessie let someone help you xx
Copied from email sent in to admin
jessy was spotted in some ones garden in wilnecote in glendale court but ran wen they tried 2 approach she is on 3 legs her front paw is injured
spotted friday 28th at about 11ish by ninian way by bnq by the co op in tamworth
Info and Advice sheet sent.
Alerts sent to helpers in B77,78,79.

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