Reunited: Black Labrador Retriever Female

  • Dog ID 56861
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 02 Sep 2013
  • Name PATTIE
  • Gender & Breed Female Labrador Retriever (Neutered)
  • Age
  • Colour black
  • Marks & Scars Very thin due to recent illness all black with a grey chin area,very long curly claw on front paw.
  • Tagged Yes
  • Microchipped Unknown
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 31 Aug 2013
  • Where Lost Shearbarn Holiday Park, Barley Lane, Hastings EastSussex TN35 5DX
  • Lost In Region South East
  • Lost In Post Area TN35
  • Where Found a lady had been looking after her but failed to inform anyone!!
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info Very friendly dog No threat to humans or other animals
  • Listed By richard
  • Views 6953
  • PATTIE Poster Image
  • PATTIE Extra Image


Sightings and Information

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Thank you all so much for helping with Patties safe return.
The job you all do at doglost is amazing i think without your help i would of been a bit lost myself.
Pattie is now back home with her family and very happy.
Keep up the good work .
Massive thank you to Gina Jenny and Tiga for the relentless hard work.
Richard, Patiie and family xx
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
I'm up in Wales in the middle of nowhere and only get mobile reception in one part of the farm when checking the horses in the fields. Was delighted this evening when several msgs came thru at once saying Pattie had been found! What a shame the finders did not report finding Pattie to the dog wardens (as is the law). It would hv saved Richard, his family, his fabulous helpers & JB all the time (and stress) spent looking and postering. I've been in Wales for a couple of days now and could not get my mind off Pattie .. so am now able to relax and enjoy my busman's holiday. If anyone sees posters for Pattie please would they remove them (I know Richard has started that already) I have to say a massive thank you to all at Shearbarn Caravan Park, who allowed Richard, his helpers and all of us to come and go at all times, helped with posters and keeping their eyes open for Pattie. That was very much appreciated. Also have to say that not all owners follow the advice that Doglost gives them, but on this occasion Richard and his family did everything we advised. Well done to every single person who helped in the search over the last 10 days, what a great team. Obviously Pattie was safe and sound from last week when she was found and being well cared for, but none of us knew that. Stay safe now Pattie.Last edited: 2013-09-10 20:42:01 by Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Wonderful news. So please Pattie is back home. Hope she is okay after her adventure. Stay close now Pretty Pattie:-) :-) :-)xxx
I have been following Pattie's story and I am so so pleased that she is reunited. Some very very kind people out there, who mean well and think about the dog, wanting to give her a new life, but not thinking that she already had a life and a family who miss her so much. I agree with JB, anyone who has found a dog recently or months ago, should report the dog, as a loving owner never stops looking and hoping.
I am so very pleased to see that Pattie is back with her family. Please do not try to judge too harshly the people that found her, took her in, fed her but most importantly kept her safe from any harm. At least, in the end when they did see her on facebook, they did inform the owner and now they do have this wonderful happy ending as it could have been a very different outcome. Stay safe Pattie xx
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
So so pleased Pattie has been found safe & well...... the family must be so relieved to have her back....Can't believe someone had her all that time & didn't think to have her scanned ...
Please give Patty a big hug from me.... x
Pop's Mum
So, so pleased that Pattie is back with her family.
have been following this closely and am so pleased to see Pattie is re-united with her family.......totally agree with JB
Just fantastic news, hoping for a reunited picture !
It is sad what people do with the best of intentions.
DogLostSpringerMad - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Hear Hear JB. Quite amazed the finder did not notice the area was flooded with posters throughout the time she was missing. Unless of course she was taken to the finders house in an entirely different location.
Just got back from a run where I had a chance to think about this and absolutely delighted that Pattie is back safe with the right family and although I can understand the actions of the finder it is somewhat frustrating that the family of Pattie were under so much stress as were the children who were going back to a new school year, there were so many kind volunteers looking for Pattie, so many posters going up and with Tiga in demand to track so many other missing dogs, and Pattie was enjoying 5 meals a day, please can I ask anyone else thinking of keeping a dog, to think twice and at least go to a vet to get the dog scanned and go down the correct channels to save a lot of heartache.
Happy ending for Pattie and Richard and family sooo pleased for you all and well done xxxx
DogLostSpringerMad - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
FANTASTIC!! Whoop whoop!! Absolutely over the moon for the owners. Wonderful!
Now I have an explanation as to why Tiga lost the scent in the area she was picked up!Last edited: 2013-09-10 16:47:37 by Tiga
Oh what a relief,so glad she is back home safe and sound bet she will be getting lots of cuddles from the family. Bob and Rene x
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
So pleased to see Pattie is safe:))
Well done to everyone involved.x
so pleased Pattie has been found safe and well. :):) Seems she has an extra holiday! no more wandering off now xx
DogLostCJ - Police Liaison & SE Regional Coordinator
What a coincidence-as literally phoning owner for more details to compare with a found black lab to be given the news that had been found and was being looked after but they failed to inform authorities but having seen deatils matched her up and contacted delighted owner
That was one nerve racking hour - had a call from Richard to say that someone had got Pattie and they had had her for a week! Happily it all ended well and Richard has just been to collect Pattie from them and confirmed it was one happy dog to see him. Someone found Pattie on a route Tiga had tracked at East Hill and felt sorry for her as she was so skinny and now had no collar. They took her in and fed her and looked after and then they saw her on facebook and posters and contacted the owner realising that she was not neglected after all and had been ill hence how skinny she was. Such a relief for the family. Richard is now going home to let the children know - oh how I wish I could be a fly on the wall when Lucy sees Pattie.
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Parked in country park car park this eve, walked up past campsite, down through wet wood, along back of resevoiur, along through fields ajacent with barley lane then back to car... sorry, nothing x
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
So sorry to hear poor Pattie still not found, there are so many posters & it is such a busy walking area, will walk my dogs up & around area later this afternoon... Is there any area in particular I should walk? fingers crossed she is spotted / found safe soon .. x
Sadly still nothing spent all day Saturday searching and scenting the whole area with contents of our Hoover in water sprayers.
Stayed Saturday night and cooked up a stinky smell.
Nothing on Sunday either. Back up here again now with more sardines and will sit and wait it out again hoping the bad weather might bring my poor girl home. :-( Last edited: 2013-09-09 12:51:28 by richard
Must admit was expecting better news, do hope she is home safe soon. Not in the area myself but have told those I know are close and thinking of you.
Was thinking the same TK,was hoping she was found after the sighting on friday but we know how elusive they can be within minutes of being seen as you are never sure in which direction they have gone.Good luck and hope she is back home soon Bob and Rene x
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Any news ...?
Barney 'n' Ozzie's mum
If the weather is bad like it is here at the moment perhaps he could sit in his car with the door open and some nice smelly sardines or something handy?
Barney 'n' Ozzie's mum
Don't know if this has already been suggested, but could owner sit quietly with some nice smelly sausages cooking on a disposable barbecue to try and lure her?
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Just to say, we had another long walk around area this morning, parked in barley lane, through fields & wooded area over East hill, back along rocklands road, down by clive vale fishing lakes.....
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
So glad she has been sighted..... please let me know if I can do anything to help..... x
TK - this was only just after you posted. As Richard was leaving he was flagged down by campers and she had come out of hedge in Barley Lane down the middle and then ran back into the hedges and disappeared. His phone and torch are dead.
Just had text from owner and Pattie has been seen at campsite tonight. Fingers crossed for Pattie.
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Hi, we parked in barley lane at end of Rocklands road this eve, walked through field/woods to East hill, Walked around East hill inc bbq area, back along rocklands road, down steps to clive vale fishing lakes & walked around lodge/boyne roads & surrounding area, then back up to car..... lots of posters, sadly no sighting .. x
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
To the kind person who sent text to Doglost last night re barking in woods .. Thanks for contacting us & going to investigate. If you are reading this pls wld you contact Richard, Pattie's owner & let him know which woods you heard the barking? His number is on posters up in campsite. Wld be most grateful. Thank you.
Ninja - Area Volunteer, Lincolnshire
Just an idea (maybe a stupid one) but would it be worth finding somebody local who has a dog that will speak/bark on command and for them to walk the areas that barking has been heard from and every so often get their dog to speak/bark and see if they get a reply from Pattie?
I have friends staying at this campsite from tomorrow so have shared to FB to make sure they are aware
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Posted at same time!! Well done Richard .. excellent work. Did you get posters to all the log cabins & caravans down on main Shearbarn caravan site? If not maybe someone cld do that tomorrow as some of those back on to the reservoir. Come on Pattie ..please show yourself so we can get you home.
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Posting fm mobile. Thanks TK for yr help and everyone else too. I went to S'bn this mrng. Richard's ma & pa there .. we went up end of Barley lane track (left at gate fm campsite) leading up to Fairlight place farm. Put more posters up and spoke to lots of walkers & a country park staffmember. The few houses up there postered but ran out so cld not do F Place Fm. Wld be good to get some up there if anyone can pls. Also put laminated posters at Pilot field car park and one at entrance to track opposite which also leads to F Pl Fm. Saw rangers at country park visitors centre and thry hv put poster on the door. Went down to coastguards cottages and put poster on gate leading to footpath towards Ecclesbourne fm firehills. I am away in Wales after 2mrw but will at least hv access to computer so will be able to post when I arrive there. Had hoped Pattie wld be home by now. To recap .. She has bn seen near Clive Vale angling ponds/lakes by Lodge & Boyne Rds . Posters on lamposts but hv asked Richard to poster thru letterboxes there and also down Belmont and the whole of Barley lane so we can hopefully get some tel calls with more sightings. Pattie was also seen twice on East hill and this was confirmed by JB and Tiga. Reports of her barking near Ecclesbourne reservoir (or maybe it was near pond leading to Fishponds Gill stream ..the pond and stream nearest to Shearbarn in Wet Wood) I too am wondering if she cld be down there but Tiga did not find scent in track nr there. However tracking conditions hardin hot weather and Pattie may hv gone to and fro fm there. Wld be worth hving another look but pls be very careful as the rain will make those banks very slippery. Hope it does not rain too much. I hv asked Richard or family member to update on this page daily. Richard posted all along Rock a nore last night and is at site now. I will be watching for any sightings reported on here and praying for Pattie's safe return.
Tried the warden again about the postcode and they said that the tn40 code listed is for her return address and that the tn35 code is in the notes well spotted and worth checking thank you but they wouldn't change it.
Hi visited the campsite again tonight but with no luck -(
Put flyers through all doors in the following roads
Hornbeam heights
Hawthorn road
Brankendale road
Ponders road
Barley lane
Glen view close
More posters up as well on route then back to camp to cook up some smelly food
God I'm sick of garlic!!!
Spoke to alot of dog walkers again but no sightings today
Will try again tomorrow night and camp at the weekend.
Thanks to all the helpers and friends again.
Come home pattie x
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Just to say, we haver just got back from a walk up Barley lane, past caravan & touring site, down through gate 4 county park & round back of reservoir,& along and back to where we had parked car in barley lane... saw lots of posters which is good. We then drove down to the old town & along to rock a nore, sorry didn't spot her...
If there is anywhere in particular you would like us to look, please say, we can have another walk around tomorrow, so hope she is found safe soon .. x
Sorry to see that Pattie is still missing, we will keep an eye out for her while we are searching for Misty. Good luck with finding her Bob and Rene.
DogLostSpringerMad - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Sorry just had another look and see she is listed as missing from your home area of TN40 (Bexhill). Wonder if it needs changing to TN35 the area she is missing in.
Hi yes she is on there may have missed it but thank you
DogLostSpringerMad - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Richard, I cannot see Pattie registered on the Animal Wardens website, might be a good idea to get her on that too. (Unless I have missed her on there)
Hi went down to resorvoir tuesday night and wed pm jumped trhe fence but no sign
the park warden have the keys i think
be up later .
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Hi, Just wondering if she may have possibly gone under the gate to the Ecclesbourne Reservoir & may be unable to find a way out? If she had wondered off down the path through the country park gate 4 & followed the path round, she would of come to the reservoir gate, we passed it yesterday on our long walk around the area. There is space under the gate she could of got through, but the fencing around it is good & maybe she is stuck in there somewhere? Looking at google map. it would be the same sort of area the barking was heard from? Just a thought...
We will take our dogs for a walk around area later this afternoon & keep our eyes open for her.. x

Have just looked up online as to who owns the reservoir in case access would be wanted, It is up for sale at the moment with agents in Maidstone, have given them a quick call & explained situation & they were very helpful & more than willing to ask the agent to unlock the gate should a search of the area be wanted.... Smiths Gore Estate Agents, Maidstone,01732 879050. alternatively the gate is climbable, although I shouldn't really say that... x
Come on Pattie show yourself, it's horrid when pets go missing but even sadder when not in their own areas, good luck all xx
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
HAd a text message last night...only just seen as was in bed...don't know who it is from but states I think we hears her just now at Hasting touring woods behind park on northside of caravan section...going now to investigate...message received 22.15
Still lost in east hill area Hastings
Out all night again tonight posters in east hill rock n Orr where tracker dog has scented poor pattie.
Please share this again and again updates will follow in due corse spread this all over please.
All services are aware but tracker dog tiga on another job and co-ord on holiday Friday eyes peeled please.
Facebook is the poster

I forgot to say how incredibly helpful the Shearbarn campsite have been allowing me to camp overnight and giving out posters oh and thankyou for the ice lolly!
Yes I spoke to the person who called with a possible sighting up at the BBQ area of East Hill so I went up with Tiga who picked up scent and headed to the steep steps down by the lift and all the way down these and then the next set coming out by the pub where we tracked to yesterday. We also spotted at least 8 black labs running loose but I spoke to them all and they all said they were not around that area at 1.30 ish on Sunday when the sightings were. We sat on the beach for a while looking and talking to people and then tracked back up to the campsite in almost the opposite direction we came down yesterday speaking to people along the way. Perhaps the Hasting Angling Centre could have a poster as lots of people/holiday makers going to get 'stuff' to go and fish on the seafront. The carparks along that road as they seemed very popular and the car parks along the seafront.Also the pub at the bottom of the steps (Blue Anchor- I think) and they had a beer garden at the front. The top and bottom of the lift. Lots of different footpaths around the Nature Reserve/ East Hill which all link up to the Camp site need to be postered. I spoke to a friendly! traffic warden who made a note of the details on a ticket and would keep an eye out. Perhaps we need someone to walk around the seafront with a sandwich board and large poster as there are just so many holiday makers and dogs and it would be so easy to miss a lone lab strolling around. A newspaper ad would not hit the holiday makers. By early afternoon it was far too hot for Tiga and he was struggling with tiredness and heat and in these conditions the scent is not strong.
Wife and kids up at campsite to walk around and search
Close friends off to east hill this afternoon to do the same good luck everyone.
possible that Pattie has returned to tent to eat food and left again.
Fingers crossed come home patts..
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Just to say, we parked in Barley lane this morning & walked up past caravan park, down through gate 4, down to barn pond & then back up & along the back of the resevoir... then follwed a path which took us down lots of steps & back up again bringing us up onto the East Hill.... had our eyes & ears open the whole way round, but sadly didn't spot her.... Hoping Jenny & Tiga had some luck this morning.... fingers crossed she will soon be found... x
literally have everything crossed for good news
DogLostSpringerMad - Area Volunteer, East Sussex

Just got a message from Clarkey. Sighting at EAST HILL, Jenny and Tiga are on their way to track now. Anyone in that area, please keep a lookout and any posters that could be put up in the area would be greatly appreicated. If anyone does put posters up, please could they report here where they have been placed, in order that we know where they are and where else needs them.
Fingers crossed for a good outcome today.
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
PS Please can anyone putting posters up say where they having put them on here so everyone else know. Any help with this would be appreciated .. need to get houses down Barley Lane, at Pinders/New Rd, View Bank, Hawthorne Rd, Brackendale and Harold Road around the angling lakes/doctors done. Some are on lamposts already and one in the doctors done. also RocklandsLAne off Barley Lane. Some along Hastings seafront would help all the way along to Bexhill if possible as Pattie may just try to go home in Bexhill. Glyne Gap has posters. We still think she is up near the campsite though.
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
JB & Tiga tracked from Shearbarn yday past S'bn reception and on to steep steps on right leading to the clive vale angling club reservoirs by Harold rd where someone said they'd seen her 10pm one night (which one tho?), on to Godwin rd, left down Old London rd left all All Saaints St and along to fish market. Lots of posters put up in shops/stallls etc but so many tourists and strong smells to confuse Tiga. Went back to S'bn. Tracking around Hastings Country park where couple said thought they heard dog panting in thick undergrowth behind them while sitting on a viewing bench overlooking sea couple of days ago, they'd also met someone else who thought they'd heard a dog too. Sighting reported by 2 people at Shearbarn Monday aafternoon 3pm, also someone else mentioned heard dog in undergrowth at same time & near where Richard was sure he had heard her yday morning. richard, family & JB searching again at site till 10pm last night and JB stayed the night , but no sign of Pattie despite tent, scent articles and food being left. Come on Pattie, go back and find your bed and food which is ready for you. Good luck today JB and Tiga.
Dog Lost poster for Bessie added to Fairlight web site -
We'll keep a look out whenever we're out and about.
waiting and hoping for good news....... good luck Jenny and Tiga
DogLostSpringerMad - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Best of luck Jenny and Tiga! Hopefully some good news will be reported back.
Good luck on finding pattie today xx
Looked again this morn set up a tent with food
Think i heard her yap towards the resovour area gate 4 top field .
Tracker dog on the way good luck TIGER.
Shared on facebook and twitter.
K9 Capers
Shared, come home soon Pattie.
Sharon Wormald
Shared on facebook....x
DogLostBobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
Have messaged people I know at Guestling and Fairlight. I am not in the area. Good Luck
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Shared on facebook.... hope she is found very soon x
Will keep a look out for her ...Last edited: 2013-09-02 21:28:50 by TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
shared. Hope she is found very soon xx
............shared on facebook too
email received thanks and will be keeping an eye out for this lovely girl
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Thanks Gino. Pattie went missing from Shearbarn Caravan Park, Barley Lane (touring field)on Sat evening 9pm. Owners and a dozen friends searching for the rest of the evening but no sign of her. Owners had to go home to Bexhill that night but returned to search Sunday and again today. I went up to meet them at Shearbarn. Reception up there have been very helpful and we all had a look around the static caravans and cabins etc. Advised that they alert dog warden, vets etc but they had done this already. Hv got on to a computer now so I will send email advice out. Also suggested they took tent back to same place in the field, leave scent articles in the tent and have a bbq to see if they can entice her back there. Local houses/farm bn notified by them but advised to take lots and lots of posters and put them everywhere in case someone thinks Pattie is a stray because of her loss of weight from recent illness. Owners and friends doing everything they can and will take posters out tomorrow. Need to get this old girl back soon .. come on Pattie.
Alerts sent to helpers in TN31-38.

Drone SAR

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