Reunited: Black And Tan Dachshund: Miniature Male

  • Dog ID 54331
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 05 Jul 2013
  • Name CHESTER
  • Gender & Breed Male Dachshund: Miniature
  • Age Young Adult
  • Colour Black and tan
  • Marks & Scars wearing a red collar
  • Tagged Yes
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 03 Jul 2013
  • Where Lost Around Northchurch common/Ashridge
  • Lost In Region South East
  • Lost In Post Area HP4
  • Date Found 07 Jul 2013
  • Where Found house near farm off Dagnall rd on way to Dagnall.
  • Found In Region South East
  • Found In Post Area HP4
  • Date Reunited 08 Jul 2013
  • Other Info
  • Listed By Catherine
  • Views 3818
  • CHESTER Poster Image
  • CHESTER Extra Image


Sightings and Information

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DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
I am so very pleased. I was kept up to date, by the minute, via Hazel and am so pleased. Jackie, we don't always do the feeding station first - you did the right thing because you already knew for sure that is where he was. Plus, he may have had a bit of a feeding station form that man and lady - so that would have helped. Also, Jackie - you so totally, totally correct! When you have lost a dog you can be so distressed you are unable to function and believe me, you need helpers to stop you going under. You have all been so brilliant. Fantastic news! Well done all of you. Welcome home little Chester. xxxx
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Well done Jacks...its hard qhen you are not reading it but actually doing it...that's why you helpers are so have read from other dogs what works...but being in the front line is slightly different and very brave of you....Owners are usually too upset and tired to think to have a wonderful person like you around to help...and MAKE IT WORK...well done...this was why doglost was set provide a support group....tx
I realised something last night well all over the weekend really, and that is how much the owners of lost dogs depend on us to do the right thing even if it seems to them why. I would like to thank Hazel for ringing me and getting me involved (not)lol i would like to thank the person that rang in with the first sighting, thankyou to the farmer that understood and let us poster on his land you don't get many like that, thankyou to the gentleman that reported the second sighting this was invaluable in which way he was heading, and thankyou to the lovely couple who's land he was on they just let us get on with it and told us if we needed to camp out there we were most welcome. I realise normally in these circumstances a feeding station would be set up before anything else but i felt it was crucial we got him last night as the builders were coming back in this morning and i did'nt want him to be frightened away from the area. Most of all i want to say thankyou to Catherine and her family for trusting me to do the right thing even though everything had to be done on the spur of the moment and i knew it could go disastrously wrong but i had to take the chance, Harriet Catherines daughter said how nervous she was and asked me if i as nervous aswell and i had to admit i was, the last i wanted to see was a little black bottom and tail running back into the forest, so everything was got ready and we took our places i was lookout and Harriet was the puller of the string, the one thing that was lucky was you new when he was going to come out of the forest because the leaves were so dry you could hear him snuffling through them it felt a bit like cowboys and indians we could'nt talk for fear of him hearing us so everything was done on hand signals and perfect timing and Harriet you were a star watching me for the right signal and spot on timing, then i had to get him quick in case the trap collapsed or he got out of the top that was when he bit me but it was a normal reaction no harm done. Chester deserves to have a family like you, you worked so hard to get him back your son and daughter are a credit to you Catherine and what a wonderful life Chester is going to have. One thing i do know when this happens again with another dog i'm going to give you a call as i want you and your family on my team. Sorry this was so long but i believe in giving thanks and credit where it's due.
Mollie & Will's Mum
Came to see if you needed help searching this evening and you've found him! That's brilliant news!! xx
YES!!!!! As I came onto the site I was thinking " Will he be in the blue? will he be in the blue? will he be in the blue? " And there he is!! I am so very pleased to see this little chap has been reunited safely, well done to everyone involved! Catherine had told me she didn`t know about Doglost when we spoke at Ashridge, just goes to show that volunteers all over the country can spread the word and help owners get all this assistance. Brilliant outcome, now stay safe Chester poppet :-)
Yippee xxxx
well done everyone great news :)
Superb work by everyone, welcome home Chester.
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
Well done to everyone involved in getting Chester home and safe. All your hard work has paid off. xx
Jacks hope you are ok a bite and a kiss its worth it :))
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Great news...well done Ladies...hope your bite is not tooo bad Jacks....
The only time I couldn't be there would love to have seen him, but Jacks did such an amazing job, I had the full run down and believe me Jacks really did some quick on the spot ideas and it def paid off. Cant say big enough ty for everything you have done Jacks :) Also of course a big well done Catherine and Harriet you really worked hard on getting your boy back. So pleased I cant tell you how happy I am for you all. Looking forward to the reunited pics. stay safe now Chester no more running off and Jacks make sure you get some long gloves for the next one we on ;) xx
WOOHOO we have got him though he was'nt that grateful because he bit me then i got a kiss i'm so happy and his owners are over the moon re-united pics to follow
and full story welcome home Chester you were worth it you are beautiful

So pleased to say we have Chester back safely with us!! We were asking at a farm on the way to Dagnall and were told that her neighbour had seen him throughout the day, but was clearly so nervous that he kept runny back into the woods. When we went over to that house we saw him by the woods but he darted away. Jackie came to the rescue and we set up a make shift trap using a dog pen and a tin of mackeral and a piece of string! Just like to say thank you so so much for all the amazing support we have had from everyone. Jackie and Hazel you have been truly fab and always kept our spirits up! Chester's tail has not stopped wagging and he is currently all curled up on the sofa with me, apart from being very skinny you would never have known he's been living ferral for 4 days! We would not have got him back without your help! Catherine and Harriet Xx
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Hi I'm a og walker and i'm at Ashridge Common/North Church Common every day this week so I'm keep and eye out for Chester.I Park at Norcott Hall anh I'm usually here at about 1pm ish. My thoughts are with you, I've been there myself not that long again. Karen x Last edited: 2013-07-07 22:54:14 by Angus
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Message from Hazebella - Jacks on his way now! Owner had call from a different farm - lady has been feeding Chester! Everything crossed......... Last edited: 2013-07-07 22:54:14 by Angus
not working tomorrow so will try to get up to monument and have a good look around Last edited: 2013-07-07 22:54:14 by Angus
The last sighting of him will give him all of these as it's very wooded and this time of year the bracken and ferns are very thick there is also a pond which very gently slopes down into it as for food we are not sure about if he is staying where the last sighting is there are very few people around if he is going back to where the sighting on friday morning was then there would be plenty of food as it is a picnic area and has a cafe plus water put out for dogs and once again it is a forest the 2 sightings of him are a 5 min drive away from one another it seems quite a distance for such young and little legs but he would have had 3 days to get to the last sighting, from where he went missing to the first sighting
is about 4-5 mins drive but we do know he was seen heading towards the first sighting
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Remember Chester will need cover and shade, but also food and water. Are there are water sources? Any food dropped by people? xxx
Hi thank you so much for your help. If you could look in areas round the monument and up to the woods near the sighting in Ringshall, that would be really brilliant. Also few of us are meeting on monday evening, would be great to get a few people out. Thanks again xx
Mollie & Will's Mum
I'm in Northchurch, and saw your posters today whilst walking my dogs in the woods around Northchurch Common. If you're organising a search or there is a specific area you want me to look I go up there most days so let me know. 07917407762 Does he like other dogs? treats? toys? What's he most likely to respond to? xx
We will be going back to where he was last sighted later when its a bit cooler. X
Catherine, I know it such an emotional roller coaster at the moment, but the sightings are really good positive news, you must stay positive for you lovely boy, there are so many that do come back even after a while. all here for you :) x
ty so much Jenny for trying and everything else you doing. Jacks, well done and sorry you were billy, Was saying yesterday we just need another def sighting so that we can work out where Chester is going. As I said to you and Catherine the other day, I cant believe a beautiful place at night is full of awful types and boy racers with no regard for wildlife at all round there. It sound like if Chester is round the farm he has found him self a place that is quiet and safe. I cant be around there again till Mon afternoon/eve, but let me know if hear anything will try best to get over as well. x
Thanks for all your comments, have been up at Ringshall area for most of the day and spoke to some of the locals. We spoke to the man who had a positive sighting yesterday - to pin point exactly where he saw Chester. From Ward Husrt farm travelling in the direction towards Ringshall following the boundary trail. Walk through 3 fields along towards a kissing gate and there is high deer fencing on the left with a wooded area behind. He was seen crossing the footpath and was only 30ft away from the man but was frightened and went through the wire deer fencing into the woodland. Not sure whether he would continue through the woods and possibly down towards leighton buzzard road or not? I think there may be farms down that way.
Hi Jenny yes it was because of the illegal rave but i come in the other way from little gaddesden it is a vast area to cover and we need another sighting because at least that way we will be able to have an exact location more or less
tried to get up there this morning to help look but road closed at the bottom of the beacon by police so sorry couldn't get through. Have fb and twittered will try and get up for walk round in week best of luck
Catherine when you come onto this page go to reunited and look at Merlins page never ever give up hope this proves it
I got over to ringshall about 7.15 i did drive up to the monument just in case i had a good walk around the woods and fields then sat in the woods for a short time i felt like billy no mates (sniff)then i met up with owner about 9.30 we went to the farm and spoke to the owner who was very helpful and allowed us to put posters up and he said he will keep a lookout for him as he lost his dog once for a week so he was sympathetic. There are so many places Chester could hide out on the farm and no one would know he was there and of course he will have water and probally food. We need another sighting desperately so we know which way he is heading or if he is staying in the same place i've told Catherine if she gets a call of another sighting to ring me immediately so i can get there. Forgot to say as i was turning to go into Ringshall the road was partially blocked by a police car i stopped and spoke to him and he said there was an illegal rave last night at the beacon and they were going there to shut it down i told him about Chester and gave him Catherines number as he asked for it and he said he will pass the message around about Chester
Hi Jacks,did owner contact you? We as out all day and covered a lot of area, but it is better to work on the common, monument and Ringshall area near Wardhurst farm. Owner was walking to the farm again when I left them to ask them to keep a watch out for Chester. He was seen at 11am yesterday, the man that saw him has been really helpful, he said that chester did look as if running to him then stopped and shot off back to wooded area. Jacks have messaged you let me know if you got area x ty to everyone that is helping is really appreciated, huge area to cover, and as Jacks said a search party would be excellent so let us know if you can help please x
I'm heading over to ashridge now but i will go through Ringshall i don't want to ring anyone this early so Catherine or Hazel if you see this can one of you ring me then i will know where we are meant to be
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Hazebella & owner met a short time ago. We have a sighting at Ringshall near Wardhurst Farm. They are there now if anyone wants to join in search & poster. xLast edited: 2013-07-07 22:54:14 by Angus
It would be good if we could get enough people to form a search party for him
Jacks no worries :) have now got people kindly saying they can help in search. Chester has been added to Dachshund group also to find anyone local to help. again if you do get anything please comment on page as well as lots need to know where to search etc. We dont know but dont feel Chester will come to people he is very timid, so that is why if any sightings to call owner straight away in the hope her voice will lure him out. ty Maty that would be great when ever you can :) x Last edited: 2013-07-06 13:23:44
Any help would be great sorry i can't make it today but i will be up there 6.30 tomorrow morning and great we have a pic now as it helps and yes Catherine stay positive, have a look at Dave who has been reunited after such a long time different circumstances i know but it happens
I am close by and could walk my two up there in the cool this evening or tomorrow if that helps. Do we know his old name?
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Really great to meet you as well Jacks and thankyou for dropping everything to come out and help. yes real shame no sightings last night, but defo now with the picture more posters can be printed off and smaller ones handed out to as many people as possible. As Jackie said there is so many people going to be up there every one needs to be handed poster and made aware to NOT CHASE but notify owners with any info. That is defo good idea LindaT. Catherine, you and your family are doing everything possible to get little Chester back, you are following advice exactly, please stay positive. Was lovely to meet you all although sorry it is because of Chester missing. I have emailed more contact numbers over and spoke with daughter today, I will go back over later with Catherine. can we ask for people to share and any one local at all contact and join in with search, many thanks xx
Spoke to the owner on Thursday morning as I was getting my Boxer out of the car.... possibly Chester might respond to his former name but I won`t post it on here although she did tell me. He has only been with new family a short time so he won`t really know his new name as well as his old one perhaps? Just a thought. I do hope he is found soon, he is so tiny and the grass and shrubs are very high at the moment. I`m not local but will look when I visit again next week if he is still missing. Good Luck Catherine, and keep positive :-)
Been up from 7.30 this morning, walked by the common and then the monument area and spoke to walkers. Still no sign of him. Have uploaded some pictures, so hopefully this will help!
Good to meet you tonight Hazel, shame we never had any luck tonight Catherine Chester's owner will be going up there first thing in the morning and i will go up there sunday morning if there is no luck tomorrow the good thing is that ashridge will be flooded with people over the weekend because of the weather so fingers crossed he will be picked up and reported
Just spoken to the daughter microchip has been corrected. Chester has only been with the family since Sunday. He shot off on Wed, but was spotted yesterday morning near the monument. Have given extra advice, they are going to try and get photo sorted asap. In the meantime they are back up there searching now. Jacks and I will be going later this eve. x
advice emailed, have also left message on answer machine for owner to contact me. will ask for photo also to check out microchip no x
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Owner your microchip number was invalid could you re enter or email to admin

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