Rainbow Bridge: Brown And White Akita Cross Female

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  • Dog ID 47254
  • Status Rainbow Bridge
  • Registered 09 Jan 2013
  • Name
  • Gender & Breed Female Akita cross
  • Age
  • Colour Brown and white
  • Marks & Scars Unable to walk far, covered in lumps and growths, has some sort of growth around her eyes - possibly
  • Tagged Unknown
  • Microchipped No
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Found 09 Jan 2013
  • Where Found Car park at Ogden Water, Halifax HX2 8YA - found at approx 9pm standing in entrance way to car park looking very confused.
  • Found In Region North East
  • Found In Post Area HX2
  • Date Reunited 19 Jan 2013
  • Other Info
  • Listed By Lurcher Link
  • Views 3314
  • Poster Image
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DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
So sorry to see lovely Bella has gone to the bridge, run free.xx
So very sad. RIP Bella - play free over the Bridge darling girlie xx
How sad. Run free at the bridge, beautiful Bella xxx
lost and found huskies and mals
RIP Bella run free young and healthy at the rainbow bridge xxx
BELLA yes, beautiful name for a beautiful girl. RIP BELLA x
Sweet dreams beautiful girl and no more pain xx
Tears here reading this. I'm thinking she may have been dumped because of her condition and owners couldn't afford treatment - at least they left her where she would probably be found but that doesn't excuse their actions. I agree she should have a name, Bella is lovely and suits her well.

RIP Bella, sleep tight in God's arms sweetheart xx
Cant stop thinking about you "Bella" RIP+
goodbye baby girl run free at the bridge xx
Good Night God Bless baby girl xx
Wonder if this poor dog was abandoned because of her condition? Presume she was elderly or just neglected. At least she was give some love, and care at the end. You are right mathers22 she does deserve a name; how about Bella? If someone else prefers another name thats fine by me. Night, night sweet "Bella" sleep tight, and play with the other "Rainbow babies" now you are back to full health, and wear your wings with pride; you deserve it. RIP+ God Blessx A~~~Candle~~~burns for "Bella" Run free.
How sad to end her old age that way but at least she was warm and fed. RIP. Think she should have a name though xx
God bless you sweetheart. RIP
Sleep tight little one xx
Sleep tight - sweet dreams little girl. xx
Aww poor baby, R.I.P. run free at the bridge xx

Thank you Lurcher Search Uk for letting us know
Bless her, how sad but am sure she felt cared for especially when she was found and was in a nice warm bed when she finally went to sleep.
RIP lovely girl x
Thankyou Lurcher Search Rescue for updating and being so caring x
how sad she was'nt with her owners but at least she had comfort and company in her last days, its so heartbreaking when this happens to any of our faithful friends. swet dreams lovely girl xx
What a shame xxLast edited: 2013-01-19 02:14:19 by 4paws
Lurcher Link
I asked if we could take her on even though she's not a Lurcher and was told "they'd get back to me". Yes I do know I could technically have kept her for 28 days but the DW was unwilling to do that as she needed to see a vet, etc, etc. Anyway I found out today that sadly this old lass died in her sleep this week, but at least she was warm and fed and had some TLC whilst she was being looked after, RIP old girl.......you didn't deserve this :(
whats happening with this old lady-is she feeling any better?
Lurcher Search uk is there anymore news on this little girl?
Shame on the owners if they have just dumped their old faithful and loyal girl in her twilight months/years. At least she is in the warm now with food and a bed. Sweet dreams xxLast edited: 2013-01-14 20:08:39 by ClaireC
I really hope the Dw can release this poor dog to a rescue so she can
have some comfort..please!
this poor dog really needs to be in a home in front of a fire and where she will have more company.
Though sadly sounds like she may have been dumped, Ogden Water is a Country Park and Nature Reserve. Could she have wandered away from owners car? I always worry that these poor old dogs may have elderly owners who dont go on the internet. There is a visitor centre there (tel no 01422 393273 or 01422 249136)......someone may be asking or searching for her, though am sure thats been thought of. Sorry don't live close enough would help out with her.
Hope she is ok and now at least somewhere safe.....its good to hear of caring people such as Lurcher Search UK....and everyone....she looks a lovely old girl.
Last edited: 2013-01-13 22:34:47 by AnnieSparky
Someone has posted on JAWT's face book page that where she was found is remote, so highly unlikely that she wandered from home. She wasn't meant to be found poor girl how anyone can do this to their pet that they have had for years beggars belief. Lurcher search I really hope the DW will let you have her back, unfortunately our own rescue (Suki's) hasn't got a foster that could look after her otherwise we would be coming up for her. Just not fair to any old dog to be in a pound I cannot understand the mentality of some people
maybe you could suggest perhaps it would be better for her to come to you. she has seen the vet and perhaps you would have more time to give her what she needs-company, warmth and tlc. maybe she has wandered from home as it says she seemed confused when found.x
So very kind of you Lurcher Search UK........ I must admit, I thought that, in extreme circumstances, an animal could be kept elsewhere with the DWs knowledge and permission. At least now she is being cared for.......I hope this lady comes thro' this.....xx
hopefully they will come back to you if she is not claimed. very kind of you to offer as she really needs to be warm and comfortable and fussed over. hope she will be ok.
Lurcher Link
I offered to keep here here in our new (warm) kennels but because she needed to see a vet and legally we wouldn't be able to "do" anything until after her 28 days was up, the dog warden didn't want to do that. She took her to see the vet immediately and TBH I didn't think she'd come back out of the vet's - but she did and because of all the rules and regulations she then had to go to the stray pound to do 7 days :( I've already reiterated my offer to keep her here but no-one's got back to me.
We don't know the circumstances.............
It would be so nice if a rescue could take her in for the time the poor dog has left. xxLast edited: 2013-01-13 09:59:17 by 4paws
This is awful it's azlmost like another Prince abandoned because you are old and ailing. SHAME ON THE OWNERS hope they have the favour repaid x
Lurcher Link
I don't think her owners are looking for her, tbh I think she's been dumped.
poor girl to be lost at her age and condition. hope her owners find her as she must be missing them x
Lurcher Link
I spoke to the stray pound today and this old girl was with them, having left the vets with ABs. She's not at all well though as she'd collapsed 3 times already by 11am :( I can't see a happy outcome for her at all.
Lurcher Link
The Dog Wardens came out today and I had to agree that this old lady really needed to see a vet (her eyes were almost non-existent with the amount of gunk in them) so, sadly she'll have to go to the stray pound after all - if the vet doesn't think she needs immediate PTS. I feel very guilty for letting her go as I don't think she's long for this world :( But at least she had a warm comfy bed here and some good food and lots of gravy bones with some tlc and fusses.
Poor thing. I hope he's being looked after somewhere.
hoping he wasnt dumped and owners are found. bless him x

Drone SAR

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