Lost: Brown & White Siberian Husky Female In Scotland (IV19)

  • Dog ID 44903
  • Status Lost
  • Registered 05 Nov 2012
  • Name ELSA
  • Gender & Breed Female Siberian Husky
  • Age
  • Colour Brown & white
  • Marks & Scars She has a scar (in fur) above her right eye towards her right ear. Other ID marks are being witheld
  • Tagged Yes
  • Microchipped No
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 29 Oct 2012
  • Where Lost Tain. STOLEN not lost. Removed from her home. Enticed with food. From Highlands of Scotland. No microchop so if there is one it's 'lying'
  • Lost In Region Scotland
  • Lost In Post Area IV19
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info She was enticed with food over 2 days and removed on the 3rd. a far as we can tell. Her coat goes milk chocolate brown in winter and pale biscuit brown in summer. A short very dense coat and shallow chest (than deep). Very amber eyes.
  • Listed By AuroraMagic
  • Views 3118
  • ELSAPoster Image
  • ELSAExtra Image


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Hi Thank you so much for thinking of my still 'gone' stolen husky.
Sadly none of the links are to my lovely girl, :( but thank you LupisSarcina from the bottom of my heart for trying! :)
Hope rescue Wales these dogs found.
Brynna Wales
If anyone has any information about how they ended up in this condition then please contact us on 01443 226659.

Red/Brown and white

Grey/pale Red/Brown
Still Stolen. Someone out there knows who has / had her. PLEASE get in touch.
Please say if you know where she is! Very much loved and missed every single day.
Still Stolen. If you have seen her or know 'where she was' PLEASE get in touch. Thank you.
Hummm I don't think it's her but I'm definitely calling them in the morning! :)
She's very similar for sure! She'd be 4.5yrs older now too, which might change how her coat colours! Poor thing! Thank you. I almost dare not hope, but will see... thank you so much! :)
Hi Blackdog, Thank you I'll check it out! :)
There is a female picked up by SDK Environmental dog wardens, not microchipped very similar to Elsa in the extra image. Looks like there could be a mark above her right eye. Is on SDK Environmental website, worth a look. Has a curly tail?
Still whereabouts unknown.... :(
Please if you THINK it might just be her PLEASE call me or the Police or Dog Warden!:)
STILL Stolen. Please keep an eye out !!!
Keep looking please & keep sharing please. :D Thank you - it's SO SO appreciated. :D
She is STILL stolen... PLEASE if anyone see's her please call me or let me know...
Got loads of shares on fb and hope this will help. :) Please keep looking & sharing!! :) Thank you.
Please Note that my girl is STILL STOLEN.... please, please, if you have seen her or think that you have please get in touch or leave a note here. Thank you very much.
I miss her so much! I worry about her and if she is OK. :( Please help me find her! :)
New images attached (refresh page to view)
Hi all ... I am STILL hunting for my girl ! :( The Police have tried all leads and coming up with nothing now.
Please keep looking and thinking about her. I am sure that she is out there some-where. Someone will see her one day ... I hope. :)
Thanks for the link. Sadly I really don't think that is her. I can see the similar features but she is a either a lot lighter in the summer or a more chocolate colour in the winter.
She has very amber eyes if that helps anyone! :)
Yes they are called 'red' silly really but anything that is not black or grey is classed as red.
I do check in here frequently so please keep posting ! :) I really appreciate every possible sighting or found entry. :) I will find her ... :)
Hi please take a look at this dog on Gumtree. Found Glencairn. Hope it's your girl. x

Yes Officially ALL 'brown & white' huskies are known by the Kennel Club as Red & White. It is pretty stupid but who am I to question their logic ! :)
I still receive in reports of 'possible's' and the Police as chasing them up slowly. I hope they catch them and deal with them with the full force of the Law ! :(
hi can i just ask, is your dogs colour ever classed as red? only been searching some and they look brown but called red and white on description. i had one that come up in glasgow says bi eye but male will check that it is male as sometimes can be error :( will keep looking and searching x
Thank you to those who have been keeping me informed of found dogs, I really appreciate it.
I now have my broadband back up and running which will help with sending out the email flyers and so on !!
(If anyone needs help with flyers I found a printer that will print 5K for £66 and at the moment free delivery ! (Yes even to the Highlands!) :) I can help with the graphics ...)
I have been handing out many flyers and there have been two possibles locally. One has been ID'd and was not her, and the other dog that has been sighted by a number of people in the Inverness area (running about loose) near the canal and Marina, is yet to be located and confirmed either way.
I have been going North and South of the Tain area, and when the weather lets up will go further afield too.
I have postmen and couriers taking flyers to hand out and help!
A maroon Renault Megane '99 (about V reg) was seen outside my place and the Police have a photo, but they say they cannot show it to me which I find very confusing and annoying! Although the Police did some enquiries they seem to have stopped, as they said beyond Inverness there are 10,000 so they can't check more ! But surely they cannot all be maroon ! It is an unusual colour, which should help, and esp for around here but surely they should check a few a week?!
The Nairn found dog sounded SO close, and as Huskies bounce till they drop they can seem 'young', but it was micro chipped, details going back to her breeder and then the owners were located. It was m/chipped as a puppy too, so not mine.
The other found one is not her and although black and white - I do worry about if they dyed the dog ! But it isn't her anyway.
Sadly I can't afford an ad in the local papers, but some of the parish papers my take an adver-torial so I will check into this.
Hi Thank you for your words of encouragement. I am really hoping to find my beloved husky. I am utterly gutted that some nasty person has my beloved dog. I bred her mum and her and she has a wonderful inquisitive character and full of beans. But she does not like everyone.
She always had ad-lib food and she will be utterly confused if someone only feeds her once or twice a day. She like most huskies is a dominate dog with intense hunting skills. They need proper, well balanced, careful handling and understanding. They do well when this is right and dominate when it isn't or can become aggressive.
I miss her terribly. I have my own posters and happy to organise searches etc. PLEASE if anyone sees her call me or the Police.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alerts sent to helpers in IV16,17,18,19,20,24.
DogLostLostdogs ScotlandSable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
Have called owner and got the background of this dog's theft.Anyone who can spresd the word, please do so.Last edited: 2012-11-06 09:12:51 by Sable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
Sorry to see that ELSA is missing.
  • If your dog is microchipped please let the microchip company know that your dog is missing and check that all details are up to date.
  • Owners targeted by a malicious hoaxer demanding money for the return of their dog should phone the police on 101 immediately and contact admin@doglost.co.uk
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  • If your dog has been stolen inform the police immediately and obtain a crime reference number (CRN). Send an email to stolen@doglost.co.uk.
  • If your dog is picked up and taken to rescue kennels, it can be legally re-homed after seven days. Visit rescue centres in person and do not rely on checking by phone alone. Other people may not recognise your dog by your description, so give them a DogLost poster.
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