Lost: Cream/white Black Tips On Ears Lhasa Apso Male In South East (RG2)

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  • Dog ID 41813
  • Status Lost
  • Registered 03 Aug 2012
  • Name ROMEO
  • Gender & Breed Male Lhasa Apso (Neutered)
  • Age Adult
  • Colour Cream/white black tips on ears
  • Marks & Scars Pink scuff mark on his nose and crooked front teeth
  • Tagged No
  • Microchipped No
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 28 Jul 2012
  • Where Lost Whitley wood lane, Whitley wood, reading Berkshire
  • Lost In Region South East
  • Lost In Post Area RG2
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info His hair is alot longer than in this picture, he is friendly and very cheeky. He was wearing a black velvet and diamanté coller he ran out of the house 6.30am 28th July :(
  • Listed By Jade84
  • Views 3212
  • ROMEOPoster Image
  • ROMEOExtra Image


Sightings and Information

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possible sighting in yateley, i go to yateley everyday and have seen a lady walking a dog that looks like romeo im jades sister so know romeo very well, i want to stop and ask the lady and show her the poster and see if its romeo. Any advice if it is romeo.
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Hmmm could be. Is it possible the council is taking them down? They don't usually, but you could find the odd worker that pulls them down. If this is doubtful, then I would wonder who is doing this and why? Keep putting them back up, Jade. Have you spoken to the dog warden at all? Might be an idea to have a chat to see if he/she knows of any goings on in your area. Jade, sorry to be blunt, but are you sure your friend didn't give her to someone, thinking you maybe wouldn't mind? Please do not give up hope, I know it seems impossible, but you really never know, okay? Make sure dog warden is still aware that she is missing in case they do come across her. We'll keep her on here until the day she gets home to you. Keep those posters going back up. x Last edited: 2012-09-14 20:45:41 by Kimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
My posters just get taken down its like someone had him and are taking them down so he is not noticed, she is sure he got out of the door and ran, it is very very strange I really don't know anymore :(
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
This is really strange. Are you absolutely sure, he got out and wasn't taken by anyone your friend knows? I would have thought something would have cropped up by now. He could well have been stolen. If he got out and someone saw him they may have "lifted" him. Try postering further afield. Poster around "sites" too. Read my email again if you posters sites, okay. It tells you want to do if you get a call. Let us know. x
Just an update on Romeo, still nothing no sightings nothing :( x
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Yes, Zeus that is a possibility. Jade, have you done that? Worth doing again. Check neighbours bushes, ponds, sheds, whatever. You have done so well. Thank you for letting us know exactly what happened. Have you contact the Highways Agencies and Council Cleansing depts, as they should remember if they've seen a dog. You need to be quick though, although weekend now, so Monday. You rule out any road accidents in the area and search any ditches, hedges along roads. I;m sure its fine, but rule it out, okay? And, yes, someone may well have him. So poster, poster, posters. Try the local paper too, they don;t often do lost dog stories, but if you play up the fact of what happened with your home and why your fiend had to look after him for him, this would give them a bigger story and they well publish it. Anything is worth a try. xxx
this might be silly maybe check neigbours sheds anything i am still keeping an eye out whrn walking my big man
Uea RSPCA told me to talk to dog warden and both readin and Wokingham wardens said no dogs had been handed in, so I went to the house who had found the dog and it was a jack Russell but its owner lived by then house who had found him, my friend had came in from a night out and the stair gate wasn't shut so she came through the door and Romeo ran straight out she searched for him and couldn't find him, he wasn't very good at re call even after a lot of practice, we have knocked every door around the area he where went from, I'm going to print more posters off and post them through doors further out, iv done all posters around Whitley/Whitley wood in the vets, asda ice cream vans, lamp posts, bus stops, local shops, even in the woods and around by the old house we lived in and just nothing my friend rings vets and wardens daliy I believe someone has got him :((
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Did you get RSPCA and dog warden? You must find out who that dog was they found. After 7 days they can rehome without a chip, so please don't give up until you know for certain. From what you told me, even if your dog wanted to get back to you, I don't think he'd leave there knowing you would be back. Although it's possible he went looking for you, it doesn't seem like he would stray far. Dogs don't tend to do that. I think you need to find out more about how exactly he disappeared? you need the facts, okay? Secondly, if he did go for a wander, you really need to check closer to home as well. Every nook and cranny in case he's got stuck in something. How's it going with all the things in my email? You need to tick them all off, one by one and start all over again with the kennels and vets.I bumped Romeo's page up due to that "sighting" on FB. Please try to glean more info from your friend on how he went missing, it will give us clues. Keep going, he is somewhere! x
Thanks for ur emails, still nothing the address I got who had found a dog said it was a jack russell from down there road, so my Romeo is still missing and I'm still lookin and hoping thank you all for all ur ideas xxx
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Jade, I'm sending you an email. x
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
I'm afraid I don't know this area, but I have found that when dogs seem to vanish, it is usually (not always) one of two reasons. They have been taken by someone so cannot get home, or something else has physically stopped them getting back home. They do usually return if they can. Assuming you have notified the council and highways people? Is there a railway anywhere close? Have you checked with all your neighbours? Any water areas, ie. ponds. As Owl said, he could be living wild. Try and find out as much as possible about this "selling" thing, you may need to involve the police. See how you get on yourself first as you don't want to spook them. You may even need someone who knows him to visit with a view to "buying" him, so you can be sure it is him. Let us know how you get on. x
That's good, hope its good news. If I can be of help let me know.
Just had a inbox message off a friend on facebook who is admin on a few sites so is posting his poster o the buy and sell groups, someone inboxed her today saying she knows who ha him and they are trying to sell him as he was taken, so just waiting to hear back IF this other girl isn't lying fingers crossed it is him!
It does seem strange that there have been no sightings. Another possibility is that someone has stolen him.
This is what I was thinking, but have posted leaflets through doors and all over te area he went from ad more even the local icecream man ha one in his van :( its like he has vanished, I hope someone nice and loving is looking after him, and will soon see a poster or be told my details, I hate not knowing where he is x
If the have been no sightings is there a possibility someone has taken him in. maybe they don't know he is missing
Thank you very much both of you, he was living in Whitley with a friend but I will be taking him back, I'm so worried now not one sighting of him it's been 11 days and just nothing do I will be out again tomorrow putting up more posters as someone has taken some of the
Down! :'((
AA/SBT owner
Used to live in this area, have shared poster on facebook. Good luck xx
If he is trying to get home, is home in whitley too? If you have any details I can keep an eye out as I live in Reading and if I am driving about or walking my dog I will keep an eye out.
You could try having a fryup of bacon and sausages on a picnic stove or disposable barbecue in both sets of woods. The smell will carry and might attract him as he likes his food.
Thankyou Zeus, so many people helping us to find him lets hope he is back soon starting to worry now it's been over a week :/ and no1 has seen him.
Lets hope Romeo comes home very soon , i walk my dog around them area's will keep a look out
Hi it's Whitley wood lane, birch green, yes there are 2 sets of woods what have been checke the 2nd is a lot bigger and will need to be checked again, the closest woods leads to our old house but no one1 has seen him, he was Staying with a friend so thought he mite of tried to get home, the land is built up now housing and stuff, still no word about him if he is still out on his own I hope he is catching stuff to eat he was alway hungry and would eat anything :( thanks for hanging number x
Just been looking at Whitley Wood Lane on google satellite map. Where exactly was he last seen? Parts of the road are near large areas of open land and there are woods, also many large gardens. Romeo could well be running loose still, scavenging and catching small rodents. Apsos are rather good at scuttling around keeping a low profile and they are resourceful little mites.
I have just corrected your number.
Ps my number in my profile is wrong I have tried changing it and adding a new one but it won't show up?? It's 07554663260 xx
Thank you all so much it means a lot he is very missed, we have done everything We can think of to find him, :( iv ran out of ideas dog wardens and vets are rang everyday and all have the poster, I'm hoping someone nice has taken him in and are keeping him safe until they see my posters with my number if anyone has anymore ideas please share xxx
Bearing in mind that this dog is not microchipped I think that you should go to all local vets and give out posters. I would also check in with dog wardens and all local rescue centres. Word needs to get out that this dog is missing, and because he is not chipped you need people to know who he belongs to. I would also hand out flyers to people in your area, including taxi drivers and teenagers as they are always out and about and just might see him around.

I have shared on my facebook page and my cousin lives in the area and she is also sharing. I really hope you find Romeo soon x
Nadine Widdows
Hi... I have FB'd and Tweeted... I am not too far away in Sonning Common so if you arrange a search, please contact me on 07867 540301 and I will gladly help. X
This is my sisters dog and we are desperate to find him, we have put posters up around the area where he went missing also been looking everyday for him with no luck yet. we have called reading and wokingham dog wardens do u think we should ring them everyday also a few vets in the area? thanks Andrea
Ill be round that area later today, so will have a good look. Has the dog warden been informed as they are quite active in this area.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alerts sent out to helpers in RG1,2,4,5,6,7,30,31,40,41.
Sorry to see that ROMEO is missing.
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  • If your dog has been stolen inform the police immediately and obtain a crime reference number (CRN). Send an email to stolen@doglost.co.uk.
  • If your dog is picked up and taken to rescue kennels, it can be legally re-homed after seven days. Visit rescue centres in person and do not rely on checking by phone alone. Other people may not recognise your dog by your description, so give them a DogLost poster.
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