Reunited: Blue Greyhound Male

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  • Dog ID 41438
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 21 Jul 2012
  • Name FORREST
  • Gender & Breed Male Greyhound (Neutered)
  • Age Adult
  • Colour Blue
  • Marks & Scars white stripe down chest
  • Tagged No
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Lost 20 Jul 2012
  • Where Lost Bredbury Green, Stockport. 1.30p.m.
  • Lost In Region North West
  • Lost In Post Area SK6
  • Date Found 23 Jul 2012
  • Where Found Lower Fold, Marple Bridge, Stockport. Approx 2 miles from home.
  • Found In Region North West
  • Date Reunited 23 Jul 2012
  • Other Info A visitor left the gate open & Forrest ran out. He has only been in this home for 7 weeks & is quite timid, especially wary of men. There have been a couple of sightings but nothing since 20/7
  • Listed By Driftydog
  • Views 2685
  • FORRESTPoster Image
  • FORRESTExtra Image


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Brilliant news! Welcome home Forrest - stay safe and close now lovely lad xx
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Brilliant news, welcome home Forrest sending you a massive big hug.

Well done and thank you to everyone who helped in the search and to the children you are all stars. x
Welcome home Forrest x Stay very safe now x Many thanks to all who helped this boy get back to his family x
Sarah W
Great News Forrest back home. Well Done all involved in her safe return. xx
I would sincerely like to thank everyone for all the help and advice given to my daughter and myself which assisted in her being re-united with Forrest 3 days after he went missing. Michelle is absolutely overwhelmed and her children Jack 10 & Ella 6 will have a lovely surprise waiting when they get home from school.

A massive thank you to Mrs Langshaw's 2 children & 2 friends for recognising a weary wandering dog, they followed him to keep an eye on him then contacted Mrs Langshaw who went in her car to where Forrest was lying in nettles and undergrowth under bushes. Thank you so much Lindsay & Michelle xxLast edited: 2012-07-23 16:05:19 by Tiawish
I've put some posters up around Brabyns park..I'll try and get back down there tomorrow to take them down..Great news, so glad he's home.
Thats great news - welcome home running off again now!
I've just had a phone call from the owners sister...he is home!!!!!!!
Found under a bush a few miles from home & taken into a local vets.
He has lost a bit of weight & has a sore leg but otherwise fine.
Thanks to everyone for all the help & good wishes.
I live near Adswood and Edgeley and have posted in my facebook wall for you, hope he comes home soon, have you reported him missing to the dog warden?
He was spotted near the Post Office in Marple 7.20 am yesterday (21st July)approx 2 miles from his home.
Will crosspost to my Facebook Group.
Hope he's found safe very soon.
On the email I was sent it said there had been some sightings, any idea where?
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alerts sent out to helpers in SK1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8.
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Driftydog, you have added a photo in the top box (Poster Image) if you want to add another one to the bottom box (Extra Image) or have more photo/s please email them to I've cropped and reloaded the photo you added to bring him closer.

Thank you for helping owner. x
Sorry, am having problems adding photo.
I need some help please.
I've posted this on behalf of the owner & am waiting for a photo from them & will update asap.
Text sent requesting photo.

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