Reunited: Black Griffon Bruxellois Male

  • Dog ID 39960
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 31 May 2012
  • Name ELVIS
  • Gender & Breed Male Griffon Bruxellois
  • Age Puppy
  • Colour Black
  • Marks & Scars He is short haired and only very little. He is wearing a brown collar with diamonte bones on it.
  • Tagged Unknown
  • Microchipped Unknown
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 31 May 2012
  • Where Lost On Warneford Street, Hackney, E9 London
  • Lost In Region South East
  • Lost In Post Area E9
  • Date Found 31 May 2012
  • Where Found A lady had picked him up and had seen one of the 150 posters I had put up in the surrounding streets and in the park.
  • Found In Region South East
  • Found In Post Area E9
  • Date Reunited 04 Jun 2012
  • Other Info
  • Listed By milsyb
  • Views 2495
  • ELVIS Poster Image
  • ELVIS Extra Image


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fabulous news, so glad you got your baby back! :)
Great news. What a cute gorgeous little puppy. Stay safe now Elvis (And cute):-)xxx
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Milsyb, you worked really hard and you so deserved to get your fur baby back home where he belongs! You DID it!!!! Way to go, girl! Now you can rest and wait for the other baby! :-) Your family is complete again. PLEASE get Elvis chipped as it really does make a difference as dogs can get re-homed to someone else if they can't find its owner after 7 days. We cannot have you going through this again! Hopefully, Elvis will not get out again, but just as a safety measure. Well done and give Elvis a big kiss from all of us! xxx
Hooray!! poster power working again, well done for all your hard work and to the people who returned him. Don't forget to get him a microchip! xx
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
Good to see Elvis is home he's gorgeous. Stay safe little cutie.xx
Thank heavens,it's such a busy area. Welcome home Elvis and behave yourself, no more running off!xx
What a relief this lovely little boy is safely back home x
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Great news...
So pleased for you he is just tooooooo cute! Stay safe now Elvis your mum can do without this at the moment ;) xx
HE'S HOME!!!!! I got a phone call last night from the girl who picked him up and he was dropped off 10 minutes later by her brother. SO SO happy and he is too. Been giving him some fresh beef and lots of love and kisses. THANK YOU SO MUCH everyone for your help and support on this. I think the posters did the trick! (I did put more that 150 up!!) Now I just need tot take them down! x
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Milsyb, this is great news! A fantastic lead. Now remember this is the weekend and dog wardens don't often work weekends although some do. This is also a bank holiday with extra two days, so it could be even longer till Elvis can get handed in to a dog warden. You need to call all the rescues and kennels. I will see if I can find out for you as sometimes in London they get taken to a rescue in another part of the City. Call the RSPCA, call Harmsworth, call Shoreditch council, Enfield council, Haringay council, leave a message for all dog wardens in London. Very hard I know, but necessary. Call Dogs Trust, Harefield. I'll see if I can find out some more. x
The good news is that you have had a sighting, keep putting up posters, if this lady has got Elvis her friends will notice and I'm sure they will persuade her to call you. Do you know what kind of dog she has? Its possible that local vets will know who she is. If a vet does know who she is perhaps they would be able to phone her and see if she does have Elvis and if not, at least whether she did pick him up in the first place.
Last edited: 2012-06-02 18:46:07 by Nettie
They were just sickos. I did get a call from an old lady in the road parallel to mine who saw Elvis when he went missing. She said that a tall slim black lady with 2 kids (7 and 9) had taken him, saying she was going to put up a picture with her name on in Victoria Park. I have put up lots of posters in the park but she has not been in touch. Apparently she has a dog. I am worried she will keep him but at least he is safe (?!). I miss him so much...
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
You are doing so well! These prank calls, are they asking you for money in return for him? If so they may have him, so you need to negotiate with them (but call us first for help). Do NOT part with any money unless they produce him in front of you. If they don't, then they don't have him. If the prank calls are just nasty and evil, then ignore them, they are sickos. Keep the numbers if you have them and report them to the police. Keep going you are doing really fab! Do you have any travellers near you? x
He ran out the front door when I was carrying something heavy that I shouldn't have been doing anyway. I have put over 100 posters up and will print more today. Have emailed posters to all the neighbouring vets but will go further afield. So heartbroken :( and to make matters worse, I keep having prank phone calls from people saying they have him. People can be so cruel. Thanks all for your support, it's much appreciated. x
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
How did he go missing? He could have been picked up by someone so you need to get loads and loads of posters up all through the area. Make him too hot to handle. Check all the gardens and sheds, speak to all the neighbours. I have sent you an email, but I do not know the London area contacts, but it will give you something to go on to start with. x
DogLostBattersea Dogs HomeBattersea
Report has been made at BCH, ref 291745
Make sure the rescues are sent a poster with photograph. Not many will recognize the breed and may list him as a pug cross,so do look for anything small and black and get those posters up everywhere.Good luck, I hope you find him soon
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alerts sent out to helpers in E1,2,3,5,8,9,10,15.
Please please help me find my little puppy. He is new to my family. I am pregnant and he was bought as my companion. SO so sad. Nothing can replace his little face and sparkling personality. I am truely heartbroken.

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