Rainbow Bridge: Black With Tan German Shepherd Cross Male

  • Dog ID 33304
  • Status Rainbow Bridge
  • Registered 08 Oct 2011
  • Name STARK
  • Gender & Breed Male German Shepherd Cross
  • Age Puppy
  • Colour Black with Tan
  • Marks & Scars Tan Legs, Jaw and Eyebrows. Small White Patch on Chest. He's VERY BIG for a puppy! Bigger than
  • Tagged No
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 07 Oct 2011
  • Where Lost Woking, Wych Hill Park. Escaped out of the back of the garden around by the railway lines.
  • Lost In Region Rainbow Bridge
  • Lost In Post Area GU22
  • Date Found 09 Oct 2011
  • Where Found Killed on the train tracks behind college lane.
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info Friendly but may run when approached. Has NEVER bitten and is good with children and other dogs so don't be afraid to grab him.
  • Listed By Gwil
  • Views 2897
  • STARKPoster Image
  • STARKExtra Image


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DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
So very, very sorry. My dog was killed in the same way and I understand and know your pain. Please know that Stark would not have known and would not have suffered. I will never know why these things have to happen, but I have to trust there is a reason and you must too. We just don't know what it is, yet. Stark will always be yours and is waiting for you at Rainbow Bridge. The heartbreak you feel is your love for him, and he knows. It will get easier, but it takes a long time. You have to go on for Stark, okay? God bless you and Stark, together always.
Jack Russell 4
Run free at the bridge little man xxx
Nigel and Cathy
Oh I am so very sorry to read this awful news. RIP little man, love to your family x
Auntie Katie
Such sad sad news - run free sweetie pie! x


When we get to Heaven
We hope that we will find
The souls that once we loved
Who left us all behind.

Some left us at the right time
They left this world in peace
Others left too suddenly
Without the chance to say Goodbye,
They were gone before we had
The chance to even cry.

There's a special place for grownups
A special place for kids
Me? I'll be on the other side
The side called Rainbow Bridge.

Across the dark green meadow
A'top the hills I'll run
Where the colors from the rainbow
Glitter from the sun.
Am extremely sorry to see this very bad news aboput Stark. My sympathy goes to Stark` owners who must be devastated at this time. LYDNSYD I so agree there is too many dogs lost tol the railway lines today. Animals are so fast and a puppies can run 25 mph depending on breed. (something else I have learned). Rest assured owners Stark will be nursed back to health at the bridge and chasing everything in sight. One day you will be reunited with Stark, now in God`s care. Night, night sleep tight little one and please watch over your family as they need to be strong at this time. God Bless you and your famiyxxx
So sorry for you all, don't know how you are coping with his loss... run free now Stark xxxthinking of you all Jackie xxx
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
So very very sorry, run free in the sunshine at Rainbow Bridge sweetheart, my thoughts are with your owners xxx
Oh that is absolutely heartbreaking - I am so very sorry. Yet another lost to the railways. My thoughts are with Stark's family at this terrible time. Another gone to the bridge way too soon, but run free darling little Stark xx
DogLostJackalee (Kathryn) - Area Co-ordinator - Greater Manchester
Gwil my heart goes out to you :( Run free at the bridge little Stark xx
How sad ..poor Stark. Sadly there are far too many dogs getting killed on Rail Lines. Run Free at the Bridge sweet Stark xxx
Run free at the bridge little man xx
Im so sorry - run free little fella
Im so sorry little Stark didnt make it home,my thoughts are with you,Have fun in the sunshine at Rainbow Bridge little one.xxx
Oh I am so sorry to hear the sad news, but glad he didn't suffer. xx
really sorry to hear :( hope your both okay and your other lil pup x
Hi everyone. I just wanted to let you know that sadly Stark was found dead on the railway tracks. I got a call today from someone who'd seen a poster so thank you to those who passed them along.
We're absolutely heartbroken but we're tryign to take some comfort from the fact that it looks like he was killed instantly and didnt suffer.
Thank you so much Mel! It's hearing things like this that really gives us hope that we may get our pup home safely.
hey :) i met you guys down by morrisons last night and felt really bad i hope your pups ok and i will try and put some posters out today also :)
Yeah, we printed about 70+ flyers today and posted them all through doors, handed them out to peopel and put them on windscreens in morrisons carpark. We also put up a few posters aroudn morrisons, the park and other commonly walked routes near the rail way.

Gonna print about another 100 tomorrow and go out again.

Thanks for the advice everyone. Can't think what else to do now, even emaield a local radio station to se if they'd mention it on the air. Just dunno what else there is to try, really hope our poor pup is okay...
Need lots of posters up in area. Maybe he moved up rail line and emerged into someone else's garden? Do all your neighbours know he's missing? Did drive around area tody but sadly no sighting. Hope he soon comes home.
Updated the poster a bit.
First thing my other half and I did yesterday was call the dog warden, local vets and petlog as well as going to see the railworks (who caught him once before when he escaped... we added twice as much chicken wire after than and he's still got out :( )
We found one of his rope toys at the bottom of the embankment at the back of our house, about 3 feet from the train tracks. REALLY worried that something awful may have happened to him.
Thanks for all the help everone, all suggestions nare welcome!
Printed poster but pup doesn't show very well being dark. Maybe my printer, but do you have a lighter photo that would show him better?
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Poster emailed to helpers in GU4,18,21,22,23,24,25. KT13,14,15,16.
Have texted other local out of hours wardens - owner needs to poster like mad and contact network rail. Also visit RSPCA Chobham. I will post on Biggsd
have given out of hours dog warden details for owner to contact

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