Reunited: Black And Tan Yorkshire Terrier Female

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  • Dog ID 32733
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 15 Sep 2011
  • Name MINXY
  • Gender & Breed Female Yorkshire Terrier
  • Age Adult
  • Colour black and tan
  • Marks & Scars In pup.
  • Tagged Unknown
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 15 Sep 2011
  • Where Lost Synod Inn.
  • Lost In Region Wales
  • Lost In Post Area SA44
  • Date Reunited 17 Sep 2011
  • Other Info
  • Listed By Jayne - Founder Doglost.
  • Views 1616
  • MINXYPoster Image
  • MINXYExtra Image


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What a relief this girlie is now safe. So sad about her 2 pups but at least she has one to look after.
Well done BC for helping and also thanks to Marcus and his son.
Thank you Owl for the phone call yesterday afternoon letting me know that Minxy was now out of her hole.
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
So pleased Minxy and her pup are safely home, sorry to see two of the pups have died, run free at the Bridge and sweet dreams little ones.

Thank you and well done to BC, Marcus and his son and also everyone else who helped. xxx
Minxy and pups have been extracted from the burrow. Sadly 2 pups are dead and appear to have been so for quite a while. Pup number 3 is alive and now in the house with mum. Many thanks to BC for finding the right local help, and to Marcus and his son for the rescue. Last edited: 2011-09-17 15:42:15 by Owl
BC is there now with a couple of terrier men who think they will have all the little ones out shortly.
A camera on a long cable has been used to look down the hole. Pups are there but not moving, but newborns don't move a lot.
RSPCA did ring fire brigade but they have refused to come out as Minxy can get out of hole. It's the pups who are stuck. I have suggested owner calls both the vet practices she uses to see if they have any ideas.
F&M South Wales representative is seeking help from local contacts.
Yes, pups seem to be down the hole as they can see Minxy licking them. But we don't know if alive, or what state they are in. Every time anyone tries to get at Minxy she backs further down the hole. Fire Brigade won't deal as not emergency, RSPCA not responded so far. I'm about to ring the Fell and Moorland working terrier club to see if they know anyone around there. Have called Kathy BC who lives nearby and she is ringing round trying to get some local help.Last edited: 2011-09-17 14:37:52 by Owl
Good, at least owner knows where she is, are the pups in the hole too?
I've just spoken to the owner. Minxy turned up yesterday, obviously having had her pups.
Unfortunately as owner turned away to get her some food, their other dog chased Minxy away to a small deep hole at the back of their garden but owner cant get at her.
Hopefully, she'll come out again when she gets hungry.

Owner will let me know when she's got her safely back.
I have called owner as they live just down the road from where I used to live. This is a very rural area. Have suggested that besides postering and putting on local radio, they go to all neighbouring properties and ask everyone to check all sheds and every nook and cranny. Minxy is due to whelp in about 10 days, close enough for her to be looking for a den, and we can't rule out the possibility that she may have got herself shut in somewhere.
Will contact owner.

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