Reunited: Black Whippet Female

  • Dog ID 32412
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 02 Sep 2011
  • Name MILLY
  • Gender & Breed Female Whippet
  • Age Older Adult
  • Colour black
  • Marks & Scars white bib, grey hairs on face
  • Tagged No
  • Microchipped Unknown
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 31 Aug 2011
  • Where Lost near Beeston town centre, Notts
  • Lost In Region Central
  • Lost In Post Area NG9
  • Date Reunited 09 Sep 2011
  • Other Info STOLEN from outside a shop near Beeston Town Centre. Approx 10 years old. Was wearing a black and white zebra style collar.
  • Listed By jay
  • Views 5564
  • MILLYPoster Image
  • MILLYExtra Image


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Dog WardenKelly DW
We managed to do some call tracing on our out of hours number and a person had called to say a dog had been abandoned but left no contact details. Upon us calling them they claimed they didnt know who to call so they rehomed her!!! But they were willing enough to hand her over to us to give her back to her rightful owners.
Sooooooooo pleased Millie is home. Will go take my posters down over next couple of days. Stay safe now, Millie x
Welcome home Milly, stay safe xx
Jenni S
I'm so pleased to read that Milly is safely back home.
Welcome home Milly. Back where you should be, with your owners:-)xxx
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
great news....what happened...
Fantastic news. Really delighted to hear that Milly is back home. Where was she found?
That is such good news! So pleased to see that Milly is back safe and sound. Well done to everyone who helped find her x
What great news Jay!!!

I'm so glad that she's home and ok. MANY MANY thanks to the DW's and everyone else who has helped find Milly. XX
GOOD NEWS MILLY FOUND...Firstly thanks too all you guys and girls for all your support and ideas, it has been truely fantastic....But mostly i have too thank the Dog Wardens who have been absolutly amazing with there support...there communication and responce with police and cctv and loads of fliers that they took the time too make and distribute and allso distribution over the net..not too mention sending me too this site too for a start !! so a big thank you kelly and kathryn and Chris and whippetlover and dog lost... again too all you guys here too many thanks and milly is resting well and in good health ;0) all my est wishes jay
Hi Jay

Have you thought about setting up a Facebook Fan Page 'Finding Milly.' You could then post up some additional images as well as CCTV images of the people that stole her (I don't know if you have access to these?) You could then link to the facebook page from other websites/forums etc.

Good luck with your search. I hope this dear girl turns up soon.
My partner just bumped into kelly posting some up for us in beeston....Big thank you too kelly and the rest of you!! really appreciated ;0)
Thanks for the update and Kelly for your help with the CCTV. It's likely that Milly is not too far away, you need posters everywhere Jay and hopefully someone will come forward with information of where she is.
Just too confirm that the dog warden has seen her on cctv outside the last post /specsavers area and some lads on bikes came and removed...Thanks too all who have helped and the police are now been notifiedLast edited: 2011-09-06 12:56:34 by jay
Dog WardenKelly DW
I have also just e-mailed poster over to Dove vets stapleford, Churchcroft vets chilwell, Vets4pets Beeston, Ashfield Vets Bramcote, Priory Vets Beeston and also Erewash Borough Council Dog Warden
Dog WardenKelly DW
I have given e-mailed a post over to Babbington rescue just in case she goes in there. Yesterday went mad so wasnt able to view footage but I will definatly view it today and put an update on here. I have e-mailed owner but no reply so will try to make contact with him today. I have adviced him to contact the police
I've not seen any posters anywhere other than where I've put them - is owner postering too? Spoke with a regular drinker at the Last Post about an hour ago, showed him a poster - he'd not heard anything about her. Was my last poster. But will print more, & try and call in during the week to leave in the pub; there are apparently other dogs (but not a whippet)often left outside by a regular there: I hope regulars to the pub might be warned about the incidence of dog theft with unattended dogs, only takes a few seconds for them to be taken.Last edited: 2011-09-05 18:52:59 by Chris
Thanks for the update Kelly. Great to know you are looking into this.
Dog WardenKelly DW
Hi, Im one of the dog wardens for this area. I have viewed CCTV for the shop that the dog was meant to of been left outside but there was no sign of the dog at all. upon speaking to another collegue she said she had a out of hours call regarding a dog fitting Milly's description that had been left outside The Last Post Pub in Beeston. She had called CCTV to monitor but said that a group of kids had come out the pub and taken the dog away so thought it was thier dog. I am due to go CCTV to look at the footage myself so will be able to get a better idea of what has happened and update owner.
Posters up at some points in Attenborough Nature Reserve and on the Trent river path: sorry didn't get chance to do more today: will go out tomorrow to do more postering and spread the word she is stolen
Have posted a link on the Scruples Whippet Rescue Facebook page. Hope Milly is found soon.
Have put on Sighthounds Online and on GAP
So sorry. Have put on my FB page for sharing, and have printed off some posters. Will try and get around and about with them over the weekend
Thank you Jayne x
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Poster e mailed to helpers in NG1,2,7,8,9,10,11. DE7,72.
Have put Milly on twitter + will circulate.
Have been asked to post this info: Strays for that area go to Babbington Rescue. Phone number is 0115 9324576.

Thanks Jenni.

Advice now emailed to owner. Milly's details put on DL Facebook pages Central and East Midlands

Will also advertise her asap
Jenni S
Some miles away from me but I do go over to Sandiacre some times and will try to go via Beeston. Do hope Milly is soon back home, safe and well.
Have updated Milly's details and will email info out tonight.
Will contact owner
Can email alerts be sent out please?

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