Lost: Black And White Cat Female In South West (BA2)

  • Dog ID 191339
  • Status Lost
  • Registered 30 Mar 2024
  • Gender & Breed Female Cat (Neutered)
  • Age Adult
  • Colour Black and white
  • Marks & Scars Lucy has black nose and mouth. Mischief has black mustache marking, both are black and white not fat not large.
  • Tagged Unknown
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Lost 26 Mar 2024
  • Where Lost Rosemary Lodge Vet carpark at 7pm
  • Lost In Region South West
  • Lost In Post Area BA2
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info
  • Listed By nanjizal
  • Views 2444
  • Alerts Sent 80


Sightings and Information

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Any news, or sightings of Lucy?
Toby and Billy
Never give up hope. I live on the Batheaston side of Bath and would happily help with postering, printing etc. A cat who was taken in by a neighbour (he was her brother's who was moving abroad) escaped after only a few hours of living in his new home. That was in October last year, miraculously in April of this year he was found a mile away, a lady posted on face book that he had been hanging around her garden, someone on our estate recognised him and he was reunited. Cats can be very resourceful . Keep postering, a still missing post on face book to keep her search alive. I send positive vibes that she will be found, if she's microchipped its a huge advantage. but as Trudie so rightly said someone could have taken her in unaware that she is a much missed pet. I could print off the poster and ask both Cara Cross unit and Sainsburys to display it for you? I too hope she will be reunited soon.xx
Thanks for update. Did you contact local vets; animal rescue centres etc in case Lucy has been handed in. As sometimes a microchip can slip, and in some cases fall out. It may be that someone has taken Lucy in, not thinkin to check for a "Chip". It happens. I would help with printing flyers, but I live miles away in the Central area. Sure those on Doglost whoi live in your area will assist you in any way. Hope Lucy will be reunited very soon. Paws, and fingers xd.
Lucy is still missing, but I am unsure where to look, I am very happy that Mischief is home she is very happy. I have limited resources for aspects like printing fliers, but the local cat chip person that searches for cats has some posters up, but yet to have a positive sighting so I can stalk the location in the way that I did to find Mischief. I am not sure if that is the update required but would love to have Lucy back as I expect so would Mischief.
Toby and Billy
Very good advice TrudielovesMax continuing to poster and keeping awareness that Lucy is still missing is always a good idea. Never give up hope, she'll be waiting for you somewhere. Sending positive vibes to you. Hope Mischief is thriving x
Any sightings of Lucy? Assume you have knocked on doors in case she has been handed in. People don`t always think to have cats scanned for a microchip. And vets usually scan for free. All xd.
Sorry the sighting wasn`t Lucy. As a rule neutered female cats don`t tend to go too far; they tend to stay local in the area they are familiar with. Have you tried takin good walks around the area, holding an object with Mischief`s scent on, and rattle scats come treats. Cats can smell scents from about three miles away. Paws, and fingers xd for you xLast edited: 2024-06-19 21:27:09 by TrudielovesMax!
The Chelwood drive was a not Lucy, so nowhere currently that I know to place a trap or to target visit every night after work.
Good idea, Toby, and Billy. And maybe set a trap with a scented item of Mischief`s inside with some Dreamies? Paws, and fingers xd. Keep us posted xLast edited: 2024-05-10 07:48:44 by TrudielovesMax!
Any news/sightings of Lucy?
Toby and Billy
Wonderful news, well done to you for persisting, now Lucy's turn, take something that smells of Mischief also. Don't worry about the feral side, that's what has helped them survive, as you know as soon as mischief was back in a domestic environment she reverted to her old self. I am wishing and hoping and sending positive vibes to Chelwood Drive, would the resident have a trap in their garden, make sure it is entirely covered apart from the entrance with strong smelling food within. It may take her a while to trust the trap but she will eventually go in. Much love to Mischief and to you, you are a total star and an example of perseverance wins the day. Good luck.
Great news you have managed to secure Mischief at last. I hope you have as much success finding and securing Lucy. Glad Mischief has managed to settle back in so quickly xxx
Fantastic news. So pleased you have caught Mischief. I would now put her under "House arrest" in case she goes awoL again, again, but you know your own cat. Ad she must be very happy to be home. Now it`s your turn Lucy, your owner misses you, and so does Mischief. Keep us posted on Lucy x
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Good news on Mishcief!
Mischief responded to my calls when in the park but was very timid, after extreme patience and some dreamies and having to totally commit to fighting with a wild animal I managed to grab her neck and wrap her in a blanket. Was so worried taking her home wrapped in a blanket in a cat carrier with a car with a missing cylinder and now a broken exhaust pipe ( garage fixing on tuesday ) with a cat that seemed wild and feral. Anyway when home she purred for several hours and has never been so friendly and even using the litter box even though usually she is out doors. She is so happy to be home but made it so hard!
We had first good lead of Lucy at 52 Chelwood drive? and visited with no success,i explored areas.
Fingers crossed for my car! and Lucy.
Lucy may have been behind hedge, or bushes in the park. Assume you contacted other vets; animal rescue centres in case she was handed in, as sometimes a microchip can slip, and even fall out. Paws xd that Lucy will also be reunited soon xLast edited: 2024-05-09 20:57:31 by TrudielovesMax!
Thanks nanjizal for very informed update. Albeit you were so close to taking Mischief home, t`s best not to grab them, even though your the owner, as they feel "Threatened" and may run off. If it was me, I would now put a scented item of yours in the cat trap such as an old "T" shirt (Unwashed), And put some fresh chicken in too. As for Lucy if they have bonded, she may be around somewhere. When you are next in the area where you saw her, and you see her again, sit down if you can, and act nonchalant, and say "Hello Mischief, "What have you been up to today? Of course have her carrier with you. Don`t worry about her being semi-feral for a while. We adopted a semi-feral cat in 2001, and you would never find a sweetest, affectionate cat in the world. Sadly she passed away nearly seven years ago, aged about 19/20 years,. Paws xd that Mischief, and Lucy will be reunited soon xLast edited: 2024-05-02 11:14:27 by TrudielovesMax!
Sad that I have no confirmed leads for Lucy. But atleast there seems some hope with Mischief.
On Sunday I saw Mischief in a clearing, at first I was confused as my eye sight is not great, as I approached she looked like mischief but more wild and not her normal self, she did not look strong and lively, she let me follow her from the side, when when got to the edge of the trees overlooking part of the open park land, I squatted down and I called her name several times. She was unsure, then she spotted a dog and looked fearful and I told her not to worry I was here and she seemed to relax. Then used her initial names 'cookie and oreo' she came over to be stroked laying against me, and probably wanted food, which I did not have on me. After one stroke I whipped her up holding her back legs in one hand and against me firmly so she could not escape then tried to leave park. She felt weaker and lighter than before, but after about 50m she struggled and I lost her I tried to pick her up again and suffered some big scratches.

She ran off, she was never that keen on being carried but now is half wild. I am unsure she would have approached and let anyone else stroke her. Since had a few reports she likes to observe older person from a distance in the sun. I think if I got her home she would be much more comfortable but currently she seems more timid and obviously in a park that has dogs is now very cautious. This was just after mid day.

After more looking and checking out another site where someone thought they may have seen Lucy I then returned it was now 7.30pm. Calling mischief I had a response behind some golf nets. She is much more vocal than in the past, she wanted to attract me but when I managed to climb over a hole in the fence into the very high brambles I followed her down the park edge, but it was impossible to do so with out a huge disturbance which definitely fightened her. I had during this time given an onlooker the cat carrier ( I had it this time with me). Lightly him being in sight did not help. Anyway next time will try to get her to come to me and will have a large blanket at hand. I have visited park monday and tuesday but not seen her, however had a report she was earlier on tuesday more of the centre of the park.

Anyway I know it is definitely her and she is keen to see me and recognizes me and needs rescuing, but the whole getting lost away from her home and having to survive has made her more timid and cautious and she is semi wild. I now know ideally on a sunny day she maybe possible to see in the park, but she only seems to visit the area I am checking a few times a week. Maybe bankholiday will give me more time to find her, but may depend on good weather as expect she hides in the day if there is no sun, now always carry large blanket. I have to park in a rather bad place, legal but must annoy drivers but seems closest place to sightings for any extraction. So yes some success but also failure.Last edited: 2024-05-01 19:17:43 by nanjizal
Would placing a scented item of the owner in the cat trap help here, as the owner is the one they trust?
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Paws crossed for you!
Thanks again nanjizal for update. Cats can be very elusive, as well as crafty can`t they? Paws xd
A person that checks cat chips placed cat trap in park and watched it for 3hrs this week, on removal left tuna behind, 2 days later tunu was untouched, have been to areas of sightings every day so looks to have gone cold.
Thanks nanjizal for update. It does sounds promising. Keep us posted,. All xd.
Sightings of Mischief



Looked on Sat/Sun 4hrs, tonight briefly ( someone also looked for me several hours today ) but no sightings on sun/mon. Short of camping in park unsure what to do, a cat scanner lady will place and monitor a cat trap when weather is good enough for sardines to be smelt from a distance, as park is full of wild life can not leave cat trap un watched.
Thanks, namj1zal for update; the traps. Thanks also Toby, and Billy re: the traps. Also sending vibes, and love to Lucy, and Mischief. Paws, and fingers xd x
Toby and Billy
Don't give up, keep looking and posting pictures, it keeps everyone's memory fresh. Sending positive Vibes towards Odd Down. They will show themselves but keep reminding the area that they are still missing. Sending love and heartfelt wishes to you xx
Vets are installing air conditioning had to remove cat trap yesterday.
Assume no luck with the trap. Assume their scented items put in>
Has Lucy, and Mischief been any sightings since Tuesday?Last edited: 2024-04-11 21:45:35 by TrudielovesMax!
Thanks nanjizal for update Great idea to set a cat trap. Paws, and fingers xd. Keep us posted x
possible sighting this morning at one of the outhouses of the Vets, have borrowed a cat trap so fingers crossed.

Toby and Billy not put a poster in St Martins and Carla Cross Centre as I have not heard of them, if you have time them please do so, resources at http://www.github.com/nanjizal/LucyAndMischief. I used Krita for graphics and gimp to print, but toner is out.

I have walked the old golf course the football ground and the woods/cycle track and many of the paths and roads around. My toner has run out may have another one somewhere, already some posters have disappeared but others have done well to survive.Last edited: 2024-04-09 21:10:11 by nanjizal
Thanks Toby, and Billy. Is it possible the owner could post a LOST CATS poster in a National newspaper?
Please Lucy, and Mischief get found very soon. x
Toby and Billy
I've been following this search and I'm heartbroken for Lucy and Michief's owners. Have you tried putting a poster in St Martins and the Carla Cross centre, I'm sure they would be happy to put up a poster (apologies if already done so) I sincerely hope and pray they are found soon. Them being Micro chipped is a huge plus. Sending positive vibes and virtual hugs to all. PS I hope Rosemary Lodge are being helpful also.
Has the owner checked any fields/parks etc in the area where Lucy, and Mischief "Escaped" from? As this is what cats will usually do in this situation. They could be "Hiding behind hedges; trees etc. (I was told this a few years ago b y a professional) Also it may be that someone could be feeding them thinking they are strays. Hope Lucy, and Mischief are reunited very sn. Paws xd.Last edited: 2024-04-08 09:32:25 by TrudielovesMax!
Thanks Jayne. We used to own a cat that when it was the day for her check up/vaccinations, she would hide under the table' yet the word vet wasn1qt mentioned, and er carrier was in the garage. But she was no trouble at all bein handled by the vet. I am convinced that cats, and dogs have a sixth sense. She passed away over 6 years ago, aged about 20.Last edited: 2024-04-05 08:34:47 by TrudielovesMax!
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Thanks Trudielovesmax owner will be really grateful for your ongoing advice about cats...Sorry only said aversion to vets as had the sweetest Boxer ever called Daisy...until she went to the vets!
This happened to my two cars once when the carrier failed, but as luck would have it, we managed to grab them just in time. I certainly didn`t say they had an aversion to vets. Hope Lucy, and Mischief will be found soon. Pawss xd, and prayers said x
Sometimes two cats, one is sometimes the protector if the other one, especially of one of them is less confident. They may have found each other now, as cats can smell scents from approximately three miles away. Hope Lucy, and Mischief are found soon. All xd.Last edited: 2024-04-04 20:16:13 by TrudielovesMax!
I lifted them out of my car and the carrier failed and they were scared of cars, carriers and being in a new place. I love them very much and miss them hugely. They had a lovely place in the country and now they have to struggle with a small city.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
What happened? was it as someone suggested an escape from a cat carrier...or aversion to vets?
they escaped in different directions but they are sisters and close.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Would they be likely to stick together?
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Well done owner!
Thanks nanjizal, for that. Hope these two little adventures will be reunited very soon. Paws, and fingers xd.
have put posters out, supermarkets in the area often take them down after a few days need to talk with sainsburys more about putting back up the one had manager agree, they seem to have policies even though worked in a different store, second tescos one is back up the odd down morison and naz(?) are still up. Bus stop ones seem to be up. Gave few out to walkers, but not really enough at moment for the huge number of houses so choose few random ones. Apparently behind the vets the local whatsup group knows. The main cats and dog by the Uni has a poster internally and checked back they still have. I have followed up a few leads but none have been good so far. Have put the flier used here
it links to the markdown git.io site.
I used Krita for the banner feel free to edit, had to use gimp to print. tone ran, if can find my spare cartridge will try to make more next weekend. Still have a few left but mainly want to use them in public places. The area behind the Vets does seem to be where they are as been there lots. Unsure which direction but have walked a few.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Have asked admin to just put one image in poster box so can be seen.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Also print off some posters ( click view poster on your cats listing above) and hand to local postmen...they know every cat on their patch and will notice new ones.
Assume Lucy, and Mischief escaped from cat carrier/s? When cats go awol like this, they will usually find refuge in someone`s garden, (Someone may be feeding them) field, or park in the area where they escaped. Poster around that area, and post flyers through doors too in that area; as many as you can. I would ask the owner also to walk around same area, holding objects with the cats scent on, and rattle some Dreamies. Cats can smell scents from quite a distance away. Paws xd for their safe return xLast edited: 2024-04-02 10:43:01 by TrudielovesMax!
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alerts sent to local members.
Sorry to see that LUCY AND MISCHIEF UPDATE is missing.
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