Stolen: Blue/cream Brindle Greyhound Female

  • Dog ID 118782
  • Status Stolen
  • Registered 16 Aug 2017
  • Name JENA
  • Gender & Breed Female Greyhound (Spayed)
  • Age Adult
  • Colour Blue/cream brindle
  • Marks & Scars None
  • Tagged Yes
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Investigating Force Thames Valley Police
  • Date Lost 15 Aug 2017
  • Where Lost Between Combe and Stonesfield on the Combe side of NOTOAKS WOOD WEST OXFORDSHIRE and close to the Oxfordshire Way footpath.
  • Lost In Region South East
  • Lost In Post Area OX29
  • Date Reunited
  • Listed By Ghelianacarolyn
  • Views 20008
  • Alerts Sent 63
  • JENA Poster Image
  • JENA Extra Image


Sightings and Information

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To check, turned up on a doorstep in S.Ireland not a great pic but similar colour. I have kept a copy of the pic in case post goes.
I have sent a possible to your mobile. My number ends in 402. LouiseB x
There hasn't been one single sighting since the day Jena ran into the wood.
So sad that no-one reported sightings. Poor Jena
Several people have drawn my attention to the greyhound. Sadly it's not Jena.
DogLostSandra Watt
The dogs found in the raid at Orpington are listed on the found section Doglost with the name Various so photos can be seen there.
There is a dog similar looking in the photo supplied by the police re the Orpington search. Can’t upload the photo on here and unable to say if the dog in the photo is male or female. But worth a look.
Liz Q
Could Jena get bumped today please?? x
Liz Q
Missing 3 years tomorrow (confirmed still missing) :(

Please RT from if on twitter.
Thank you Scarlet Dragon. Unfortunately not Jena. Also the girl pictured isn't microchipped. Jena is with address details up to date.
Scarlet Dragon
This may be a long shot, but there have been issues with hare coursing in the area where this dog was found so if it was stolen and has been travelling the country it is possible: Now at "Mrs Murray's" home in Aberdeen.
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
Please support:

DogLostSarah - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambs Twitter Co-ordinator
Thunderclap submitted for Jena, I will add the link as soon as it is approved x
Thank you, Checked the photo. Unfortunately not Jena.
DogLostScruffy Dog - Central Team Volunteer
Similar looking dog on Facebook lost and found pets in Bradford
Please join & support Jena's thunderclap page the more people behind the campaign the more of a bigger and powerful reach. Thank you 9 weeks in and not giving up
Issy, i have been reading the updates for the Kent Found Female Dog - it appears She belong/ed to Travellers who didn't want Her back :(
She is being cared for by much nicer, kinder people so Should have a loving Furever Home very soon x

This is the dog wandering around in Kent.
shoot the owner
Similar colour type dog roaming around farm in Kent. It has been there for about 3 weeks. I have shared their posted picture from my f/b account Diana Crane.
I think she has been "found" and "kept." I probably won't see her again. Stored her bed away yesterday because I found the emptiness unbearable.
Any update in the last couple of days? She has been missing for so long, I feel sorry for her and her poor owners
Owner went and searched in Notoaks woods today. Not a single thing. We generated alot of shares from the facebook Witney Spotted Official page the first time round. So I have asked them to re-post again to refresh people, and get the ones that might of missed the post first time round. I have put the FB link to Jena's page on it. There was reports of a hound handed in as a stray at the Blue Cross in Burford. Unfortunately this is not Jena. The rescue centre and the council even checked the system and it did not match. But one thing was nice out of it, was the fact people was thinking of Jena straight away.
Hi Donna, thanks for the heads up. We cannot rule out any area really now. So if anymore sightings or capturing of this hound, please let us know. Thank you
Donna Joyce
We sighted a Brindle Greyhound in Newnham, Kent last night. I have posted the sighting on the found page. It is highly unlikely to be Jena but had to post incase. It was very dark/no street lights and only my husband got close to the dog before s/he trotted off into the night. Appeared in good condition. Thought to be a darker Brindle than Jena but can't be sure.
Still not a single sighting of Jena. Just hope that she gets herself noticed by someone.... Shared into more FB groups etc. There was a brindle dog sighted in Witney area, but sadly it was not Jena. Last edited: 2017-08-26 19:06:57 by TWISTEDJACK
Observant Citizen
Here is the link to Jena's special page...
Oxford Greyhound Walks team returned from their search empty handed. A Jena Facebook page is to be started shortly so there will a central point of contact for any info/ sightings.
Ghelianacarolyn if Jena is in survival mode she may not come when called. If you had a BBQ in a safe place near where she was last seen she may come out if you leave a tasty BBQ treat for her. I'm not in your area so can't help.
If she's in there she's not responding. Been calling her for an hour. Thoroughly disheartened.
A saluki hound was found today in Combe by a guy called Jordan. Looked abit sheepish being caught out. This saluki is at the vets now and owners have been contacted. It has been noted from Liz Axford (doglost oxfordshire) Lou has just added in a message ' He was found around 200 yards from the wood Jena headed for when she darted, you could be on to something!!'
Sally, the policewoman I spoke to last week has just phoned me. The people who hired the van that was seen on 15th have been cleared. If these 2 men were up to no good there is a possibility the reg plates were cloned in which case this line of investigation comes to an abrupt halt.
Please look on this as a POTENTIAL THEFT. I still think she is only missing, and don't think the dog that was seen us Jena.
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
Sharing Twitter.
DogLostLisa P - Regional Co-ordinator, Central
A CRN has now been issued to cover the possibility that Jena has been stolen. Status changed to stolen & CRN detail added x
DogLostLisa P - Regional Co-ordinator, Central
A CRN has now been issued to cover the possibility that Jena has been stolen. Status changed to stolen & CRN detail added x
To keep everyone in the loop- Angie Tee Have scoured the fields and covered the area with posters this evening. Saw a lone dog run into Peagle Wood from the wheat field on Combe Road but think it was a golden spaniel. Light was fading so can't be absolutely sure and there was definitely no owner in sight.

Jan N Meg That sounds like a bit of good news.... sighting a dog and no owner

Angie Tee Tbh I didn't think it was a greyhound at the time but only caught a glimpse of it as it shot into the woods. Reddish in colour though so now I'm wondering
A lady called Mandy has been out looking in the woods. The problem she is facing is that its overgrown with ferns etc, so could prove difficult even in spotting Jena. Mandy bless has been out for a few hours walking a big circuit of where Jena went missing.
This is Jena's fourth night now away from Carolyn and little Merlin (the dog), some more people have been out searching by driving today and some by foot. Unfortunately no sightings. Some people have planned a foot walk tomorrow. Just hoping with Jena getting more and more hungry day by day, she will start to venture into more built up areas in search for food, and more chance of being spotted. We just need to keep pushing the shares on social media for the time being.
Observant Citizen
Come on Jena...we just need one little sighting...x
Owner has been out early this morning searching no luck. Re-bumped posts on FB and on twitter. A man working in West Oxford District Council has also now logged Jena missing on their system.
Sue - onestopalldogs
Shared to @onestopalldogsLost Facebook and Twitter
People kindly have been out searching the areas of Combe, Stonesfield and Long Hanborough. No sightings today sadly.
A lady Louise Hartley reported that on the 15/8 She saw 2 men on a layby Frilford Road off A34 with a brindle greyhound. She did think the colouring was darker than Jena. She took the number if one if the vehicles and reported it to 101. So that they MAY take some action I have now reported Jena stolen just in case. I don't think she will have gone that far under her own steam, they would have had to catch her in my area.
Lisa S
just walked the oxfordshire way from stonesfield road to Akerman Street, no sign, sorry, please keep me posted if anyone from the area wants some company searching
Lisa S
OK thanks think I will grab my lurcher pup boy and head over there and see if I can help, she may be more likely to approach him than a stanger
The owner said that a lady called Louise that lives in the village, will be looking in the area from where she went missing from. She knows the area well and the woods.
Lisa S
I have been following this since this morning, are there any others out looking right now as I live close by and could join up with them to search, please let me know as have the day off and very happy to help
Shared Harvey's Army South
Owner was out 7am this morning back at the area where Jena slipped off the lead. She has also been out again searching tonight. Someone had given her a lift to Long Hanborough to search the area, but nothing.
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
I have shared with DL FB Page, Twitter & Public. I hope Jena is safely back at home soon. X
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alerts sent to helpers in OX7,22,29.
Observant Citizen
Shared publicaly on Facebook and Tweeted for Jena. x
DogLostLisa P - Regional Co-ordinator, Central
Shared on FB to Doglost Oxfordshire x
DogLostSarah - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambs Twitter Co-ordinator
Tweeted @DogLostUK
DogLostSarah - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambs Twitter Co-ordinator
Photo added
DogLostSarah - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambs Twitter Co-ordinator
Please send photo to

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