Reunited: Grayish Blonde Fawn Hair Yorkshire Terrier Female

  • Dog ID 88066
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 12 Jun 2015
  • Gender & Breed Female Yorkshire Terrier
  • Age Adult
  • Colour grayish blonde fawn hair
  • Marks & Scars
  • Tagged Unknown
  • Microchipped Unknown
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Lost 11 Jun 2015
  • Where Lost Forest Road/Cypress Road, Witham, Essex
  • Lost In Region South East
  • Lost In Post Area CM8
  • Date Found 13 Jun 2015
  • Where Found Bluebell was found in someone's locked garage. I want to thank this site for everyone's help and will post picture update later. Thank you soo soo much it's only with help from this sit
  • Found In Region South East
  • Found In Post Area CM8
  • Date Reunited 13 Jun 2015
  • Other Info Bluebell disappeared from our garden around 6.00/6.30pm on 11 June. She has only just had a temp haircut with scissors so it's not like the picture. She is a very nervous dog whom has never been out alone or without the company of my other terrier whom is now threatening over her disappearance as she relies on Bluebell due to being blind. Bluebell also has a breathing problem where she often sounds like she's grunting.**VERY LARGE REWARD FOR HER SAFE RETURN**
  • Listed By bluebell86
  • Views 2506
  • BLUEBELL Poster Image
  • BLUEBELL Extra Image


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DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
We'd love a photo! Send it to me and I'll do it for you. Will email you. x
Hi and thank you all for your lovely comments. I came on here today to upload a picture of bluebell and tinkerbell but don't seem to know how to do it. I think where I have closed it as reunited the update option is no longer there. If anybody knows how I do it and wants to see a picture I will definitely put one on xc
I'm so pleased this lovely little girlie is safely back home xx
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
Great news:)) Welcome home Bluebell.x
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
I was so glad to have your text and know that Bluebell has been found. You did it! Well done. Poor dogs have both been through the mill, but they are back together again, as it should be and all is well. Thank you for your kind words; we exist simply to help dogs and owners reunite and our founder Jayne, has always been adamant that DogLost will ALWAYS be a free service. As so it sbould be. We do it from our hearts. Kisses to Bluebell & Tinkerbell xx. God bless you all. x
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Oh my goodness, poor Bluebell. I'm so glad for you that she is home safe now and I'm sure with your tlc she will be fine.
Sounds like Tinkerbell is a happy dog too! Well done bluebell86.
Lovely words of thanks from you :)
Hi I just wanted to let you know bluebell is safe home as from today and I've microchipped her immediately. I had registered bluebell on every site avaliable and it cost a fortune which I didn't care about but wanted to mention it as this was the only free site I came across and the only site that gave me hope and help and that's down to all the lovely committed people who actually care and through the posters that areaavailable for printing is what helped find her. Her blind sister tinkerbell was over the moon when bluebell came in and got up for the first time in two days, I can't thank any of you enough and that I promise each and every one of you are angels and I would like to say a extra thank you to Bernadette who done more than any person could and she has inspired me to now dedicate myself in helping this site, she constantly texted me and contacted people whom I would of had no idea how to as I'm not great with the Internet. I gave up hope as bluebell is such a lovely dog and more like a baby as both herself and tinkerbell lay on the same pillow in bed with my mum so I thought if anyone was blessed to get to know her they wouldn't want to return her, but this has given me faith in people and I would like to tell everyone to never give up hope like I did as they can be found although you never believe it. Thank you all so much and I will be making a donation to this site once I manage to get money back together. Thank you all soo much and a picture will follow soon xxxxx
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Does look darker, but when fur is cut some dogs do look a diff colour. Don't think its her, but have texted owner to check. Thank you GillyP.x
I have just cross posted a female yorkie from SDK found in UB9. Bit of a trek but she might have been picked up. Colour on back looks darker but please take a look when it appears on found pages. This is the SDK link

Check hedges, outbuildings etc, as she is nervous she may be hiding. As someone has already suggested tzake your blind dog with you as the dog may be able to sniff her out. Hope Bluebell will be found soon.Last edited: 2015-06-13 08:14:04
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Emailed owner.
There is a lady that does search for dogs with a GSD
Maybe someone here knows of her and can point you in her direction.
Also maybe the blind dog will find her if you take the dog out on a lead.
Blind dogs get a brilliant sense of smell
Good luck fingers crossed for you
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Owner is new to the area and could do with some help with some help...also owner is Bluebell microchipped?
Hi if anyone can help track down bluebell I will pay a reward my other Yorrkie won't eat because she's never been without bluebell and she's totally blind. My two year old son is constantly crying for her and my sister is refusing to leave her bedroom it feels more like a family bereavement with the pain we are all feeling and don't know how long we can carry on like this. Please please help. Her hair is a lot shorter than the photo thank you
Alerts sent to helpers in CM8.

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