Reunited: Fawn Lurcher Male

  • Dog ID 54003
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 26 Jun 2013
  • Name BUTTON
  • Gender & Breed Male Lurcher (Neutered)
  • Age Young Adult
  • Colour Fawn
  • Marks & Scars Marks on his face. Recently castrated.
  • Tagged Yes
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 25 Jun 2013
  • Where Lost Perham Down ranges on Salisbury Plain
  • Lost In Region South West
  • Lost In Post Area SP11
  • Date Found 27 Jun 2013
  • Where Found Wandered home. Didn't remember who we were at first (nerves) but fresh chicken every time lol x Trailed him into the house and within 30 secs he had switched back and remembered who we were (and
  • Found In Region South West
  • Found In Post Area SP11
  • Date Reunited 27 Jun 2013
  • Other Info Very scared dog. Will run from people, other dogs, cars, everything. When he went missing he had on a martingale collar with tags and a brown patterned harness.
  • Listed By danni_mum
  • Views 2706
  • BUTTONPoster Image
  • BUTTONExtra Image


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DogLostBobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
Delighted that Button came home. Succinct reminder of Teddy who so many of us have spent hours looking out for in the same area. You've got a special boy there to find his way home after such a short time! Much celebrating in the Button home tonight I bet?!
Welcome home Buttons. Fresh chicken every time? Sounds like my eldest Cat Ha, ha. Stay safe nowxxx
That's the best news. Buttons you are a handsome, clever chap! Home sweet home! Well done all. x
FOUND!!!!! Looped back on himself (from this morning) and came back home. Lost his harness which he still had this morning. Heard him outsaide eating yesterdays breakfast and walking around on the shingle. Can I just say that this service is absolutely brilliant :) xx Thank you all so much :) :) :)Last edited: 2013-06-27 02:57:22 by danni_mum
I live in Salisbury and have tried to spread word over facebook and i will out up a poster in my pub in Salisbury town centre. I am going out with my dogs tomorrow so i will take them for a walk around this area and help look for him. I hope he is found soon, Emma x
Apologies - this sighting already confirmed as another dog and has now returned to owner. I think danni_mum was already aware of it.
Added to FB about 1/2 hour ago (not sure when it was originally posted, or who by);
This is a repost from another site, Im working very close by and ran out to look for this dog but I cant see it, the grass is very long in the fields. "I have just been riding (moped) on Porton Road between the recycling centre and the Baptist church and the traffic had to emergency stop for what looked like a grey coloured grey hound/lurcher. It came onto the road and then went off into the grassy lane on the left hand side of the road (I was heading towards Solstice Park. Please share as it nearly got run down!!!!"
I will get poster up at work and will keep an eye out for him when I am in the area, good luck, hope he home very soon.
Hi there, sorry was at work for a short time so had to use fb as no other internet works. No other sightings since this morning. We are regularly going out with the dog (walking) and then doing a larger area search in the car.
Thanks Lilybear / CPS, I see the owner is writing on FB but not on here so I have posted there (Tidworth dogs club) that she needs to scent back to a safe area (or Home), Are the dogs trust helping? I am back Saturday but hopefully he will be home by then x
Thanks CPS, you are fab. I spoke briefly with owner who is searching, her mum making all calls this morning. I don't think range ops aware. Police informed. Buttons was close to home so fingers crossed not too far. Hoping his he will go to his mate as very close.
DogLostCounty Pet ServicesKaren - Solstices Missing Dogs and Wiltshire volunteer
Hi I have shared and wondered if anyone has contacted range ops as they will put the word out to all personnel working on the Plain to keep a look out. I will contact the land and range wardens too. Hope he is found soon x
Buttons sighted a short time ago heading home to the Perham Village. A neighbour sighted him and attempted to grab his collar but he ran off back along the main road back towards Tidworth – Station Road direction. Owner is out searching with second dog that Buttons is very attached to. Garden gate and door left open at home with breakfast waiting. Owner linked to Dogs Trust, Salisbury where Buttons came from, been in his new home three weeks. Have shared Sammie’s advice sheets.
Alerts sent to helpers in SP4,9,10,11. SN8.

Drone SAR

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