Reunited: Black And White Border Collie Male

  • Dog ID 53085
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 03 Jun 2013
  • Name LHENNY
  • Gender & Breed Male Border Collie
  • Age Older Adult
  • Colour Black and white
  • Marks & Scars Lhenny has a distinctive all-white face. LHENNY HAS A MEDICAL CONDITION AND NEEDS URGENT TREATMENT!
  • Tagged No
  • Microchipped No
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 03 Jun 2013
  • Where Lost our home on Slough Lane, Kingsbury.
  • Lost In Region South East
  • Lost In Post Area NW9
  • Date Found 05 Jun 2013
  • Where Found Canons Park
  • Found In Region South East
  • Found In Post Area HA8
  • Date Reunited 06 Jun 2013
  • Other Info Lhenny is always walked in Fryent Country Park behind our house, so this would be an obvious place for him to go. He is also familiar with Slough Lane and Salmon Street.
  • Listed By CorrinK
  • Views 2779
  • LHENNYPoster Image
  • LHENNYExtra Image


Sightings and Information

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Just saw Lenny with his owner and "brother" Murphy. He is now chipped and tagged in case he has another adventure. It is more than likely he was picked up locally but escaped near Canon's Park as owner is sure he would have returned home on his own after getting out. Thanks to Harrow Dog Warden for catching him!
Lhenny is home safe and sound. We're all so glad to have him back! Thank you sooo much again to everyone who kept searching and put posters up!x
Great news x
thanks Heavens, i can vaguely understand Canons park bur Broxbourne. My friend is over th e moon cos her weimarraner plays LHENNY apparently and she was very upset.
Brilliant!!!!!! Wow, he'd travelled quite a way! Bet he'll be jumping all over you right now! Please get him chipped and keep a collar/tag on him in case it happens again! Now we need to get those posters down.....x
Lhenny was picked up in Canons Park yesterday. He is now in kennels in Broxbourne and we are on the way to pick him up! Thanks again to everyone x
Thanks very much. Got the word out now to most vets and homes in London/Middlesex. Emailed them all pictures and posters so hopefully he'll be home soon x
So sorry to hear Lhenny is missing.. I walk my dogs in Fryent Country park and saw the posters up today. The green man pub also put notices on their black boards inside about him. I will be printing out some posters and will put around Roe Green Village and Roe Green Park tomorrow.. Also shared on my facebook and asked some of the dog walkers around to keep an eye for him.. hope he's safe and sound and comes back home soon! xxx
Lhenny is still missing. Thank you for continuing to look and for all your advise. Contacted all remaining animal homes today but no one has seen or heard anything, although they are keeping an eye out for him. Going out again now for another look so hopefully we'll get him either ourselves or someone brings him back after hearing about or seeing the posters.
Still looking, too.....please also let Animal Welfare Trust, Watford, know (0208 950 0177) as tho it's not really close a lot of people locally know about it. It would be awful if he was taken there and rehomed after a week.
DogLostAunt Stef - Area Volunteer, West London
Just spoken to Lhenny's owner . Will send scenting advice & local contact numbers . Will also put Lhenny on Facebook Doglost West London.
Spent all day looking after a possible sighting last night, but to no avail. Put new, updated posters up around the area so hopefully these will encourage people to keep an eye. By now, it would seem that Lhenny has been taken in by someone (I hope, rather than stolen). If anyone has any information at all please, please contact one of the numbers above! We're missing him very much!
What a lovely looking dog.
Just been for a walk around with Murph and seen all the posters, thank you! Calling him but no response. I'm sure he'll be back soon!
He was spotted locally last night by someone who knows him but didn't realise he was lost. Hope he is getting tired of his adventure and will be home soon! Have put some posters up in area today. Also met owners mother who was out looking.
Thank you everyone. No sign yet, but hopefully he'll turn up once he starts to get hungry! All local vets and animal homes have been notified, as well as the counsil. Fingers crossed!
Heading out armed with posters and have spread the word. Jayne, will check. Thx.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Lesley your account is in order and showing sent...have you checked they are not going to spam...tx
PS Admin, I am no longer receiving alerts when local dogs are missing like I used to.
Really local to me, have shared on FB and twitter. Will ask local dogwalkers to keep a lookout. Hope owner has told Brent Dog Warden, Mayhew Animal Home and vets? Good idea to let postmen/streetcleaners/taxi firms know. And poster EVERYWHERE. Worth ptting poster in local Pets at Home, Hendon too. Good luck, let me know if you want any more help.
friend of friend lives in Slough lane also, walks her dog around that area -as does friend- she probably knows him by sight and will also pass on (no computer i believe)friends in Kingsbury park other side Slough Lane also notified. Owners should try to get Pub - Green Man to put poster up. though they have probably done so.
circulating on twitter
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alert sent to helpers in NW2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10. HA0,1,3,7,8,9.

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