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Male West Highland White Terrier White (Age: Adult)

Missing from Borris/Goresbridge area of Co. Carlow in South East Ireland, ALL AREAS area, Southern Ireland on Monday, 24th June 2013

Figerty is missing (presumed stolen) from Co. Carlow, Ireland, since 24th June. He is neutered and microchipped and was wearing a black nylon collar with his identity tags attached. He has trouble with his ears and balance, He does not like being grabbed by the collar or being startled or approached from his left side, I have to pick him up like a baby under his front legs. He is more like a child than a dog and I am frantic with worry about his whereabouts! Cash reward offered for info leading to his safe

There is a CASH REWARD for FIGERTY's safe return.

Help us find FIGERTY - print this poster from https://www.doglost.co.uk/poster.php?dogId=54082

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