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Male Labrador Retriever BLACK (Age: Young Adult)

Missing from Aswarby area of Sleaford. He was last seen in Northbeck only a mile away, but he is a very fit dog, so will have roamed some distance since then. , NG34 area, East Anglia on Wednesday, 18th April 2012

Seb is an incredibly friendly young dog, who would follow anyone, which is why we think he may have been taken in by someone. He has wandered off before, but always came back after a couple of hours. We think he may have gone off looking for a bitch. Any help or information regarding him would be so much appreciated as we miss him desperately.

Help us find SEB - print this poster from https://www.doglost.co.uk/poster.php?dogId=38952

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Reuniting Dogs with their Owners