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found Dogs - Results 16901 to 16950 of 35764
First Page: 339 of 716 Last
DateLatest Alert Date ID Status Name Pic Gender Breed Region
15/06/16 101298 Found UNKNOWN Y Male Staffordshire Bull Terrier Cross South East SL9 1
14/06/16 101291 Found GONE FOR REHOMING Y Female Terrier Cross South West PL27 2
14/06/16 101285 Found SIGHTED ONLY Y Male American Bulldog North East HX6 3
14/06/16 101271 Found UNKNOWN Y Female Terrier Cross South East SG5 2
14/06/16 101270 Found UNKNOWN Y Unknown Staffordshire Bull Terrier Cross East Anglia PE25 3
14/06/16 101261 Found UNKNOWN Y Female Lurcher South East MK45 2
14/06/16 101257 Found UNKNOWN Y Male Cross Breed South East BR5 1
14/06/16 101252 Found UNKNOWN Y Unknown Saluki South East CM21 1
13/06/16 101248 Found UNKNOWN Y Male Border Collie Wales LL55 10
13/06/16 101243 Found UNKNOWN Y Female Jack Russell Terrier South West SN15 3
13/06/16 101236 Found UNKNOWN Y Male American Bulldog South East HP10 1
13/06/16 101230 Found UNKNOWN Y Female Saluki North East S6 3
13/06/16 101228 Found UNKNOWN Y Female Labrador Retriever South East RG31 15
13/06/16 101224 Found UNKNOWN Y Male Terrier Cross South West SN4 4
13/06/16 101223 Found UNKNOWN Y Male Rottweiler South East SE10 1
13/06/16 101221 Found UNKNOWN Y Male Staffordshire Bull Terrier South East SE18 1
13/06/16 101215 Found UNKNOWN Y Unknown West Highland White Terrier East Anglia NN13 3
12/06/16 101192 Found BRUCE Y Male Staffordshire Bull Terrier North West SK9 4
12/06/16 101187 Found UNKNOWN Male Rottweiler Central NN14 5
12/06/16 101173 Found UNKNOWN Y Female Yorkshire Terrier South East W3 1
12/06/16 101171 Found UNKNOWN Y Male Staffordshire Bull Terrier South East HP10 2
12/06/16 101170 Found UNKNOWN Y Female Staffordshire Bull Terrier Cross South East SL6 1
11/06/16 101158 Found SIGHTED ONLY Unknown Jack Russell Terrier South East BN18 1
11/06/16 101150 Found UNKNOWN Y Female English Springer Spaniel South West BS7 13
11/06/16 101147 Found UNKNOWN Y Male West Highland White Terrier South East BR4 3
11/06/16 101133 Found UNKNOWN Y Male Staffordshire Bull Terrier Cross South East HP21 1
11/06/16 101130 Found UNKNOWN Y Female Staffordshire Bull Terrier South East SE7 4
11/06/16 101129 Found UNKNOWN Y Male Chihuahua East Anglia NR14 1
11/06/16 101128 Found UNKNOWN Y Male Staffordshire Bull Terrier Cross South East N14 1
10/06/16 101109 Found UNKNOWN Y Male Akita South East TW3 3
10/06/16 101108 Found LASS Female Border Collie South East GU10 2
10/06/16 101101 Found UNKNOWN RIDGEBACK CROSS Y Female Cross Breed South West BA5 1
09/06/16 101063 Found UNKNOWN Y Male Yorkshire Terrier South East HA9 1
09/06/16 101062 Found UNKNOWN Y Male Staffordshire Bull Terrier South East SE7 2
09/06/16 101061 Found UNKNOWN Y Female West Highland White Terrier South East UB5 5
09/06/16 101059 Found UNKNOWN Y Male Mastiff cross South East SE18 2
09/06/16 101058 Found UNKNOWN Male Jack Russell Terrier Central B13 1
08/06/16 101047 Found DISTRESSED CAT SIGHTED Unknown Cat South East OX28 10
08/06/16 101046 Found UNKNOWN Y Female Cat North West M9 0
08/06/16 101034 Found UNKNOWN Unknown Spaniel Cross South East CM23 2
08/06/16 101033 Found UNKNOWN Y Male Cross Breed South East W3 3
08/06/16 101014 Found UNKNOWN Y Male Staffordshire Bull Terrier South East HP21 2
08/06/16 101008 Found UNKNOWN Y Female Staffordshire Bull Terrier South East SE28 3
07/06/16 100988 Found ROXY Y Female Mastiff cross South East NW2 2
07/06/16 100987 Found UNKNOWN Y Female Collie Cross South East HP21 1
07/06/16 100984 Found COCKATIEL X2 Y Unknown Bird South East RG1 2
07/06/16 100979 Found BORDER COLLIE CROSS PUPPY Y Male Border Collie South East IG4 3
06/06/16 100964 Found GONE FOR REHOMING Y Female Yorkshire Terrier South West PL30 9
06/06/16 100963 Found UNKNOWN Female Labrador Retriever Central ST14 1
06/06/16 100959 Found UNKNOWN Y Female Jack Russell Terrier South East LU7 2
First Back Page: 339 of 716 Next Last

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