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reunited Dogs - Results 49951 to 50000 of 96364
First Page: 1000 of 1928 Last
DateLatest Alert Date ID Status Name Pic Gender Breed Region
10/07/16 102191 Reunited UNKNOWN Y Female Patterdale Cross North West WN1 1
10/07/16 102180 Reunited ROLO Y Male Jack Russell Terrier Cross South West SN4 6
10/07/16 102177 Reunited MOLLY Y Female Jack Russell Terrier Cross South East OX7 10
10/07/16 102176 Reunited TOBY Y Male Labrador Cross South East OX11 5
10/07/16 102171 Reunited UNKNOWN Y Female Rottweiler South East KT15 2
10/07/16 102162 Reunited MONTY Y Male Dachshund: Miniature Wales SA1 4
10/07/16 102169 Reunited BAILEY Y Male Yorkshire Terrier Central DE21 3
10/07/16 102168 Reunited DAISY Y Female French Bulldog Central WS3 4
10/07/16 102063 Reunited BEN SIGHTINGS VERY NERVOUS PLEASE DO NOT TRY TO CATCH HIM Y Male Collie Cross North West M30 20
10/07/16 102165 Reunited DUNCAN Y Male Bedlington Terrier North East LS27 4
10/07/16 102160 Reunited ZOE Y Female Terrier Cross South East LU4 2
10/07/16 102110 Reunited UNKNOWN Y Female Chihuahua Cross South East BR7 3
10/07/16 102128 Reunited ROLO Y Female Manchester Terrier North East NE30 7
10/07/16 102135 Reunited LOLA Y Female Poodle: Miniature Wales CH8 12
10/07/16 102148 Reunited HENRY Y Male Cross Breed North East S71 9
10/07/16 102154 Reunited LIBBY Y Female Jack Russell Terrier East Anglia CB8 7
10/07/16 102156 Reunited MISCHA Y Female Chinese Crested North West PR4 8
09/07/16 102158 Reunited BELLA Female Manchester Terrier South East SE13 1
09/07/16 102153 Reunited OSCAR Y Male Norfolk Terrier South East BR4 4
09/07/16 102151 Reunited MURPHY Y Male Cross Breed South East RM8 14
09/07/16 102147 Reunited JUNIOR Y Male Staffordshire Bull Terrier Cross South East UB3 8
09/07/16 102140 Reunited UNKNOWN Y Male Staffordshire Bull Terrier South East UB3 5
09/07/16 102142 Reunited ABBY AND KAMMY SISTERS MISSING Y Female Staffordshire Bull Terrier North West OL11 7
09/07/16 102139 Reunited NELL PREVIOUS NAME SPOT WHICH IS ON HER CHIP Y Female Border Collie North West PR6 12
09/07/16 102138 Reunited DAISY Y Female Staffordshire Bull Terrier Cross East Anglia NG31 9
09/07/16 102137 Reunited CHARISS Y Female English Bull Terrier South West TR12 10
09/07/16 102136 Reunited CHARLIE Y Male Shih Tzu cross South East PO7 4
09/07/16 102127 Reunited LEELA Y Female Shar Pei Cross South West TR15 8
09/07/16 102129 Reunited STANLEY ALSO ANSWERS TO MANNY Y Male Mastiff cross South East SM1 10
09/07/16 101730 Reunited UNKNOWN Y Male Staffordshire Bull Terrier South East E17 3
09/07/16 101821 Reunited UNKNOWN Y Female Staffordshire Bull Terrier Cross South East E10 2
09/07/16 102057 Reunited BUDDA Y Male Cockerpoo Scotland ML3 9
09/07/16 102076 Reunited UNKNOWN Y Male Staffordshire Bull Terrier South East CR3 6
09/07/16 102090 Reunited 2 X JACK RUSSELL TERRIERS FOUND Y Unknown Jack Russell Terrier South East GU15 5
09/07/16 102093 Reunited RED Y Male Husky Cross South West BS27 8
09/07/16 102111 Reunited SHYAM Y Male Husky Cross South East HA0 10
08/07/16 102117 Reunited CROSS BREED LOTTY Y Female Cross Breed North West CW9 9
08/07/16 102116 Reunited CRAVAT Y Male Cocker Spaniel South East N10 1
08/07/16 102114 Reunited MARY Y Female Lurcher South West OX10 3
08/07/16 100339 Reunited DALTON Y Male Weimaraner East Anglia PE11 11
08/07/16 102101 Reunited TILLY Y Female Border Terrier Central S80 10
08/07/16 102109 Reunited LARRY Y Male Weimaraner South East SG10 4
08/07/16 102108 Reunited BONNIE STOLEN Y Female Staffordshire Bull Terrier South East SS1 16
08/07/16 102105 Reunited UNKNOWN Y Male Labrador Retriever South East LU5 2
08/07/16 102099 Reunited COCOA Female Labrador Retriever South West GL11 5
08/07/16 99801 Reunited STRAYOW2OW3 Female Staffordshire Bull Terrier Central LE2 1
08/07/16 100961 Reunited UNKNOWN Y Unknown Staffordshire Bull Terrier Cross East Anglia IP6 6
08/07/16 101842 Reunited ROSE Y Female Rhodesian Ridgeback South East HA9 4
08/07/16 101851 Reunited AUDREY SIGHTED Y Female Chihuahua Central DN4 16
08/07/16 101959 Reunited BELLA Y Female Cat North East DN4 3
First Back Page: 1000 of 1928 Next Last

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