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All Registered Dogs - Results 1 to 20 of 20
Page: 1 of 1
DateLatest Alert Date ID Status Name Pic Gender Breed Region
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All Registered
10/05/23 184162 Reunited COCO Y Female Yorkshire Terrier Scotland G77 5
24/04/23 183841 Reunited COCO Y Female Yorkshire Terrier Scotland G77 7
31/05/21 166920 Reunited RITA Y Female Cross Breed Scotland G77 9
27/10/20 161558 Reunited LOCKIE Y Male Jack Russell Terrier Scotland G77 4
24/03/20 155497 Reunited FLORA Y Female Cross Breed Scotland G77 3
28/07/18 132398 Reunited LUCCA Y Male Lurcher Scotland G77 8
04/02/18 125177 Reunited BAXTER Y Unknown Jack Russell Terrier Scotland G77 4
29/01/18 124795 Rainbow Bridge TYSON Y Male Staffordshire Bull Terrier Cross Scotland G77 10
31/10/17 121030 Reunited MILO Y Male Cross Breed Scotland G77 18
02/08/17 115129 Lost WINNIE Y Female Jack Russell Terrier Scotland G77 13
07/05/17 112365 Rainbow Bridge PJAY Y Male French Bulldog Scotland G77 44
15/11/16 107249 Reunited LEXIE Y Female Mastiff cross Scotland G77 7
01/11/16 106770 Lost RINGO Y Male Cross Breed Scotland G77 21
08/01/15 81050 Rainbow Bridge LOLA Y Female English Springer Spaniel Scotland G77 14
10/09/14 74729 Reunited KAISER Y Male German Shepherd Dog Scotland G77 5
06/05/14 68494 Reunited PUMPKIN Y Male Cat Scotland G77 2
06/11/13 59582 Rainbow Bridge DECEASED DOG Unknown Border Collie Scotland G77 17
14/02/12 37052 Reunited SPUD AND ALFIE Male Terrier Cross Scotland G77 2
19/12/09 21132 Reunited DILLON Male Bearded Collie Scotland G77 3
18/02/09 17115 Reunited GINNY Y Female Dalmatian Scotland G77 2
Page: 1 of 1

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