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All Registered Dogs - Results 51 to 73 of 73
Page: 2 of 2
DateLatest Alert Date ID Status Name Pic Gender Breed Region
All Registered
All Registered
01/12/11 34549 Rainbow Bridge CHARLIE Y Male King Charles Spaniel Rainbow Bridge WV14 22
09/11/11 34315 Found UNKNOWN Y Male Staffordshire Bull Terrier Cross Central WV14 0
17/05/11 29843 Reunited UNKNOWN Y Unknown English Springer Spaniel Central WV14 10
02/02/11 27309 Lost OZZY Y Male Labrador Retriever Central WV14 14
07/07/10 24068 Reunited UNKNOWN Female Siberian Husky Central WV14 1
26/01/10 21687 Reunited REBEL Y Male Staffordshire Bull Terrier Central WV14 1
17/01/10 21581 Found UNKNOWN Y Male English Springer Spaniel 0
08/07/09 18995 Lost TIA Female English Bull Terrier Central WV14 5
01/09/08 14724 Reunited SADIE Y Female Terrier Cross Central WV14 9
20/06/08 14026 Found 980524 Y Female German Shepherd Dog 3
04/01/08 11915 Lost TEDDY Y Male Yorkshire Terrier Central WV14 36
03/12/07 11651 Lost CALLY Female Jack Russell Terrier Central WV14 7
01/01/04 1135 Lost MINNIE Y Chihuahua South West WV14 20
01/01/04 2081 Lost CHARLIE Cross Breed South West WV14 4
01/01/04 2240 Lost JAKE Y Staffordshire Bull Terrier South West WV14 8
01/01/04 3638 Lost GIRLIE Staffordshire Bull Terrier South West WV14 10
01/01/04 3639 Lost BUDDY Staffordshire Bull Terrier South West WV14 4
01/01/04 4048 Lost BEN Terrier Cross South West WV14 11
01/01/04 4152 Found COLLIE CROSS Collie Cross 0
01/01/04 6681 Lost ZEUS German Shepherd Dog South West WV14 24
01/01/04 10470 Found 3019 Staffordshire Bull Terrier 0
01/01/04 10708 Lost LADY Staffordshire Bull Terrier South West WV14 10
01/01/04 1134 Lost PEPI Y Chihuahua South West WV14 5
Back Page: 2 of 2

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