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All Registered Dogs - Results 201 to 250 of 297
First Page: 5 of 6
DateLatest Alert Date ID Status Name Pic Gender Breed Region
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11/02/14 64459 Reunited SL464 Female Staffordshire Bull Terrier Cross South East SL3 1
26/01/14 63469 Reunited UNKNOWN Y Female Staffordshire Bull Terrier Cross South East SL3 8
19/01/14 63343 Found UNKNOWN Y Male Staffordshire Bull Terrier Cross South East SL3 0
09/01/14 62844 Lost MONTY Y Male Cat South East SL3 5
31/12/13 62236 Found SL432 Y Female Terrier Cross South East SL3 3
22/12/13 61753 Reunited UNKNOWN Female Golden Retriever South East SL3 6
18/12/13 61534 Found SL412 Y Female Labrador Cross South East SL3 1
24/11/13 60391 Reunited COCO Y Male Chihuahua South East SL3 5
15/11/13 60013 Lost KILLER Y Female Chihuahua South East SL3 17
14/11/13 59934 Reunited NARLA Y Female Staffordshire Bull Terrier Cross South East SL3 7
13/11/13 59913 Found SL390 Y Male Bedlington Terrier South East SL3 1
29/10/13 59103 Reunited SL377 Y Male Bulldog Cross South East SL3 2
17/10/13 58528 Found SL367 Y Female Jack Russell Terrier Cross South East SL3 2
17/10/13 58393 Found UNKOWN Y Female Rottweiler South East SL3 3
11/10/13 58305 Found MOLLY Y Female English Springer Spaniel South East SL3 4
06/09/13 57016 Found SL341 Y Female Greyhound South East SL3 8
06/09/13 57013 Found SL335 Y Male Unknown South East SL3 7
25/08/13 56579 Lost MIKEY Y Male Yorkshire Terrier South East SL3 18
22/08/13 56473 Lost UNKNOWN Male Jack Russell Terrier South East SL3 3
13/08/13 55725 Reunited THOMAS KETTLE Y Male Cat South East SL3 15
03/08/13 55639 Reunited BISCUIT Male Jack Russell Terrier Cross South East SL3 3
01/08/13 55055 Reunited EVE Y Female Siberian Husky South East SL3 22
22/07/13 54966 Reunited TIA Y Female Rottweiler South East SL2 9
11/07/13 54564 Found SL258 Y Female Jack Russell Terrier Cross South East SL3 1
06/07/13 54369 Lost JESS Y Female Staffordshire Bull Terrier Cross South East SL3 4
03/07/13 54277 Found SL250 Y Female Rhodesian Ridgeback South East SL3 2
17/06/13 53702 Found SL228 Y Male Jack Russell Terrier Cross South East SL3 1
15/06/13 53618 Reunited GIZMO Y Male Shih Tzu South East SL3 11
10/06/13 53387 Found SL221 Y Female Border Terrier Cross South East SL3 2
05/06/13 53144 Found SL220 Y Female Cross Breed South East SL3 2
13/05/13 52285 Reunited JASPER Y Male Cat South East SL3 7
30/04/13 51805 Found SL187 Y Female Jack Russell Terrier Cross South East SL3 1
04/04/13 50793 Found SL174 Y Female Staffordshire Bull Terrier Cross South East SL3 4
19/03/13 50086 Reunited SL165 Y Male Mastiff South East SL3 5
06/03/13 49670 Found UNKNOWN Female Staffordshire Bull Terrier Cross South East SL3 0
21/02/13 49095 Found DIXIE Male West Highland White Terrier South East SL3 3
21/02/13 49094 Found UNKNOWN Female Jack Russell Terrier Cross South East SL3 0
18/02/13 48972 Found UNKNOWN Male Border Terrier Cross South East SL3 2
18/02/13 48969 Found UNKNOWN Female Terrier Cross South East SL3 0
11/02/13 48381 Found UNKNOWN Female Staffordshire Bull Terrier Cross South East SL3 2
08/02/13 48380 Found UNKNOWN Male Jack Russell Terrier Cross South East SL3 1
05/02/13 48339 Found UNKNOWN Female Cross Breed South East SL3 3
25/01/13 47836 Found UNKNOWN Female Staffordshire Bull Terrier Cross South East SL3 2
21/01/13 47668 Reunited BILLY Male Lurcher South East SL2 6
14/01/13 47371 Reunited SONNY Male Jack Russell Terrier Cross South East SL3 7
14/01/13 47397 Reunited SL122 Male Jack Russell Terrier Cross South East SL3 7
12/01/13 47332 Reunited KNASH Male German Shepherd Dog South East SL3 13
10/01/13 47263 Found UNKNOWN Male Jack Russell Terrier Cross South East SL3 0
14/12/12 46237 Found DOOZLES Male Staffordshire Bull Terrier Cross South East SL3 0
10/12/12 46099 Found UNKNOWN Male Staffordshire Bull Terrier Cross South East SL3 1
First Back Page: 5 of 6 Next

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