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All Registered Dogs - Results 1 to 18 of 18
Page: 1 of 1
DateLatest Alert Date ID Status Name Pic Gender Breed Region
All Registered
All Registered
21/10/23 187884 Lost ERNIE Y Male Border Terrier Wales SA70 6
21/10/23 187826 Reunited BUDDY Y Male Dachshund Cross Wales SA70 9
27/09/22 179104 Reunited BELLE Y Female Cairn Terrier Wales SA70 8
05/06/21 167059 Reunited LUNA Y Female Cross Breed Wales SA70 15
16/08/20 159420 Reunited MISSY Y Female Chinese Crested Wales SA70 7
17/12/18 138257 Lost DAISY Y Female Beagle Wales SA70 13
15/12/18 138156 Lost HARLEY Y Male Labrador Retriever Wales SA70 17
12/12/18 138065 Reunited HATTI Y Female English Springer Spaniel Wales SA70 6
12/12/18 138064 Reunited GRIFF Y Male English Springer Spaniel Wales SA70 5
29/09/17 120417 Lost ZEENA Y Female Dutch Shepherd Dog Wales SA70 7
16/08/17 118730 Reunited LUNA Y Female Chihuahua Wales SA7 8
28/05/16 100426 Reunited JOSH EX LOGIC SIGHTED Y Male Lhasa Apso Wales SA70 19
01/07/15 88856 Found UNKNOWN Y Male English Springer Spaniel Wales SA70 11
08/07/14 71571 Reunited NAHLA Y Female Cairn Terrier Wales SA70 4
20/12/12 46278 Lost GIZMO Y Male Chihuahua Wales SA70 17
06/09/12 42776 Lost POPPY Female Cross Breed Wales SA70 2
04/10/11 23622 Reunited MOLLY Y Female Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Wales SA70 33
30/07/09 19265 Lost KIERA Y Female Jack Russell Terrier Wales SA70 4
Page: 1 of 1

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