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All Registered Dogs - Results 1 to 17 of 17
Page: 1 of 1
DateLatest Alert Date ID Status Name Pic Gender Breed Region
All Registered
All Registered
01/05/23 183949 Reunited HUDSON Y Male Dachshund: Miniature South East PO1 11
18/04/18 127414 Rainbow Bridge FREDDIE Y Male Corgi Cross South East PO1 13
28/04/17 114228 Reunited GIZMO Y Male Cat South East PO1 12
05/03/17 112212 Lost GEOFFERY Y Male Lakeland Terrier South East PO1 8
23/05/16 100402 Lost OLLIE Y Male English Springer Spaniel South East PO1 8
18/08/14 73746 Lost OLLIE Y Male English Springer Spaniel South West PO1 16
23/06/13 53853 Reunited TIA Y Female Jack Russell Terrier South East PO1 5
03/11/11 34038 Found UNKOWN Y Male Lurcher South East PO1 1
14/10/11 33476 Found UNCLAIMED STRAY Male Rottweiler 6
20/07/11 31231 Found UNKNOWN Y Female Labrador Retriever South East PO1 2
31/03/10 22677 Lost CHERRY Female Jack Russell Terrier South East PO1 3
02/11/09 20482 Reunited TIFFANY ?CASH REWARD Y Female Yorkshire Terrier South East PO1 1
27/05/09 18524 Lost MOUSE Female Cairn Terrier South East PO1 3
01/04/09 17488 Lost TOBY Y Male Collie Cross South East PO1 9
16/01/09 16683 Lost ROBBIE Male German Shepherd Cross South East PO1 3
03/09/08 14888 Found UNKNOWN Female Rottweiler 0
01/01/08 11944 Reunited BERTIE Male Schipperke East Anglia PO1 24
Page: 1 of 1

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