Lost: Black White Brown Jack Russell Terrier Male In North West (M25)

  • Dog ID 98205
  • Status Lost
  • Registered 05 Feb 2016
  • Name DUKE
  • Gender & Breed Male Jack Russell Terrier
  • Age
  • Colour Black white brown
  • Marks & Scars Short smooth hair
  • Tagged No
  • Microchipped No
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Lost 05 Feb 2016
  • Where Lost Prestwich area
  • Lost In Region North West
  • Lost In Post Area M25
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info
  • Listed By Jordan d
  • Views 5822
  • DUKEPoster Image
  • DUKEExtra Image


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are mdh aware, cheshire dogs home, leigh cats and dogs home, warden and police, highways agency also?
the absence of a chip is worrying, if someone has him or even takes him to the vets, then he wont be identified as stolen or lost...
with no sightings lets hope he has been taken in by somebody kind..
Well done Maxine and Jordan. I do hope Duke is spotted soon. Poor little guy.
Jordan d
Please share, your all doing an amazing job it's very much appreciated
Get duke home is the name and is active now, please look in and share thanks
okay jordan has asked someone to help set up a facebook page tomorrow and i asked him to post here or let me the name they choose so we can get sharing, inviting local and maybe get a search together and others to help poster?
can someone contact the owners or jordan and ask them to set up a facebook page??
maxine I am NW based but too far away to get to this area when its still light. Elspethjones acted immediately on the day Duke was lost, found then lost again under very unusual circumstances and helped spread the word to locals and with posters etc. She has done a great job. Duke was found in okley and brought to this area but escaped. Don't know who finders were originally but they may have been out all weekend looking? Kind people like doglover have shared via facebook. I agree with elspethjones that Duke's family need to spread the news via social media. I think Jordan was ringing kennels as per advice on here too. Perhaps Jordan could update on here? Thank you.
I haven't found it, it isn't my dog. Jordan d is the owner's son. I don't know the owners or anything about the dog other than what is on this website. I've done what I can considering the circumstances. The owner need to set up Facebook pages and ring the kennels, council etc.
have you a facebook page set up?
did you find the dog elspethjones? perhaps on facebook page you could ask for volunteers and set up a date/time to see who can come along, often volunteers will come if asked etc? we have done this many times before, and got lotsof help. xx
Maxine I would love to do that and have done house to house before for another dog but I am doing this on my own. I flyered Simister a few weeks ago for my husband's and also a friend's business and it took 2 of us 1.1/2 hours and we were speed walking. Between work, children and my own dog I can't pull it off on my own, I also won't do on my own as only free evenings and it's dark by 5pm. But if anyone wants to come and join me on a mutually convenient evening I am ok with that.x
have you sent flyers into the houses in simister? we do this often for lost doggies to make those aware no on fb or doglost? its a great word to get the word spread? perhaps also consider flyers into heywood road houses also?
Flyers in both pubs but same yet closed until the 8th. No shops anymore. Posters from the corner of St Margaret's Road/Heywood Road up to Heywood Old Road, both sides. Outside St Margaret's and Parrenthorn schools x
have you also been into the two pubs in simister to make them aware and ask them to put posters up for local drinkers? one is the same yet, also a couple of shops up there?? has the bus terminus been postered also? perhaps one could go up in brookvale care home if you ask nicely?
You're doing a great job Liz. I hope someone spots him soon, especially after seeing all the posters x
I've been and put missing, coloured photo laminated posters up throughout Simister. Also at every entrance to Heaton Park around the whole circumference, including Blackley, Sheepfoot Lane, Middleton. Also at both ends of Bridle Road (popular dog walk from Heywood Road/Simister Lane which runs between fields and park boundary wall all the way to Middleton). Poster have been put up at both ends of the bumpy road which runs from Bowlee to Simister. x Last edited: 2016-02-06 11:59:43 by elspethjones
Just spoke to owner, the Found Dog on animal warden website is NOT Duke. They think it was the person who found him and brought him to Prestwich that put that post on and had not been removed when he went missing from Simister, Prestwich. PLEASE KEEP LOOKING AND SHARING X
the poor owner,now very anxious,has been tring to contact animal wardens limited on the 2 numbers listed for over an hour now-no replies at either-not good enough...update-they say its not duke-so please keep sharing.xLast edited: 2016-02-06 10:02:32 by Karis

Found Dog
05 Feb 2016 Jack Russell
Location: Manchester M25
Gender: Male
Colour: Tri
Size: Small
Our Ref: 375254

For further details call 0161 297 0268
To amend, email info@animalwardens.co.uk quoting our ref and full postcode, attach picture if available

One of the holding Kennels used by animal wardens from many areas is Common Fold Kennels, Cumbermere Ln, Tyldesley M29 8ND, 01942 882321. Worth a try.
Jordan d
Thankyou I will ring them first thing
Bury council no longer use Manchester Dogs Home. Animal wardens collect the dogs in the Bury area and they are then transported to their holding kennels; you will need to contact Animal Wardens for more infomation on what then happens regarding claiming the dog back.
However, it is possible that dogs can cross borders so may be worth contacting Manchester Dogs Home just in case
Bury council does not send their dogs to Leigh cats and dogs home - they sent them to Manchester Dogs home although the contract may have just been changed to Merseyside dogs home . TBC - either way definitely not Leigh
Link here https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/holding_kennels_for_stray_dogs_103
Edited due to predictive text errors Last edited: 2016-02-05 19:33:23 by Bo
If he is taken by dog wardens they will take him to Leigh Cats and Dogs home, try ringing them and ring often. They are not very organised and if a dog gets taken in after someone has rang they will not use their common sense and ring you back, so I have heard anyway?!
Shared with neighbour Paul in case he's in the Farmers tonight.Sorry I couldn't find him. Simister is a small village, everyone knows each other so with any luck........Last edited: 2016-02-05 18:29:19 by elspethjones
Jordan d
Thankyou Liz I will give your number to my mum (dogs owner) much appreciated
Thank you for this Liz x
Spoken to Helen who lives on Farm Lane and she knew about him as a local rang her asking if it was one of her dogs. There are posters up on Farm Lane but nowhere else I can see. I parked on Mount Pleasant and walked over Egypt Lane bridge, this goes over the M62 so really high and good views. If the owner (sorry, this whole thing is rather confusing so I don't know who the owner is) wants to talk to me, come down to search, door knock or put flyers up, I can help and also use my house as a base. Keep me informed. If you want me to put posters in the vets in the area let me know. I can do first thing. Liz 07817 258484. Good luck x
circulating on twitter.......DUKE Tri Col JR MISSING http://bit.ly/1ocOhyG #Prestwich #M25 Plz RT
Jordan's post code ref links to Farm Lane and near Farmers Arms! Great, you're a star x
Jordan d
Thankyou so much means a lot
I've messaged Helen who owns the farm on Farm Lane and also Deana who has a horse on Egypt Lane. Our gardener keeps his equipment at a farm up there too so will contact him. Paul across the road drinks in the Farmers Arms, its Friday - he'll be in there tonight. My mate's mum lives on Simister Lane, will whatsapp her the photo x
Jordan d
He belongs in Otley West Yorkshire, he is still missing and it would be great if you could contact your friends on the farms, he has lived on a farm for the last 8years he doesn't bother sheep at home like I said before he's too soft
Ok, got it, just seen another post, lost in Otley, finder from Prestwich and taken him there but he escaped garden. I'll head out now.
Will share to Facebook.
There are a few farms near the postcode Jordan posted I think. Must be worth a try if you can text anyone just in case he is still missing? Especially before it goes dark today too. Thanks elspethjones. x
HI, I'm 5 minutes walk away from Simister. I would have been up there now getting my son but he's walked home. Lots of fields, backs onto Heaton Park. Is he def still missing? I have friends up there, 2 who own farms, will text them if he is.
What is the link with Otley? Where should the dog actually live/be? x
Last edited: 2016-02-05 15:50:11 by elspethjones
Aw thanks Jordan, you're doing a great job. Simister is quite a rural village I think, near motorways though. Poor little one I hope someone spots him tonight.
Jordan d
Yeah unfortunately Maxine :(
from otley to prestwich? wow and now strange, sad but i have shared far and wide...poor doggy
Jordan d
elspethjones the postal code we were given by the finder was M25 2RX if that's any help
Jordan d
Billy Bob, he was picked up in Otley and taken to the finders home and he's escaped, he's very timid not a nasty dog, I know everyone says that but he's really soft lol
Where about in Prestwich did he go missing? I've been in Prestwich clough for the last hour and no sign of him there? More info please if he's still missing x
Jordan d
Sorry I do apologise the dogs location is the simister area. Sorry for the confusion
NickyB, is this little one lost in Prestwich? His poster has some info regarding found in Otley? Just wondering as I am in the North West area. Sorry if I'm misunderstanding :) Thanks
with 3 rescued jack russells sorry to duke is missing and without an id tag or microchip. do hope he is found and reunited
Alerts sent to helpers in M7,9,25,27,45.
Sorry to see that DUKE is missing.
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