Reunited: White And Tan Jack Russell Terrier Male

  • Dog ID 97349
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 16 Jan 2016
  • Name TINTIN
  • Gender & Breed Male Jack Russell Terrier
  • Age
  • Colour White and Tan
  • Marks & Scars Mainly white but has 2 tan ears and a tan patch on his left side of face
  • Tagged Unknown
  • Microchipped No
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Lost 06 Jan 2016
  • Where Lost Froghall in Staffordshire
  • Lost In Region Central
  • Lost In Post Area ST10
  • Date Found 25 Jan 2016
  • Found In Region Central
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info Very nervous with strangers, sweet nature, suffers with colitis and very concerned he may be unwell as well as lost.
  • Listed By Eddie
  • Views 5475
  • TINTINPoster Image
  • TINTINExtra Image


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This chap was reunited back in Jan 2016. Owners are fund raising in response to all the help they received. FB Page is called Our Tin Tins Journey. Needs moving to reunited. x
Massive thank you for everything - What can I say except you are all brilliant. Taking him to the vets tomorrow for a check up and to be chipped xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Ah bless him. He looks happy to be back with his pals. Xxxx
He was found in a barn in Grindon approx 10 miles away from where he went missing.
Welcome home Tintin.
Refresh to view. Getting a wash from his mum
What wonderful news!! I am so delighted and can only imagine your relief and happiness. I do hope that he is well and recovering from his ordeal, he's been out in the cold a long time for such a little chap. If you could advise how he was finally found, when you have time, that would be appreciated. Welcome home Tintin!
Brilliant news. Stay safe now. Xxx
Get him chipped, a lot of heartache would have been avoided if he had been chipped.
He's home 🎈🎉🎁💖.
Eddie, if you are having trouble getting hold of night vision goggles, just a suggestion - perhaps contact Coombes Valley Nature Reserve? I would imagine the staff there might use these and be happy to lend given that little Tintin is lost so close by. Worth a try.
Hi Eddie, As far as I am aware nobody in this area has any Night Vision Goggles.
we have taffy thomas helping us tomorrow and she has asked if we could borrow from yourselves 'Night vision goggles'x many thanks xxx
Will share to Facebook.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Tx Eddie...will try calling you now. Jayne
Hi i don't know if this is something that as doglost that you can do but i am trying so hard to keep everyone update on FB but at the same time organise things,search, make calls, take info etc etc. on tintins page i am choosing my words so carefully and keeping to up to dates facts because people can go off on a rant and blame/question people and loose sight of the core important issue of the little soul who is lost and the family who is distraught. as doglost would it be possible to make an independent but professional statement to basically settle the people with 'opinions yet are doing nothing to help. Just as a professional polite statement please stating the benefits of FB but also the potential down falls and to give the distraught family and helpers some understanding please ????? if you can't i understand
It sounds like a complete catalogue of disasters, how appalling that those responsible don't seem to be helping. I read on Moorlands Dog Rescue how he came to be lost. Hope that there are sightings of him to enable you to leave the traps in appropriate places and fingers crossed that little Tintin will be tempted by the fishy smells and soon be home with you x
circulating on twitter......TINTIN White/Tan JR MISSING #Froghall #Staffordshire #ST10 Nervous + Unwell Plz RT
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Twitter alerts requested.
Thank you so much for your help and advise. Received the humane traps tonight from the lovely Vicky O'Leary and she even brought some fish as well bless her xxx have contacted the Operational Manager for environmental health for Staffs moorlands on friday because it was the dog warden who lost the dog and did not report it or inform the vets he had picked him up from . A catalogue of disasters. messaged the manager sun pm and she should have contacted mon and still hasn't
Not sure if you have it but the telephone number for the Staffordshire Moorlands Dog Warden is 01538 483530
Such a vast rural area, lots of open countryside, poor TinTin could be wandering anywhere and not be spotted. He's already about 8 miles from where he was lost, heading into the Peak District by the sounds of it. I'm not on Facebook but is there someone who can ensure that he's highly visible on there? The word really needs to get around somehow to people in the Leek/Ashbourne/Buxton triangle. It's too cold for a little dog like this to be out in the Moorlands area, especially if he might be poorly.
You must poster everywhere and anywhere. Get media invoked. Contact local vets and rescue centres. Phone dog warden everyday.also check on Petslocated website and SDK I stray dogs website daily. Last edited: 2016-01-16 11:01:57 by Doglover
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alerts sent to helpers in ST9,10,13.
Has been seen 15/01/2016 near Butterton and Onecote in the Staffordshire Moorlands

Drone SAR

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