Rainbow Bridge: Black Greyhound Male

  • Dog ID 91960
  • Status Rainbow Bridge
  • Registered 11 Sep 2015
  • Name BOSLEY
  • Gender & Breed Male Greyhound (Neutered)
  • Age Adult
  • Colour Black
  • Marks & Scars Scar on mid thigh. Has broken stifle in past.
  • Tagged Unknown
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 11 Sep 2015
  • Where Lost West Pinchbeck, Spalding, Lincs
  • Lost In Region East Anglia
  • Lost In Post Area PE11
  • Date Reunited 13 Feb 2018
  • Other Info Not aggressive. A bit overweight.
  • Listed By Jay53
  • Views 5157
  • BOSLEYPoster Image
  • BOSLEYExtra Image


Sightings and Information

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Bosley was hit by a car and found in the dyke near the kennels he was taken home and buried in the top paddock.For what ever reason his owner chose to keep that information to herself despite the fact that there were a lot of people still doing regular searches for him myself being one of them .I was having a conversation with Paul from the kennels some weeks after the incident about Bosley and it being odd that there had never been a sighting when he told me they had found him after receiving information from the driver of the car that had hit him a short time after he went missing they brought him home and buried him .Last edited: 2018-02-17 22:49:12 by lucylocket
Hello - Yes, I had heard that Bosley was hit by a car and found in a dyke near to his home, but when I asked his owner she was unaware of this, and we have had no proof. I rang the council (refuse collection) and was told that no dogs were found along that road, and we searched and found nothing, so I have left this page open, just in case.

Thanks for the comment, Lucylocket. If you have further information, or any proof - for instance, if you know who it was that found his body - it would be good to hear it!
DogLostNicky - Area Co-ordinator London, Home Counties & Police Liaison
So sorry to hear that x
I was unaware that Bosley was still listed as missing he was actually hit by a car and found in a dyke near where he went missing and went to Rainbow Bridge
Have the owners checked any Travellers sites in area near where he went missing?
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
Sadly Bosley is stilling, no news or sightings....
Any news on Bosley, no comments since 18 Oct. xx
I'm planning a Thunderclap for Bosley, who is still missing, now presumed stolen (despite extensive searches, postering, questioning local businessmen, farmers, couriers, postmen, vets, shelters, dog wardens etc) no sightings have come in and no body has been found.

If anyone who has a Twitter account would like to help, please follow BrambleberryRGT, and sign up for the Thunderclap when it goes live. Many thanks!

DogLostMe N My Girl - Administrative Volunteer
I've just removed the bit on other info saying "not a photo just a graphic" to avoid any confusion. Come on Bosley show yourself, he's probably moving around late evening and early morning. Must be hungry by now or he may be raiding bins etc.
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
Actual photo of Bosley now added, you may have to refresh the page.
Thanks for taking the time to post, Doglover:

GALR (Greyhound & Lurcher Rescue), Greyhound Gap, Lost, Stolen & Missing Sighthounds and Running Dogs, Stamford Greyhound & Lurcher Walking Group, Great British Greyhound Walk, and the Retired Greyhound Trust via the Great Greyhound Gathering have been notified and given his details, and he's also been posted on DogLost Lincolnshire and DogLost Cambridgeshire Facebook pages, and three dog-related groups in Peterborough. Searching For Rennie (a FB group dedicated to finding another missing black greyhound and LostBox plus LostBox Pets have been notified.

Those are just the dog-related internet groups. Local farmers & farm workers, the Fen Drainage Board, dog walkers, postmen/ladies and delivery men have been given his details too.

There is a file on Bosley's Facebook group (link in post below) which I'm keeping updated with details of what we're doing.

We appreciate all suggestions! Thank you!
Have you listed on lost and found lurched/greyhound website?
Bosley now has a Facebook page to keep track of who is doing what and is a place to post any sightings, information, etc. 'Find Bosley':

Still missing, I'm afraid.

All vets, rescues, boarding kennels etc in the area have been notified. Posters being put up in an ever-widening circle.
Shared on FB. .Hoping Bosley is found very soon xx
Press article: http://www.spaldingtoday.co.uk/news/latest-news/update-fears-grow-for-missing-greyhound-who-may-die-without-medication-1-6955848
https://www.facebook.com/groups/FindBosley/ Stay safe Bosley.
Helperpoppys petsLesley (ID84584)
Think there is a greyhound rescue around PE13 / PE14 so maybe idea to let them know incase he comes in. No greyhounds in at RSPCA eau brink at the mo
Have informed Drainage board they are alerting their digger operators to keep lookout ,Posters are being put out and local kennels vets and business have been alerted .Tracks have been found showing that Bosley initially went down the side of field next to house then crossed the field again and came back up onto Dozens bank .
DogLostMe N My Girl - Administrative Volunteer
If owner doesn't have a photo, I think you can go on "greyhound data" website and if you put in his racing name there may be one on there.
Bosley is both chipped and tattooed. I thought I'd put that in the details, but as yet I don't know his microchip number or his tattoo details. Will add them when his owner can find them. :)
Thanks for changing the postcode!

Sorry - don't have a picture. It's possible that there isn't one! I'll see if I can at least get a picture of a similar dog, but in the meantime a black greyhound graphic will have to do.
DogLostMe N My Girl - Administrative Volunteer
Hello Lesley, have checked postcode out and changed, thanks for that
Helperpoppys petsLesley (ID84584)
Think PE11? We are PE14 nr 13 and a fair distance away. If lost whilst out please leave area.is bosley chipped?
Alerts sent to helpers in PE6,12,13,14.
Photo added ready for email alerts to go out please.
Twitter and website
Text sent requesting photo.

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