Rainbow Bridge: Liver And White English Springer Spaniel Female

  • Dog ID 91280
  • Status Rainbow Bridge
  • Registered 26 Aug 2015
  • Name MOLLY
  • Gender & Breed Female English Springer Spaniel
  • Age Older Adult
  • Colour liver and white
  • Marks & Scars
  • Tagged Unknown
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Lost 26 Aug 2015
  • Where Lost On the coastal path near Zennor.
  • Lost In Region South West
  • Lost In Post Area TR26
  • Where Found Very poorly and on way to vets.. Down mine shaft.. Will update when more news! They're on the way to the Animal Hospital at St Columb, probably a broken
  • Found In Region South West
  • Found In Post Area TR26
  • Date Reunited 28 Aug 2015
  • Other Info
  • Listed By Jayne - Founder Doglost.
  • Views 10974
  • MOLLYPoster Image
  • MOLLYExtra Image


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I was heartbroken to read this. I was praying every day that she would be found ok. I hugged my springer spaniel a little bit tighter. I am so sorry for your loss but am grateful that at least you found her and she with you at the end. The signposts are an excellent idea. Much love to you all.
The signpost would be a wonderful idea x
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Teesidegirl, I think of Molly and her family everyday. You are in my thoughts and prayers that you can someday have peace and be able to move forward from this very sad time.
What a wonderful gesture to make other people aware of the dangers in the area. Thank you so much for your kindness. I do also hope that the mine can be capped very soon.
Sending my continued thoughts to you all and I'm so sorry for your loss. Bless you Molly. Run free little one xx
Molly's mum, what a wonderful, kind, tribute the warning signposts would be to beautiful Molly's memory, please let us know how you go on xx
Oh how heartbreaking. I am so very, very sorry that Molly didn't make it. RIP darling girl. Run happy and free at the Bridge beautiful sweetheart xxxx
As Molly's mum I just wanted to say a huge heartfelt thank you for everyone who has helped us over the past few days, for the good wishes when we she went missing and the lovely messages we have received when we found our girl, it has really helped us to know that so many people were rooting for our Mol. I'm so sad that our gorgeous girl Molly didn't make it. We met some amazing selfless people who helped with our search and can not thank everyone enough. Eventually the Carbis Bay Crew recovered her and once we found her we rushed her to a specialist vets who were wonderful and made her comfortable but her injuries were just too severe so we made the heartbreaking decision to let her slip away. Molly was my heart dog, a true one in a million and I don't know what we'll do without her x love you my gorgeous 'Molly moo' xx sleep tight xx
In her memory we aim to provide signposts in the area to alert visitors to the unmarked dangers in the area x
So sorry, RIP sweetheart, thoughts to your loving family, run free at the bridge with Nellie, love to 3labs too xx
Heartbreaking to read that you have not made it Molly. Run free beautiful girl. My thoughts are with your family who now have closure and I am pleased that you could be surrounded with their love in your last moments xxx
Lovely Molly, such a beautiful girl. You will meet my Nellie who passed away yesterday. Lots of love to your family xx
DogLostSherlock- Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - Avon & South Gloucestersh
I am in tears for you all and your precious Molly...so tragic and very sad she could not be saved xx.God Bless your beautiful girl...she walks by your side and will stay forever in your hearts xx.....in time you will smile once more with stories and beautiful memories of your Molly xx
So sorry for your loss of Molly. Night, night Molly, sleep tight, and have fun wiith George, and Bailey (Springers) who are waiting to play. RIP+ God blessx A~~~Candle~~~burns for you. Run freex (HUG) At least you were with this pretty girl at the end. Molly will never leave you, as she will be with you always in spirit. Until you meet again, when the time is rightx Rememb er the happy times you spent with her, and the good life you gave herx
So sorry for your loss. RIP little one x
charlie and sooty
To Mollys' family,I am so so sorry for your loss. RIP sweet Molly and run free at the bridge x
So very sorry to hear the sad news. A very sad end to a Cornwall holiday for all the family and a freak accident. Molly wouldn't have wanted to be on a lead, she was a Springer with all the joy of life these amazing dogs demonstrate and share with us. Sadly, with freedom comes risk but we're so sorry ...
So so very sorry to read your sad update. Your lovely girl is now forever free of pain and young once more. RIP beautiful Molly xx
So sorry to read this. At least she knew she was loved, and the owners have the chance to lay her to rest. RIP Molly.
Such sad news, my thoughts are with Mollys' family who deserved a happy ending for all they have done.We are taking our springer to the coast next week ,he will be kept on a lead I think, don't want to have this heartbreak xx
Such sad news. So, so sorry to read this, very upsetting for everyone and those who were willing her to get well. Last edited: 2015-08-29 11:17:52 by Wonderous
In tears here. Was so hoping lovely Molly would pull through. I am so very sorry and my thoughts are with the family, who were with her at the end. Run free at the bridge, beautiful girl, where my four springers will be waiting to play xxxx
This is so sad! At least she didn't die alone though and was comfortable and with her beloved owners. RIP little one.
Been thinking of you all night and was devastated to read this this morning. I'm so glad she was found and with you though. Much love. X
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
I am so sorry to read about Molly this morning. Thinking of her family during this sad time. Run free Molly until you all meet again. Xx
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
So sorry to read that Molly didn't make it.
Run free sweet girl, free from pain, with the soft grass under your feet.
Condolences to her owners who did everything they could & at least were with her at the end :(
I am so sorry to hear this news. Tears are rolling for me so can't imagine how you feel. As you have said at least you found her and were with her so you can take comfort from that. Thank you for keeping us updated a lot of people were there for you with our thoughts xx
Devastated she didn't make it, so gratefull she was found and was with her family at the end my thoughts are with everyone involved. Run free dear Molly xx
So very sorry. At least she was back with the people she loved and not alone. Thinking of all her family and friends. Run free at the bridge little one.
I am so sorry to hear your darling girl didn't make it. so glad you found her and she was not alone at the end, my heart is breaking for you but take comfort in the fact you did all you could for her, bless her heart she is running free now.xx
Jot cotswolds
Devastating. Horrible news. I so wish more signs were up asking walkers to keep their dogs on leads around Cornwall's coast paths..not only for the obvious rocky drops but also these shafts. So few people seem to realise they are a danger. They do need a lot more publicity. A lot of dogs go missing on these south west coasts and holes & shafts will often be the culprit.
So sorry, I only read your story last eve and was so relieved for you and now I am so sad for you. Sending our love xx
Barney 'n' Ozzie's mum
Oh no, how very sad. I immediately came to Molly's page this morning to find out how she was doing. My thoughts are with her owners and this very sad time. Just grateful that they were able to be with her at the end. Run free at the bridge darling Molly, my boys will be waiting to play with you xxxx
I am so sorry to read this, was so hoping she would make it .sincere condolences to the owners of such a brave girl.....Run Free at the Bridge Beautiful, until the time comes when you are reunited with those who love you so very much never again to be parted....... she is now safe in the arms of the Angels.God Bless xx
DogLostSpringerMad - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
So sorry to read the update. Such a sweet girl. Thoughts are with the owners and all those who spent time searching foe her. Run free beautiful Molly x
To hear that Molly had been found and then read that she had passed has left me in tears; I cannot begin to imagine how devastating this has been for Molly's family. My love and thoughts are with you all. I am so sorry the outcome was not a happy one, but I am glad she was found and able to die surrounded by those she loved. Run free Molly sweetheart XXX
Thoughts with all that love her. ๐Ÿ’”
Awww how sad..but thank goodness she was found and with her mom and dad as she went to play with other doggy Angels..Run free beautiful Molly..You will stay in your family's hearts always ♥ xx
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
Such very sad news, run free sweetheart in the sunshine, my thoughts are with your family xx
RIP sweet Molly, run free. Love to all who loved you xx
<3 <3
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
So very sorry. Run free At Rainbow Bridge Molly.xx
DogLostJulie - Area Co-ordinator - Surrey & South London
I am so very sad to hear this heartbreaking news. RIP Molly. J. xx
So very sorry to hear the sad news. R.I.P sweetheart.
It is with great sadness that I have to say Molly didn't make it. Her injuries were too severe. We are all totally devastated but feel relieved that we have closure. Not knowing what had happened to our precious girl was the hardest thing to bear, so to find her and take her to the specialist vet where she had pain relief, was warm and knew her mum and dad were with her and loved her so much has been a blessing. Thank you to everyone on Doglost and to all who have helped in any small way. We are so very grateful.
Relieved to read that Molly has been found but very sorry to read that she us poorly. I am sure you will keep us all updated on her. Wishing Molly a speedy recovery.xx
So very pleased she has been found. Please update with how she is doing xx
What brilliant news. Mineshaft always comes to mind when dogs disappear suddenly, as Dogrose states. This has happened a couple of times recently. Do hope beautiful Molly makes a speedy recovery - sending healing thoughts. Welcome home beautiful Molly, stay very close and safe now. Hope this mineshaft is soon capped xxx
Get well soon, little girl...
So glad to hear that Molly has been found. Spent a few hours yesterday looking along the coastal path with Bella, our own liver and white Springer. Searchers kept mistaking Bella for Molly so we are thrilled to hear that she has been found. We were almost sure she was down a mine shaft as female Springers seldom stray very far and she vanished very suddenly... really sorry she is so poorly and hope she makes a good recovery. We'll watch for updates.
What a relief for all wishing her a speedy recovery
Oh thank God! This is the best news of the day! She must have been so scared, well done to everyone involved you are all fantastic! Speedy recovery now baby girl you are safe now. Bless her heart.xxxx
Loving prayers to you Molly , keep strong and get better we are all rooting for you xx
DogLostSherlock- Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - Avon & South Gloucestersh
Sending healing hugs and positive vibes for dear Molly recovery....pray she makes it xx
Still awaiting news from Vet Hospital where Molly is still being assessed. She is though, a very poorly girl, with at least a broken leg, broken jaw and possible other injuries. She was conscious though and knew her mum and dad were with her. Will definitely update....just so happy that she is with them.
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Such a relief to know she's safe. Bless her, she must have been so scared down there. Wishing her a speedy recovery. Please keep us up to date with how she is.
Max, I did see the youtube footagae! I meant that I didn't see anything significant.
Well done to all involved.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Just spoken to owners mother...who is a doglost helper...Molly is alive and well...they suspect she may have a broken jaw...it was a steep hole...tx so much to everyone who gave local knowledge of the mine shafts....and the drone...you are all stars! Doglosts rocks!
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
So pleased to see Molly has been found. Stay strong now lovely girl.xx
Well done to everyone involved in the searches Fantastic result.
The Drone is amazing.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
omg! great news...was on the phone...as usual....UPDATE please locals helpers...we are dying to know more!
I'm sure once Molly is on the way to health Jenny and Charlie will coordinate with the mining guy to get this hazard dealt with
Newton Viena
Oh my word so so happy she's been found alive. Been saying prayers and will keep praying she makes a speedy recovery. Well done to family and everyone involved in her rescue. Big hugs to you all and give Molly kisses and cuddles from all my family.
They think she's got a broken leg and jaw - that update from the owners sister on a FB page.
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
Have just got back in & seen the news. I do hope she is going to be ok :(
It would be interesting to know where the shaft was. As the contact I have said there were none open that he knew of. But there are so many that have never been mapped. Please let us know so it can be put in his book.
Wishing Molly all the very best.
DogLostJulie - Area Co-ordinator - Surrey & South London
Bless her I hope she is ok - I am so glad Molly has been found sending healing wishes have been too far away to help but shared on facebook pages for the area. J. xx
DogLostJohn - Social Media Team, Cornwall
We at DOGLOST CORNWALL also hope for a swift recovery.
Wonderful news I am so pleased for you all, what a relief...Barney'n'Ozzie's Mum... there are so many shafts not known until something like this happens hopefully they will cap it now...sending fast healing to the Gorgeous Molly xxxx
Barney 'n' Ozzie's mum
Oh thank goodness you've got her! Hope she's going to be ok x Surely this open shaft could be a danger to the public too? Please keep us updated on how Molly is doing xxxx
Thank goodness, I hope she is ok. let us know.
Thank goodness - well done - just saw she was down a mine shaft - there are no words Last edited: 2015-08-28 19:04:02 by Bo
She's alive!!!! Poorly and on way to vets!!! Will update when more news!!!
Good luck for tomorrow , hope you get great news xxx
"On your way back, look out for the few visible relics of the cliff-top buildings that served the 19th-century copper and tin mining industry. The dangerous lower cliffs to the east are riddled with adits (the tunnels driven into the mine-shafts for drainage purposes). Also, spot kestrels as they hover effortlessly above the cliffs looking for their next meal."
This info is on http://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/article-1356403818113/ Zen nor head walk -
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
Moogie, don't know why you can't see links for drone. if you highlight each one & 'open in new window' you should be able to see them. I just checked & I can!
Is there anyway a boat could be hired to do a search of the coastline/cliff line with high powered binoculars to back up the drone search? Late evening with night vision, or even a torch shone to catch reflective eyes can help.

A year ago we were notified of a lost dog adopted out by the rescue. He was missing 5 days, same circumstances, literally just vanished in the blink of an eye, near a coastline. He was missing 5 days, the area was repeatedly searched. By chance one day as searchers were packing up in poor weather a faint bark was heard, and Stanley was finally found, on a small cliff ledge, tucked into a hollow he'd dug for himself (so hard to spot from above).

Sending much love and positive thoughts for a successful outcome. Wishing Molly home safe XX

Last edited: 2015-08-28 14:59:20 by Doremiel
Search and postering being planned for tomorrow (Saturday)... Will update with details this evening.. Miner man not arrived as yet๐Ÿ˜•
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Checked the links below but couldn't see anything. Great tool though and peace of mind the area is being thoroughly searched.
Which way did Molly go went she was last seen? Are there posters further afield?
Please let me know if there's anything I can do today as I have a couple of hours spare. You have my number (Julia)
Newton Viena
I keep checking back here looking for news of Molly. So glad to hear you are being supported by helpful people with local knowledge. Thinking of you all down there and hoping and praying fior some good news.
Hoping for good news soon x
Thanks everyone...all your suggestions are being looked into..thank you all for being so helpful. k9tracker have now been contacted but understandably are in great demand. At the moment someone is assessing the mines in the area to see if anyone can go down. Also the drone man is hoping to do another area...fingers crossed we get some news later today..
Barney 'n' Ozzie's mum
Are there any barns she could be sheltering in/got locked in?
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
Here are the links to the drone filming, in case anyone wants to cast their eyes over it & see if anything was missed
Barney 'n' Ozzie's mum
Milkmen too, if they have them down there x
Barney 'n' Ozzie's mum
Have you let local sorting office know? If she's moved inland from the coastal path, posties might spot her as they drive around the country lanes...
Barney 'n' Ozzie's mum
Any luck with the local radio station and have all local vets been informed incase she's handed in? Was wondering if she might have been picked up by other holidaymakers walking along the path - have all local caravan sites etc been given posters? Saturday is the normal change over day for holidays, so you'd need to move quickly if this hasn't been done already x
I was just going to ask that www.k9tracker.co.uk. She will give good advice if nothing else.
I really hope she is found safe soon. Would Jenny and Tiga, k9 trackers.co.uk be available to help...it may be worth contacting them...they are fantastic and the scent will be fresh x
Thanks all.. Every suggestion followed up. No sign of Molly overnight. Jon has taken his bike down and currently riding the roads looking in ditches etc. Jenny getting I touch with another local lady who has offered help and also local farmer being very helpful and has searched any holes he knows of etc..
Could these help ? http://www.fellandmoorlandwtceastmids.com
DogLostCounty Pet ServicesKaren - Solstices Missing Dogs and Wiltshire volunteer
Following Molly on here and praying for good news, I'm not local but my thoughts are with you all xx
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
I will text Roys number to the mobile in contact details. He knows the mines & area & hopefully will put your mind at rest. You can also discuss what is involved with a rescue.
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
If you think she has gone down a hole, borrow a very long length of hosepipe & put a funnel in one end to use as a listening device, see if you can hear anything.
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
May be an idea to start postering further afield in either direction too, in case she has managed to wander off further than you are looking.
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
jenjanjo. I have the number of a chap who does mine rescue, however there has to be some positive info that she may be there, as it is dangerous to set up a rescue into the holes.
I have been told there are no open shafts in that area now.
Hy Jenjanjo try this link ring them and see if they can help there are some local groups .Hope it helps

Our son (Jenny's brother) has arrived in Cornwall and is sleeping out on the coastal path with her bed, food and sardines etc... Please keep him in your thoughts.
jenny4...do you happen to know who I would contact about the mines?
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Just sent an email with all info to Network Cornwall members..thats 3500 members. Hoping for good news soon
wonder if you can get the mine people in very often they will go down and look xx
No sightings with drone๐Ÿ˜” .. But where she went missing is almost directly above mine shaft according to map๐Ÿ˜Ÿ
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
Although there is one hole which is fairly inaccessible. I am told there are no open shafts in that area ( this is by a chap who worked them & is involved in rescue)
really, thought it could be tracked up to 2 weeks old?? try k9tracker....she will give you good advice even if she can not get thereLast edited: 2015-08-27 14:35:49 by Skywalker99
Skywalker... It's because the scent needs to be no more than 4-5 hours old unfortunately.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Good to know you will have a map of the mine shafts...do check but don't expect your dog to bark as dogs in a vulnerable position tend not to bark....especially if they don't recognise the voice.
Why doesn't the last time she was seen yesterday count as a sighting for K9search...or am I being a pedant?
Still no news on Molly. Every advice we have been given has been carried out. The man with the drone is meeting them at 2.30 and he is also sending them a map of the mine shafts which he says are all along the coastal path in that area. The k9search will only get involved if there is a sighting as they are 2 hours away.Fingers crossed the guy with the drone (who has 2 spaniels himself)is able to find her. Carolinew on here is with Jenny and they have been to the farms in the area and along the coast road.. We are so grateful.
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
We have the number of a chap who has a drone, there are regulations where he can fly it (population, vicinity of airport/wind etc) , but have passed the number across & they will liaise to see if appropriate. He is willing to give it a go if necessary. Anything is worth a try :)
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
I have spoken with a family member they have been out searching since early this morning, have checked cliff face down towards beach. I have asked them to make sure they read the comments on here & they can decide on a tracker dog.
Www.k9searchdog.org have tracking digs. See further down thread. Owners, Jenny and Tiga are www.k9tracker.co.ukLast edited: 2015-08-27 10:43:27 by Skywalker99
Barney 'n' Ozzie's mum
Any locals know of any tracker dogs in the area? I'm guessing it's too far for Jenny and Tiga to travel?
Barney 'n' Ozzie's mum
If you use the arrows to left and right you can move along the coastline in either direction. You can also zoom in and out xLast edited: 2015-08-27 08:12:40 by Barney 'n' Ozzie's mum
Barney 'n' Ozzie's mum
Attached map shows some of farms, don't know if it will help? http://www.streetmap.co.uk/map.srf?x=145500&y=38500&z=120&sv=zennor&st=3&tl=Map+of+Zennor,+Cornwall+[City/Town/Village]&searchp=ids.srf&mapp=map.srf
give these a ring too.they are the local horse trekking stables......01736 361601 .good luck for today xxLast edited: 2015-08-27 07:26:19
Jenny has been in touch and they are meeting up with Caroline and another local lady at the Cafe car park in Zennor at 9am.. If anyone else can join them they would be very grateful. Charlie (being a climber) has been down the cliffs to the beach at the bottom but no sign of Molly.
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Just found 3 farmers on yell:

https://www.yell.com/ucs/UcsSearchAction.do?keywords=business&location=Zennor&scrambleSeed=1982808525Last edited: 2015-08-26 22:21:16 by Moogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Shared on a few Facebook pages and twitter , hope Molly is found soon xx
Their hotel has printed some posters ready for tomorrow and we have rung as many places as we can... Can't contact farms as don't know their names, but will make sure posters get to them. Our son is hopefully heading down tomorrow. Maxine has spoken to someone who assures us there are no mine shafts around that area..
Their hotel has printed some posters ready for tomorrow and we have rung as many places as we can... Can't contact farms as don't know their names, but will make sure posters get to them. Our son is hopefully heading down tomorrow. Maxine has spoken to someone who assures us there are no mine shafts around that area..
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Can family at home email posters or phone local farmers, businesses etc? Great advice regarding bbq and and scenting by Jenny4.
Have owners been given scenting advice Max?
Barney 'n' Ozzie's mum
Afraid I don't know the area at all. Are there any disused tin mines nearby? What about getting local radio station to make announcements incase she's been picked up by someone? Is local dog warden aware?
I've put poster in a few pubs and shops and driven the coast road from St Ives to St a Just that runs parallel to the coast. I have about 20 posters. This is a very rural area and any posters probably need to be adjacent to the footpaths for walkers to see. I've spoken to Jenny and no reported sightings so far
Barney 'n' Ozzie's mum
Has she been registered on http://www.mylostboy.com/
Barney 'n' Ozzie's mum
Is there anyone local who can print off posters that owners can ask local shops, pubs etc to display?
Tell your Daughter to get a disposable BBQ going with lots of smelly food in the car park .....also to leave the car doors open.do some scenting also from where they lost her back to the car....xx
have shared to a few people I know who live that way also the Shetland stud farm in Zennor..hope she gets home soon xx
The Coastguard not interested unless human life in danger.. Have sent Carolinew contact details...Thanks Caroline. Jenny is understandably very distressed.
I live in St Just, about 20/30 mins away. If helps needed call me on 07880 726298
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
I have added another picture posted on a missing pet page on facebook
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
Has been shared to lots of local lost/found & pet pages & the Gurnards Head Hotel have a posting on their fb page too. Owners are out looking at the moment & someone is staying in area where she went missing from in case she returns.
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
Have shared to doglost cornwall fb page & will email advice & give owner a ring.
If they haven't already they should go back to where they last saw her and leave an article of clothing so she has afamiliar smell to come back to....Doglost should have sent you lots of advice about this. Also start postng her doglost link to as many local facebook sites as you can find, plus pages like lostbox, harveys army south etc. You could also contact www.k9searchdog.org
Molly is my daughters dog and went missing on the coastal path between Zennor and Gurnards Head... Jenny and her husband are on holiday in Cornwall and don't know the area and obviously Molly won't either. I have phoned vets & dog warden..
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alerts sent to helpers in TR20,26,27.

Drone SAR

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