Found: Dark Brindle Cross Breed Unknown In East Anglia (DN40)

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  • Dog ID 90076
  • Status Found
  • Registered 29 Jul 2015
  • Gender & Breed Unknown Cross Breed
  • Age
  • Colour Dark brindle
  • Marks & Scars
  • Tagged Unknown
  • Microchipped Unknown
  • Tattooed No
  • Where Found Harbrough near Immingham Lincs
  • Found In Region East Anglia
  • Found In Post Area DN40
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info Sighted this morning on Harbrough bends. Very distressed. Undernourished, battered and covered in wounds. Back legs taped together with duct tape. Hopped away terrified. Cross breed and long legged.
  • Listed By AlisonH
  • Views 3709


Sightings and Information

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NickyB thank you for the offer but I have spoken to a tracker and unfortunately this will not work as we don't have scent I'm afraid. I will post any new information on here as well as Facebook
Thanks for the update ninja.
Ninja - Area Volunteer, Lincolnshire
At the moment there hasn't been any further sightings of this dog for over a week! Hoping it still out there but just hiding from people and another sighting will be reported soon, I will post on here if I hear of anything, xx
NickyB do you think it would be worth contacting HQ to try and contact Alison who listed this dog on doglost. As its her area that the dog comes under she then may be able to give you and us following this dog first hand news if any of this dog.
no point me ringing emailing anyone involved in the search as only way I can help this poor dog is to offer to pay vet/tracker dog costs living about 4 hrs away.if anybody knows any news please could they make comment on doglost here. so many doglost stories have amazing results if anyone can succeed its them

DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
NickyB and nicolapicola - I no longer use fb but the Hope DN40 is a reference to a page set up for this dog to coordinate sightings, and one of the 'admin' who set it up is (email). If you email her and ask for her mobile you might be able to stay in touch with her by text? It is becoming a problem that, though facebook is great for this type of thing, the comments here do seem to be suffering with being left out of the loop.
Nina's comment about a drone is a good one, lots of them about now, and worth a local search. We did this in Cornwall and a local guy is happy to do it when asked, so give that a try. Sue x
I'm with you NickyB - I assume these are Facebook references but, like you, I don't "do" Facebook (or Twitter) so it means nothing to me. Not sure how people get the time for all these sites.
Ninja - Area Volunteer, Lincolnshire
To be able to use a tracker dog they need to have a scent to be able to follow/pick up etc! As it is at the moment there isn't any scent for this dog just a few sketchy sightings, followed by lots of people walking around which has possibly pushed the dog into a different area!
NickyB completely understand where you are coming from with your last message. Perhaps if you call HQ they may be able to give you more details, I fear not enough has been done to let us know info. on site and for this dog and time may have already run out.
I don't understand the previous 3 messages I am just a simple computer user - all these codes and rows of letters mean nothing

just wanted to know if any news on this poor dog. I would use the old fashioned phone call but there isn't a phone number
NikeyB Claire Buckley is admin on missing DN40

On Facebook if you'd like to contact me my email is

07740149671Last edited: 2015-08-01 17:39:58
hi ive shared the link praying hes found soon can k9 tracker help jenny tiga and we typed in the fb name but nothing is coming up several ppl have tried is this the correct name please
Does anyone have a contact with someone who has a spy in the sky drone machine or who does any kind of flying activity. This might help to locate this poor dog.
if you would like and can get a tracker dog I will pay. if you can do this leave a contact number so we can talk. neighbours lost a calf in a maize field it took several days to find and only able to as it could be heard.

Bless this little one. Must be hiding somewhere. Must be soooo hungry and dehydrated. Show yourself puppy let someone help you xx
This dog is still out there somewhere. There are lots of helpers out searching but it hasn't been sighted since Wednesday and the area it is in is just miles of fields with high crops. There has been a dedicated FB page set up for this dog for people to follow it's called Missing Dog DN40
Last edited: 2015-07-31 18:15:35 by AlisonH
charlie and sooty
Any news please?
Alison, what is the latest on this little soul.
its now 14.20 on 31 july I would love to phone to find out just what is latest on this poor dog but no phone number on doglost. please can anyone who knows let us doglost followers know whether this dog has been caught and who is caring for it. would happily help with donation if needed. thanks
This dog has NOT been caught yet. I believe someone posted erroneous info as result of a misunderstanding.
what brilliant news, lets hope can be treated, please let us know, well done all the fantastic helpers, restores my faith that more good than bad people around, just hope karma has something appropriate in store for whoever did this to the dog. WELL DONE !!
Fantastic news! This won't change the world ,but it will change the world for that dog .Well done to everyone who helped.
I too have been following this with trepidation and tears-to all who have helped find this poor dog-it just shows there are some wonderful people out there who hopefully outnumber the cruel.
its saying on a facebook comment this....... Jayne Mitchell Can I say that I have been following this with a heavy heart very closely and I am absolutely made up that the poor dog has finally been found. The spirit that all of you have shown in your attempts to find and help him/her has been nothing short of amazing. You are all wonderful. Now let's hope that the poor pooch gets the care and treatment needed and most importantly a happy and healthy future. WELL DONE!!
Please may someone find this dog asap, cannot stop thinking about it x
Any news on this poor dog ? Thankyou to anyone local out looking xx
OMG I do hope someone can find this poor dog quickly
There is now a Facebook group called Missing Dog DN40. Local people who can help search might like to join it.
please, please find this poor soul. I am far away in Dorset but send my prayers.
Elaine Tinker and Hemps mum
OMG. What is the world coming too. The scum need finding, hope this little one is found by the right person xxxx
RSPCA and police informed. People out searching.
Thank you for taking the time to list this found dog and ensuring the safety of the dog.
Please ensure that you notify your local Dog Warden and the local Police Station - in Scotland you MUST inform your local Police Station and if possible contact the Dog Warden also.
The found dog may have a Microchip or a Tattoo - please have the dog scanned and checked for a tattoo at a vet's so that owners may be contacted as soon as possible.
Please check on our Missing pages in case the Found dog has been registered as missing with us.
If possible please add a photo as this greatly assists our work in matching Found dogs with Missing dogs.

Drone SAR

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