Reunited: Tri Colour Saluki Female

  • Dog ID 89142
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 07 Jul 2015
  • Name ABI
  • Gender & Breed Female Saluki (Spayed)
  • Age Adult
  • Colour tri colour
  • Marks & Scars
  • Tagged Yes
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Lost 05 Jul 2015
  • Where Lost Clifton Road, Deddington, Banbury.
  • Lost In Region South East
  • Lost In Post Area OX15
  • Date Reunited 09 Jul 2015
  • Listed By Jayne - Founder Doglost.
  • Views 2683
  • ABIPoster Image
  • ABIExtra Image


Sightings and Information

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Brilliant news x Well done to everyone involved. Welcome homed lovely girl. Stay safe now x
So happy for you Robert,I have a saluki cross and I'm constantly getting asked about her by suspicious looking types when I take her out.Please keep her safe x
It was a synergy of a lot of elements; the power of the internet, and a group of very determined people.... plus Robert's bravery to go in there and get her.

I think you are right about the collar being removed as it looks tight-ish in the photo above, not likely to be slipped by accident. Sadly, we are seeing more dog snatches nowadays.
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
This is one very lucky girl! I suspect your thoughts were all correct and that is how her collar got removed and explains the location. You did good out there! Extremely good! Welcome home sweetheart. x
Wonderful news. so pleased to read this.... well done everyone involved .welcome home Gorgeous Abi......xxxxx
Will do, turns out that she was on the site associated with the scrap yard I mentioned. Home, unharmed and Robert is extremely happy :)

Job done!
Observant Citizen
Welcome home Abi Dog!!!
I have received a text from Robert!
Please send them our love when you see them Claret !!! :)
Just came on here to share the great news... crying at work!

Robert sounds ecstatic, and I have suggested a long dog meet-up to celebrate.

We just made her too hot to handle I guess!!!!
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Great news! was she found locally?
Algernon TrustLisaP
Abi is home!!!! She was found with her collar & tag removed but she is home & she is ok!! x
Observant Citizen
Reshared publicly...
Where is this Baby? x
Algernon TrustLisaP
Thanks Claret, I texted Robert earlier to ask him to report her disappearance to Police - also he has told me that she is spayed so I will ask admin to update this on the page too x
I haven't mentioned it to him, as he was understandably upset, but it would be a good idea to keep an eye on Pre-Loved, Gumtree and Craig's List etc

My friend has suggested that he asks at the scrap yard and mentions the reward. Poor Robert is busy with work, on top of this.

Algernon TrustLisaP
Thanks for the update Claret, as there are no sightings at all still, I have asked Robert to report Abi as possibly stolen to the Police x
I have just had a text from Robert; 'no more searching'; he (realistically) thinks that she can't be lying injured as we would have heard her, and he's scared about what he might find if anything. He is working on the assumption that she has been snatched, and is circulating posters.

I will keep an eye as I go through that area, as will my friends who are in Deddington.

Fingers crossed.
Algernon TrustLisaP
Abi is microchipped, please could this be updated on her page x
Thanks so much Westie213 xx
Observant Citizen
All updated with the wording CASH REWARD OFFERED inserted...xLast edited: 2015-07-08 14:36:00 by Observant Citizen
Observant Citizen
I will text Robert to that effect now Goldenfrodo...x
Can you please advise him that not to put an amount - just Cash Reward. Thanks x
Have suggested to the owner that publicising a reward might help if she has been snatched.

We can get out again on Thursday evening if necessary, and will search a different area.

Westie, can you give me a link to DogLost Oxon? Ta muchly
Observant Citizen
Thank you for the update Claret...x
No luck, I'm afraid.

Robert has already walked a lot of the fields near there, so we walked a lot of the headlands, checking hedgerows and ditches. I walked back along the main road and checked those ditches too. We headed off to check a spinney, which is on her way home, but couldn't gain access.

Robert isn't able to walk far, but is really covering the area after work. My friend has facebooked it locally, and on the Deddington community page. She is going to contact Robert to suggest popping into the local scrapyard, which is run by settled travellers to see if they know anything.

I can't get over that way again tomorrow evening, but will go again on Thursday depending on any news.

She has appeared back at home before when she's disappeared, so that's still a possibility.
Changed area from Central to South East
Observant Citizen
Yes, the very very best of luck Claret...
We are thinking of her. x
Algernon TrustLisaP
Good luck Claret, we have circulated on FB, local media, vets etc x
No more updates. I am meeting Robert this evening to search; I am bringing a posse of friends, one has a lab who is good at tracking. We will search all that we can in the area, ditches and everything. I will put out feelers to see if there have been any recent dog thefts in the area.

I understand that she has bolted before, and was found injured.

I'll report back later....
Observant Citizen
Hello, I have had a reply from Abi Dog's owner, Robert.
He is so very upset.
No further news on her at present.
I have invited him to join Doglost Oxfordshire if he feels up to it, and have also told him that Abi's details are on here...x
Algernon TrustLisaP
Thanks Claret, is there any update or sightings since she went missing? x
I have been in touch, by text, with the owner and depending on an update later, I am prepared to get out with my two lurchers, plus a couple of friends to help look in the area this evening. One friend has a gundog which is good at tracking.
Observant Citizen
Will share publicly. Abi is also on Doglost Oxfordshire...x
Algernon TrustLisaP
Have texted owner for update x
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Thanks claret best to text owner as details passed to us by a local lost and found group and owner may n ot be aware his dog is on doglost...tx
Hi, sorry to hear that you've lost Abi. I am in Banbury, and have two saluki lurchers; I can come out with you tonight (Tuesday) to help you look if you like. Leave a message on here with details. Clare
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alerts sent to helpers in OX7,15,16,17,25,27.

Drone SAR

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