Reunited: BLACK Greyhound Female

  • Dog ID 88980
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 04 Jul 2015
  • Gender & Breed Female Greyhound
  • Age Adult
  • Colour BLACK
  • Marks & Scars
  • Tagged No
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed Yes
  • Date Lost 03 Jul 2015
  • Where Lost Windmill Road, Polegate, BN26
  • Lost In Region South East
  • Lost In Post Area BN26
  • Date Reunited 05 Jul 2015
  • Other Info If you see Abbie please do NOT TRY TO CATCH her, just watch and try to see where she goes and then contact GREYHOUND TRUST kennel staff member Lucy on 07713 466829 or the MOBILE NUMBER above as soon as possible
  • Listed By Jayne - Founder Doglost.
  • Views 4296


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Well done all of you for all your efforts to bring Abbie to safety. Xx
Fantastic news and well done to all who worked so hard to get Abbie home xxx
DogLostBobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
Great news and well done everyone x
Fantastic - pleased she is ok x
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Just to say thanks to Jenny for taking the time to ring me last night to thank Doglost for our help and to say they will be sending in a donation. Don't often get thank you calls!
Also to Lucy who is going out to Polegate tomorrow with her other half to take all the posters down :)
Abbie will stay at the Greyhound Trust during her recovery and when she is better she will be looking for a new home.
Well done to everyone for their dedication in catching this lovely girl. I hope she finds a lovely new home very soon xx
Well done to all concerned in helping reunite her. Stay safe now Abbiexxx
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
Good to see Abbie has been found safe :))
Well done to all involved.x
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
So so pleased she is safely back with Brighton RGT, stay safe now Abbie, x
Well done to everyone x
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Thanks .. now all we have to do is get all the posters down again!
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Well done Clarkey and Greyhound trust!
Jenny & Tiga k9tracker
Well done Clarkey, the Greyhound Trust and everyone else helping to find and catch Abbie. Clarkey, you must have remembered when you were with me and Tiga when we tracked and caught Wilma! Abbie I am sure you will soon be in your forever home.
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Thanks Dolly!
Totally thrilled at such a fantastic result of finding Abbie today!!
I had gone out at 5am this morning & had done a long search around the rec & several fields beyond. Then on to put posters into letterboxes in Windmill Road & others in St. John's Road, Church Rd, Harvester pub & Esso Service station (community board) Then sat outside rec giving posters to very early bird dogwalkers for an hour. The rain was bucketing down by then so I drove up to Millingtons Mill Farm, spk to landowner & gave posters.

Whilst driving bk to the rec I got a call fm Lucy saying Abbie had been seen. Met a lovely kind man on way to the area whose wife had rung Lucy with the sighting. He led me to the stile at far end of the rec & pointed out the way to where Abbie had been seen but cld not show me as his dogs were tired. I went over 2 large fields & found the very long track next to a field with cattle in it. Went all way along it & decided to drop bits of minced tripe & chicken on way. Got right down the main Eastbourne Rd and turned back thinking I was in wrong place or Abbie had disappeared again when I suddenly saw her further up on the track!! I was amazed as she was standing stock still so I crouched down so as not to spook her & crept up a bit. She was eating the food I'd left & then disappeared fm sight, but then I saw her go to the other side for more food & then couldn't see her again. I walked on, saw her again, crouched & she spotted me but just lolloped to side of the track & I cldn't spot where she had gone to. Cldn't even get a photo as my hands were shrivelled fm the wet! I went on to the end of track, met Diane there & we had another look but no sign.
Lucy arrived a bit later so all 3 of us did another search on the track (Diane braved the cattle field!) with sardines to tempt Abbie out but the heavy rain was horrendous so we thought she'd be holed up.
I was like a drowned rat & had bn out for 5hrs & had to get dry & go home. I gave Lucy more sardines (!) & sd Abbie wld prob wait for rain to stop & then be out again.
Whilst on my way home Lucy txtd me saying she'd found Abbie just standing in middle of a clearing by a small gap on other side of the cattle field (I think!) so she must hv snuck over/under the fencing!
I had already gone through the routine of how to catch a scared dog with Lucy. Armed with sardines she followed the advice to perfection & after a while managed to catch Abbie who was very cold & wet, bless her.

Great job Lucy .. well done!! I can't praise you enough for doing everything absolutely correctly. I shld also say that the Greyhound Trust staff came a very long way to help find their dog. Really couldn't have done it without you!!
I was obviously gutted not to have bn there for the final moments of Abbie's capture but was so very happy for everyone who had Abbie's welfare at stake.

Abbie is staying at the Trust for now & I hope that she will recover from her experience very soon.
DogLostSpringerMad - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Fantastic, well done all to all those involved
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Great news! Over to blue for you...
Thank you all so much for your wonderful help in finding Abbie. Apart from being cold, wet, hungry and scared, she appears fine, and is now back in our care at Brighton RGT.
HUGE thanks for you support, Dolly.
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
So sorry to see Abbie is missing, I drove through the area yesterday a couple of times, although at the time I didnt know Abbie was missing, didnt see anything... fingers crossed for this poor girl x
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
The girls have had to go home now but have left items with scent on them in the driveway of the owners house so maybe Abbie will find them.
Dolly: Thanks for your emails and if you would email the tattoo and microchip details that would be great.
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Dolly: Thanks. I have added those now (you may have to refresh the page a couple of times to see them)
I have been over to Polegate and met with Lucy and Fi who were already postering and searching for Abbie.
I will update the page with details of what we learnt and what we did in the few hours I was there.

When Abbie was first lost she was seen running up Windmill Rd by a neighbour with owner following. This was in the direction towards Polegate station and the railway tracks so I have alerted Network Rail in an email I have alerted Network Rail in an email as the are in the other direction just in case she goes that far. This neighbour tried to contain her in a garden that she ran into (a few doors away from owner's house) but she jumped over a small wall and ran on up the road.
There are several places Abbie could have gone to before reaching the Station including some lovely fields which Lucy and Fi are aware off and where we postered and had a quick look. Possibly where Abbie could have spent the night?

I can also say that Abbie was seen this morning at 10am racing in the opposite direction down Windmill road and straight past the owners house towards the main Eastbourne road. So maybe Abbie just sheltering andhid in a garden and then started running again when disturbed in the morning?

Lucy and Fi are still out there tonight and think they may have seen her at the end of the road so are sitting tight in the van and playing the waiting game. What sensible girls and I can only say that they are doing everything right. Best of luck and I'm hoping Abbie will be found very soon.

Last edited: 2015-07-04 22:49:23 by Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Hi Megan, I've just emailed you two more photos - Slightly better than the one on her side which we used for a quick Facebook post. xDx
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Have just spoken to the GTrust and they are asking that if anyone sees Abbie please do NOT TRY TO CATCH her .. contact GREYHOUND TRUST kennel staff member Lucy on 07713 466829 as she is probably the only person who will be able to catch her. Thanks.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Actual photo now on site please press refresh to show.
Hi there, It's Dolly from Brighon RGT - I just emailed you a photo I had of Abbie so that you can update the details. She was snapped up almost on arrival so didn't have her photos taken for the website, but I will check now to see if I have any more of her. I also have her ear tattoos and microchip number if you want them - My email is and my mobile is 07889 751271. xDx
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
It's ok Jayne, I have taken it off the Greyhound Trust page and added it the page. You may have to refresh the page to see it!
i've just been told by a local lady that last night the railway line gates nearby were faulty so they had security and men working there.Hopefully that kept her away. Last edited: 2015-07-04 13:15:50 by Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
No please send again to tx
Have you received the photo I emailed to you of the actual hound?
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Thanks Gaynor.
I have just spoken to J, lovely lady from the Greyhound Trust. Abbie was rehomed on 25th June and was being walked at 5.30pm'ish yesterday from Windmill Road when she got spooked and ran. She ran back into the driveway of her new home and altho owner tried to catch her up was unable to and there was no sign of her on their return.
The Greyhound Trust have given advice but we are not sure what the situation is at the mo. I'm asking for name and contact details of Abbie's new owner so we can help.
GT have people going out to area later this afternoon as they know Abbie better and she is most likely to come to the lady who cared for her.
I have advised re bedding etc (which I'm sure is a method they will already be aware of) and to get as many posters as poss up. Windmill Road is near to the Downs and the Wilmington Man but I'm hoping she will go back to her new home as she has already done this once.
Windmill Road is also near to Polegate Station and the railway and I have advised they alert them just in case she goes near the tracks.

** I have just got owner's details and added her tel number as the first number on this page .. 2nd one is the Greyhound Trust.
If anyone is able to help poster (even if only one in your car window and outside house) it would be a great help. Thanks!!
Stay safe Abbie.
DogLostJulie - Area Co-ordinator - Surrey & South London
Hope Abbie is soon home safe and sound.Last edited: 2015-07-04 12:10:27 by Julie - Area Co-ordinator - Surrey & South London
Greyhounds name is Abbie but as usual these hounds do not know their names when first homed.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alerts sent to helpers in BN20-27 POSTCODES.

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