Lost: Black Jack Russell Terrier Female In South East (EN4)

  • Dog ID 86485
  • Status Lost
  • Registered 05 May 2015
  • Name TESS
  • Gender & Breed Female Jack Russell Terrier (Spayed)
  • Age
  • Colour black
  • Marks & Scars White patch on chest
  • Tagged Unknown
  • Microchipped Unknown
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Lost 01 May 2015
  • Where Lost Camlet way hadley wood en4 0nh
  • Lost In Region South East
  • Lost In Post Area EN4
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info
  • Listed By charley
  • Views 5392
  • TESSPoster Image
  • TESSExtra Image


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shared again
Also, have you rung the two schools, they may have weekly bulletins you could ask them to put a note on. They are St Martha's Convent School and Monken Hadley Primary School (not Hadley Wood Primary School).
I noticed last week that there were council workers scraping all the lamposts in the immediate area where she went missing, I think they were painting them. In which case if someone spots a dog again there, there are no posters with the phone number on. I have a mad week and can't guarantee that I can put new ones up very soon, is your dad able to do some more Charley? But if I have time, I'll try and do some more. Also, I think I mentioned before, there is a farm or yard between the two schools next to where she went missing, so if the dog seen was Tess, she could be there. I've only ever been there once and there are loads and loads of outbuildings and sheds so lots of places to hide. There are still some posters outside my house so people will still see those as they walk round to the schools and to the Common to walk dogs.
Hi sorry I haven't been on to update sooner, my dad has been busy following up all of the dogs found that have been sent to us but unfortunately none of them are tess, he had a call last week from someone saying they had seen a small stray black dog near the area she went missing but it ran off before they could catch it, really hoping something comes of that, I can't thank you all enough for your help and concern for tess, it's really touching how many helpful and caring people there are out there, so thank you again xx
I have a found dog post that has been put on my fb page - it has been suggested that it maybe Tess - I feel that it is doubtful - but feel it is not my decision to make https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10152778686410426&set=gm.838403859530768&type=1&theater
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
I've texted owner again. Or rather, relative I think it is. No reply as yet.
Updates ? Last edited: 2015-06-05 12:26:56 by JD
Any updates on this dog ?
http://www.lostdogsuk.co.uk/assets/dog-reports/1433079152/30-0.RBC-300515-1635.pdf think she might be in the pound moody chip
I haven't been to the actual station for years, it's small and I don't think it's even manned much of the time. Half term is going to restrict me so am not sure if there is much I can do at the moment. Does anyone know if the actual owner or his daughter are checking this? I don't know anything of Tess apart from what's on here so it's hard to judge what she might do! I can only make suggestions based on my knowledge of the area and that we are on the borders of possibly 3 different dog wardens.
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Well done with Network Rail. That's a great start. Be aware though, the people you speak to are not always advised either. If a dog is not reported (often) then they won't know. I would strongly suggest you try for rail worker or driver to check/walk the tracks and search. You may be met with opposition, but if that track is close, and Tess never normally left owner, you need to keep going on this until you are 100% certain. Plus time is moving on and animals on tracks get removed or disappear naturally. This is a hard thing to do when you are already so distressed. How about a station chap, or any workers on the lines? If Tess wasn't missing for long, or didn't normally go far, then that would give you an approximate area to search and remember to search in bushes etc at sides and away a little from actual track as well (but never go on tracks!). I would poster heavily at the station as workers will see the posters and know who to call if they see anything of interest. I cannot emphasise this enough. Hopefully Tess is fine and someone has simply taken her in. I would hand out posters to all the train drivers stopping on the platform too. Someone may remember something. Even if they simply saw her go off to a field or something. This is just to rule it all out, okay? Thank you. x
Network rail have just phoned to say no dogs fitting Tess's description have been reported to them or found by them. Is there any update on Tess otherwise?
Any update ?
Owner has been contacted re found dog ID86951
call 08444 828321 " Dial a pest " this is the dog pound collections at Runnymede the dog here really does look like Tess found in the Tw20 area - unfortunately people do pick up dogs they see wandering in the street often thinking they are strays & take them all over the place - i hope this is Tess http://www.lostdogsuk.co.uk/assets/dog-reports/1431853820/30-0.RBC-170515-0901.pdfLast edited: 2015-05-18 15:45:35 by JD
I've logged this with Network Rail and they will contact me if any news.
Hi please check out dog id 86951 just incase
there is a found dog looks like jess at sdk https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=365530830306584&set=gm.1583208855272344&type=1&theater
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Thank you 3labs. That railway needs to be checked. If this furbaby knows the area and hasn't come back, it really must be checked out and owner or helper to log with Network Rail. As this is a hard thing for owner, any help would be appreciated, just to rule it out. NB, when I say checked out, you mustn't go on the trcks but as close as possible and speak to station and NR and drivers - hand out leaflets. This needs to be ASAP before it's too late to know. Let's hope she is elsewhere, safe. Thank you.
West Lodge Park is a hotel with large grounds. The house she went missing from is right at the other end of the road, quite a long walk. The railway doesn't have a level crossing and much of it is fenced but not all. There is masses of land around here and she could have headed north into Hertfordshire quite easily from where she disappeared. The m25 is also not too far away. Don't know where she actually lives as her owner was working in the area.
At the end of road she went missing is large park. West lodge park gardens,she could of gone there initially. Also noticed railway. Is it level crossing access? If so is it manned?. Does she live near there could she be trying to find her way home?Last edited: 2015-05-14 15:43:32 by Shelagh
Any news at all on Tess?
Has a facebook page been set up for Tess yet - it really helps build awareness.
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Call anyone as you never know where these dogs turn up! You are all fab, thank you. We have to find this little one! Keep going.....
Remember we need to check with Highways Agency and local council road cleansing folk too, just to rule it out. Its in the email Charley. Let's hope these kind people postering will bring some news, it's the best way of getting attention.
.sorry was male , so not a match afterallLast edited: 2015-05-10 00:26:58 by rosemary
Maybe the welwyn and Hatfield dog warden 01707 357000? Not sure which one covers that precise area of Hertfordshire. The area Tess went missing is virtually where Enfield, Barnet and Hertfordshire all meet. Really hope you get some good news soon x
Sorry, just saw telephone number already there x
I've just been and put up a few more posters and also put some through some letter boxes round the area. I found Century House and wondered if Tess could have got onto the land at the back. This backs onto the same land as my house and this land becomes Hertfordshire a stones throw away and to the North is Potters Bar so it may be worth phoning Hertsmere Dog Warden too. A lot of the land there is owned by the Wrotham Park Estate so you could maybe contact them? The security company is a good idea, they are out all hours. I found one of their signs and they are Legion Group, 0844 2641713. Hope this helps x
Have you contacted the Hadley Wood Association? They do a monthly newsletter for local residents- so could see if they could include details of Tess in the next edition. The email address is hadley.woodassoc@btconnect.com

Also I think there is a security firm that patrols the area it might be worth contacting to keep a look out for her (tel 0844 264 1713)Last edited: 2015-05-08 14:21:29 by Rebecca
Thank you to all of you for all your help. I received the email and have forwarded it on to my dad,he doesn't think she was stolen but she could quite easily have been picked up by anyone so I will tell him to report it to the police just in case x
I think that address maybe be just on the Barnet side of the borough boundary, or virtually on it. She could have gone in any direction, so ring Islington too! The woods are just over the road and are pretty big. I'm one minute around the corner so will try and put some more posters up in the next few days x
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Charley, if Tess just vanished, could it be she was taken? If so, report to the police and get a CRIME number. You need to make her too hot to handle by postering everywere - loads and loads. Keep calling local rescues and Enfield dog warden as sometimes they can crop up days, weeks, even months later. Keep going, don't give up.x
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Emailed you Charley. Dog Warden, thank you so much! x
She went missing from century house- have no idea if that helps as I don't know the area at all. I have spoken to both Islington and enfield wardens and both have her details so if she does turn up with either they will contact me, I have already spoken to medivet and no joy there either x
I put a few posters up near my house, a route well used by dog walkers going to Hadley Common and woods and walked round to the school at top of Camlet Way and saw one already there. I searched the lost area postcode and see it's the top of Camlet Way so literally on the Barnet/Enfield border. Have you put flyers/posters in letter boxes of the houses along there? There's lots of land and fields behind all of them and between the two schools there is a sort of farm with loads of outbuildings. X
admin - she looks more like a patterdale? if so - could her breed be changed. will share to the patterdale facebook groups I belong to.
Re the dog warden, my point is that borough of Enfield turns into borough of Barnet actually on Camlet way, the road on which she went missing. So Tess could theoretically have walked into, and been found in, the borough of Barnet, which is EN5 which is covered by Islington dog warden. EN4 turns into EN5 on Camlet Way. If she is wandering in the woods she could well appear in the Borough of Barnet. Do you know exactly where on Camlet Way she went missing Charley, most houses are gated so she may have headed off down one of the side roads. If you can find out it might help with where to concentrate with posters. There are several side roads and ultimately they all end up in wooded areas xLast edited: 2015-05-06 19:53:38 by 3labs
Dog Wardenangela moruzzi
Islington got back to me and confirmed that the area is covered by Enfield. Their number is 0208 379 3695 / 07775337930. I'm not sure how up to date these number are but give them a call. might all be worth calling Medivets in Hendon as a lot of strays get taken there. Contact number 0208 202 6344
Have there been any sightings since she went missing on Friday charley? Might be worth asking the owner of where tess went missing from to leave food and water out in case still near by x
Dog Wardenangela moruzzi
I am the animal welfare officer for Brent Council. I know the manager for Islington Council dog warden service so have sent him a message regarding the. Area they cover and if they have got Tess. Will let you know ASAP
I live literally 2 minutes from Camlet Way but I am covered by Barnet not Enfield. My postcode is EN5 . There is every chance Tess has ended up in Barnet and so Islington dog warden is worth pursuing. She wouldn't have to walk far at all to be in the borough of Barnet. Hoping to put a few posters up later x
I contacted Islington dog warden but they told me they don't cover that area and told me it was enfield dog wardens who did, I contacted them but no joy unfortunately x
Was meant to say any help, my phone decided to change it to analysis
Hi my dad was working in a garden in the area, tess has always gone to work with him and usually finds a nice spot in the sun and goes to sleep, but on this occasion she just disappeared which is nor like her at all, I will pass all the info you have all kindly given onto my dad so he can widen his search area, analysis help is greatly appreciated whether it's putting posters up or sharing this online, I can't thank any of you enough for your help and concern for tess xx
Would suggest looking also in Oakleigh Park area as Camlet Way runs both up to East Barnet & Hadley Wood as well as down to Trent Park & Cockfosters. Have shared on facebook
Hi there, Charley, I am the admin of Barnet Lost and Found FB group. It's new group only went live 2 wks ago but have 60 members already so hopefully Tess' photo will be shared on and on. I have also shared to the London Barnet Borough Bods site, which has over 5000 members and told them to look out for her even in Trent Park. Can I be of help putting up posters, or door to door, around the areas she is used to walking. I have been out over Hadley, Trent Park Ferny Hill end, but no joy as of yet. Do we know how she went missing?Last edited: 2015-05-05 19:56:47 by fjennings
Shared Twitter
Dog Wardenangela moruzzi
Have you contacted Barnet dog warden service.
contact number 0207 527 3222

Barnet don't actually have a dog warden but their stray dogs are picked up by Islington dog warden service.

Might be worth giving them a call.
There's a big lake in the woods called Jacks Lake overseen by the Hadley Angling and Preservation Society, it's very popular and there's always fisherman there. They have to walk through the woods to get there so maybe give them a call. Maybe they could notify their members. Just a thought!
I have sent a request to join the Barnet group so will add her details when it's accepted, I didn't know about the golf club so will call them, thanks for the info x
I found the Barnet lost and found on the Hertfordshire pets one where I first saw Tess, didn't know it existed before. I don't know if it has many members, but all you need is the right person to see it! Hadley Wood golf club might be worth a call, they must have a few greenkeepers and the woods back on to the golf course (If you haven't already!). Maybe someone could put some posters up by the shops in Hadley Wood?
Thank you so much for sharing and offering to put posters up, that would be a fantastic help, I have called all of the vets in the area and left contact details with them. I think I will give them all another call just incase, we really do appreciate everybody's help so thank you again, I will try the other fb page you mentioned now x
And Village Vets in Potters Bar, just past the M25 roundabout might be worth a call. I think it's Southgate Road. She could be taken there from Hadley Wood if someone found her x
I'm in Monken Hadley and will gladly put some posters up, probably will be tomorrow now if no further news on here. There is a Barnet Lost and Found Facebook page you could try. Also have you phoned wood street vets in Barnet, they also have a branch in cockfosters and there is a Medivet there too. I shared it on Facebook the other day and many local people then shared it too. Poor old lady, hope you have some good news very soon. X
Hi sorry I'm posting on behalf of my dad didn't know it was a big area she went missing in camlet way en4 0nh
Whereabouts in Hadley Wood, it's quite a big area. Thanks
Alerts sent to helpers in EN2,4,5,6. N11,14,20.
Sorry to see that TESS is missing.
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