Reunited: Golden Cross Breed Male

  • Dog ID 84853
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 30 Mar 2015
  • Name PILTZ
  • Gender & Breed Male Cross Breed (Neutered)
  • Age Young Adult
  • Colour Golden
  • Marks & Scars Piltz is a golden Labrador cross. He has long wirey fur and lighter markings around his face and chest. He has a small scar on one of his legs where an extra toe was removed. He was wearing a red collar with a bandana when he was lost.
  • Tagged Yes
  • Microchipped Unknown
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Lost 30 Mar 2015
  • Where Lost In the Knaphill/Chobham area in Surrey. Last seen in a field behind the Castle Grove pub in Chobham at around 6ish.
  • Lost In Region South East
  • Lost In Post Area GU21
  • Date Found 05 Apr 2015
  • Where Found At 3.45am we woke to a scratching noise at the door. Piltz had found his way back home! The advice we had been given about dogs moving in a triangle seems to be correct. Whether he had found his way b
  • Found In Region South East
  • Found In Post Area GU21
  • Date Reunited 05 Apr 2015
  • Other Info Piltz is a rescue dog from Romania brought over to this country by Angel Watch. He was mistreated badly as a puppy and is therefore scared of strangers. He was wearing a red collar with a bandana when he was lost. Piltz is microchipped however the details on the microchip have not yet been changed so they will still show up as Romania.
  • Listed By Lynnie
  • Views 5819
  • PILTZPoster Image
  • PILTZExtra Image


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Sandra James
Great news!
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
Great news:)) Welcome home clever Piltz:))
Well done to all involved.x
He has decided you are his forever new owners!!Well done.x
Well done Piltz for getting home all on your own..Clever brave boy :-) xx
What a clever boy! Welcome home. xx
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Great news!
Great to see this news as i woke up, well done Piltz!
DogLostNicky - Area Co-ordinator London, Home Counties & Police Liaison
So pleased to see he is back home :) x
Thanks all - no sightings reported yesterday yet - owner searching again this morning and Im going to try and get over there later this afternoon.
there is a countrywide store in Lyne. Worth leaving a poster there
I have put some posters up this afternoon around Foxhills. There's already some at Gracious Pond Road and Old School Cafe. Now some at St Ann's Hill, the park down the road opposite Foxhills, the Bridleway further down towards Chobham, the park near the Runnymede Hospital and Chertsey town centre. I met 2 people who had seen the posters so hopefully the word is spreading.
Looked for Piltz over a recreation park and woods near Foxhills Golf Club, also crossed the road and went through woods to another road, everyone I met hadn't seen any sign of Piltz, didn't see any posters up,
Piltz was seen at 5pm yesterday near Foxhills Golf Club, lady tried to catch him but he ran off. Please can anyone who sees him just call owner ASAP unless he comes to you. He is a very nervous dog and we need him to stay in the area. Thanks x
Went on Chobham Common by Four Horseshoes wandered around for about 3hrs so covered quite a bit of ground ended up at the Tank Hill car park, we then went and left a poster at my Vets at Little Heath Rd, very near common, will carry on looking tomorrow, hoping Plitz will be home soon. xx
I am sure you have already done this but with East coming up find out where found dogs are taken by the Dog Warden over Easter ie Tree Tops - Wey Farm Kennels and advise them of Plitz and give them a Photo also alert all local Vets and Battersea Windsor & London. I will be looking also for you. Great people on here don't give up hope.
Thanks Linz! I have just spoken to owner who has had him from 5 months old (last August) so a good while. He is scared of all strangers and will bark and growl but its a nervous thing rather than a nasty thing. He went missing from right on the crossraods near the Garibaldi and we think most likely area for him to be would be around there or the golf course or possibly onto Chobham CommonLast edited: 2015-04-01 08:59:16 by PaulaK
Have just got a text from Paula, willing to help anyway I can, any info will be a help, how long have you had him, does he answer to his name? hope you find him real soon. also shared on FB, xxLast edited: 2015-04-01 08:14:15 by Linz
Have shared on FB and have sent message to owner. Have also messaged Linz whose boy Sam was also missing in the hope she will help (also a foreign rescue)
Tweeted hope he is found soon.
circulating on twitter......PILTZ Young Golden Cross Breed MISSING #Knaphill #Chobham #Surrey #GU21 Plz RT
Email alerts sent to postcodes GU18,GU20,GU21,GU22,GU23,GU24,KT14,KT15,KT16
Text sent requesting photo.

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