Rainbow Bridge: Wheaten Rhodesian Ridgeback Female

  • Dog ID 84788
  • Status Rainbow Bridge
  • Registered 29 Mar 2015
  • Name SADIE
  • Gender & Breed Female Rhodesian Ridgeback
  • Age Adult
  • Colour Wheaten
  • Marks & Scars
  • Tagged No
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Lost 29 Mar 2015
  • Where Lost From back Garden in thurnscoe
  • Lost In Region North East
  • Lost In Post Area S63
  • Date Reunited 05 Apr 2015
  • Other Info Sadie as a heart condition and needs medication on a daily basis.
  • Listed By Dot
  • Views 5276
  • SADIEPoster Image
  • SADIEExtra Image


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Oh how heartbreaking. I am so very, very sorry to hear about Sadie - RIP darling girl. Run happy and free at the Bridge beautiful sweetheart xxxx
I guess someone found her body and not being the sensitive type just disposed of her the easiest way possible. So sorry she had to be found like this, not the way you want to remember her. RIP Sadie x
I'm so very sorry. Run free beautiful girl x My thoughts are with her family x
So very sorry to read this..... Run Free Beautiful girl xxx
I am so very very sorry for your Loss & they way in which you had to find Her :(
R.I.P. Sweet Sadie x
So very sorry. Thoughts are with her family. RIP Sadie
I am so very sad to read your heartbreaking update. Try to remember of all the happy times that you spent together. RIP beautiful Sadie now forever young xx
Lucy Stevenson
Am so sorry to read this. Thinking of Sadie's family at this awful time. Run free over Rainbow Bridge Sadie. Sending much love from another RR family xxx
Elaine Tinker and Hemps mum
God Bless Sadie. Thoughts are with your family xxxx
So sorry to hear sadie didnt make it home, devastating news for the owners, run free sadie x
My heart goes out to the family. Run free at Rainbow Bridge Sadie
So very sorry to read the sad news. My thoughts are with you and your family. RIP Sadie xx
For gods sake what is wrong with people? How could this happen to this beautiful dog? Shocking and so so sad.RIP Sadie 💔
Absolutely heartbreaking - what an awful thing to happen. I am so very, very sorry, and my thoughts are with the family at this sad time. Hope this will be investigated - such a sad outcome. Run free at the bridge, beautiful Sadie xxx
Oh so sorry, RIP Sadie x
crying here. So sorry to see that you haven't made it home safely Sadie. Run free you beautiful girl. My thoughts are with your family x
Heart breaking news - Sadie's body has been found in a bag on a dirt track in Clayton. The person who found her says the bag was not there earlier today. There is nothing immediately obvious to indicate how she died. Our thoughts are with her family and all who loved her.
Circulating on twitter..SADIE Wheaten Rhodesian Ridgeback MISSING http://bit.ly/1bRY9Ym #Thurnscoe #S63 On heart meds Plz RT
A light colored dog was also sighted in Marr. Trying to get more info on that.
Very encouraging that there has been a sighting.
No positive outcome from the search this afternoon however from the area where the sighting was could lead to another village of Clayton will take more posters out tomorrow in that area.
just been advised of a sighting at the top end of Thurnscoe we are taking her mother Rio up to have a look as there are several routes that can lead up there from where we went yesterday tracking.
Wispa and I tracked yesterday and got some useful info in spite of high winds. We followed ground scent from the house eastwards towards Thurnscoe station and crossed road to head down a footpath which came out on Thurnscoe Bridge Road. We continued south then veered off down a footpath through scrubland under the flyover then ran alongside the railway and came out by Goldthorpe station. Then eastwards along Barnsley Road and north up B6098 to the roundabout by Field End business park.

This had taken us in a big anti clockwise circuit, which is a route typically taken by dogs on the run. At this point the wind was gusting at over 55 mph and too strong for accurate air scenting, and we could not find a ground scent so we called it a day.

Please keep eyes peeled around Goldthorpe and also on the huge wooded space east of the business park.

I am not surprised Sadie has not been seen as she will be tucked away somewhere out of the extreme wind. It is bad today as well, but should be calmer tomorrow so I am hoping she will appear then. Last edited: 2015-04-01 10:30:56 by Owl
Stephanie D.
Shared Mexborough. Hope she's home soon safe and sound xx
DogLostJytte - Area Volunteer - West Yorkshire
TO ADMIN - when this link is posted/shared it comes up as South East area ??
DogLostJytte - Area Volunteer - West Yorkshire
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