Reunited: Tabby & White Cat Female

  • Dog ID 75616
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 26 Sep 2014
  • Gender & Breed Female Cat (Neutered)
  • Age Adult
  • Colour Tabby & white
  • Marks & Scars White paws and white chest
  • Tagged No
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Lost 20 Sep 2014
  • Where Lost Chessington Way, West Wickham
  • Lost In Region South East
  • Lost In Post Area BR4
  • Date Found 30 Sep 2014
  • Found In Post Area BR4
  • Date Reunited 30 Sep 2014
  • Other Info Found a couple of roads away from where she went missing. The leaflets through the doors and posters on lamp posts helped to bring her home.
  • Listed By Baggy Dog
  • Views 1453


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Tinkie's Family
Thank you everyone for all your help and support in looking for and finding Tinkie, it's much appreciated. So glad to have her home now :)
Wonderful news. Stay safe now Tinkerbell, and close to your family:-)xxx
Millys Mum
Just heard the great news from Baggy Dog that Tinkie is back home safe and sound and seemingly none the worse for her mini adventure, apart from being very hungry.. I'm so happy for her family. Welcome home Tinkie!
Safedog Crash Tested Car CratesBaggy Dog
Pleased to say that Tinkie is now HOME! Thanks for the advice and help, my family is truly grateful. Now where's that champagne!
Millys Mum
Thanks for the latest update - you are certainly doing all the right things! I personally think that offering a reward is a good idea and something we did when Boris, our tabby boy went missing (lost by our vets!). A reward encourages non-cat folk to get involved which they might not normally do, but, of course, it doesn't matter one jot, just as long as they give you the location or info that brings Tinkie back home safe and sound. The Riverside Walk 'sighting' sounds encouraging. Do you (or Baggy Dog!) have a laminator for the latest posters? If not, I have one (and pouches) that you can borrow. Of course Baggy Dog knows where to find me. If she is busy, I can drop it round to you. All fingers and paws crossed 'this end'.Last edited: 2014-09-30 16:48:14 by Millys Mum
Tinkie's Family
We have now leafleted The Alders, Manor Road, most of Grosvenor Road and halfway up Oaklands Avenue. We go out late every night calling for her but no luck so far. It's good that people know about her, like Baggy Dog says everyone we speak to seems to know about it, and lots of people who we deliver flyers to that we talk to promise to check their sheds and garages. I expect you're right and she is stuck somewhere, Millys Mum, it is just finding out where! There have been two sightings on Riverside Walk of a 'small new tabby cat that nobody's seen before' but we've been a couple of times and haven't seen her. Thank you for your tips, they're really helpful. Tonight/today we'll finish Grosvenor Road and Oaklands Avenue and we have plenty more roads to do too. Thinking of adding a reward to the posters, which we are going to put more of up on lampposts. Just glad it's not too cold at the moment.
Millys Mum
A friend of a friend delivered something to us this afternoon who lives in Chessington Way. I mentioned missing Tinkie but he was already aware and said that missing details had been posted through their door and read, which was good to hear. I still can't help but wonder if Tinkie is 'stuck' in a garden where her progress is being barred or hampered by another territorial cat or dog or even a high/dense/impenetrable fence or boundary. Tinkie's Family - as per my last post, have you tried calling Tinkie late at night or during the early hours of the morning from your back garden (although not loud enough to awake the neighbours) to see whether she may hear you once things are quieter. Cats senses are so much more acute at night when they are able to pick up on the slightest sound/noise/rustle.Last edited: 2014-09-29 21:27:36 by Millys Mum
Safedog Crash Tested Car CratesBaggy Dog
Last night I took my retriever over there - she's very good at sniffing out cats. Unfortunately the only cat we saw was one which had been eliminated from our enquiries. On the positive side it does appear that everyone we stop and talk to on our travels knows about Tinkie. I guess most people just put up a couple of posters rather than leaflets through letterboxes. Took little flyer to Tender Paws, my vets, today.
Millys Mum
You have certainly been busy and good that the weather is mild.Some years ago, a friend lost her cat who went missing whilst builders were in. The cat was probably bothered by the disruption and disappeared from home. He/she was found 2/3 weeks later and surprisingly close to home. The cat had just become disorientated and had taken refuge in an area he/she felt safe in. I'm wondering whether Tinkie has been frightened by a dog, fox or another cat (as they are so territorial) and is stuck in a nearby garden hiding under shrubs or under a shed. If that is the case, it may take her a while to build up the courage to make her way home. It would be a good idea to go into your back garden during the night and early morning when it's still and quiet and softly call her name. And then stand or sit quietly, listen and repeat several times.
Tinkie's Family
Hello Tinkie's Family here, we've been out today putting leaflets through doors in Hawkhurst Way, Chessington Way, Bolderwood Way, Cunningham Close, Sherwood Way, Boleyn Gardens, Copse Avenue, Highbury Close and Bramley Way. Also put some posters up on Hawkhurst Way, Chessington Way and Sherwood Way. We've put posters in Waggles Pet Emporium and both newsagents on West Wickham High Street. Have informed Tender Paws Vet in West Wickham, shared on Facebook and Twitter. Also accosted random strangers in the street giving them leaflets and mini flyers. Everyone's been very kind and promised to look out for her.
Millys Mum
Hello Tinkie Tinkerbells's family. Have just spoken to Baggy dog about missing TT as wondered whether you had contacted the local Cats Protection's (CPL) Lost/Found volunteer. Baggy Dog knows how to find me if you need the contact number. When I last spoke to her about my friend's missing Bengal cat, she (the CPL volunteer) also suggested another missing pets site called Animal Search (I recall) as, as far as I know, the CPL doesn't have their own lost/found web page but it was one that the CPL supported. Always remember to update TT's DogLost page as to what you have done, where you have postered, any possible sightings, etc. When we were looking for our Boris, the same poor 'lookalike' tabby cat was named (or picked up) several times. We got to know Wilf, as he was called, well and had to deliver him back to his home on one occasion when he was picked up by people hoping to claim the reward and then, when I confirmed that it wasn't our Boris, were about to release him some way away from his home address (I popped him into a cat carrying basket we always had with us and delivered him back home). I'm hoping that householders will be accessing their garages/sheds over the weekend and that TT might be found. Also, just one other thought (for the time being), are you aware if any of your neighbours went away on holiday Saturday evening and, perhaps briefly left their front door open whilst they loaded cases/bags into their vehicle or a taxi? Many years ago (and long before I was born!) my Mum spotted her missing cat sitting inside a neighbour's house on their windowsill looking out! And, so, when you walk around in daylight check all windows in houses both up and down just in case she's trapped inside. Here's hoping the next time I check TT's page (or receive a call from Baggy dog) it's to say that Tinkie Tinkerbell is back home, safe and sound. Good Luck!
Shared x
Millys Mum
I reckon it's likely that he's shut inside a garage or shed. Is it possible to find out if any supermarkets were delivering to the immediate area on the evening he went missing, just in case the delivery person left the van door open whilst they delivered the online shopping order and that this beauty then hopped inside.
Safedog Crash Tested Car CratesBaggy Dog
Thanks all. I'd mentioned about Boris, Millys Mum, and how much effort you put into finding him. We've been out leafleting the local streets tonight. Had one phone call but it turned out to be a false alarm.
My cat was lost for 15 days. We did all the right things including getting neighbours to search outbuildings. He was found in our neighbours garage loft: it had been open just for a short time to put something into storage and he must have rushed in. Because it was rarely opened the neighbour had not thought to search in there for the cat. He was fine, though very thin and cross. Within an hour of rescue he spotted our caravan door open and jumped inside!
Moral: ask permission to search sheds etc WITh your neighbours, don't take their word for it.
Millys Mum
When our tabby cat went missing a few years ago, when our vets let him escape through their kitchen window, we immediately offered a £200 reward and, like you have done, blitzed Beckenham with posters. We also placed a missing ad in the News Shopper but know you would have already advised your family about this. We spent 5 solid days searching for our Boris, often starting at 04:00 in the morning (although it was early summer when our vets lost him). We both went out long after dark and listened at garage doors and checked out various nooks and crannies, shaking a box of cat treats and tapping Boris' food bowl with a fork. I'm pleased to report that he was found 5 days later, tripping up the pathway of a local private hospital and seemingly cross that we'd left him to fend for himself for so long!
Millys Mum
Oh dear, how awful. Baggy Dog, please let me know how I can help. Has she gone off before? I do hope this weekend brings about some good news.
Someone may be feeding her. golod that she is spayed, as will have a smaller territory. Put sardines or tuna on her dish, and call herl she may not be far away. Put something with her scent on; her blanket say, and leave in the garden along with the scent of the person who feeds her. Put "Lost" posters through doors too. I have two female cats myself, and I know they rely very much on scent.
Alerts sent to helpers in BR2,3,4. CR0.
Safedog Crash Tested Car CratesBaggy Dog
This is my family's cat who went missing last Saturday night. They've been out putting flyers through doors. Will update activity here later - just popping out with some more flyers.

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