Reunited: White/Brown Face Cross Breed Male

  • Dog ID 72381
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 23 Jul 2014
  • Name NICO
  • Gender & Breed Male Cross Breed (Spayed)
  • Age Young Adult
  • Colour White/Brown face
  • Marks & Scars
  • Tagged Unknown
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Lost 23 Jul 2014
  • Where Lost Wimbledon Common
  • Lost In Region South East
  • Lost In Post Area SW19
  • Where Found Mundon, Essex
  • Found In Region South East
  • Found In Post Area CM9
  • Date Reunited 25 Aug 2014
  • Other Info Wearing a red collar, very shy, is afraid of roads. Has very long legs. Is quite slim as he is a rescue dog and only arrived in the UK 2 days ago
  • Listed By Fitzi1983
  • Views 5962
  • NICOPoster Image
  • NICOExtra Image


Sightings and Information

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Happiness yorkie lover xxx
Fantastic news xxxxx
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
Well done Team Nico. Great result :))
Lovely reunited photo.x
Aw, I am soooo happy for you, i keep checking back to see if he had been found. please give him a big kiss and hug from me, x
Please refresh to view reunited photo!
El Rowe
Just bloody fantastic!! HUGE thankyou to everyone involved in keeping him in the area, feeding, spotting, & looking out for him.

Jo - Area Co-ordinator, Essex
Just picked up a voicemail as had been driving but they've got him!!!! Well done Pam, Nutty and others! More detail and pics to follow I'm sure! x
xLast edited: 2014-08-25 13:23:29 by test
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
I have been forwarded and article in the Basildon newspaper. Its best to keep lots of people away from the area and only those helping to stay there. The last thing we need is a stampede. So DL helpers please be vigilant and look out for this fur baby, just in case. Thanks. Also, CopperM - thank you for all your help. x Last edited: 2014-08-21 19:23:00 by Kimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Sorry I am confused - 'see found page now'. Has the dog been captured? If not is it sure where he is? Is help wanted to try and corner him? I have been involved with this.
I realised that AA Dog Rescue were close by and wondered if by any slim chance this was one of theirs,so emailed them. Glad Nico seems to have been identified.
Please see found page now.Last edited: 2014-08-19 13:31:27 by CopperM
DogLostMe N My Girl - Administrative Volunteer
Wuzzy, Jo area co-ordinator has left you a message on your found page. Yvonne
The owner of Nico has contacted us and thinks it could be her dog. My husband saw the dog this evening and when he called the name Nico there was a definite response from him. We need help as have no experience or equipment to catch him as he won't let you get anywhere near
Pawprints Dog RescueBella
This is a long way from Wimbledon. Do you know if Nicole has a tan patch over his left eye.
Jo - Area Co-ordinator, Essex
Bumped in view of sightings.
Yes, lovely Maria and many many years ago you also had Lashes who was very nervous and on the run in similar area to Maria.....and infact got me involved with Doglost lol!
DogLostMe N My Girl - Administrative Volunteer
I remember the Greek rescue Maria ID 53923 Southend area who absconded the minute she got into her new home. She was captured in a ladies garden. That was a great team effort requiring lots of patience. You'll get the help you need on here.
Jo - Area Co-ordinator, Essex
I've just seen details of found dog and possible match to Nico on FB via AA Dog Rescues group. I'm not sure if it was u posting on there Wuzzy but if not and u need any help/advice let us know. If Nico will most likely be behaving in a very feral way and it may be a slow, patient, process to build up trust leading ultimately to his capture and reunion but it most certainly is possible! Doglost can help you based on years of experience and similar cases. x
I think we may have Nico on the farm (thanks me n my girl for contacting me). He has a red collar and disc but we can't get close enough to him to catch him. See ID 73743
DogLostMe N My Girl - Administrative Volunteer
Please look at found ID 73743. have cross refd and text loser to look on here.
Hi all, unfortunately we have still no news on Nico, I am starting to think someone has taken him as, we have not had a single sighting in nearly 2 weeks. I have contacted all the local councils and thankfully no dogs of Nicos description has been involved in an RTA,so there is still hope. Thanks for all your support and hopefully we will get him back soon.
DogLostAunt Stef - Area Volunteer, West London
Thanks for your help with searching BlackLab & well done Fitzi1983 with all you are doing. Keeping up with the posters & flyers can make all the difference, so worth persevering even though certain areas are more difficult to cover than others,so to speak :-/ Once the scenting material etc is available I really hope this will provide something recognisable to Nico & bring him to a set area on a more regular basis.
Sorry for late reply, only just back on line. We walked the main Windmill Road path from the windmill down towards Sunset Road & then cut back across the golf course. Hope the sighting in Wim Park proves to be him!
We have had a possible sighting in Wimbledon Park, I was down there earlier but I couldn't see him, but its something.
Hi, thanks for keeping an eye out. We have put out the guts of 75-90 posters over the common alone. Could you let me know the paths you where walking as we have obviously missed out on a few.
We walked from the Windmill this morning, down in the direction of the Village & back. No sign at all I'm afraid. We only saw one poster on our whole route (right outside the Windmill itself, none around the cafe or on main paths etc) not sure if some have been removed, but a lot more might be needed. Won't be able to get there tmrw, but will try to on Monday if still no news - hopefully he'll be home safe before them though!
Nico has come from Spain, we re-registered his details on Thursday morning to our address. I think he will aim to stay in the undergrowth as he seems to have strong hunting instincts and is not too interested in people or other dogs so he is going to be difficult to spot.
Fingers crossed though and again thanks for your support.
I contacted the Ranger's Office the other day, so they should be aware, also left the phone number from this poster in case a dog with a foreign microchip is handed in... I walk on the common 2-3 times a day every day and ask everyone I see but so far no luck :( Where has the dog come from? Have the microchip details been updated?
yes the rangers are well aware, I was quite persistent with them and they had a good look in the area he was lost. thanks again, we will probably cross paths on the common tomorrow.
We will be out there tomorrow morning, so will keep all eyes peeled. Do the Common Rangers know as well, they are out on patrol every day, so well worth making sure they are aware.
Hi all, thank you for your continued support. no sightings as of yet. The last time we saw him was at the tibbets corner side of the commmon. Still out looking.
Is there any more info on whereabouts on the Common she went missing? Should be able to go there tomorrow.
Circulating on twitter....NICO White/Brown Mixed Breed MISSING #Wimbledon Common #SW19 Plz RT
DogLostAunt Stef - Area Volunteer, West London
Have spoken to Nico's owners.Posters are out,DWs,vets etc informed. Nico is newly rescued & does not know the area . I have sent owner some scenting & tracking advice as this will hopefully be the way to keep Nico in the same area to eventually be caught. At the moment he is not wanting to be approached so if seen please call owner,number on poster. Thank you.
I will put Nico up on Facebook Doglost West London & request twitter.
DogLostBattersea Dogs HomeBattersea
Have made a report at BDCH, will contact you if we have any news. The report remains open indefinitely until the dog is found.
Doggy Boutique and Grooming, Morden
Details sent to all our customers including SW19 and mainly south of the Wimbledon Common.
Shared x
Email alerts sent to postcodes CR4,KT3,SM4,SW12,SW15,SW17,SW18,SW19,SW20

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