Reunited: Tan Cross Breed Female

  • Dog ID 72204
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 20 Jul 2014
  • Name MISSY
  • Gender & Breed Female Cross Breed
  • Age Adult
  • Colour tan
  • Marks & Scars
  • Tagged Unknown
  • Microchipped Unknown
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Lost 20 Jul 2014
  • Where Lost Long Lane, Stifford Clays Nature Reserve, Grays Thurrock.
  • Lost In Region South East
  • Lost In Post Area RM16
  • Date Found 31 Jul 2014
  • Found In Region South East
  • Found In Post Area RM16
  • Date Reunited 31 Jul 2014
  • Other Info Found in field by farmer
  • Listed By Gino
  • Views 5672
  • MISSY Poster Image
  • MISSY Extra Image


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DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Yes, a very lucky girl as the Combine Harvester was heading her way! So very pleased. x
Really delighted to see this little one home and safe after such a long time missing. Amazed, like others, that she hadn't lost weight or showed signs of dehydration. Was the lead still attached?
Well done to the vigilant farmer and all who helped and supported.
So pleased to see she is home :)
Fantastic news. Well done team Missy. So glad she safe and well
Oh that is fantastic news!!! We kept going out to search but was really worried when no signs of her each time - and obviously in this heat too!!! So very pleased!!!!
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
Brilliant news:)) Yes well done Team Missy.xx
So pleased to see she is home and safe.xx
DogLostSherlock- Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - Avon & South Gloucestersh
Fantastic news! Well done Team Missy...just fantastic to hear gorgeous Missy is safe and home xx
Thanks for the update Di. So pleased Missy is safely home.
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!! Thank you, Di. I just got an email from owner too but I couldn;t open it. I've got it now. Fantastic news! I am over the moon. It is very strange when you consider how long she has been out there, but as you say, who cares as she is safe, home and okay! So HAPPY!!!!!!! xxx
Louisa has asked me to update you all with the news, but she wanted to thank everyone for their help and support on DogLost - methinks she & her lad will sleep well tonight xx
Woooooo-hooooo !

I've just got off the phone to Missy's owner, Louisa. She got a call from a lady to say she may have found Missy - turns out it IS Missy. Wooooo-hoooo again !
Found by the farmer next to the nature reserve, when he went to cut the grain crop in his Combine Harvester ... he saw Missy put her head above the crop.

First thing I asked was if she was OK, but most strangely, she is absolutely fine - not lost weight & not over-thirsty (strange or what ?).

Anyhow, guess that doesn't matter - Louisa's son was mega-excited to have Missy back & that's what counts (did I say Woooooooo-hoooooo ?)
circulating on twitter.......MISSY Tan Crossbreed MISSING #StiffordClays Nature Reserve #Grays #Thurrock #RM16 Plz RT
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
My goodness! I've found out that owner has been truly amazing in her search for Missy. Well done indeed Lou. She managed to get authorities to check with her, but sadly no sign of Missy. Not to say she hasn't been there though. But we need to keep looking. Well done Lou! You are a great owner and deserve to find little Missy. Let's keep on! x
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
If she wasn't where you thought she was, she could have been moved Lou. this does happen. This is where it's handy to have a national database on DogLost, if they get reported to us. We often have people checking on here to match up dogs. All is not lost. Never give up hope. x
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Sadly, still no news. Please keep your eyes peeled and also please check the sale sites. Missy is spayed so no good for breeding. And, can people in the area keep an eye out for her lead if not still attached? Thank you. x
Thank u all do much for lookin and helping xxx
I dont know what else to do im gettin so so worried im not goin to get her back ive called every where looked put posters up i want her home =,( xxx
Just got back again. Nothing sadly. Again spoke to all the dog walkers we saw and asked them to look out for her. Also saw someone in the allotments there and asked them to keep a lookout too. Asked owner to let the Rugby club know.
She wasnt where i thought she could be . Still on search looking for her. I cant give up i need her home xx thank u all for helping xx
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
You guys are so amazing. Thank you and well done. We do have another possible though but we can't give up on the foot search, just in case. Does anyone know about a certain group in the vicinity who could, maybe, have her? Could you email into Admin for me if you know anything about this. Thank you. x
About the dense bushes, use a round end broom handle to feel into bushes,also if allowed take secateurs to trim back. ( not sure if public land ).
Im goin to go there again today ... if i can get some one to have my son i will go over there tonight xxx
Did anyone go with torches last night and is anyone going to night
No luck on info i provided earlier. Going to keep lookin in hope xxx
We've just had a look all in the bushes/thicket area around the Rugby area/Blackshots Playing Fields. There is a lot there and it's dense in some places. Kept calling her but sadly no sight or sound of her. We have told all the dog walkers we went past to look out for her etc. She could easily be in there as it's dense and she's small. So still keep looking in this area too.
Havent tried dog whistle id appreciate people still lookon incase is some form of luck. But alot of people believe some one has taken here. Xx
Has anybody tried a dog whistle. If she is out there you may here her barking
Do you still want people to help search??
The dog that was found locally I understand was a male JRT & owner has now seen photo, so can dismiss that one.
Had to removed was advised too xxLast edited: 2014-07-22 14:22:56 by lillou1990
Have shared on lots of my FB pages that I belong to. Will also be going out today to look. Come on Missy!!
I've just come back this minute - set out at 04.30 in the hope she might be about, but nothing, I'm afraid - the grain crop in the surrounding fields is very high, so difficult if she went there. I put up a couple of laminated posters, but also saw many around. Will try again later
Is anyone out at the reserve now looking ?
I would be more than willing to help but have no transport. If anybody driving there and coming through chingford let me know.
I really wish I could help here but I'm too far away. Hopefully this little one will be found tomorrow. I doubt she is far. As Dogtopia comments, dogs often remain quiet when they are entangled. Maizie the lhasa was recently found close to home, tangled in a net, not making a sound. One of my own dogs did the same when tangled in bramble - remained perfectly quiet and still until found.

Is it possible that a team could be organised on stand by for tomorrow night, just in case? I am not familiar with this area, but is there a ranger or game keeper that looks after this reserve? If so, could they be enlisted to help? Or do they have heat seeking equipment that they'd be willing to loan for the night?
DogLostSherlock- Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - Avon & South Gloucestersh
Tweeting appeal for searchers .....stay safe Missy xx
Thank you so much guys for your help and support .. im having trouble lookin in dark cos of my lil boy im a full time workin single mum. Ive had alot of my friends handin out posters n sticking them up and me and my sister and my son have just got back from puttin more out xxx
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Thank you! You are all amazing. Owner has been emailing me to my phone - she's very grateful. x
I'm at work till 13:30 tomorrow but if not found I will come over to help search.
Can I suggest that, as Missys lead is still attached, that you go after dark to look for her with a really strong torch. If she is tangled up then she won't be going anywhere soon and you will stand the best chance of finding her by torch light. Her eyes will shine like becons especially if she hears noises.
She may be too scared to come out or yap when you call her so you have to try another tactic.
Will be out looking early - lets hope we find her soon (extender lead - so she'll probably be spooked)
Double bum - no answer !!!!
Bum prob with phone - am calling !
lillou - I can help search, but not until tomorrow - will try & get out early ... is it an extender lead or a regular ? Call if you hacve any place specific I can help with - will text you my contact numbers x
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
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DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
I have bumped because we are concerned Missy is caught on something in the nature reserve and time is of the essence. Please help.
Hi people please help we looked yesturday and again today and still no sign of her. I cant find her mayb fresh eyes will help . Please help me find my baby girl xx
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
We need helpers please. Missy's lead was still attached. She got spooked and legged it. We really need help in case she is caught up in the woods etc. Please help!!!!
Any news on Missy, is anyone out looking????
Postcode should be RM16 - exact location is the Nature Reserve by Thurrock Rugby Club (off Long Lane) x
Hope she's home soon
Tx Alerts sent to helpers in RM postcodes.
Missy is a yorkie x Chihuahua. Photo to follow shortly. She bolted whilst out on a walk. Have advised owner to check sites and to make her famous!

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