Lost: Red Chow Chow Female In South West (EX23)

  • Dog ID 68830
  • Status Lost
  • Registered 14 May 2014
  • Gender & Breed Female Chow Chow (Spayed)
  • Age Adult
  • Colour red
  • Marks & Scars Some black hairs running through coat on tail and she also has a black tongue
  • Tagged No
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed Yes
  • Date Lost 12 May 2014
  • Where Lost Crackington Haven, Bude, Cornwall
  • Lost In Region South West
  • Lost In Post Area EX23
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info Lost from owners holiday home so local help needed to spread the word. MICROCHIPPED and SPAYED. SUBSTANTIAL REWARD OFFERED FOR SAFE RETURN. If FOUND she should be reported to the Council Dog Warden (required by LAW)
  • Listed By Jayne - Founder Doglost.
  • Views 113610
  • LEXI MISSING 10 YEARSPoster Image
  • LEXI MISSING 10 YEARSExtra Image


Sightings and Information

Please post if you have news about this dog. Log in above or register to leave comments or to like them.
Please note that DogLost cannot be held responsible for the content of any other sites mentioned or linked to here.

Please check out this post. Chow chow being used for street begging in London.

DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Thank you Sleighbelle will forward to local coordinator.
There was a small red chow chow with a homeless person in Taunton today.
Decided to mention as dog looked similar and looked elderly.
Sorry this stray may distress but I'm sharing just in case. Gender not given. On the Vets Get Scanning & Bradford Lost and Found Dogs FB pages


10 years missing on Sunday 12/05/2014 …… gutted I have no closure . Forever in my heart my special sugar lump . Love you always and forever ❀️❀️x. Photo taken The day before you went missing I miss you always πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West

Mini-minx thanks for cross checking, the link you have posted is for the same CHOW I have commented about. It is not LEXI and was found in Widnes WA8 area
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
A female Chow has been FOUND in the Widnes, Halton WA8 area. I am following up with FINDER. Already checked the chip on DogLost and no matches to any dogs that have chip number on their details. LEXI’s chip number is on her details and doesn’t match
A Chow has just been found. Please check out Yardley and Stechford Forum FB page & Stolen Dogs UK. Very like Lexi.
Chow found look on Wakefield Lost Dogs FB page. Sorry gender not given.
Hi there is a post on sky angels Facebook page of a chow chow recently. Does not say male or female. NewarkLast edited: 2023-03-03 02:07:30 by Kittygalore
DogLostSarahG - Area Volunteer - Oxfordshire, Warwickshire, Worcestershire & W.Midlands
Found Chow Chow in Oxfordshire 8 Jan 2023, confirmed not Lexi
Looks like a red chow posted on the Oxfordshire Doglost Facebook page:
Please check out the following, Sorry I can't confirm gender. https://www.facebook.com/139155222803344/posts/5386416464743834/
DogLostBobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
JanJan and Lexi are often in my thoughts. Especially when I go to that part of Cornwall or see a Chow Chow. I frequently talk to people with Chow Chows and talk to them about Lexi, mostly they already know.

DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Never stopped checking all Chow Chows...
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
MEDIA COVERAGE FOR LEXI https://www.cornwalllive.com/news/cornwall-news/midlands-family-hold-out-hope-7076900

Female Chow found. Please call 07852488518. Photos on FB pages of Brentford Friends page & Kimberley Beavis
DogLostJulie - Area Co-ordinator - Surrey & South London
Please could you check https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=10224998023010780&set=pcb.5019383611479091
Thank you Cockers2 , sadly it’s not Lexi
Bless you for caring still , means a lot πŸ’œ
Found Leeds
I’m aware of this chow , sadly not Lexi
The latest update is that she is safe at the vets and reunited with her puppies . This was posted on Doglost Surrey . Thank you for caring x
Chow been found Chobham. I think probably too young to be Lexi, but please check https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=10157874047096603&set=gm.4299399056810887
Bless you Majorjet Jan
Thank you for caring still xxx
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Aaaah Jan one of your shares for LEXI has just popped up in fb memory. Have shared it.

Thinking of you, the family and LEXI wherever she is. ❀️❀️❀️
Janiejewel thank you for caring x
Yes God Bless you Dillon for caring. Show yourself Lexi. All xd.
Dillon , bless you x
Shared to many, UK, Eire, SpainπŸ™
Thank you RosieDoc666 xx
We’ve made a post on Dogs on the run
Where are you Lexi😞
Thank you for your love and for caring xx
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
Bumped Lexi's post on National FB Group xx
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Jan sending you all big hugs and thinking of LEXI today. ❀️❀️❀️
Thank you Debbie 123
I’m aware of this chow , it’s male so not Lexi
Thank you for caring x
Check found 165899
Thank you for remembering Lexi it means a lot xx
So sorry it’s not her - thank u for replying most people don’t ever let me know - she’s top of my search list
Thank you Debbie , I’ve checked the page and it’s not Lexi . Bless you for caring xx
Thank you SANDS , I’ve asked to join the group
Thank you WhipMama ..... I’m aware of the 4 chows there , sadly none are Lexi Last edited: 2021-03-28 12:40:09 by JANJAN
I don't know whether the owner knows, but Many Tears currently has a number of Chows listed for rehoming. Might be worth checking?
Thank you HanL24
It’s not Lexi ...... Lexi is spayed too
Thanks for caring about her x
Thank you Admin xx
Thank you catladie
I’m pretty sure it’s not Lexi
Thank you for caring xx
DogLostSandra Watt
Thanks CatLadie ....link is here
is this your dog.....
a dog looking at the camera: A chow chow who was found electrocuted on train tracks near Liverpool Central Station (RSPCA/PA) © Provided by PA Media A chow chow who was found electrocuted on train tracks near Liverpool Central Station (RSPCA/PA)
RSPCA inspectors say the chow chow was seconds from death when she was seen on the tracks near Liverpool Central station by a train driver at 8.20am on Sunday.
The driver was able to stop just in time and rescue the dog, whose thick fur was singed, before contacting the RSPCA.Photo on DOUGALS ARMY facebook page x
Thank you Flo C20
Sadly it’s not Lexi .... what a very strange reason to want to sell a dog ! Very sad
Please see this advert, noting wheee the seller is from and it doesn’t look like a 5mth old puppy at all to me. https://www.pets4homes.co.uk/classifieds/2962276-chow-chow-london.html
Thanks , I’ve just had a look and sadly again it’s not Lexi πŸ˜ͺπŸ˜ͺ
Thank you , will go have a look 😎
Poss. stray Chow in Swindon, Wiltshire -
I've sent it through to the FB page as well
The chow that’s been found 160227 is sadly not Lexi
Thank you Rosemary and Mr Fox for caring about us . Hopefully one day Lexi will be found
Mr Fox
Please check No: 160227 found close to Travelers site that was raided. 10/09/20
just checking not lexi https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10207897409229356&set=pcb.3042518429193808&type=3&theater&ifg=1
Thnks Sharon. Pleased Lexi is being bumped. Lexi is on my "Dogs I`m following page". Microchips can slip. I know of one microchip that fell out. Hope Lexi can be found soon. Thinking of you. Paws xd.
Bless you Joan .... we were coming down in June but because of Covid 19 we have been forced to cancel . Thank you for your support ❀️
JANJAN, it's very possible that she has not been scanned for a microchip in the past 6 years even if she's been to visit a vet. Unfortunately many vets don't scan routinely and it's also possible that the chip has moved or failed and so hasn't been picked up. Don't give up hope. We visit a cafe in Crackington Haven very regularly ( although not since lockdown!) and always think of Lexi. If I can help in any way I would be pleased to do so. You and Lexi are in my thoughts. Joanx
Thank you Sharon x
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
I have bumped Lexi's post on our National FB Group x
Thank you Geoff and Maxine
DogLostGeoffA - Area Volunteer - Cornwall, Scotland & Northumberland
From owner Jan:
"6 YEARS. ( 2192 days )
Sadly Lexi is still missing 12/05/14 . I would so love this anniversary to be the day she comes home . I feel I have done everything to find her to no avail . My common sense says she has crossed rainbow bridge as I don't see how she has never been scanned at a vets in the 6 years of her being missing ? The NOT knowing is the worst . Will today , tomorrow or anytime soon be the day I find out what has happened to Lexi ? I try to hold on and be strong in the hope my precious one will be home and meet her little sister . I live in hope to at least KNOW xx attached photo is of Lexi at the cottage she went missing from πŸ˜ͺπŸ˜ͺ"
Thanks Sharon ... I’m aware of this found Chow , it’s not Lexi . Thank you for caring
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
Please check this found Chow Chow x https://www.doglost.co.uk/pet/156408
Thank you for the link , it’s not Lexi but thank you for caring Beryl x
Thank you choowie I’m aware of these two , sadly not Lexi . Thank you for caring x
Paws xd.Last edited: 2020-03-28 12:26:39
I was at the vets when cops brought this in as a stray last night but I did notice it 'looked like bungle'. I'll check tonight if it's male or female. It had a foreign unregistered chip I think.

https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=2499757760286741&set=gm.2543846962521532&type=3&theater&ifg=1Last edited: 2020-02-01 18:21:40 by DarceyEdwards
Sherlock ... I’ve found out about Hawkwind ... Please put Lexi forward for me please . Thank your for remembering my Lexi . Means a lot 😎😎
Thank you Sherlock ... I’m not aware of “ hawkwind “ can you explain please
DogLostSherlock- Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - Avon & South Gloucestersh
In contact re Hawkwind initiative x
out the area sighted not caught https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10162241608465167&set=gm.2649395148623099&type=3&theater&ifg=1
Sam the one loretta shared is sadly not Lexi
Thank you Laura .x

Loretta Battersby on Facebook has found one xLast edited: 2019-07-23 11:10:07 by Sam
Lady in Facebook has a dog that looks very much like this one just trying 5o get details now ..please go to Facebook and take a look
Sue - onestopalldogs
Re Shared to @onestopalldogsLost Facebook and Twitter
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
Bumped Lexi's post in our national FB group & tweeted @DogLostUK https://twitter.com/DoglostUK/status/1127815915498876928
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
Sharing Twitter.x
I would poster around the are she went missing. Post flyers through door too. Ask around; you never know . It`s a small world. Post in shops; post offices too. Hand out as many posters as you can; where, and when you can. Post in National newspaper too. In can she has been taken. Make her "TOO HOT TO HANDLE". Paws, and fingers xd.
Thank you Majorjet ..... One day !
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
JANJAN thinking of you and LEXI wherever she is, sending you big HUGS ❀️❀️❀️

Re shared on fb
DogLostGeoffA - Area Volunteer - Cornwall, Scotland & Northumberland
JANJAN - post says 1 year old approx but felt you should take a look to be sure:
Hi Jayelle thank you for the link ... I have sent a request to join the group so I ask for updates ... thank you for caring x
Loose red chow on the Doglost Berkshire page. See running alone in Reading.
Also on this FB page:
https://www.facebook.com/groups/ReadingDogOwners/permalink/1952718588098389/Last edited: 2019-02-05 18:25:43 by BorderCol
Thank you Sherlock , means a lot Last edited: 2019-05-12 12:55:07
DogLostSherlock- Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - Avon & South Gloucestersh
Still keeping eyes peeled for your Lexie xxLast edited: 2019-05-12 12:55:25
Debbie123 Checked out preloved advert sadly not Lexi but thank you for sending me the link x
Thank you Debbie ... Will follow up . Bless you for caring x
Please check https://www.preloved.co.uk/adverts/show/118446324/chow-chow.html?link=%2Fclassifieds%2Fpets%2Fdogs%2Fall%2Fuk%2Fchow%2Bchow
Vision value. Sadly not . These people are Romanian beggars , they travel all round the uk with various dogs . Thank you for caring xxLast edited: 2018-12-03 19:18:49 by JANJAN
Could this be lexi ? spotted in Swansea https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10213255594039707&set=gm.1928925707199358&type=3&theater
Miss vertonghen. Yes it's still the same number .... I haven't received a photo as yet
Thank you very much
Miss Vertonghen
Ive sent a photo to mobile number above. Is that still correct number?
Thank you Beryl , sadly it's not Lexi X bless you for caring xx
DogLostBobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
Jan and Lexi often in my thoughts and always on the lookout for Lexi x
Hi nicolspicola ... I'm aware of these people .... Sadly not Lexi πŸ˜₯ I think it's vey sad to see these dogs sitting for hours whilst they beg !
Hi nicolspicola ... I'm aware of these people .... Sadly not Lexi πŸ˜₯ I think it's vey sad to see these dogs sitting for hours whilst they beg !
I've just been down Oxford Street today - there were TWO Romanian ladies playing accordion at separate spots, each with a chow same colour as this, each dog having to wear a union jack and reflective sunglasses. I saw RSPCA rescue 2 St Bernards (on Dog Rescuers) a few years ago - they went and looked at them to see if they were OK and decided they were being kept out in the heat and not cared for properly and took them. Fairly sure they would think these weren't being best looked after either, if they went and inspected them. I wish they would take some action. Comforting though, that one of the dogs was leaning affectionately on its "owner"'s legs while she played and seemed quite relaxed.
Thank you botaniq I am aware of this chow , sadly not Lexi .. I think it's sad that they use the chow to beg money . They travel around and have also been seen on the south coast . Bless you for caring about Lexi xx
Hi, I know the chances are tiny and I will most likely look like a racist... But I've seen a chow chow yesterday on Oxford Street in London. The dog was with a romanian looking busker playing the accordeon, and may as well have been hers. But the doggy was quite edgy and was constantly looking for someone in the crowd. RSPCA said they can't quite investigate or check the dog's microchip, unless the dog is harmed. But just in case you pass by there, could it be your stolen girl?Last edited: 2018-05-18 09:57:32 by botaniq
Janiejewel bless you . A big thank you to all of Lexi's followers who are still looking out for her . One day I hope we all get rewarded with the return of Lexi coming home ... Big hugs to you all xx
Candle lit, and prayers said at Church today, for Lexi, and family as promised.
Thank you Sue
Sue - onestopalldogs
Shared to @onestopalldogsLost Facebook and Twitter
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
Please support:


Thanks to everyone for your continued support for Lexi ...
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
I have reshared with DL FB Group, Twitter & Public. I hope that you have some news on Lexi very soon.X
DogLostBobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
Often in my thoughts, always hoping for that little nugget of information good or bad so we know.... Big hug Jan.
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Have reshared LEXIE on fb. ❀️❀️❀️
Janiejewel. Thank you so much 😎
Hope Lexi`s microchip works it`s magic soon. Will light a candle for you, and Lexi at Church tomorrow, aptly named St Francis of Assisi. Paw, and fingers xd too.
Thank you Bwiblestix
Feel so very sad for you and pray that you get your miracle one day. If she is with somebody I hope she is loved as much as she was with you, and if she has crossed the Bridge I hope she is at peace. xx
Majorjet and Max thank you for caring 😘😘
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
Sharing Twitter.x
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
JANJAN, will bump Lexi's page as it is her 4th anniversary. Hope you get some news for your girl x
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
JANJAN sending you big HUGS ❀️❀️❀️
Sadly it looks like I will be seeing the 4th anniversary of Lexi missing 12/05/14 as her still missing . I would so love this anniversary to be the day she comes home . I feel I have done everything to find her to no avail . My common sense says she has crossed rainbow bridge as I don't see how she has never been scanned at a vets in the 4 years of her being missing ? I always suspected that she may have met her demise very soon after going missing as it was as I'm led to believe it was just after lambing time . The NOT knowing is the worst . Will today , tomorrow or anytime soon be the day I found out what has happened to Lexi ? I try to hold on and be strong in the hope my precious one will be home and meet her little sister . I live in hope to at least KNOW xx
I am aware of this Chow being used for begging ... Moves around the south a lot ... Sadly not Lexi . Thank you so much for caring about Lexi xx
Just seen a chow chow same colour as lexi on Oxford St near bond st station, with a Romany gypsy lady playing an accordion. Thought this was rather an expensive breed for a beggar to have. She had put sunglasses on the dog. Sorry I couldn’t see if it was male or female as it was sat down.
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Stating the obvious, I am sure you have checked
Found 125249
DogLostBobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
Sadly the found dog circulating on social media is not Lexi
Bless you Bobble .... Still hoping for a miracle xx
DogLostBobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
A male Chow Chow missing assumed stolen on South Coast, hoping he is found soon and the search brings news of Lexi, always in my thoughts.
Thank you vision value ... I am aware of this dog , I've been promised that I will be updated as n when any news happens xxx
Just noticed this worth looking at https://www.facebook.com/linda.concannon.12/videos/10155841852771079/
Thank you Captain.
Lexie has a new Thunderclap:

Please, support and then share to help #FindLexie x
Thank you Mrs Mop ... I am aware of this chow ... they are Romanians , sadly this chow is not Lexi though ... thank you for caring xx
Mrs Mop
please check out this dog bearing in mind Lexi would look a bit different now. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10155373714612673&set=gm.1930898887131903&type=3&theater
DogLostJan -North West and Police Liaison Coordinator
Thinking of JanJan I bumped Lexi's page and shared her poster yesterday.Hope some news comes in xxxx
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Thinking of you janjan...
Thinking of you JANJAN, especially today. Three years of not knowing is much too long and far too painful. Someone needs to have a heart and come forward with information.
Lexi is, and always will be, on my radar xx Last edited: 2017-05-12 22:16:48 by Baydogs
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
Sharing Twitter.x
Thank you all for you continued love and support for Lexi ..... One day I hope to post here that she is home . It's so sad not knowing πŸ˜₯
DogLostGeoffA - Area Volunteer - Cornwall, Scotland & Northumberland
Fresh post added to DogLost Cornwall page - hope it brings some news JANJAN.
Sue - onestopalldogs
Re Shared to @onestopalldogsLost Facebook and Twitter
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Thinking of LEXI wherever she is and her family who have never given up looking for her.

JANJAN you are a true inspiration to LEXI sending you all BIG HUGS ❀️❀️❀️

Details UPDATED, Shared and DL page BUMPED up.

Rooting for her to be FOUND and SCANNED.
So sad thinking of you xx
Thinking of you today Jan xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
DogLostJan -North West and Police Liaison Coordinator
Missing three years today xxx
Thanks Kim ... I have shared to Facebook x
Kim's Home for Dogs
Ad on Gumtree this morning. I know Lexi is spayed and so not her pups but Chow Chow breeders might know lots of other Chow Chow fans who might know.....https://www.gumtree.com/p/dogs/chow-chow-pups-/1232413534
Thank you Abbie girl .... Checked this out , sadly not my Lexi 😒 Thank you so much for posting and for still caring about my little one . As time goes by , nearly 3 years ... I am losing faith that I will ever have her back home x
Abbie Girl
I have left a comment on F/B but just in case could you pleae check Dragons Driving (travellers site) in puppies for sale section. There is a female Chow Chow for sale, little info and seller says (on behalf of a friend) dog is very nervous of new people! would rather post for owner to rule out x
Thank you Kim's home for Dogs ..... Sadly not Lexi .... How sad to see this Chow on Gumtree of all places Bless you for caring about us xx
Kim's Home for Dogs
There is a Chow Chow on Gumtree this morning https://www.gumtree.com/p/dogs/chow-chow-bitch/1227798931
Thank you so much Heth ... Any help is appreciated xxxx
I saw a chow chow in Durrington, Wiltshire, on Friday afternoon, being walked down the high St. Sorry but I don't know if male or female, but it is such an unusual dog to see that it catches your eye. Im not always there but I will ask my daughter who lives there to keep her eye open for more sightings.xx
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
I had a message to say that someone saw a Chow Chow at the Perranporth Christmas market, however they didn't realise the importance until their son said the dog looked like Lexi. I was around that day & didn't see a Chow Chow, however the market went on until late evening. It could have been a visitor to area. I will try to check with owner of Bungle ( Chow Chow), who lives not far away, if she was visiting that day with him. I have passed this info onto Jan.
Hi Baydogs .. Yes that's the poster ... sadly i've had printer issues and as Christmas has gone I will have to rethink the posters
Is this the poster you were printing JANJAN?
Eyecatching. Hope it gets some positive leads x
Thanks again Baydogs ... I'm printing as we speak . bless you for your continued support xx
Just a suggetsion JANJAN, and it was Sarah's use of the Mousehole lights that made me think of it---
People come to Mousehole from the whole of Cornwall to see these famous lights. It is heaving from the switch-on, through Tom Bawcock's Eve, to Christmas.
What about emailing or posting the businesses there to ask if they would display a poster.
The Ship Inn is a good start-
That is their FB but they also have a website.
If you scroll down on the Ship's FB you'll see a video of Tom Bawcock's Eve and you'll see just how busy it gets here.
Just a thought x
Thanks Baydogs ... It's a fab new poster , Thanks Sarah xx let's hope for my best Christmas pressie ever πŸ’œπŸ’œ
Beautiful new poster for Lexi
With Mousehole Christmas lights.
Please share.

Another Sarah Williams creation ;) x
I think I saw a chow chow on one of the videos of walkwithwalnut on Porth Beach yesterday morning.
I know this is a long shot but I was recently staying near Porth beach in Cornwall & remember seeing a Chow Chow similar to Lexi being walked by a lady a few times up the hill that leads away from Porth beach. I think this road is Porth Way which leads to Porth & Padstow. This might just be a similar dog but I've just seen Lexi's post on here & that she went missing from Bude in Cornwall. The Chow Chow caught my eye as you don't see many about. If anyone is local to that area maybe it's worth keeping an eye out its the TR7 area. Good luck x
Elaine Tinker and Hemps mum
I really hope it is Lexi, fingers crossed xxxx

Thank you Seeks xxxx
Jan and Elaine snap re Pup not being news....We can't ever get help but after being let down by two bodies who could have made a difference re the thief at least we now know we are on our own.

Keep badgering them though as sometimes papers etc give way to badgering. Leaving you both a hug xxxx
Shared Twitter
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
I have shared with FB Page, Twitter & Public.Included details of the recent sighting.
I hope you receive some good news very soon. X
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
similardog spotted on caerwent road,Ely, Cardiff. alerts sent to helpers in CF5.
Elaine Tinker and Hemps mum
Hi JanJan
I have been in touch with The mail on Sunday too. I was told that other stories had taken priority, but our story would still be published, she said she would try to let me know WHEN!! We've got to keep believing xx
Hi Jot .. yes I was aware of the two chows , neither was Lexi and they are now reunited .. thank you for your concern hun xx
Hi Elaine ... Yes I sent a email & they even sent a photographer to my home ... nothing came of it sadly .. same old , same old !! I emailed the lady who phoned me & she said that other stories took higher place . makes you think we fight a losing battle x
Jot cotswolds
Two chows found loose in Nailsea nr Bristol..both handed to Golden Valley vets...poss Weston S Mare or Nailsea...just saw a facebook post..no info on gender etc but worth investigating. Post I saw said chip details were out of date. Pic of them on facebook page of whitehouse kennels and cattery..the one on right of photo does look a lot like lexiLast edited: 2016-09-13 16:37:45 by Jot cotswolds
Elaine Tinker and Hemps mum
JANJAN have you given your story to Mail on Sunday in the last 2 weeks and waiting for it to be printed?

I am waiting and thought you would have been put forward too?

If so, I have sent an email to the editor today to see what's happening.

I hope and pray you get Lexi back soon, it's so hard without them isn't it.

My two were stolen a few weeks after Lexi went missing. xxxx
Lots of posts on Spotted Torquay Facebook page re my enquiries of sighted Chow ... seems the Chow is male , named Messi and well known . the man who owns him has had him since a pup ... My search goes on ...........

Last edited: 2016-08-05 11:14:29 by JANJAN
Have posted on Spotted Torquay re recent sighting in Wellswood , Babbacombe , Ilsham Road , in the hope that they remember the sighting of the Chow in Jacks Waterfront Bar approx 18 months ago .. seen by Hazel Richards ! & can possibly make a connection ... also contacting Vets In the Area , and Vintage Café Ilsham Road to hope of details .. have to be realistic that It may be a visiting holiday maker but worth a try !! so need my little one home
Thank you all for caring about my Lexi ... I follow through with all comments and Chow sightings that are posted ... Get lots of Facebook comments again all of which are followed through ... Will keep you all updated with any info that I come across ... One day ... I so hope Lexi will be home . Big hugs to you all πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹
Labrador lover
A male red chow called Robbie was recently re-homed by Gables Cats & Dogs home in Plymouth.
It couldn't have been Lexie as it was male but may account for a new adult chow in the area.
DogLostGeoffA - Area Volunteer - Cornwall, Scotland & Northumberland
Jayne, JANJAN - would it be worth revisiting the posts and comments still on the Spotted Torquay fb page re the Chow Chow sighted in Torquay December 2014 and mentioned again on the anniversary in December 2015 (search for Chow on the page and the posts pop up). There are comments about known Chow Chows in the area- the names could be good people to tag about the most recent sighting in Babbacombe.
There is a chow on the Leeds found Facebook page, found in Methley. Doesn't say which sex and that microchip details are out of date but may be worth a look - there is a photo
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Thank you...if you could just spread locally about a Chow Chow. and ask if other people have seen...on social media...tx
Hi - I live in Denbury which is about 8 miles from Torquay - what do you need doing? X
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Someone has been in touch with owner as concerned about a chow Chow she has sen over the ast week in Babbacombe being walked on Ilsham road and also visited the vintage cafe....she has never seen a Chow chow before in this area...she is unsure if male or female...and of course could be a genuine owner...if anyone has contacts in this area...would they please share so we can rule out or rule in? thank you. By a very weird co-incidence...and we believe in these dont we ladies? the sighter was born in Crackington...where lexi went missing from!
csquaredb... thank you but NOT Lexi xx
Has this one been checked? https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10208379467099044&set=gm.1572624596366461&type=3&theaterLast edited: 2016-07-30 16:37:21 by csquaredb
Have just seen elsewhere that the dog in the link below has already been checked by Jan and unfortunately isn't Lexi. So sorry Jan x
****JANJAN**** did you see the below post?
Is there anyone in the area who can take a look and see if this Chow is male or female please?Last edited: 2016-07-29 00:26:00 by Baydogs
This has just come up on my facebook please take a look

Last edited: 2016-07-26 19:16:09 by visionvalue
Thank you all for still caring about Lexi xx
Re shared to Harvey`s Army South x
DogLostBobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
JanJan you and Lexi are still constantly in my thoughts and prayers. I know not knowing is the worst situation.
Bless you Hollieberry ... so hope that you are right in Lexi coming home ... Thank you so much for caring xx
JanJan L reading your post has reduced me to tears ,I hope that one day you get news of Lexi .Please never give up hoping I have recently read of 2 dogs that were reunited after 5 & 6 yrs and a cat that was reunited after 11yrs .A body has never been found so she must be out there somewhere x
The Pets Located Chow was only sighted NOT caught ... I contacted North Yorkshire & East Riding councils to mention Lexi for their Dog wardens dept. Not had a Chow in . Also contacted local kennels they use .. NO Chow either
Mrs Mop
Found chow. http://www.petslocated.com/pet-information.php?pid=8033543cea7f8d3a1880c81803e34f40#.V3PnVpdtZaB.facebook
If money could buy Lexi home she would be home now ... Paul and me offered £1000 days after Lexi went missing . NO Lexi ! After months of no news but 100,s of people caring and sharing , we had a Devine ! offer of another £1000 from T A (you know who you are ) ... Still no Lexi πŸ˜₯ 25 months on i despair , still no Lexi .... If money was the answer to getting Lexi home I just know she would be back here playing with Kona . The support she has is amazing and I'm sure money would not be the reason she is not YET home .. I still in my heart of hearts think she has gone to rainbow bridge , you cannot hide a Chow for this long ! Gut instinct as time goes on . Just to know would be an immense relief and end this dreadful , painful time in our lives .... Please I beg for news to end our pain . You can contact numerous groups anonymously if you prefer . Please !!Last edited: 2016-06-26 16:03:34 by JANJAN
missed it Baydogs but thank you
Jan, there is going to be a Radio Cornwall phone-in with Laurence Reed from 12 midday about dog theft. Phone number to call 01872 222222. Didn't know if you were aware of this.
Thank you all for your continued support for my Lexi ... 2 years on and NO positive info of her whereabouts .... I'm gutted but the search goes on ... I need to know !!
Hi Jan. Please dont give up. She has to be somewhere. And dogs that have been missing longer than Lexi have been reunited. Lets hope that posters, publcicity, and sharing will work their magic
Jan I lost all faith in finding Pup, I don't see how we can .... but ... I been lent so much hope I got a bit to spare so leaving a huge bucket of hopes to hold you up when yours fails you.

We will find them my friend....We need to!! You hang in there and you know where I am if you need a top up of faith xxxx
DogLostBobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
Like so many, I am still looking out for Lexi. Still thinking of her, Jan and family. Still hoping for some good news.

Stay strong Jan - Lexi has a huge fanbase now and someone somewhere must know something.
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
Thanks for bumping, Poochpal
Sue - onestopalldogs
Posted ONESTOP FB twitter
DogLostPoochpal - Regional Co-ordinator - South West - Police Liaison Team
Bumped due to the 2nd anniversary of Lexi's disappearance.
Two years missing. Two years too long. Thinking of you Jan and hoping you have some news really soon.
Have to admit my faith in ever finding Lexi is dwindling ! ... I pray to god that one day she will come home.... its a long shot ......
Thank you Baydogs I have seen the post .. sadly a Shar pei ... not Lexi .. Bless you for caring xx
Hi Jan. I'm still quietly keeping my eyes peeled for your girl, as I suspect many others are too. I added a comment about this the other night - when the website crashed- and it appears not to have been posted.

This is an extremely long shot but would you take a peek at the dogs at Birkenhead Kennels,(98438) particularly second from the right, top row. Is that a chow? It is hard to tell...and I cannot read the name underneath to see if it sounded male or female. I've tried to find this dog elsewhere as it says "Various breeds and locations" but haven't managed to do so.

Hope you are feeling a bit better lately xLast edited: 2016-02-12 11:13:48 by Baydogs
Hello Jan. I'm still looking out for your girl!
Just wondered if you thought that these dogs included a chow (Found 98438) second from the right, top row. I've magnified this as much as poss but features are hard to see clearly. If it is a chow, they aren't seen in rescue very often and might be worth checking out.
Hope you are feeling a little better lately x
Looking again, it might be too small to be a chow...it's so hard to tell from these pictures. There's a name under each dog too.....but can't read it.Last edited: 2016-02-10 13:43:34 by Baydogs
A new Thunderclap being done for Lexi .. Please sign it to support her then please share it everywhere ... Thank you
Lets get her viral please .. Many thanks to Sarah Williams .. Where are you Lexie Chow?
Thank you Lindsay ... The Chow is now reunited .. it was NOT Lexi ... Thank you for caring xx
this female chow is missing from Dorset, posting so it can be ruled out as being Lexi https://www.facebook.com/charlie.sewell.37/posts/10208271613458101
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
JanJan, you & Lexi are always in my thoughts. Stay positive and I hope this is the year you are reunited. Sending you lots of positivity xLast edited: 2016-01-01 15:16:52 by Moogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
janiejewel1649 Bless you , Any help we can get is truly appreciated. We are still hopeful that Lexi will be back home very soon . xxx Make her RED HOT !!
Really hope that you will be reunited with Lexie soon. And that 2016 will be a happier for you. Someone may have picked her up, and is keeping her. Shall we make her "TOO HOT TO HANDLE" just in case? (HUG)
Just leaving you a hug Jan as we know how hard it is xxxxxxxxx

I was reminded that tomorrow 29/12 was the sighting of a Lexie lookalike outside Jacks Waterfront Bar in Torquay ....sadly the CCTV was apparently too poor quality to say if the Chow was Lexi . In case this group revisit Torquay over new year is it worth bumping her and alerting volunteers in the area/visiting to look out for this Chow . The lady ,Hazel who alerted us this time last year was very sure that the Chow sighted was Lexi .... Do they visit Torquay every New Year ? Please look out for Lexi ... Thank you Last edited: 2015-12-28 22:23:23 by JANJAN
Happy Christmas little one , wherever you are ! So hope you are safe and well . Big Chow hugs from me to you xxxxxx
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
That's just crazy JanJan, not helpful at all!
Oh my days ... Joined animal search.co.uk ...This is their match to LEXI .....Hello Jan

There is 1 new potential match with your dog you lost on Mon 12th May 2014 which has been reported to us since we were last in touch.

Our website does NOT take colour into account when providing matches for you. Read on to find out why.

We are working to make the site more intelligent so that it provided the best possible matches first then ranks them according to whether the colours match in any order. This development will cost us a significant amount of money so please bear with us. It's better to match cat with cat, dog with dog etc. like we do at the moment rather than miss a potential match because one party puts chocolate coloured and the other puts brown.

If some of the pets below are obviously not the one you lost. - Please bear with us our matching criteria are deliberately broad, to maximise the chances of finding a match - You can perform more targeted searches for specific characteristics at any time manually here .

We know at the moment it's not perfect, we working hard to make sure that it is as quickly as we can with the limited funds we raise from donations and our Missing Pet Search Team work. Please consider helping us by making a voluntary donation if you haven't already done so. Thank you.

Here is a summary of their details, you can click on the links for full details of each pet, and also to contact the finder if you think the dog that you have lost may be theirs.

If you feel you are getting too many or too few matches by e-mail, you can log in to the website , and alter the "search radius" you would like us to use for this pet (you have currently opted to receive alerts of pets lost within 100 miles of Cornwall, United Kingdom, EX23 0JG).

Click to view details of this pet
Dog (AFP239497) found on Thu 26th Nov 2015

Found in Ewenny, Vale of Glamorgan, United Kingdom, CF35 5BL

Sex: not recorded

Colours: Sandy, Golden and Tan

No collar or flea collar

Chipped: Not sure

Neutered: Not sure

View details >

Beggars belief .... me thinks !!https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox/1514b701be4d142e
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
I'm so sorry to hear you're not well JANJAN. Really feel for you. Hope life starts to improve soon xxxx
Shared your calendar to local vets etc. Always looking out for her xx
We are a group of long time missing/stolen dog owners that have joined together to offer each other support we have become very friendly as we are in the same boat and devastated having tried everything in our power to get our dogs home some days we have to rely on each other to get through the despair and turmoil we face. We have tried to make our dogs as high profile as possible via use of social media but we have been racking our brains as to how to take this further whilst also raising awareness of dog theft, the devastating impact this crime has on families, and look at compliance in laws surrounding stray dogs. During our discussions we decided to produce a charity calendar called Missing Dogs I Call Your Name. in an attempt to spread the word and get our dogs everywhere including Vets Surgeries and Police Station we want to help as many dog charities as possible starting with Harvey's Army who do a fantastic job with their voluntary scanning of live and deceased dogs. We plan on selling these calendars which are non profit making at £5 each which includes a £1 donation from each sale to various. Dog charities / rescues. . We are a very committed bunch of devastated dog owners who want to get our missing dogs calendar out there in vets police stations etc and we need your help. Please please please would you consider including us on your show to launch this calendar and show the British public who are meant to be a nation of animal lovers how far we are prepared to go to get our fur babies home . Please will you help us? Kind Regards Missing Dogs I Call Your Name; Julie Evans (Hansum) Nicola Cree (Bragi) Val Nield (Archie) Mandy Holder (Kiki) Tracy Davis (Lady) Nicola Walters ( Conker) June McAleese (Amy) Jackie Veal (Poppy) Jan Jurczuk (Lexi) Sam Causer (Buster) Caroline Key (Rags) Dawn Purvis (Izzy)

https://www.facebook.com/icallyourname247/?pnref=story&hc_location=ufi please help us find our furbabies xx Thank you in advance xx

Last edited: 2015-11-04 23:59:43 by JANJAN
NO further news re LEXI ... Update on ME .. I have been referred for counselling and had MEDS prescribed for severe depression ... oh my life Sucks right now .... Just need closure ... good or bad
Andy Smith aka Murphy's Army sharing Lexi on route to Animal Hero's event in London ...https://www.facebook.com/Getmurphyhome/photos/a.1518185741801502.1073741828.1518183928468350/1681997655420309/?type=3&theater
Helperpoppys petsLesley (ID84584)
Hope you can use the contact I gave you on FB for photo manipulation ...
Just a suggestion but what about a new take on posters:
Stray Dog headline to fit with an image of a matted dirty lexi. the brain will think in an alternative way.

if people read 'Missing' with a fluffy Lexi the brain will expect to see afluffy dog. if they read the date but still see a photo of a fluffy lexi the brain will tell them to look for a fluffy Lexi. if you add 'stolen' with a fluffy lexi then everyone sees a fluffy chow being walked on a lead. But what if she is a stray? She may have been seen but people have not associated this matted dog with the fluffy Lexi in the posters, hence the new angle.

I think it worth a try. the thing is, if she was stolen but escaped she is probably people scared. I am not saying scared of her owners but would be apprehensive and if her location is found, the owners would need to gain her trust. Time.

I think a new angle wort a go.
Thanks Ellie .. Just checked it out online ... Sadly it's NOT Lexi ... Bless you for caring xx
There is a dog just like this one on the Hive.com advert!?
Bideford Chow ( a Male ) now reunited
Helperpoppys petsLesley (ID84584)
I left this on FB and has been received:

You know, if Lexi was stolen but escaped she would have bolted in fear and living rough. Can you find someone to manipulate her photo to a Lexi looking matted with fur clingy to her? Run this alongside her fluffy photo. People will 'look' for a chow in this picture and may not register with the dog they see at a distance as Lexi if she is looking more like an outdoor stray, matted, unkempt. And perhaps she hides because scared.
Not on FB:
I would like to add too that if a new image is created to run alongside fluffy Lexi, that may be a new poster campaign started at perhaps remote pubs - there will always be someone (local or visitor) that won't know about Lexi. Perhaps try around villages surrounding CH? Those quieter spots. Someone may have seen a matted dog and if they had seen the fluffy Lexi poster may not have registered the same dog, or if a dog at all. Or maybe they are in an area where there are no posters.

Just a thought x Last edited: 2015-10-05 13:55:47 by Lesley (ID84584)
Just had a link .....There is a report of a Chow wandering around the Torrington Lane area of East the Water, Bideford on the public group Items For Sale In Bideford Better by Rach-louise Llewellyn.
DogLostBobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
So sorry the Bideford dog wasn't Lexi.

Someone, somewhere must know something. Please come forward if you do.
Is it worth trying national newspapers again as its been so long now. Someone must know something, a neighbour getting a doggy like this a little after Lexi went missing. There cannot be many of this breed about. If u bought a doggy like this in good faith surely you would get her m/chip details updated and this has not happened. x
I .. We are gutted .. no info for Lexi's whereabouts ! 18 months missing ! Please if someone has info .. Do the right thing and TELL US !! My heart is breaking ... Just need to Know
Hi , not sure if anyone saw my FB page updates re the Chow found in Bideford ... IT WAS NOT LEXI ... Thank you all yet again for you caring & sharing & continued support for Lexi ... Sadly the Search goes on xx
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
keran, I have just spoken to Jan too. She is going into Keswick to try & get a wifi somewhere & will check out the info. She does however think the nose is not right, but will check when she can see a larger picture & try to update people.
Owners have messaged me back and will check when they get internet as away for a few days x
There is a Chow chow found put into someone's garden in Bideford which looks like Lexie today. It's been put on a facebook page: items for sale in Bideford asking if anyone knows who's dog it is. I have text messaged the mobile number on the Lexie poster already. If anyone can contact owners by any other means. I think it's now on list and found animals in cornwall fb page too. Fingers & paws crossed xxx
Thanks Cazzaforyou .. We are aware of this Chow .. some of the Chow world know of this one too .. NOT Lexi ... and Lexi is spayed .. thanks for caring about my Lexi xx """" The Chow mentioned has been reunited with owners """ as confirmed by W O District Council Last edited: 2015-09-15 12:46:40 by JANJAN
Observant Citizen
Thank you Cazzaforyou...x
From Facebook today PLEASE SHARE
Lexi poster being used for Scan me petition xx
Please sign & then Share .. Thank you x
β€ͺ#‎ScanMe‬ link. https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/104379
Trinity Terrace Pembrokeshire checked .. Male Chow .. the search goes on !!
shared various groups,praying for you x


Memphis with his beautiful Chow Chow , Simba .... Could he be the one that helps brings Lexi home .... ?? Celebrities have had a hand in finding other missing // stolen dogs ... Please share Lexi to see if Memphis can help us !!

DogLostBobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
Fingers and Paws crossed here, thinking of you Jan x
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Good Luck Jan X (Riverlady, not sure what's happening when I follow your link, it takes me back to this page every time)
Thanks Riverlady xLast edited: 2015-08-16 09:56:03 by JANJAN
circulating on twitter........LEXIE Red Chow Chow POSS SIGHTING http://bit.ly/1jIJ6kq #TrinityTerrace #Pembrokeshire #SA73 Plz RT
DogLostGeoffA - Area Volunteer - Cornwall, Scotland & Northumberland
Have bumped Lexie's Thunderclap on DOGLOST CORNWALL Facebook page also.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
So do I! Owner has been relentless in her search for Lexi....
Bumping Lexie's page as she is featured in the DogLost column of the September edition of Dogs Today magazine, out now
Do hope it brings news
Many thanks Seeks xx
Can anyone passing please follow the link and support her Thunderclap...We can do better than 111 for lovely Lex xx


Got more posters to go Jan and will get some don tomorrow...Our lovely lady is happy to help for your girl as well as ours xx
Many thanks Sarah
Longshot I know but this was posted on the PetsLocated website - I have messaged and ask finder to check Doglost website re Lexi and mentioned getting the dog checked for a chip.
Post says: Brown/tan medium-haired looks like a large pomeranian dog found in Hinckley, (LE10) on 4th August 2015 Ref: LE0042305
Shelagh & ilovedogs40 this Chow was sighted in Failsworth area of Manchester .. no further updates as yet ....
Pets forever-lost found and reunited. Chow chow wandering,it says male but hasn't been caught so not sure. If same as below,apologise for repeat post
This one has been spotted in London x
DogLostSherlock- Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - Avon & South Gloucestersh
Apparently the lady is unsure if this wandering chow is a male or female....more a matter of speech so it's does need checking out as Jan is ascertaining xx
Carol G
A lady called Michelle has found a chow. Male in Manchester.
https://m.facebook.com/michelle.mitchellwasscott?fref=nf&ref=m_notif&notif_t=feed_comment_replyLast edited: 2015-08-01 21:07:14 by Carol G
Thanks Lindsay .. We are trying to find info on whether the Chow seen is a boy as stated and also if has been "caught " .. similar to Lexi but obviously needs to be scanned for conformation of yay or nay
Can you tell me which doglost to join to send you a picture is it doglost cornwall I did try sending it to the number on the magnet poster but the one you have above is different. Think Ive managed to put it on the general doglost under her poster.Last edited: 2015-07-29 22:15:23 by chorkies
Hi Chorkies . yes I remember you contacting us on Lexies FB group. Can you send the photo to Dog Lost for them to forward it to Jan please . The group is now closed. Dog Lost UK do have a face book page so this maybe easier for you. Thanks
Hi. I posted ages ago on fb about a foreign lady having a chow up Devonport park Plymouth well they were up the park yesterday and we saw them again today. They didn't want to say much the dog is call leecie and they say shes 4 1/2 years old . We do have a pic but its not very clear the sun was shining brightly and the dog was plodding along behind was hard to take a picture without them knowing what we were doing. They arrive to the park in a black cab so he must be a taxi driver. Very distinct as he had long hair. Xx
Bless you Seeks ... xxxxx
You hang in there my friend and know we (Pup's lot) will keep looking and wont ever desert you for as long as you need.

Am out Bude just now....It feels like Devon lol....I re postering for Lex all over again as it might help jog someone's memory. Got a lovely lady happy to help re ground work so we can do it faster :-)

Leaving you a hug and a hope my friend xxxx
No updates on Lexi's whereabouts Last edited: 2015-07-23 11:24:31 by JANJAN
Just to let you know the SSPCA in Scotland and Inveclyde council dog warden have no knowledge of a red chow straying in Greenock. There is a male chow in Greenock that used to roam but this as not been seen for 6 months now. So not Lexie
Rosie can you contact the FB group HELP find LEXIE CHOW. So you can pass more information on to them.
Have alerts been sent out to volunteers in Greenock or the SPCA contacted for more information. ROSIE CAN YOU PLEASE MAKE CONTACT WITH ADMIN ON HELP find LEXIE CHOW on fb .Last edited: 2015-07-13 11:50:22 by lhasagirl
I live in Greenock in Scotland and I know it's a bit of a long shot but there has been a chow straying up here for a year or more and i know from one of their officers the SPCA have tried to catch it and failed, I myself tried to get a pic but could not get close enough before the dog ran off. I have seen this dog on many occasions roaming around and it is obviously wary of people. I did report this sighting to one of the phone numbers on the poster after seeing the poster on Facebook, that was at least a couple of months ago.Last edited: 2015-07-12 21:18:26 by rosie
Brilliant news .. Re LEXI in Dogs Today ( Thank you Nik !!) ... Also Confirmed TODAY that another Magazine , WOMAN'S OWN are to feature Dognapping in their AUGUST 3rd Edition in which LEXI will also be in ... We will find you one day sweetheart xxxLast edited: 2015-07-06 18:24:29 by JANJAN
Lexie will be in the DogLost column in the September issue of Dogs Today.
Bless you all for caring ... One Day she will be home ... Paws Crossed xx
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Only heard about your decision from someone yesterday, Jan. Thinking of you and sending Huge Hugs XXX
I really feel for you,Jan and will always keep my eyes and ears open for news of Lexie.x
Wishing you well JanJan and you're not alone in your search for Lexi x
I have removed myself from Facebook for the time being ... after 14 months of searching for Lexi , the stress has sadly been too much .. but please be assured I will never give up on the hope that Lexi will be returned to us , sooner rather than later ... she is somewhere or someone knows something . Thank you for your continued support xx
emailed vets in PL32 area. Plympton vet Clinic, Woodlands Vets ( several practices ) Vet Centre ( Plymstock) several practices . Vet Hospital Plymouth Rosehill Plymouth. All been issued with poster and Lexies details. Where a practice has several clinics I have asked that they forward my email and Lexie posters to them all.
DogLostBobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
I see that the Liverpool one is now listed as "male".
DogLostBobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
Is this one possible? 88018 Liverpool?
Possible sighting in Hilary Avenue,Huyton.
Email alerts sent to postcodes L12,L13,L14,L16,L25,L26,L27,L28,L34,L35,L36
Further alerts sent to PL32.
Pets4homes currently running an advert for chow chow puppies for sale in Abbots Langley. Has pictures of mum and dad. Two adverts but same people selling, photos of mum slightly different though on each.
Alerts sent to postcodes TQ4,TQ5,TQ6
I've just googled Fenella Reid/chow chows and she has a website and facebook. There are certainly some Lexie lookalikes there! We never give up looking Jan.xx
Apologies if this has been posted before. Reading the BBC news website I came across a news article about a lady in North Norfolk who rescues and rehomes Chow Chows. Just wondered if it might be worth giving her a call with Lexie's details - you never know. Her name is Fenella Reid and she can be contacted on 07788 885091. Article about her on northnorfolknews.co.uk.
Further alerts requested and sent to PL1.
has there been a sighting in Hayle Cornwall, as that is TR27 I know I used to live there .....if that is the case get hold of the NAWT there, they have lots of fun dog days .they will keep a look out x
Further alerts sent to helpers to TR27.
Thank you Jayne & Hasi'smum Not Lexi .. Thanks for caring xx
That's fine.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Tx Hasi...if you don't mind will pass your contact number to owner so she can ring you.
I have a photo taken of a chow in Torquay, but don't know where to send it so you can see it. Looks very similar to lexi, but maybe snout too long, otherwise very like her…
It has been decided that the REWARD of £2000 for the safe return of Lexi will end on Friday 22nd May
One year on from the day Lexi went missing which is so sad. I totally appreciate you want closure, but with respect, is it now time to perhaps bring in another little life to share. I so feel a puppy Chow might help heal the wound you clearly and quite understandably still have. Not to replace her, but to help you .... you might still find Lexi, in which case you'll have two to love. I just know I'd not be able to continue to live without a dog around?Last edited: 2015-05-18 11:27:04 by MamaBas
Hi. Saw a Chow Chow on Friday in Shaftesbury being walked by an older lady with one other dog. It is such an unusual dog so he/she caught my eye. I was driving past so didn't get a really good look but was fully grown not young. I hope you find her soon. x
Thanks Moogie ... Just to update , The photo that Suzy sent is NOT Lexi ... Also I have contacted Pets Located ( who Lexi is also registered with From very early on her disappearance ) The Chow found in Rednal, B'ham has been reunited with it's owners .. Thanks again for caring about Lexi , The search goes on xx
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
I bumped into the chow chow I saw in Helston a few months ago and stopped the owner showing her a photo of Lexi. She didn't want me to take a photo of her dog but let me know that her chow was 8 years old and she has all the relevant paperwork for her. I just needed to reassure you that the Helston chow can definitely be eliminated
As that pic that Suzy sent you on 11May been checked by Jan please. Also the information of chow at pets located in rednall. To make sure the details were correct.Can you plz update Jan with details. Thanks
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
Lexi has been missing a year. Thinking of her owners. Stay safe wherever you are Lexie xx
Pets located. In Rednall chow chow found. Says male but worth checking. Wrong info has been put on there before
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Been thinking of you over the last few days and send my love today. We haven't forgotten Lexi and will keep looking out for her until she's found
I saw a similar dog in plymouth in March. Took photo and sent to Cornwall admin.
DogLostBobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
I wish I'd read this page before I went out looking for Sybil in TA6 yesterday. Not much further on for me. I have a colleague based in Williton, so I'll talk to her about Lexi and ask her to spread the word and keep a look out.
Email alerts sent to postcodes TA1,TA2,TA3,TA4,TA5,TA6,TA7 Last edited: 2015-05-09 22:18:00 by AlisonH
Alerts sent to helpers in PL1-12,20.
I think you mean the village of Williton (17 miles from Taunton on the road to Minehead). I have also seen man walking a Chow in the village several times usually on car park area.
Spanielmum. Can you please ammend your post nit to include town name please. Such detail should be passed to dog lost using their cintact firm which you will find in CINTACT US. You also need ti state that they send alerts out but not to openly show your info in lexie page. By showing it those who may have lexie are being updated if the search and may well move her on or go to ground with herLast edited: 2015-05-10 10:41:49 by lhasagirl
Can I ask if you See A Chow and you are live near the sighting please print off Lexi's poster and put around the area .... The REWARD is now £2000 for her safe return .... Thank you .... It will be 1 year on 12 th May since Lexi went missing , please help us to find her
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
Have deleted my comment as requested
The REWARD we have offered for Lexi's safe return has been increased thanks to an anonymous donor ... the REWARD IS NOW £2000 .. Please do the right thing and let us have LEXI home ... Just think what you could do with £2000 !! Please !!
Report of red chow walking by river at Pentewen yesterday with a shar pei and a man. No further details as yet.
I know there are chows in the St Austell area....Add in Roach and Bugle and you have at least 7.

I imagine the Market one is likely to be the local one who I think is male but am trying to make sure x
Paws xd he will be home soon
Devonport Park. PL1. 4BT
Cornish Market World
Stadium Retail Park
St Austell . PL25. 3RP
Saturday & Sunday's 9:00 - 5:00pm.
Only one entrance. No dogs allowed inside.
Both sightings over lunchtime period 12- 3:00pmLast edited: 2015-04-24 22:16:09 by lhasagirl
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
Devonport park is Plymouth PL1
St Austell Market is possibly Cornish Market world PL25
Am making enqs, as I believe there may be a Chow Chow owner in the St Austell area.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Tx will bump...May we have postcode please for sending out alerts to the right area....TX so much for helping!
I have removed the full details of the 2 possible sightings of Lexie due to the fact that some idiot has been scouring Dogs Lost page for information and posting the details in full for all to see on face book, When I say all, I mean even those who may have Lexie. Idiots is all I can say. Should you D L , require the info again you have my email address, Last edited: 2015-04-25 20:22:56 by lhasagirl
Thanks Fergal's have looked at page .. no further updates as yet xx
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
I just tried that link from Kim's Home for Dogs and noticed this post today. Its the New Forest Dog Owners Group on FB: May be worth keeping an eye on Jan:

"Tracie Burroughs - A fluffy brown dog is loose and running back and forth across the main A326 by pass between the Heath roundabout and Hardley roundabout. People we're stopping but it's obviously frightened and needs it owner xx
Thank you annabinner82 I checked this out ... the search goes on !
Chow chow pup 6 months old
www.gumtree.com/p/pets/chow-chow-pup-6-months-old/1110372275 I saw this on gumtree and thought of you. Good luck in your search
Kim's Home for Dogs tried to make the link but not connecting through to facebook ???
Kim's Home for Dogs
Long shot - if shaved, could Lexi look like this? https://www.facebook.com/1464192920498830/photos/a.1464217477163041.1073741829.1464192920498830/1569529556631832/?type=1&theater

Thanks Jean T ... Sadly not Lexi though xx
Possible sighting near Pauline's nursery, Vange
Extra alerts sent to SS7,SS8,SS11,SS12,SS13,SS14,SS15,SS16,SS17
Last edited: 2015-04-10 23:30:34 by AlisonH
There's a red female Chow Chow named Ruby, with Rovers Dog Rescue Essex. Tel:01277 821740 She can be seen on DogsBlog under the Chow Chow section.
Worth a look.x
New poster to share ..https://www.facebook.com/pages/Help-find-LEXIE-the-Chow-Chow-Cornwall-UK/1406496592965042?fref=ts
https://www.facebook.com/groups/1603668269854126/?notif_t=group_description_change NEW POSTER TO SHARE
It seems that a missing Shar pei has been mistaken for Lexi .... The Shar pei has been found in a barn but has not been captured as such .... The search goes on x
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Sharing around on Twitter
Hope she is home soon where she belongs. Paws xd.
Please dont give up hope that one day Lexi will be home with you .there was a Border cross reunited with the owners yesterday she had been missing for 18 months .we just keep looking I am sure she will appear one day xxx
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alerts sent to helpers in DL4,5,14,16,17. TS21,29. DH6.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
email from janjan lexies owner...
Just had word female chow running free round ferryhill area of durham. Not 100% if Lexi but us a possibility. Are there any DL People in that area that could co ordinate a search please
Woodys mum
Could somebody check this found one please, just in case: https://www.facebook.com/groups/melbeard/permalink/10152825653691158/
Well the Easter holidays are here !! Whilst you are out and about could I ask that you please look out for Lexi .. she has been missing now for nearly 11 months .. We really do miss her so badly .. The REWARD is in place , ample enough to buy your very own puppy ! Please let us have Lexi home ... My birthday is over the holiday time , wouldn't that be the bestest present anyone could have ?? PLEASE xx
The Chow advertised on Pets 4 homes in Crawley has been checked and is MALE , thanks for bringing to our attention.
Possible sighting of red chow in GROVE GREEN , MAIDSTONE , KENT, today 27th March 2015, being walked by elderly man. Slim guy / grey hair. aged 60 - 70 yrs walked up by the Studios and took a short cut down an alley way to GROVE GREEN. May / may not be Lexie but needs following up please. Apparently didn't seem as fluffy as Lexie but may have been clipped for whatever reason .Anyone in that area that could follow this up ? Thank you.Last edited: 2015-03-27 20:51:43 by lhasagirl
Please can I ask that any of Lexi's followers print off her poster and display in their local area ... Vets, Schools , Supermarkets , Car parks , Bus stops , railway stations , local shops , Ask your Postman/ Postwoman to help , Your own cars !! please help to find Lexi and bring her home ..... thank you x
Hi Fergals thank you. Yes I have seen this ... Scary that an owner is seen to be deliberately pushing the head , hate that sadly not Lexi but thanks for caring ... Please keep looking for our little one xxxxx
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Jan, you have probably already checked this one but adding it just in case. Seems odd how they are pushing the hair over the face in two photos.

Sadly Kit'sMum .. The people who think they saw Lexi were just walkers on the coastal path & sadly cannot be contacted .. we still have No positive leads . We are gutted that we have no info to go on ... We just need help PLEASE xxx
I think it might be worth back-pedalling too. In the posting by Red Alert on 29/08/14 "someone said that they had seen her". It might be worth going back to this person to see exactly what they saw. And I amm wondering about a Chinese connection, because I believe this breed is well-known in China and Chinese people have been mentioned on this page in connection with Lexie. Sharing on FB now.
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
I'm continuing the tweeting and facebook sharing JanJan. Never give up hope
Hi Claire ,, Hi Bobble, well an amazing reaction to Lexi's new video .... Thank you again Claire for your brilliant interpretation of Lexi's up to now status .. you have captured the esscence of our life with her from 8 weeks of age until 5+ years when sadly she disappeared from our lives.. we will never , ever be able to come to terms with that sad day 12/05/14 . We have up to now tried in vain to find her .. with the amazing support of many , many friends from around the globe and I promise you she is well known. Sadly no further forward now than then ... totally gutted but I believe I/ we have done as much as any human beings can do to locate there missing one , and will continue to do whatever we can to find Lexi ... Our little sugarlump , just know we have tried our hardest to find you & you remain forever ours ... I / we will always try to find you ! Stay safe sweetheart
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Another brilliant video ClaireBearG fingers crossed there is news soon and we see LEXI back where she belongs. xxx
DogLostBobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
Its lovely Claire, hope it helps jog a memory or conscience x
DogLostClaire Gresty - Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - North West
I have made a video for Lexie - here is the link to view x

Well , we made it to Crufts on Sunday & met loads of peeps who were aware of Lexi and that she is still missing for what is now 10 months ... probably the worst 10 months ever ! people were so , so nice to us and made positive comments to us NOT to give up the search for Lexi . They believe as we do that someone must know something of Lexi's whereabouts and that hopefully it will just be a matter of time ( not too long we hope )and of course that because we Micro chipped her too that that will help bring her back home to us . paws are crossed here ! what a fantastic Mother's day gift that would be for me .. Please help us to find her x
Happiness yorkie lover xxx

4 March at 14:27
At 7.35am this morning (4th March 2015) as I was coming from Newport Bridge way, I spotted two small dogs mooching around Riverside Park Road roundabout. looking a dirty and lost bless them. One dog a typical dark ginger cloloured Chow Chow and the other looked to be a white/grey shih tzu, west highland terrier or pomeranian. Didn't look like an owner/dog walker was with them. I didn't get a detailed look at them as I was driving. Thought I would communicate this sighting, of course to go through moderation and editing if needed.
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Name blocked Thurlow Greenwood likes this.
1 share
Name blockedHad this sighting also been posted to other lost dog pages?
4 March at 15:44 · Like

Name blockedI've tried checking on my mobile but will check on my laptop as soon as I get home.
4 March at 16:00 · LikeName blockedThanks Linzi, just concerned that if no one in the Sweetpea group shares this, no one will see it x
4 March at 16:05 · Like
Name blocked Posted through to "MissingPetsTeesside" fb page for moderation, still not seen any posts on them being lost maybe they are strays or returned home, either way it's good to keep a look out for our furry friends.
4 March at 21:01 · Like · 1

4 March at 21:51 · LikeName blocked these dogs belong to the gypsie site theyre alays running over riverside road iv had to slam the brakes on twice for them no road sence at all
5 March at 17:56 · Like

Name blocked x Thank You Joanne for the closure. To the moderators: Feel free to remove this post then
5 March at 18:00 · Like · 1

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Last edited: 2015-03-08 15:49:03 by Happiness yorkie lover xxx
I am sorry to see this happening on Lexi's page as I find it upsetting , after all we should all be working constructively together to help find Lexi please x
I agree Jayne....but when a helper accuses someone of plundering a person's profile...it is way out of order and needs to be removed from doglost....and as for comment I need to ask that someone...I have asked mamabas on here for all to see. If this continues...I will no longer remain active on here.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Am talking to all parties...so inbetween lets concentrate on Lexi...tx Ladies.
Fergal's I do not have a clue what you are accusing me of...as I have done nothing wrong and I would suggest you get your facts right before accusing me of doing something I have not done....I have not plundered any persons profile and what you are doing is slander and I have never asked for your help for anything. I have also taken a screenshot of your post before you have now edited.Last edited: 2015-03-01 20:05:05 by Scoobydoo
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Then ask that someone! Not plunder some random person's profile, and post links to all and sundry! Apparently, because lhasagirl joined a breed lovers group and found someone who happens to live in the area, this MUST be one and the same individual??? As I said to her, when asked for my help - I do not know either of them, and do not agree with these methods. I am well aware of facebook rules, it is the irresponsibility of these actions I find disturbing. I will not be taking up any more space on Lexi's page with this argument.Last edited: 2015-03-01 15:30:15 by Fergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
When facebook changed their rules...it included that all photos become property of facebook and can be shared by their users if not copyright protected on the picture or photo by a watermark..this is why members of facebook have the right to make their profiles private....if someone keeps saying you should go back to point of loss,then anyone would like to know why.Last edited: 2015-03-01 14:18:07 by Scoobydoo
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
For the record, I do not agree with you lhasagirl. Or the way you have gone about posting personal details of someone on local public facebook pages, with silly cryptic comments added. I have tried to reason with you but you have blocked me. We do not need a witch hunt. Thank you for removing your posts.
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Many people make observations on Doglost pages, express opinions, and try to help the best way they can. Long term missing is a heartbreaking situation and unbearably wearing - it hurts like hell. Please lets not allow paranoia to slip onto Lexi's page. I am local and having been through the nightmare myself (albeit a lot less time) I know there are a lot of other locals willing to go that extra mile. It is the least I can do to return that favour. MammaBas, I have searched many times with my dog over these months. In fact it was one of my posters that you first saw at the Golf Course gate. Please call me (admin have my number). Fergal has died and I no longer walk much, but will be happy to join you or anyone else to keep up the momentum here for Lexi.
Update - comment removed.Last edited: 2015-03-10 10:55:24 by MamaBas
Upon looking at an earlier comment of yours mamabas I have to disagree with you that it is unlikely that Lexie would have been taken by someone as she is not a puppy. It is just as viable for someone to steal lexie thinking that they could breed from her and make some fast money little knowing at the time that she had been spayed
As you no doubt know I am very heavily involved in helping Jan and her husband find their missing dog, So please instead of posting cryptic comments why not either call Jan direct or myself - 07903619757 and really tell us what you know. We both fully understand the situation with any farmer a that time of year and that it could very awkward for you to name the farmer direct on here or on face book, this is why I suggest you give either one of us a call and discuss whatever information you can give us in confidence, it is time to come forward and speak to us direct. It has been 9 months now since the fateful day, Would you not want to know just what information someone had that could help get your dog found whatever the situation. So come one lets stop playing games and lets get this sorted once and for all. It is difficult for Jan and her hubby to keep coming back down to Cornwall so we need someone living there to give us their help. Both Jan and I await your call. Thank you

MamaBas I would be more than interested in you airing what you think happened to Lexie and what you think the farmers involvement could be. This may give us some clues! If you can help please feel free to contact me direct xxx

Last edited: 2015-02-23 17:47:33 by JANJAN
Deleted.Last edited: 2015-02-28 13:10:23 by MamaBas
Happiness yorkie lover xxx
Yes it was the one found in wednesbury x sorry it wasn't you're girl xxxxxxxx
Is this the one in Wednesbury West Midlands ?? if so , is now back with owners . If not Please contact me !!
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
TX Have done.
Happiness yorkie lover xxx
Admin I've sent in a picture taken from Facebook please can you email it to lexi owner to check x x found in a park x
Hi everyone .. A friend , Katrina had a dream that she saw a van driving round with Lexi's poster on it so how about you print Lexi's poster off here & display it on your vehicle !! That way Lexi could be all over the UK .. Yaaaa yyyy x
Lexi is now a FILM STAR !! here is the link .... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpx86kyGdPg&feature=youtu.be
DogLostSherlock- Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - Avon & South Gloucestersh
I am presenting to Gloucester and Cheltenham Rotary tomoz ....'If only dogs could talk'...highlighting the work of Doglost, current and future legislation as well as featuring Lexie :) xx
Mamabas I have re -read your last comment but can't understand why you keep saying " rather than chasing shadows" and that Lexie may be happy with those who have her. I honestly can't see anyone in the area having her all this time and her not having been seen. Unless you know different? I pick up from your words that you are animal lover and that you want some "closure " not sure what you mean?
I must say I agree Scoobydoo. You do seem to dwell on the " den" and the "farmer " surely the search need to move from the area this dog went missing as by now she could be anywhere, That's my opinion. Last edited: 2015-01-31 18:58:25 by lhasagirl
Mamabas..everyone is entitled to an opinion but more often than not some views we keep to ourselves...you mention this farmer,why would you think lexi may be around near the farm,apart from the fur and the den been in the area? X
Thanks Jayne Last edited: 2015-01-30 17:58:04 by JANJAN
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Point taken BUT Owners need to know...and as we have seen will not rest until they do know so any continued sharing is appreciated and is working...we get lots of possible matches coming in which must be so heart breaking for the dedicated owners who check out everything...Even if the dog is happy...they are not and no one has the right to keep someone elses dog.
Scoobyd - It was not my intention to cause offence (I note my recent post has been 'amended' !)but I am a realist and again PERHAPS, rather than race around chasing shadows (?), maybe it's now time to step back and reassess. And of course her owners want her back, who wouldn't, but equally IF she's been with somebody now since she first went missing, perhaps she's now made the adjustment and is 'happy'? Just my view fwiw. It goes without saying that at the very least, I pray her owners have closure. Last edited: 2015-01-30 12:56:04 by MamaBas
MamaBas all these questions have been looked at and the point is lexi is still missing. People need to share lexi as far as possible as someone knows where lexi is...that person may not have Internet but know someone who does. Lexi's owner just wants lexi back home...no questions asked. Lexi should be with her owners and not a complete stranger and as the law states a found dog should be reported to the local warden. XLast edited: 2015-01-29 18:33:55 by Scoobydoo
Thanks Lesley .. I have been sent the photo sadly NOT Lexi & I think it's a cross breed but I have asked to be kept updated on the outcome . the last I heard was that the police were on their way to try to catch it x
Lesley Brown
Chow chow running free on the M57 now. Somebody trying to catch it.
Please see
. MamaBas You are right .. Your thought is not welcome , She was perfectly happy here with us & will hopefully one day be again where she belongs & is very much loved & missed Last edited: 2015-01-29 18:40:14 by JANJAN
I'm wondering whether now is the time to 'revisit' exactly what happened on the day she went missing? The undergrowth has now died down so might going back to the 'den' could be worth considering. I'm also, looking back at the start of all this, wondering whether the fact that farmer put his cattle into a field, preventing leaving food out (why?) was significant and again, worth looking into further. What would make Lexi take off? Was she in the habit of doing this? Would anybody REALLY grab her? And if so, why? People tend to take puppies, whether by order, or for ransom. Thinking about the dog.
Last edited: 2015-01-30 09:06:23 by Gino
On my Facebook page a notice of a Chow Chow gone missing in Seaford. Qwners have left a phone number 01323 895522 to ring if anyone sees/finds it. I wondered if there was any connection?
thanks sophiesuds will take a look xxx
Maybe worth joining a website called. Dorset dogs which are a group of dog walkers who will also be in a position to keep any eye out for you should they visit Torbay or if they see any possible Chows in the area.
Another FB page for our baby ... please share ! HELP find LEXIE CHOW we are desperate to find our baby ! please help xx Thank you xx
Thanks guys ... got it .. can now follow ..not holding our breath but anything's possible
I googled Spotted Torquay/red chow chow and it took me straight through to the comments.
The original post is on 30th December so you have to scroll down to that and then click onto the original post to see the comments, then there are several comments about sightings people have made.
I think this is the one we are monitoring thanks to Hazel seeing a Chow in Torquay ... We now have a Crime Reference Number . Last edited: 2015-01-07 18:01:10 by JANJAN
Hi Zennie's Mum have looked but can't find the items ... anyone help me to see ??
JanJan, I expect that you're monitoring it, but in case you are not there is quite a lot on Spotted Torquay about a young man being seen with a female Chow.
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
I'm on twitter and now following @findlexi here: https://twitter.com/FindLexi_?lang=en-gb
New photo of Lexie added (refresh page to view). This was the last photo taken of her at the cottage just before she disappeared.
We have now been given CRN for Lexi from Devon & Cornwall Police ....
Sophiesuds. Have checked out Chows advertised NONE are Lexi x
I realise you are concentrating your efforts in the Torbay area but just to make you aware that there are currently a few red chow chow bitches advertised on pets4homes website. Just have a check of them please to cancel the possibility out.
Twitter is read by lots of people so by Kym Marsh retweeting to a total of 500000 people that's great news as they will also pass the message on to their friends etc and so it snowballs so that it becomes common knowledge. Here's hoping it helps.
A lovely young lady Chelsea Murphy contacted me today and asked if she could do twitter for Lexi ! I told her that I didn't do twitter and she said I didn't need to , she would do it for me . Well she is keeping me updated and my niece is too ! Apparently Kym Marsh from Corrie has retweeted to 500000 whatever all that means lol ! I can't follow as I have no twitter account ? It is @findlexi_ Chelsea is hoping to go viral
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
I have spoken to Jan, she has been told to ring the bar again tomorrow & speak to the owner with a view to making sure the cctv footage is saved. The staff there at the moment are aware of Lexi & will keep an eye out. The police are also aware that cctv footage is in existence. (Hopefully they will be able to get hold of it & copy it so Jan can check it) Good Luck.
Lexi's home is in South Derbyshire DE11 ... (IF she is I wish she would hurry up please ..)but more seriously I doubt that she is but you never know as some dogs are amazing & do find their way home ... xx
I'm sorry if the information is below somewhere, but where is Lexi's home. Could she be making her way back?
Bobble ... I spoke with police yesterday and was advised to email the neighbourhood team which I have done , no reply as yet . As this was only a " possible " sighting of a Chow & not positively Lexi it will be up to them if they follow up my request to check details ! As you can see from the comment below from Chuffa Chicken , once a chow is seen it is potentially Lexi . Hopefully one of these sightngs will be Lexi & we will get her home . Thanks again for all of your help & I will try to keep calm & carry on ! B R E A T H E ... MARTIN 5252 thanks for message , I have looked at the advert & it's NOT Lexi but thank you for caring x
DogLostBobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
Jan I've emailed Max - Cornwall Coordinator about the CCTV. In the meantime, please can you ensure that Torquay police are aware that this is a possible dog theft case and that there is CCTV at the restaurant. You need to do so ASAP, if not done already hon x
DogLostSherlock- Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - Avon & South Gloucestersh
Thx Jayne x
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alerts sent to helpers in TQ1,2,3,4.
Looks similar
Chuffa Chicken
Never seen a Chow before and saw one on Sunday 28/12/14 at Saunton Sands, North Devon about 3.30 pm with 2 girls walking it towards the beach across the dunes. It wasn't til I returned home to Oxfordshire today that I thought about Lexi and wondered, just maybe. But I'm afraid I have no pics and although I stroked the dogs and the girls were very friendly I have no idea if the Chow was male or female. Not much use I know but it definitely was a striking looking dog and looked very much like the pics of Lexi.
Zennie's Mum I am sure that most dog owners would not feel hounded if they thought they could help eliminate their dog being Lexi .... and would hope they were never in the same position of having their dog missing .. we are waiting to see if the Chow can be identified .. Thanks from me Lexi's Mum x
I posted this on Spotted Torquay a little earlier this evening. People have already come back saying that there is a male Chow in the Torbay area, but also a female that is not KC registered. I would hate the poor owner to be hounded if it genuinely is his dog, but could this be Lexi?
DogLostSherlock- Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - Avon & South Gloucestersh
I have just left the bar having spoken to the manager ....she did not see anything herself but the staff on duty yesterday are not in until later today. They do have CCTV but say this is something only the police can look at :(
I have left my details as well as mobile on this page along with website details. I have ask if bar staff would call me, no matter how insignificant they feel the info appears. Please be vigilant if you are in the area....they could have been visiting Torquay for the Sunday but even so, there's a strong possibility they will revisit xx
DogLostSherlock- Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - Avon & South Gloucestersh
I have just left the bar having spoken to the manager ....she did not see anything herself but the staff on duty yesterday are not in until later today. They do have CCTV but say this is something only the police can look at :(
I have left my details as well as mobile on this page along with website details. I have ask if bar staff would call me, no matter how insignificant they feel the info appears. Please be vigilant if you are in the area....they could have been visiting Torquay for the Sunday but even so, there's a strong possibility they will revisit xx
JanJan,as someone who also has a dog that has been missing for too long (malamute Vinnie) I know how much this possible sighting means-I am sat here sending you lots of love and wishing you lots of luck that this leads to a positive outcome. Best wishes,Victoria.
fingers crossed sad thing is the person could have bought her innocently and have no idea Lexi is missing. xx
Circulating on twitter...LEXIE Red Chow Chow POSS SIGHTING http://bit.ly/1jIJ6kq #Torquay #TQ1 Plz RT
DogLostSherlock- Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - Avon & South Gloucestersh
Yes Torquay is where I have seen this Chow Chow....they are so distinctive x
I take it that you want the page to mention Torquay and not Elstree ? I've quickly Tweeted this as it's urgent.Last edited: 2014-12-29 23:05:51
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
Twitter requested
DogLostBobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
Phoning friends in nearby Brixham now
Niki - Area Volunteer, Devon & Somerset
Will add poss sighting to devon site πŸ‘
Bumped due to possible sighting.
DogLostSherlock- Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - Avon & South Gloucestersh
I have street mapped the area and I believe it to be Jacks Waterfront Bar ...they were sat outside on a table with silver chairs and the Chow chow was sat down on a lead being held by male adult early 20s with a large group as stated .....I don't want to get hopes up but the second photo on Lexie's Facebook page was a similar image image x
Thanks Hazel ... Please can anyone, if they live around & about there look out for Lexi .. There is a substantial REWARD .. Please help find LEXI xx
DogLostSherlock- Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - Avon & South Gloucestersh
I am in Torquay this week which is not a million miles away from Exeter area......I immediately noticed a Chow Chow resembling Lexie because I have tweeted and postered for her when she was missing. What caught my eye was that she was with a group of 8 young men and a few girls....they were sat outside a bar passed Haddon galleries (it had a blue front) on Victoria Parade at sunset (around 4pm) today ....if anyone is in the area, please keep your eyes peeled xx
Thanks Jen we know we have a lot of support out there !!! one day soon we need that phone call xx
JanJan - I never stop looking for Lexi either. We're in France at the moment & saw a chowchow & my heart leapt - until I realised it was male.xx
MamaBas Thank you for your concern .. I agree That the last 8 months have probably been the most stressful in all my 60 years but it is also strangely what I need to do .. I feel that by actively keeping the search for Lexi going it somehow helps day to day ,, we are deciding whether or not to have another Chow puppy , not ever to replace Lexi ( that could never happen ) but to have a little one for Lexi to love & play with when she comes home xxxxxx
Jan. I know you don't want to consider this (I've suggested this before) but I am concerned about what this is doing to you mentally Of course you need and deserve closure, but surely having to react to all these false trails, can't be easy. So, without shutting the door on getting Lexi back, why not start a project to bring a new little life into your lives in the Spring. If Lexi is found, that doesn't mean she can't come back, but again I am concerned about your overall health with all this. With respect.
The possible sighting of similar dog has been ruled out as being Lexi ! also possible sighting of Lexi in Oxford Street London seen with man collecting for RSPCA has also been ruled out ... Again the search goes on .. But it does prove that sharing on Facebook is alerting people to Lexi being missing & any Chow Chow being seen is potentially Lexi ... So please keep looking & KEEP SHARING xxx Thank you
Alfie's mum thank you .. I have been following this but the lady who first saw this dog has been shown Lexi's photo and has said it was not her ... I am still following this thou' via Bleakholt Animal Sanctuary FB page .. Thank you for caring ... We remain hopeful that one day Lexi will be found ... Just hope it's sometime soon as it is heart breaking , the not knowing ... Bless you for caring xx
Alfie's mum
Please check ID 79653 in found section. Sighting of tan dog possibly a chow chow.
Thank you shel //// I have been watching this with interest .... updates are going to be on Bleakholt Animal Sanctuary I think .
https://www.facebook.com/groups/doglost/10152644419272955/?notif_t=group_activity theres a chat going on about a big fluffy tan dog sighted
Thank you Bobble . Op was good , recuperation going well & managing to get about quite well considering only 2 weeks. You can get quite a speed up on 2 elbow crutches . Had another false alarm on possible sighting of Lexi in Ringwood , Hants. But has since been ruled out after Paul drove down to check it out .. But at least people are still keeping Lexi in mind when they see these rare dogs . I am using Facebook often & putting Lexi out there in the hopes that one of these days we will get that call xx
DogLostBobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
Hope the op went well and wishing you a speedy recovery to full fitness for when you get your girl home x
Bless you Moogie ... Everyone has been so lovely & always looking out for our little one .... One day we will get that call ! xxx
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Wishing you a speedy recovery Jan. Also wishing you news on Lexi as always
Operation done ! Back home ... Skiing next week xx
Happiness yorkie lover xxx
Hope all goes well jan xxx hope good news for your lexi aswell xxxxxx
I hope all goes well, Jan. Rest assured we are always on the lookout for Lexie.xx
Just to say that today is my Hip Replacement "op" but hope to keep up to date with Doglost in the hope my little one will return to help my recuperation .... Wow how brill would that be !!
We had a "" Fantastic "" response to LEXI's Likeathon !! We had loads of likes & shares ... Thank you all for still caring about Lexi .. Please still look out for our little one & bring her home xxxx
Julie Dronfield & Sarah Williams have started A FACEBOOK LIKEATHON ... 14th November TO SPREAD LEXI FAR & WIDE . PLEASE "" LIKE & SHARE"" That's it ! SIMPLE ! We need Lexi home xxx
DogLostBobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
Sorry to read this Jan :( The search goes on - big hug x
The lady walking the Chow was my sister - a picture of her Chow is below. He is chipped. The hotel is dog friendly, hence the reason she was walking him in the area.

This information has been posted by Breda Fitzpatrick on my post that I put on Our Furbabies Lost & Found Facebook page ! It means sadly that the search goes on ... but many thanks to Breda for acting so quickly to at least eliminate her sisters dog being Lexi .Thanks to all at Doglost for the help given .... xx
Harry Potter is at Leavesden - about three miles away.
Have seen these two Chows on Pets 4 Homes & neither are Lexi but thanks for info sophiesuds x
If you google pets4homes and select your dogs breed there are currently at least two possible bitches for sale, one in particular looks similar to yours and has dark hairs in tail on photo, currently selling for £900. Not a great worded advert, in Birmingham. There is also another advert showing photos reason for sale now has three children and no time etc, worth a look at least.
On the subject of Elstree I think Harry Potter world nearby huge car park maybe worth asking about pestering or leaflets on counters to make people aware. On another website there is however a breeder of chows mentioned near that area so maybe it's one of hers that's been seen. Hope all this info helps anyway.
DogLostSherlock- Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - Avon & South Gloucestersh
Will tweet as always for Lexie xx
Will do a major tweeting session now, seen this on Find Harvey FB Page, he is our Dog of The Week being shared now from our page xxx Come on Lexie time to go home xxxx
Shared to a few vets in area and other groups in area. Also reposted with update to big pages (dogs today etc) hoping they will reshare to members. Good luck xx
Lesley the Hertsmere DW hasn't heard anything but has asked to be kept in the loop.
The Village Hotel is Elstree not Borehamwood. (And to be precise it's on the business park built on the old Aldenham Bus works adjacent to the A41.) It's isolated from the village itself and not really dog-walking territory because of it's proximity to the M1 and A41. Nevertheless I'll get the message out to some dog walkers and to Lesley the dog warden
Circulating on twitter....LEXIE Red Chow Chow POSS SIGHTING http://bit.ly/1jIJ6kq #Borehamwood #Elstree Plz RT
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Twitter alerts requested.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
A similar dog spotted in the village hotel carpark Borehamwood, Elstree. please spread and share...may be a similar dog...but owner will as always check out all leads..tx. Alerts sent to helpers in WD6,7,23,25. EN5,6. NW7. HA7,8.
Facebook exposure is viral at the moment. We coming to get you Lexi !! Find Harvey FB page have made Lexi their dog of the week !!Last edited: 2014-11-07 11:32:54 by JANJAN
Thank you so , so much Diane111 every help // share // push we can get for Lexi is truly appreciated ... Someone must know something .. even just to have closure ?? Bless you for your help & for caring xx
Hi just to let you know we are having lexie as our dog of the week on find harvey, we will share her poster to lots of groups and keep her prominent on our group, hope this helps x
Pet SearchersJan.Petsearchuk
If you see a 'found' Chow Chow anywhere in the country please check it out, it could well be Lexi. She could be anywhere by now, specially as she went missing in a holiday area, someone finding her could have taken her home with them, so don't just check Chows in the Cornwall area. Good luck.
Thanks Max We will all get news one day & all be reunited ! xx
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
JANJAN, we still continue to search for Lexi. I too hope she & the other Cornish 'missings' will be home one day. I will light a candle for her & the others, to show them the way home xx
Thank you Sharon .. Any positive help we get can only be good ... Bless you xxx
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
I have shared with Doglost FB page & Twitter. Hope Lexie is safely back home soon. xLast edited: 2014-10-25 21:58:38 by Sharon - Social Media Volunteer
Thank you Red Alert , My friend .. Your positivity & brill ideas that we come up with give us hope that all will come good ... Even if it might take a while xx ... I won't give up on my Baby !
Red Alert
My heart goes out to Jan and like many folk that have lost a member of their family, the search can never end. Please find it in your heart to share positive words because as we know dogs have been found months and years after they went missing. Thats why DogLost keeps a record of lost dogs awaiting the day they can be reunited. Jan we will continue to try to reunite Lexi and any sort of closure we can. Many wonderful people are behind your search xxx Last edited: 2014-10-25 16:42:47 by Red Alert
I understand what you say MamaBas but I will not give up on Lexi .. I just feel she is out there somewhere :)
Deleted as I felt my comment perhaps wasn't appropriate?Last edited: 2014-10-26 09:33:55 by MamaBas
We are having a massive Facebook share ... in the hope someone will know where LEXI is ... She is on numerous pages including her own & mine .. Please share everywhere for us ... Someone knows something .... DOB THEM IN ! Substantial REWARD .. NO QUESTIONS ASKED .. We just want her home Thank you xx
Thanks Bobble ... Am trying to think of things to do to keep LEXI in peoples minds ... Don't want to give up on her coming home ... She is such a part of our family she must come home to us ! xx Thanks for caring xx
DogLostBobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
Just to let you know Jan still looking and praying...
Just this minute had a phone call back from RSPCA , Head office . to say No Chow Chows at Warren Farm ... At least we know ..
I have enquired today with both RSPCA & HERTFORDSHIRE POLICE about the dogs rescued from Warren Farm , Great Amwell , Herts. POLICE said would be scanned & checked & owners contacted . RSPCA took Lexi's details Micro chip (up to date ) & my contact details .Just as a precaution I hope !
Fantastic weekend for dogs being reunited , some from last year ! massive hope for all of us with pets still missing ... We must keep strong , Hope & pray our turn next x
So many dogs being reunited! Please help Lexi be one of them ... It has been 6 months since Lexi went missing & NO info .. REWARD in place to pay out .. Christmas coming .... Would the reward help ? If you have any info please , please call Jan on 07986 803749 no questions asked We just need Lexi home xx
Thanks Jen Yes I have seen this one ... Sadly NOT Lexi .... Stated before if bought off a friend how come doesn't know if spayed or not ? Does she not have seasons ? would surely know all this the time the Chow has been theirs .. It does make alarm bells ring doesn't it ... Wished it was my Lexi though Thank you for caring about Lexi xx

No papers with it? WOrth a look, I think
We have had so,so many Facebook shares whoever has LEXI " BE AFRAID , BE VERY AFRAID " you will not hide her forever !!
Thanks Jean T .. I have written to 4 Nationals & had no replies ... But did write to Paul O'Grady & he mentioned Lexi on his Radio Two Sunday show .... Just have to keep praying for good news xx
I'm always looking on the For Sale sites and on dog rescue sites as I never forget her. I really feel so sad for you. Is there any chance of getting something in a national newspaper?xx
Please can anyone help to find Lexi .. Life is so.so sad without her
Lexi .. If you are reading this ? It's time to come home now ... I think your adventure has been long enough & we need cuddles & hugs here .... Hope to see you very soon . Luv Mum & Dad xxxxxx
Feeling really sad tonight ! so hope that all the viewings we have here are logit ... God forbid you search this sight because you have our baby and are just looking to see updates ... please if you have our baby just contact us on 07986 803749 // 01283 211062 or contact doglost.co.uk .. there is a substantial reward for her safe return ... enough to choose your favourite dog ... please have a heart n care xxLast edited: 2014-09-15 12:04:51 by JANJAN
DogLostBobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
So sorry Jan another big No :( Sadly, that sort of thing happens a lot and there are lots of lovely unwanted dogs of all shapes an sizes in rescue.

Come on Lexi - find a way of getting a message to us x
Totally baffled why someone hands their dog over to rescue as they cannot meet the needs of the breed !! Are they for real ! The saying goes "a dog is for life NOT just for Christmas ... But will hope that the same sort of people don't want Lexi and do the same !! Then we get her home where she is really wanted xxxLast edited: 2014-09-11 23:52:18 by JANJAN
Thank you all for such a quick response to the found Chow .... Next time perhaps ! Xxx
Red Alert
The owner of the found Chow Chow has been located. It was not Lexi :(
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
Chip has been found, not registered :( have given admin number to check the batch number against ones listed.
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
This dog has been taken to a local vets to be scanned. They are in a queue. Keep everything crossed. Will update as soon as we have news !!
We are in the process of getting hold of JANJAN
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
I am trying to get hold of JANJAN to let her know. Have tagged her on the post on fb. Will ring mobile number listed.
Red Alert
Found Chow Chow Cardrew ind estate Cornwall.
Have contacted vets as advised ... very caring , took details !
Received a phone call tonight from a lady who had seen a chow being walked in Helston looking very like Lexi ... This was at about 8pm . Probably just a coincidence but will phone the two vets that the lady told me to contact just to ask about any Chows on their client list. One day such a phone call may lead to Lexi coming home! Many thanks to the lady for caring. She was really concerned for us xxxx
A friend is kindly helping in Crackington Haven as she knows we are far away ... Even after all this time someone's memory may be prompted ! fingers crossed xx
Waggy tail
Ref Gardener20/08/14
Chow in Highbridge,I was talking to a young woman earlier this year(Chinese?)who works in Highbridge Caravans she said she owned a Chow, we had with us our Eurasier who are very similar in appearance. So I don't think there is any connection.
Thank you eiger .. any help is really appreciated as we cannot be there as often as we would like xxx
Will be staying in Crackington Haven in October on the off chance she is still in the area we will search for her every day on our walks.
So many viewings still on Lexi's page ... I know there are lots that look in the hope of good news !! If your are looking because you know something please contact me JAN on 07986 803749 There will be no questions asked .. we just want Lexi home .. There is a substantial REWARD for Lexi's safe return ... Please have a heart / conscious and contact us .. the reward will buy you a puppy of your choosing ! Please let us have OUR puppy dog home ! thank you x
Thank you Jean T & Mads ... have checked this one but sadly it's NOT Lexi .... Just got back home from Cornwall . Still feels sad driving away from where we last saw Lexi
I've just looked at the one on Preloved JeanT, at first I thought it didn't resemble Lexi but she looks like she's been clipped fairly recently and her coat is growing out. Worth a look JanJan. Very odd that she wouldn't know whether she was spayed or not since she's had her for a few years, hmmm.
There's a red bitch for sale on Preloved, £500. They don't know if she is spayed or not, as she came from a friend. This is in the Bolton area. I don't think we've seen this one before. xx
Red Alert
Mamabas your questions are ours too, despite media coverage (again in this weeks Cornish Guardian) radio pleas, posters, searching and anything else that can be tried we may have to wait until Lexie is scanned. In terms of value, she would be valuable as a breeding dog however if she has been taken by the finder they will wait a long time as she is spayed! Equally Lexie is a valuable pet as she is a lovely dog. The final link just may be her microchip Last edited: 2014-08-30 09:03:29 by Red Alert
Thank you from me too Red Alert - it seems Lexie had been there long enough to start to learn the area a little - so had she just taken off, for whatever reason? she might have been able to find her way back to where her owners were? Reading what you say, it would appear to be a complete mystery and perhaps points more to her attaching herself to some walkers passing along the paths, for some reason and waking with them perhaps towards Bude here, or even in the opposite direction? But what about that 'den'? That was odd too because unless that's a significant distance away from the cottage, why wouldn't she try to find her way back to her owners (again)? Or perhaps the den had nothing to do with Lexie at all? This does rather point to stealing (why) or maybe some tragic accident. The coastal paths here are not the safest places. I will continue to keep a look out in and around Bude and of course, every good thought that even yet, she may be found/returned to her owners. Again closure is needed!Last edited: 2014-08-30 08:43:56 by MamaBas
Thank you Red Alert ! You know me well now and understand xx
Red Alert
Hi Mamabas, On the 12th May Lexie was with Jan and Paul at the holiday cottage in Crackington Haven. They had been there 2 days and had walked Lexie out on her harness to various places in Crackington Haven. On the 12th May Lexie was in the front area of the cottage in full view of her owner, he went inside to pick up her harness (minutes) and on his return Lexie had disappeared. Jan and Paul searched everywhere frantically asking people if she had been seen. At the top of the footpath, which is at the side of the cottage, someone said that they had seen her. This was not however confirmed by anyone else and as it was a busy period, this is very confusing. Due to this sighting the path behind/above the cottage was concentrated on. This has dense undergrowth and is difficult terrain. There are lots of walkers covering the coastal path towards Widemouth Bay and Bude. Jan reported Lexie missing on the Monday 12th May and as I was away did not pick this up until the Thursday. When i asked Jan if she had been given a dog id by the Dog Warden she told me she had not received anything. She rang again and was told this wasn't necessary as they were aware that Lexie was missing. We were therefore horrified to find out that in fact Lexie had not been registered formally as missing and this was then completed by the manager of the Dog Welfare Service. Over following days and weeks we and others searched the area. There are many posters in the area and as a close community many are aware that Lexie is missing. There have been no sighting since this date. The National Trust who own the land have rangers that travel throughout this area but she has not been seen. Local farmers, campsites, shops, postmen, delivery drivers were also made aware. Bude is quite a way from Crackington Haven but it is another area that tourists visit when visiting North Cornwall and local people also visit Crackington Haven as its a dog friendly beach in a cove. Jan, Paul, myself have revisited what happened that day many times and there are no answers. I decided to write this as I know how painful it is for Jan, more so because that missing link is still missing and so is Lexie. Frustration and trying everything possible has included the bus shelters at Bude because this is where the company advertise and is as near to Crackington as we could get x
Just heard from the man who sighted the dog in the park ! He and his family have been back to Brockwell park today armed with leads & food but sadly have not seen the dog anywhere. Can only hope that the dog in question will be seen again & helped whether it is Lexi or not . We are so desperate for Lexi to be found ! Thank you all for helping & sharing .x
Just heard from the man who sighted the dog in the park ! He and his family have been back to Brockwell park today armed with leads & food but sadly have not seen the dog anywhere. Can only hope that the dog in question will be seen again & helped whether it is Lexi or not . We are so desperate for Lexi to be found ! Thank you all for helping & sharing .x
I've been thinking about this whole situation with where Lexie might be after such a long time, and I think it's time to revisit the start of all this. I realise you are stuck on Bude, but even going across the fields or coastal path, Bude is still a significant distance from Crackington Haven so why would she have headed off in this direction? Was she in the habit of running off, from your permanent residence? What would have taken her away from where you were, other than to be stolen. But why would anybody necessarily steal her? She's not a puppy and so would have limited appeal to anybody just passing? If you got back to basics with all this, it might help you (and me to be honest) understand more about what might have kicked all this off, and so lead to where she could still be?

Clearly you need closure but it's all too easy to start running up blind alleys when perhaps the answer is there - right back where it started?Last edited: 2014-08-29 16:43:25 by MamaBas
Would volunteers put posters of Lexi up around the area please. If sighted could a photo be taken so we can see if it's Lexi ? Thank you if you can help
Could this be Lexi ?? Anyone able to help please ? Thank you x
Happiness yorkie lover xxx
74262 please check in found although only sighted xxxx
Brilliant shelter posters, well done to firm that arranged. Here's hoping it'll trigger news when kids/parents return to school next week. x
Thank you for putting Lexi's NEW poster on her page ! This cannot fail to be seen ! Am so glad we are here in Bude to see these posters first hand . sincerely hope that someone will have a conscious and give us an answer. Please do the right thing & tell us where / what has /is Lexi ? Please be kind !! Thank you ! Xx
Refresh the page to see Lexi's latest missing poster at the bus stop. Now that's what I call a REAL poster.
Hey got WiFi!!! Will be quick cuz it won't last long ☺Colin Gregory from Cornish Guardian has written a small piece on page 6 to update Lexi's story ! Hope all the publicity will prove fruitful ☺xx
Red Alert
This is the other one - https://www.facebook.com/1406496592965042/photos/pcb.1447449518869749/1447449455536422/?type=1&theater
Red Alert
I know Jan is struggling with her wifi so here is the link to the poster that has been donated by a fantastic company in local bus shelters in Bude - https://www.facebook.com/1406496592965042/photos/pcb.1447449518869749/1447449422203092/?type=1&theaterLast edited: 2014-08-27 18:18:08 by Red Alert
Lexi's large posters have been displayed in 2 bus shelters today ! 1 near Esso & 1 opposite Budehaven School ! Let's hope they will jog someone's memory that might get Lexi home . Many thanks to Paul & Gavin who made this possible xxLast edited: 2014-08-27 18:32:47 by JANJAN
Nothing to report since coming to Cornwall but just to say everyone here near Bude are still very aware Lexi is still missing ! Come on baby please show yourself so we can take you home with us xxxx
I wrote to Paul O'Grady two weeks ago asking for help. Wow ! He mentioned lexi on his Radio Two show today !For the love of dogs thank you Paul x let's hope we get national help to find our baby ! Thank you all , our friends who care about Lexi and hope to bring her home . Can't believe how many love Lexi and all other missing dogs bless you all xxxi tried to replay his show to hear for myself but couldn't keep connection .. Will try again when connected xxLast edited: 2014-08-24 23:40:47 by JANJAN
I was in Plymouth today and saw a woman with two chows. I went over and secretly checked out the chow for black hairs in tail and just chatted with her about dogs generally. I then asked if she'd heard of a missing chow and she hadn't so I gave her the details. She had two (one much darker - almost chocolate) but the one the same colour as Lexie was very clearly a male, so not Lexie but at least someone else in the 'chow' world is now aware and has their eyes open for any 'new' dogs about.
DogLostSherlock- Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - Avon & South Gloucestersh
Still tweeting and looking out for Lexie xx
Ravenette glad to hear that. A few of us put animals on hiis site so could you keep an ear out for any others too please? x

Jan Jan will see you either Tuesday or wens...Prob tues but will text you xxx
DogLostRavenette - Area Co-ordinator - West Sussex
I've just heard Paul O' Grady mention Lexi on his radio2 prog, good on him, let's hope it leads to dear Lexi's return xx
Red Alert
I can confirm that the National Trust Rangers,that are responsible for the land, have been informed. In addition I have spoken to the tenant farmer who farms it, a local farmer has also spoken to the son of the tenant farmer in the area Lexie went missing. They have confirmed that they are aware of Lexie missing but have no other information. This is a community that is very aware of anything unusual/different and word would spread very quickly if there was information regarding Lexie. Two days ago I also spoke to the farmers wife just above where Lexie went missing, she told me that they were all at a lose as there have been no sightings. She did tell me however that some years back her own dog went missing which sadly has never been found. The area Lexie she went missing from is dense bracken, making searching extreemly hard, as the seasons change it will become easier to search. The area has a massive amount of walking/tourist visitors that use the coastal path and surrounding area. We need now to think 'outside the box' looking at old wells, there are no shafts, and generally regenerating interest to continue the search. Last edited: 2014-08-24 13:56:12 by Red Alert
Thanks Jayelle i will make contact this week with YFC ..still struggling to maintain WiFi connection . thanks for everyone's help xx
Jan you probably already tried this, but is there a local branch of the Young Farmers Club that could spread the word specifically amongst the younger farming community? They hear a lot of rural chat...
DogLostBobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
Came over all hopeful when I saw she'd been bumped. Geat idea to revist the area where the original nest was found. Also speak to people and try and establish who is leaving food out for hedgehogs or badgers. Also, anyone had their bins knocked over and rumaged through? I know its going over old ground, but time feels right to be revisiting these places. Remember she may well have lost a lot of weight and at a quick glance may even be mistaken for a fox at a distance. You're doing great Jan and we are all rooting for you and Lexi.
Arrived in Cornwall after mega delays on M5 could not get WiFi connection on campsite until now ..very late ! Hope I can keep connected somehow whilst we are here?? I am able to use mobile phone please contact me on 07986 803749 if you need to give info on Lexi thank you x
MamaBas We have had no more info ... we just don't know ??
Again if you are coming down, PLEASE speak to the farmer who owns the land where that 'den' was found early on. I agree you need closure! What happened with the people with the Chow in Bournemouth? Considering there were multiple sightings at one point, it's odd there have been no more??
Fantastic news ! Posters in BUS SHELTERS in and around BUDE will be on display TUESDAY // WEDNESDAY ... Hoping to generate interest to LEXI'S whereabouts.. Please if you have information contact us !! 07986 803749 ANYTIME !! WE NEED TO KNOW LEXI'S WHEREABOUTS ?? WE NEED CLOSURE >> GOOD OR BAD ! CONTACT ANONYMOUSLY IF NEED BE IF YOU KNOW WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO LEXI ? OR WHERE SHE MIGHT BE FOUND !! THERE IS A REWARD FOR DETAILS & SAFE RETURN xx THANK YOU xxx
Last edited: 2014-08-22 11:18:31 by JANJAN
Hi, Yayyyy!! Bank holiday weekend & we have managed to find an available caravan for a week ... It is a little way out of Crackington Haven but close enough for us to be able to try & get some info on where LEXI might be !!If anyone wants to contact us ... ANYONE ! please ring JAN on 07986 803749. ANYTIME ... Thank you xx Also Thanks to Gardener for commenting on Chow seen in Highbridge , Somerset .. Can I ask that if you see a Chow new to your area .. Ask the owners about " their " Chow , if they are true they won't mind you asking after all it might be their dog that's missing ! Thanks again Last edited: 2014-08-21 15:49:41 by JANJAN
Hi... I saw a Chow as I was driving to work through Highbridge in Somerset a couple of days ago. I have never seen it before although I do not live close enough to notice when it arrived in the area. Thought it was worth a mention anyway. The dog was with a Chinese lady I think, on the main road through the town near Lakeside. There is a Chinese takeaway in the town I think so she may work there?? Good luck finding Lexi
Thanks Jean T have seen this one Sadly again not Lexi .... we will get there in the end ! xx
Jan, there's a red chow chow bitch for sale on Pets4Homes, Cardiff, £1,000. I don't think it's Lexie but worth a look.xx
We all still look for Lexie, Jan. I look on 'For Sale' sites and new dogs homes that crop up, Dogs Blog etc. I often wonder where she is, such a distinctive dog. We won't forget her.xx
Thanks Marissa... yes I have looked at this one & sadly it's NOT Lexi ... Thanks for caring .. Please keep looking .. Bless you xx
one on Dog lost uk but a male and think it is the one you have already been told about, They do sometimes get the sex wrong on the description
Thank you Helen Obviously NOT Lexi but so reassuring that we have "Friends " who are looking for Lexi ! Surely someone is missing that Male Chow though ? x
http://www.lostdogsuk.co.uk/assets/dog-reports/1408259883/30-0.SDK-ICS773555.pdf just seen that its male Last edited: 2014-08-17 10:09:45 by HELEN BROWN
I think you'll find, like me, that many people keep checking and hoping something has broken with this one. Obviously not so - have you been back down to Crackington - spoken again to local farmers near where that 'den' was thought to have been found? You need closure, if nothing else!!!
CAN I ASK ? So many views NO comments ? If you have information on LEXI & her whereabouts please come forward !! Bless you all for caring ! xxxx
Got 20,000+ Views There is so much interest in LEXI . Please if you have any info contact us .. we will not ask questions we just want her home xxLast edited: 2014-08-11 00:02:30 by JANJAN
Hi Jen Thank you for caring .. we will not give up on trying to get LEXI home xLast edited: 2014-08-08 10:45:11 by JANJAN
JANJAN I'm in the New Forest & look for Lexi every day when walking my labs. Was at NF Show last week & lots of dogs there, but no Chow Chows that I saw.
Hi Jen , When I entered your link it took me to Lexi's page ? ? Thank you for caring ... please look out for Lexi where ever you are
Saw this on my fb newsfeed - what a gorgeous girl she is. Fingers crossed someone recognises her
http://tinyurl.com/mwkp5hhLast edited: 2014-08-06 22:24:23 by jen
Sorry, of course they're shut until 2 September. Try contacts via their village website http://www.delabole.com/links.html or email the committee that organise the village carnival that took place recently http://www.delabolecarnival.org.uk/. Try to find someone local who can tweet through twitter/facebook link to locals and that may get around to those on school break.
Thanks Tiana . Are the schools closed at the moment for summer break ? I can send to the schools when they re-open ... Do you know when they go back please ?
Dear JanJan, met some ladies from the school nearby in Delabole (12 miles south of CH) and they weren't aware of Lexie. Suggest you email some posters to them to share with the parents/staff, may help keep awareness high down here. In fact you could consider notifying all the schools in a 20 mile radius?
Good luck.
As I suggested before, YES, this search needs to come back to Crackington Haven. And I think you need to contact the farmer on whose land the original 'den' was found especially. Bournemouth was most probably a red herring although it's odd this person and Chow have vanished? I'd suggest, sadly that there is a farmer down here who knows what happened to her. It was LAMBING time when she went missing and farmers don't hesitate to deal with dogs if they see them on their land with livestock around. I hope this isn't the case, but at least you need to know, whatever the outcome.
DogLostBobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
Jan, My gut feeling is Cornwall too. Revist the farms and good people around Crackington Haven, Rosecare, St Ginny's and so on. If she is still loose, she will be in survival mode and coming out at night. Who is leaving food out for Badgers or cats?
So many viewings of Lexis page ? Please bring your search back to Cornwall! My gut feeling is in Cornwall ? Please keep sharing Lexi we are sure someone knows !!

Thank you all for your support .. we will never give up hope that our puppy dog LEXI will be back home where she belongs . Last edited: 2014-08-03 09:16:02 by JANJAN
We are always looking, Jan. One day Lexie will show up.X
DogLostBobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
That is what we are all praying for Jan - big hug ()
Sad to see LEXI is now on page 5 here ... would be brill if she could " TURN BLUE " x
Talk to local posties - both in Crackington H. (which you probably have already done) and now in Bournemouth because they know where all the dogs are, and where new ones arrive. I do think the Bournemouth idea is a false trail sadly much as it would be nice to be able to locate this man if only to rule this possibility out. Again next time you are down here, talk to the local people about this Bournemouth connection - these are close communities and usually everybody knows everybody else's business!!
Also vets in and around Bournemouth - eventually dogs do need vets!Last edited: 2014-07-31 09:53:23 by MamaBas
My name is Lexi & I want to go home to my Mum & Dad .. I miss them so much and I have not been with them for nearly 12 weeks ... Please find me & help me to go home . It is the only home I have known for 5 years & I want to be back there cuz I love them & they love me .. PLEASE , PLEASE let me go home xxxx
I think there's a possibility that Lexie could be hidden by someone in the holiday area, though you'd think close neighbours would notice or hear her in a garden.A bit of a strange thing to do, I know. We'd notice because we're interested in dogs and cats but some of our other neighbours wouldn't. Or, someone on holiday at that time could have taken her home with them. But to where?
I agree Jean, considering this Chow was being seen a lot ... if the guy is 'foreign' he may have his own reasons for not wanting to be approached!! I still think it might be worth investigating around Crackington Haven to see if anybody knows of someone (like this man?) with a connection to Bournemouth. IF Lexi was picked up (by him?) he'd have had to be down here ...?
Have there been no more sightings of the dog in Bournemouth? It is a bit suspicious if it has disappeared completely after all the discussion on here.
Thank you for all help offered sadly to our knowledge there is NO positive news on Lexi please if anyone has any information ,, anything , however small please contact us in complete confidence ! Thank you xxx
Myself and my family were going to watch the fireworks in Bournemouth on Friday 18th July. When we were walking into Bournemouth from Durley Chine along the promenade we saw a man with a Chow Chow just outside the amusements by the Oceanarium. I don't know if it's Lexie but Chow Chow's are not a common dog so i felt i had to post this. The very vest of luck finding Lexie
Messaged from a lady in Bournemouth:- I see one but it's fur is light, around the same as in the pic. It's with a foreign guy who seems very genuine. He walks it it Bournemouth Gardens. Various times. Will keep my eyes open. Got a feeling it's male though.
DogLostGnasher - Area Co-ordinator, East Dorset
Would recommend that posters put up at entrances to the beaches and perhaps in the beach info and lifeguard stations. The expanse of beach runs from Sandbanks in Poole through to the area where a chow has been seen from Alum Cine, Durley Chine to Bournemouth beach
Also Bournemouth gardens which runs from the main Bournemouth town centre down to Bournemouth beach.
If there is a similar Chow walked in the area hopefully the owner will come forward to let us know
DogLostGnasher - Area Co-ordinator, East Dorset
Not wishing to discount or disappoint that the earlier comment may or may not have been Lexi and am trying to get further info , but have been sent this message......
"I've seen a chow around Bournemouth a few time but I have seen it with the same man since it was a puppy. The mans description is similar to the above. I think my friend took a picture I'll see if she still has it and I can get the date and the image "
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Jenny, Durley Chine shows on google as a car park and a beach, the car park has a map with it. This is the link for the beach, also it says there is a permanent RNLI Lifeguard Watchhouse. They would be a good place to start and may help keep a look out for you. http://www.bournemouth-beaches.co.uk/durley-chine-beach.htmlLast edited: 2014-07-23 21:24:27 by Fergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
any time dont mind if its very late
i cant get there till after 6pm.if needed ring 07806 733492
circulating on twitter.........LEXIE Red Chow Chow SIGHTED http://bit.ly/1jIJ6kq #Bournemouth missing from #CrackingtonHaven #Bude #EX23 Plz RT
I'm Jenny JANJANS daughter :). I am looking at going down to Bournemouth tomorrow but don't know the area at all. can some1 please help me on the area of the 2 sightings to be the best place to look to see if we can see lexi??
DogLostGnasher - Area Co-ordinator, East Dorset
Another sighting of a red Chow, again on the prom in Bournemouth on the same Friday night. Reported to me as being walking in the direction towards Durley Chine by a woman (no description) ....
"I honestly don't remember didn't take much notice at the time it was just so unusual to see a chow and the dog was really pulling so much it caught my eye but if it helps it was around 8.15pm walking towards Durley chine xxx "
Going at this from Crackington H. - does anybody down here (Crackington) know of anybody with a connection to Bournemouth who might have picked up Lexi and taken her back there? It might be worth asking around?Last edited: 2014-07-23 07:55:32 by MamaBas
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
I have spoken to the chap who saw a Chow Chow in Bournemouth last Friday. He was with his own dog (a Husky) which went over to the Chow & was being friendly. However the man with the Chow didn't want to chat & pulled the dog away, he was later seen chatting to other people down on the pier. It was the next day when a friend pointed out Lexi's poster & they think the Chow was very very similar.
The man is described as in his 40's, slim build, about 5'11, possibly dark european looking, although no trace of an accent. He apparently didn't really look as if he owned the dog! (at first glance the people thought he may have been homeless). They will keep a look out again in the area, posters will be distributed locally when some obs' have been completed. Local police will be made aware.
just a thought have any posters gone up in animal feed merchants both agricultural and domestic. I've got friends in the BH11 areas so will contact them now to keep their eyes peeled as all 3 have dogs and walk miles a day.
DogLostPoochpal - Regional Co-ordinator - South West - Police Liaison Team
Over the weekend we were informed that Lexi could be in the Bournemouth area, this has not been confirmed so I have not bumped the page as we still need news from Crackington Haven. The alerts were sent out to BH postcodes in the hope that helpers in the area will keep a look out especially in the Gardens and Pier areas.
Maisie's mum contact doglost direct for info on areas of sightings .thank you for offering your help xx
Maisies mum
I live BH18. Are there any more clues and is any help needed in the area or do we just need to keep an eye out?
will keep eyes and eyes open.and tell everyone i know even non doggy people.any help please ask anytime day or night.hope this is the start of good news for you.
Alerts sent to all helpers in Bournemouth following some info given...
Hi I've seen your search on fb earlier and this evening a chow chow has been pictured in Cyprus queried abandoned. I no it a long shot but I have saved the photographs as you will be able to tell straight off by the face shot if the dog is Lexi ! Cannot see an option to add photographs on here but feel free to contact me 07909881161 or Hayley.rosario321@sky.com dogs can travel as quick outside the uk as it can in so you never know
Jan I'm sure that all the good people writing to you will understand if they don't get an immediate reply. Maybe you should announce your thanks to them and explain this, at the same time asking for anyone who has information regarding Lexi to make that clear in the title so that it has your immediate attention?

It really is heartwarming to see all those shares and good thoughts isn't it.

Oh, and a glass or two of chardonnay sounds a great idea :)

I sent you a text re this as well xLast edited: 2014-07-19 17:56:06 by Baydogs
890 but I don't know what to do with them Think i'll nip to Sainsburys and get a bottle of Chardonnay !
Well over 5,000 shares now! How many emails hitting your box Jan?

Shout when I'm needed and I'll do what I can :)

Good thinking re the vets Fergal's Servant.
I have only got the sample one on my pc as to my knowledge they are not in print as yet .... Red Alert may know more ! xx
Bless you for your help xx
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
No problem Jan, Done now both email and facebook up to 11 miles surrounding, including a local groomer. Also where can I get one of those big posters? I won't be able to print one off.
No ! not all ... You are a star ***** ! xxLast edited: 2014-07-19 14:38:01 by JANJAN
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Jan, when you came back down a few weeks back you stopped off in a certain area to poster etc. Did you do ALL vets in the area? If not I will email posters
Baydogs- have passed your number on ! Also if anyone looking on here would like to make contact regarding Lexi's whereabouts / or info on her you can use in complete confidence this number ( NO QUESTIONS ASKED ) who are a Pet Recovery Company 01490 460 369 . They will HELP YOU !Last edited: 2014-07-19 21:05:17 by JANJAN
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
just finished reading the posts too Baydogs. It's amazing. I have sent out invitations to her page to all my fb friends and already getting acceptances. Well done Jan, you did good girl :)
First suggestion-
A flyer delivered inside local newspapers (Devon/Cornwall) with photo and contact details.
Baydogs I can't believe that this has snowballed as much as this & you are right it is humungous ,I will need help so thank you for the offer. As texted yesterday you know we will not be readily available so your support in our absence will be needed.xxx We're coming to get you soon LEXI !!
WOW! Its over 4,000 now! Have read all the messages - except the chinese lol. This is fantastic and I'm so pleased for you Jan. This girl is now HOT HOT HOT.

If there is anything that I can do to help with the resultant mountain of correspondence/sightings that will come from this please let me know. You have my number Jan, and you can pass this to Red Alert (your guardian angel) if you want to :)
You really need a team on this now to help you. This is going to be too much for one person.

Will keep thinking out of the box Red Alert!

Lexi, the world is looking for you! xxx
Red Alert
Jan put a post on DogToday Magazine Fb page and Lexies post has gone viral! A record 3527 shares have been made and countless posts. A request for banner advertising on Western Greyhound buses has also been made and will be followed up again next week. We are now trying to think 'outside the box' so if you have any ideas on how to get massive exposure please let Jan or myself know. Anything is possible if it means that Jan gets Lexie home x This is the link https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1442143632739413&set=o.22448504641&type=1&theaterLast edited: 2014-07-19 10:11:34 by Red Alert
Hello I am from portsmouth and have seen this dig (could be same breed) but we are a small community so this type of dog stood out from the crown! Never see uf male or female as was in a van panting out the window with a grey/blue toung (southsea seafront) a large male in a white van parked up to get an ice cream and see this stunning lion if a dog. It might or might nit be but just a heads up please call me in needed 07450729197 x
Red Alert is already looking into this on our behalf ( great minds think alike ) We are on a MISSION !!
Was just looking at this on Facebook's Help find Lexie Jan. Impressive poster! No-one could fail to miss it. Well done to Red Alert, Paul of Fernbank Advertising and Gavin from Kenetic clothing for making this possible. Any idea when space may be available?

On a similar theme (but much smaller!)would the local bus company (Western Greyhound?) be willing to put posters up on their buses?

This is also a sure sign to anyone who may be concealing Lexi that you are NOT going to give up looking for her. She will be found!

Stay strong Jan x
I have updated Lexi's Facebook page with an image of a large (5ft x 3FT ) poster that will be displayed in Bus Shelters in Bude & surrounding areas as soon as space is available ... This has been made possible with the amazing help of our Guardian Angel J D (Red Alert ) , Paul of Fernbank Advertising & Gavin of Kenetic Clothing .. Thank you ! We will try to do everything possible to get Lexi back home or at least to KNOW good or bad what has happened to her. The pain of NOT knowing is becoming unbearable.X Last edited: 2014-07-18 13:26:24 by JANJAN
There has been no update to LEXI's whereabouts > surely someone must KNOW something ? Please help if you can ! Last edited: 2014-07-16 23:24:59 by JANJAN
Jan, you may already be doing this but in light of what happened here-
it would be advisable to contact all dog wardens and rescue centres again, and keep doing so on a regular basis.
Here again this morning in the hope ....... I just wish somebody woul 'fess up to what happened. Trouble is I seriously doubt any farmer would come here/bother to let you know if they were involved. Tragic because if nothing else, you do need CLOSURE. I'm sorry to bang on about farmers, but otherwise I can't see anybody just keeping her - she's going to need a vet at some point and most vets in the area know about her. I just keep seeing dog/field/lambs..... and a farmer.
Bless you Baydogs for your input ... We just want LEXI home , however , whatever it takes ,, Life is so sad without her ! but we also know it may not be good news ... At least knowing would be a closure of sorts xxx
Hi Jan. I view this page regularly, hoping for some positive news, and I don't expect that I am unique in doing so. There are also all the new people from FB shares and the like who will be visiting this page for the first time. This is good, because it shows that the numbers of people aware that Lexi is still missing has increased and will snowball.

As for someone viewing this page because they have Lexi in their possession, I can't personally imagine why - unless their conscience is pricking them. After all, you have repeatedly stated that there is a substantial reward available with NO QUESTIONS ASKED as long as Lexi is returned. What more would they need to know?

This not knowing must be incredibly painful for you, and the last nine weeks a waking nightmare.

To anyone who has ANY information at all, please make contact. This can be done anonymously if you prefer.

Thinking of you x
There are a few people looking for Chow Chow males for stud for their red girls, on StudYourDog.com. One of them says they haven't the proper papers for their bitch. I know Lexie is spayed but people wouldn't necessarily know that, especially if they have no computer or if she's been sold on. Just a thought.
i have seen that a few people have.been reunited after number of years, so its.good that you have her microchipped. stay positive
Lexi has had nearly 16000 views on here which is amazing!! It is 9 weeks tomorrow since our lives were turned upside down . truthfully we don't know what has happened or is happening to Lexi and that is painful. We hope that it is people who CARE about Lexi and NOT people who MAY have Lexi that are viewing her page .Please come forward if you know anything at all !! contact doglost if that is easier than contacting us directly ...Please just let us know Thank you
Elaine.. Missing 1 is dreadful .. 2 ? How are you coping ? We have to remain optimistic that we will get "" THAT "" call Keep keeping the faith xxxx
Elaine Tinker and Hemps mum
My heart goes out to you. My two girls are missing too, it is heart breaking. Xxxx
DogLostSherlock- Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - Avon & South Gloucestersh
Tweeting for Lexie....if finder is reading this, please, please hand her in to any vets, council dog warden, police station or RSPCA....you cannot hide her forever...she needs to be back with her real owners xx
The song says "silence is golden" but in Lexi's case it's a nightmare . need to have info on Lexi soon ! Xx
MamaBas .. All the info came via Bude Banter yesterday morning .. someone had seen a ginger dog near Ian Mills (Stratton area I think) but in the end it was deemed not to be a Chow .
Potential sighting - where??
Well what a start to our morning ..cuppa in hand and signed onto PC. Ginger dog sighted could this be the day. Loads of comments but again Nothing ! Where oh where can Lexi be? Surely someone must know something ? Please have a heart .we have considered all scenarios and would just like to know ????
Baydogs ..thank you ..Bobble ..thank you.. Greenmount carpets .. thank you.. Thanks again to everyone You Are All AMAZING xxx
Thank you Bobble :)

I have been in contact with Greenmount Carpets at Camborne. The previous owner (now semi-retired) used to keep ChowChows and the current owners are dog lovers too. They have kindly agreed to put up a poster in their shop (customers come from far and wide) and will also give their delivery drivers posters for their vehicles. Thank you Greenmount!
DogLostBobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
I noticed a comment on Bungle's page to similar effect Baydogs. Happy to bump Lexie due to press coverage. This girl cannot have just vanished.
Saw your ad in the Dogs section of The Cornishman today Jan x

Mods, is it possible that this thread could be bumped please? I believe that some folk may have confused Bungle's return with Lexi's and think that she is no longer missing.
Thank you Baydogs for your input .. We are trying our best to remain positive x
Shared Facebook london
Thank you for that link Max. Great that Bungle was found, also that Lexi had another mention. I was taking to someone today who, although aware of Lexi, assumed she had been found by now. Perhaps this article will alert others to the fact she is still missing if they assume the same.

Jan, it is bad enough to lose a beloved pet near one's home, so I can't imagine how heartwrenching and frustrating it must be to live miles away. Remember, you have many helpers here who will continue looking and sharing until your return. xxLast edited: 2014-07-09 18:59:45 by Baydogs
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
This is an article in this weeks Cornish Guardian saying how Bungle was found, but also mentions that Lexi is still missing.
Baydogs. Thank you for your advise which I have implemented .We have done as much as humanly possible to find out where Lexi is,albeit difficult from being 250 miles from where Lexi might be. Anymore feasible ideas are gratefully appreciated if I can do from our home here in South Derbyshire.Please continue to help us any which way you can .. We need to get her home ASAP xxx
Baydogs - thinking back to the start, there was a point at which a 'den' was said to have been found, with fur matching a Chow's there. Also some whimpering. Since then nothing. I also believe the clue lies with the local farmers - who had fields with lambs in at the time she first took off. As most of the often freely delivered newspapers here in Bude do carry a piece on Lexi being missing, I just wish if some farmer KNOWS what happened to her, he'd at least have the decency to come forward and let her owners know. At least they'd have closure. I can't imagine not knowing, if one of mine went missing. I also suggested physically approaching the local farmers round Crackington H. would be a good idea. Not sure whether this was ever done. Finding a barn, after all these weeks - unlikely although if she has a food source it might be possible. The longer a dog is out, the more they 'revert' so expecting her to show herself would be a slim possibility. If she had a canine companion she might come out then - I wonder if coming down with the daughter who normally looked after her, might be effective - calling her? IF she's still out there. If she's been stolen, there's no doubt she could be anywhere by now. I still come here every morning to see if the best has happened though.Last edited: 2014-07-08 11:12:54 by MamaBas
JANJAN, not only is Lexi an ususual breed, she is hardly the sort of dog one can smuggle underneath one's coat. She will be seen somewhere!
Having just read this whole thread from start to finish I agree with others here that farmers are often the people who spot lost animals in the area. I expect you've already done this but I'm going to mention it just in case- What about contacting agricultural suppliers in Cornwall
There are also smaller feed stores too that supply smallholders and stables. A list can be brought up via Google.
If Lexi is the sort of dog that doesn't care to over exert herself, do you think she has found a barn somewhere and is waiting for you to come and get her? This may be especially true if she doesn't care for the rain. Would she eventually bark if she was shut in a shed/barn somewhere?

JeanT I have just seen the advert thanks to my friend Red Alert who is amazing with the amount of help she gives us...( Thank you R A) After looking at the advert it is NOT Lexi but again thanks to you all who are helping with any info you come across.xx Just to say why would anyone sell a Chow for £100 ???Last edited: 2014-07-07 22:13:26 by JANJAN
Red Alert
I have found the archived advert and Jan has just confirmed that it is not Lexie x
Very strange. I've just looked again and she has disappeared! She was only £100 and looked to be a beautiful girl. Snapped up I expect and perhaps someone wanted to get rid of her quickly.I wonder if pets4homes will give any info?
JeanT I've had a look on there and can't see one in Halifax .. Am I looking in the right place ??
Hi Baydogs, When it rains Lexi usually comes in but if she's out there somewhere she'll have no choice but to get wet! There has already been a couple of articles done by the local newspapers. Everyday we try to think of ways to reach the people of Cornwall in the hope that someone will know where Lexi is. IF ? she has been taken by someone she may not even be in Cornwall anymore ... We still hope that because she is an unusual breed that she will be more noticeable . Thank you for caring xx
Hello Jan, There's another red chow chow bitch for sale on pets4homes, this time in Halifax ( says due to a marriage break up ).
JANJAN, I have to commend you for your mighty efforts in finding your girl. I know that you must be concerned but there have been some really heavy showers down here today so maybe she is sheltering somewhere. Does she mind the rain? One thing about a missing Chow in this area is that there aren't many seen. With everything you are doing, I'm sure that you'll be reunited soon.
Like many others, I saw the advertisement. Have you considered approaching one of the local newspapers (West Briton or Cornishman) about running a little feature?Last edited: 2014-07-07 16:26:23 by Baydogs
Where are you hiding Lexi ? ... Just wondering why everything has gone quiet! No info or poss. sightings ,absolutely nothing ! Lexi you need to show yourself NOW ! X
Max perhaps you will turn out to be our " good luck " charm ! I so hope so xx xx x x
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
I hope a bit of good luck is just around the corner ( I said this to Bungles mum & he was found, so hoping same applies here, would be great)
Thank you Jen .. We hope that you will be proved right ... xxxx
Keep your chin up JANJAN, a beautiful big dog like Lexi can't just vanish into thin air - she is somewhere & will show herself when she gets the chance.
Thank you all again for your continued support .. I'm sure you all know how stressful losing our precious LEXI has been ! To add to that our Paypal account has been hacked. BUT ! don't know how in my state of confusion I spotted the FRAUD .. Paypal have "awarded in our favour " (thank you god for small mercies) so we will be reimbursed... this means that very soon we can afford another weeks accommodation to be near LEXI & our dear friends in Cornwall xxxLast edited: 2014-07-05 07:59:20 by JANJAN
My car is outside and fuelled up - again if I can help please let me know. (Bude).Last edited: 2014-07-04 16:09:52 by MamaBas
DogLostPoochpal - Regional Co-ordinator - South West - Police Liaison Team
The report from the call to admin is being followed up, we are grateful for any information which may lead to Lexi getting back to where she belongs.
Saw the Lexie notice in our Cornishman newspaper today. I do hope it makes people think.
We had a call to admin today from a gentleman who saw a Chow Chow in Bude. I have passed the details on to Poochpal who is going to forward them to Max.Last edited: 2014-07-03 12:36:54 by AlisonH
I have just checked and it's 10 miles, by road admittedly from Crackington H. to Bude. Probably slightly less across country but WOULD Lexi have left Crackington and headed out to Bude - unless she was picked up and then dumped. She could equally as easily, if so minded, have gone 10 miles in the other direction, or inland. Also, and I hate raining on any parade, but the two areas she might have been sighted in are, I think, on opposite sides of town so would she have crossed the busy town? I'm here should there be a pos. sighting in or immediately around Bude.
Add - Her notice is in the N.Cornwall Advertiser, just delivered free. I so hope anybody who knows what happened to her comes forward.......Last edited: 2014-07-04 08:27:18 by MamaBas
Thank you JeanT I have seen this advert & sadly it's NOT Lexi . XX
There's a red chow chow female for sale today on pets4homes, Wadhurst, East Sussex.
Red Alert
Here is the Link to the North Cornwall Advertiser http://edition.pagesuite-professional.co.uk/launch.aspx?pbid=7ca6ba20-c487-4cda-aa1d-f05be19bf6ce The sighting of the dog in Bude has now been confirmed as a local Husky
The advert is in The North Cornwall Advertiser ! on page 4 .. Let's hope the extra exposure will bring us some information on Lexi's whereabouts
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Getting some replies from a request on Bude Banter. Seems this may be a local dog, often out, possibly grey. But interestingly the sighting they seem to be talking about was on Ocean View Road. Hopefully someone will be able to help confirm. Just so coincidental that it was described as a 'Husky' type, like Bungle was.
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
I have had a reply from the person who gave the info. The dog was a white-ish coloured husky type dog, seen in Berries ave,Bude, so from desc possibly not Lexi, but would not discount it.
Where in Bude - I'm right here, up the Flexbury end but I'm happy to jump in my car .........

Super news about Bungle!!Last edited: 2014-07-02 10:17:01 by MamaBas
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
There has been a possible sighting of a Husky type dog in Bude, desc as very thin & dirty which attacked someones cat. The info was passed to admin (it was an overheard conversation, so no other details given).I have emailed the person who sent the info in the hope she can find out any more information as to colour etc.
Fingers crossed it is Lexie.
Just wondered if you have contacted these people? Sorry, so time just now to read back.
Lexi where are you sweetheart? We need you home cuz we love you and miss you so much xxxx
Brilliant news re Bungle, don't worry JanJan we're very much keeping the search active down here and Lexie remains on all our minds.
Just had the news ... Bungle is home with his Mum ! Stay safe now Bungle xx
7 weeks ago today our lives changed when Lexi went missing ... we miss her so much ... PLEASE KEEP SHARING we need to keep her profile high ... We went to Ashby de la Zouch today which is where Paul comes from & we sat having a coffee outside a café we use talking to friends about Lexis disappearance when a lady on the next table said she lives in Newquay & was in Ashby visiting her mum .. She is going back to Newquay on Wednesday & is going to pass the word & look out for Lexi ... Small world when you meet people who can help in your hours of need ... xxx
Thanks happiness .. I agree with your comments but the photos of this dog are not as old as Lexi so we didn't persue a trip to Wigan x
Happiness yorkie lover xxx
People who say chipped and have papers doesn't mean anything as papers can be copied and falsified and it only takes a trip to local pet store or vet to be microchipped xx always follow up ads placed on gumtree xx
DogLostSherlock- Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - Avon & South Gloucestersh
Tweeting this new info on both Lexi & Bungle xx
DogLostPoochpal - Regional Co-ordinator - South West - Police Liaison Team
Bumping both Lexi and Bungle due to feature in the Cornish Guardian
Just arrived home and have been told about the "Brilliant" write up Lexi & Bungle have had in the CORNISH GUARDIAN . This has to bring GOOD NEWS for us & Bungles mum . Please God someone who knows something will do the RIGHT THING !!! Thanks to everyone for their help in getting this article printed xxx
We go home tomorrow but we know we are leaving with Lexi being well cared for by you all ... She needs to show herself now !! Last edited: 2014-06-27 17:58:07 by JANJAN
Jen. Have phoned the advert a few days ago ..he says she's chipped and has papers so am pretty sure it's not Lexi.. Thank you for searching , we are amazed at all the help and support we are getting .😁xx
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
JANJAN, that is great news, hopefully it will be in next weeks edition, I think it is out on Thursday.
I've just seen this ad for a 2yr old chow chow bitch for sale. Could it be Lexi?

Mark from Cornish Guardian has phoned me as he is doing an article on Lexi & Bungle both being missing.... Let's hope this can help towards getting them both home . Fingers, Toes and everything crossed !!
Last edited: 2014-06-27 13:00:55 by JANJAN
Have been in touch with Bungle's mum and have offered some tips in hope to get Bungle back very quickly . Can't understand that two chows are now missing ! Lexi where on earth are you? MamaBas thank you!Last edited: 2014-06-26 21:08:07 by JANJAN
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
JANJAN, perhaps if you speak to Alison, the owner of the other Chow Bungle, she hasn't got a computer up & running. Maybe you can help her with phone numbers etc of papers who have given you free advertising. her mobile is 07807 881505. Thanks
JJ, looking on Pets4Homes I see there's a breeder in Barnstaple with puppies for sale. Not on the doorstep, but I've taken the liberty of emailing her with an alert about Lexi and also about Bungle. I've asked her if she happens to notice a 'new' Chow in the town/surrounding area, to contact you.

Update - breeder has emailed me back and is now 'aware'.Last edited: 2014-06-28 10:14:32 by MamaBas
I have put an advert in 3 Cornish group newspapers in PETS section saying that Lexi is missing and that there is a reward for her safe return . I cheekily looked in The Cornish Guardian today (without buying) and the advert is in... Hopefully it might be seen and we will get Lexi back.I also contacted North Cornwall Advertiser the free newspaper who are also putting an advert in very kindly for free ! Red Alert has been ace in providing a photo for them , bless you RA . We just have to rely on everyone to keep doing what you're doing to help get Lexi back to us ..love to you all Thank you ☺ xx
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
JANJAN, have pestered the reporter to contact you, he had a deadline for this weeks paper which unfortunately we weren't in time for. He has all the links for info.
I have given Bungles owner (the other missing Chow) a poster of Lexi, she may ring you, she will also spread word along with hers. I have posters of Lexi to put out tomorrow.
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
Spoken to a reporther from West Briton newspaper, have given him this ref & also Bungle ref 70813. Hopefully he is going to do an article (fingers crossed)
You know when you feel you are in the right place ? Not sure why we feel its right to be here but hopefully we will get Lexi back here or we will have closure here!! Please let it be cuz we are here to take Lexi home
I have been in touch to make enquiries too young to be Lexi. Chipped and has papers ... Thanks for sharing x
There's a red Chow Chow bitch for sale on Pets4Homes (Manchester area).
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
MammaBas... if there is (a connection) at least both are spayed/neutered so no use for breeding. They both need to be publicised widely just in case someone decides to let them go (as with the latest collie Poppet 70799 on here). People must not give up looking.Last edited: 2014-06-23 12:32:12 by Fergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Hi - If you are still down here, have you been, in person, to any of the farms immediately around Crackington? I'm still sadly thinking about the fact some trigger happy farmer could have thought she was in a field with lambs.......... It's so odd that after the first 'sightings', the den and fur thing, that nothing further has been heard or found. I also wondered about her trying to find her way home since she wasn't really familiar with your holiday location. And add to that WHY she'd take off in the first place (unless she does this back home?) I'm still mindful of her being missing but as the weeks pass, not too hopeful - I wish I could give you closure at least and you are owed that.
Mmm - BUNGLE Chow gone missing from down here now - could here be a connection?????Last edited: 2014-06-23 10:56:50 by MamaBas
All these thoughts have been ours too ! How do you narrow down who, where, when? We contacted holiday parks to be aware but still no info .. Just don't know what to do next.. We really are in the hands of that awaited phone call!
I just wondered if someone who was staying near you at the same time took Lexie home with them. It would be a help to know where in the British Isles they came from so you could target those towns. She could be well out of the West Country.xx
I have contacted vets in Cornwall & Devon in case she was taken As I have said many times it's a complete mystery where she is ?? Thank you all again for your support, It is so good that we have the help we have xx
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Tx JeanT and all of team Lexi.....we are totally behind you JanJan....
I am always keeping a look out for Lexie down here in South West Cornwall. Have you thought of contacting holiday places/owners where Lexie went missing to find out where other holiday makers at that time came from? You wouldn't need to have their names but just their areas and then you could target vets in those towns or get posters put up. Let's face it she could have been taken away right up North. Another thought, would she have attempted to walk back to her home? Some dogs do and cover hundreds of miles. Anyway, I so want to hear good news about her.xx
Well we should be back home now but as we could stay in the caravan we decided to stay another week . It sometimes feels comforting to be near where LEXI got LOST !! We are trying to relax a little after nearly 6 weeks of stress and sadness . Hoping we might get that magic call while we are still here! Last edited: 2014-06-21 17:25:35 by JANJAN
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Come in Lexi, please show yourself so you can go home.
We go home tomorrow morning and it would be so, so brilliant if we could take LEXI home with us ! Thank you all for your positive thoughts XX
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
That's really good news Jan, she is somewhere and she is chipped, hopefully just a matter of time now. It's your last day again in Cornwall today isn't it? You are doing so much, you just have to get her back soon.. X
We seem to have had a lot of hits 12000+ on LEXI'S page. Can I plead that if you log in to see progress or non progress and you have information on where LEXI is. PLEASE. . PLEASE contact us for the reward is in place and ready to pay out for the safe return of our puppy dog LEXI who is so precious to us !! We are desperate to have her home safe n sound please have a conscience n phone 07986 803749 there will be NO PROBS WE JUST WANT HER BACK!!!Last edited: 2014-06-20 10:40:17 by JANJAN
Thanks for your comments MAMABAS ..We arrived in CRACKINGTON on 9th May & LEXI went missing the morning of 12th May . We have contacted the RSPCA in Exeter & St.Columb.We also phoned their National base & they now use pets located.com to register through which we have done. It's just such a mystery ! We don't know what else to do that hasn't already been done!We have postered Wadebridge & Camelford today in the hope that someone may have information regarding LEXI .As said before why hasn't she been positively seen anywhere?? Even the REWARD OFFERED has not produced any positive information.
Wish I'd known you were in Flexbury ...... but I keep coming back to the question WHY would she make her way from Crackington to Bude in the first place unless somebody picked her up and then dumped her. You'd know why she might do this, but it really doesn't make sense to me?? Clearly you have to follow any and every lead but perhaps rather than try tramping fields over such a wide area, I'd still suspect she'd be closer to where you are, even if she didn't know the area .. how long were you down with her before she went missing? Have you been in touch with the RSPCA Exeter and the one at St Columb - and there's a private Shelter the other side of Launceston - if she's been picked up she could yet be in one of them. The one in Cornwall say they have no Chow in there at the moment - I emailed them.Last edited: 2014-06-19 12:45:05 by MamaBas
Bless you Max any help we get is a bonus in hopefully getting Lexi home many thanks x
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
JANJAN, it must be so frustrating for you. I really hope there is some positive news soon. Getting some posters done for Perranporth, as we get lots of tourists here with dogs.
Just returned from Redruth after receiving a phone call from a lady who had seen LEXI'S poster .. One of her neighbours had just acquired a Chow recently & it was an adult ! We went to see them in Redruth ... The Chow is 2years old and a boy . At least we know that the posters are working .Perhaps the next call might be LEXI !! X
Moogie thank you . I contacted NFU this morning Launceston & Halwill branches and they took all details off me ... Also had a phone call to say that the Chow in Lewannick belongs to a elderly lady who has lived there for many years so I think we can assume to be eliminated but I know that Simon the dog warden is supposed to be going tomorrow to confirm although I did text him to say was probably okay to eliminate ! Had no reply from him as yet. We have been to Flexbury area of BUDE today to follow thru on possible sighting 2 weeks ago .. The area is very wooded & lots of fields that are almost impassible but we did poster the area as we could see that it is used by dog walkers .I also visited the lady who phoned on the possible sighting 3rd4th June & she still thinks what she saw at approx. 2am could have been a fluffy dog which is why we did the Flexbury walk today with gentle talking to Lexi but the area is vast ..like looking for a needle in needles! Must keep hoping for a miracle
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Ok will chase up again Jan re facebooker
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Not sure if you saw this reply on Facebook:
''Jan, what about trying to get in touch with someone in the National Farmers Union(NFU) in Bude and CRackington Haven to see if they can spread the word to the farms in those areas in case they see Lexie out and about, she could be hiding in barns etc, good luck''
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Postie was great when Fergal went missing, and the local recycler lorry carried a poster for me. Oh and it was a farmer who found him, lying in a field with his sheep - he didn't shoot him he phoned me and sat cuddling him till I got there. Lexi is known to everyone I talk to now Jan. But yes farmers are a good bet. X
We have commented on a couple of sites including FB to appeal to farmers in the areas to be aware of LEXI being missing and to be vigilant on their land and not hurt her .She is very friendly and we want to take her home ! There is a SUBSTANTIAL REWARD FOR LEXI'S SAFE RETURN .. PLEASE HELP ! Thank you Mads xxx
Last edited: 2014-06-18 16:36:25 by JANJAN
RE: Farmers sometimes not tolerating stray dogs on their land. You have probably already done this Jan, but it is worth getting in touch with as many farmers in the area as you can. It was a farmer who trapped Jay for us in the end and, not being funny but, a reward is a great incentive not to shoot a dog on their land. xxxxx
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Pleased facebooker got in touch with you.
Yes please get in touch with posties, oil deliveries, taxi and bus companies, and other people who are out and about daily. Sorry there's been no news over the weekend
I had to take my Basset to the vet in town this morning and checked re Lexi's poster which was on the counter. There is a lot going on on the farms (lambing for starters although it's a tad past that now) which worries me, knowing how farmers can be with dogs straying on their land at this time of year.

Have you found a local postie to ask about her ...... they know where a new dog pops up with a household.Last edited: 2014-06-16 17:11:35 by MamaBas
Moogie ..just to say ,we had no contact via Facebook about Lewannick Chow.
There is a lot of activity on the farms here in Cornwall at this time of year! Thinking that if Lexi was hiding she would probably have been seen by now .Keep thinking that someone may have her? We hope that "someone" has a conscious & decides to take her to somewhere that we can get her back from ..please watch for people where you live to suddenly "acquire" a new dog like Lexi xxLast edited: 2014-06-15 21:58:42 by JANJAN
Have been out today doing more postering along coastal path & in BUDE .To get NATIONAL coverage would everybody who looks on LEXI's page print a poster off www.doglost.co.uk 68830 is LEXI's ID number then put somewhere where you live.that way the whole country will see LEXI X
We are back in CRACKINGTON HAVEN ready to find and take Lexi home ... Please keep sharing to make Lexi " HOT " SUBSTANTIAL REWARD in place ready to PAY OUT !!!
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Someone from Facebook should be contacting you JanJan to speak to you about the dog walker and elderly lady who owns the chow in Lewannick. Let me know if she doesnt contact you and I will follow up.
Good luck this weekend. I hope you have some good news :) Last edited: 2014-06-14 16:04:13 by Moogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
DogLostBobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
Big classic car show at the Bath & West Showground (Somerset)this weekend. Been and checked posters are still up from last show on the routes where traffic will be queing.
Moogie. Thank you for update. We leave tomorrow early as we are postering along the way to include Bristol. Somerset. Tiverton. Hoping to get to CRACKINGTON Haven before Sunday HaHa! Will be a busy but hopefully FRUITFUL DAY lots to do and for now must remain positive ! I need to have my baby home ! X
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Hi Jan Jan, Bude and Beyond have been and are great at sharing on both Facbook and twitter. I have asked for a contact number for the dog walker or elderly lady who owns the chow in Lewannick
Spoke with Dog warden's office earlier & Simon is not in until Tuesday & no one there could update me on LEWANNICK Chow walker. I also received a text about oriental man with Chow in Bude being seen but texted back to say we were already aware of him & it not being Lexi .It's good to know people are still looking out for Lexi xx
I have spoken to Ilfracombe Dogs Trust this morning and as I thought I had already sent them the info / poster about Lexi which she told me is now on display . I don't think a visit will be needed as the lady is well aware of Lexi .Thanks for caring x
Sorry to keep banging on about this, without really being able to offer much that's constructive, but as is often the case with Shelters, they don't always get the breed right (much as a Chow should be pretty obvious!!) so I would perhaps consider going into their Shelter personally to check. It's between Barnstaple and Ilfracombe on the A 361 out of Braunton so easly found, if you have the time. Keeping positive thoughts.
http://dogstrust.org.uk/rehoming/searchcentres/ilfracombe/map/default.aspx#.U5rBn7GCWSoLast edited: 2014-06-13 10:18:18 by MamaBas
I have posted a comment on Bude and Beyond (bude banter) to highlight Lexi as still missing. You never know what may come of someone using Bude Banter and remembering something !! Always trying to remain optimistic !! Bless you all for any help offered xxx
DogLostBobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
"the man in Lewannick ( who walks peoples dogs for them" -from JanJan earlier today, is there a local helper who can try and find contact details for this chap please? He must advertise somewhere or someone must see him out with the dogs or does he have a sign written vehicle. Then Jan can phone him herself.
This was Lexi's first holiday away with us (my daughter always used to stay with her when we were away). It was the first day of our holiday that the sun had come out so it wasn't storms . We never let her off the lead accept when we are at our own home so this is an unexplained action from Lexi !We live 250 miles from Crackington Haven . We knew no one there until after Lexi had gone missing .It is a complete mystery WHY , and WHERE she is now ?? I will phone dogs trust tomorrow but I think I already notified them about Lexi being missing but another call won't hurt . I am still waiting for call back from Dog Warden !!Last edited: 2014-06-12 18:28:34 by JANJAN
Thinking more on this one - WOULD she have gone walk-about - it's quite a step from Crackington Haven up to Bude. Has she gone off like this before? What would have caused her to do this - storms? (we have had thunder recently and torrential rain). Have you contacted Dogs Trust up in Ilfracombe in case somebody picked her up and handed her in there?

I'm asking this because trying to understand why she'd take off might help find where she'd go. For example would she try to get to your other home (if this was from your holiday home?). If she was in season, which being spayed clearly she wasn't, she might take off to find a mate. Did she have a local family down here who had been used to feeding her? Again understanding more about why she went missing, might shed some more light on where she'd head?Last edited: 2014-06-12 17:45:48 by MamaBas
MamaBas - All of this has been done (ALL vets in Cornwall) also dog groomers & rescue homes & kennels . Just need to know where to look ?
When you come into town, don't forget to call in at the vet in town (Locke and Preston) and also Penbode just outside town (on the A39 just by the turn off into Bude) if you haven't notified them already? Could be somebody might have brought her in for treatment?
The dog warden was supposed to be going back to see the man in Lewannick ( who walks peoples dogs for them )this week but as yet I have not heard from him. & I have NO number for him ... I will try & call Cornwall,s dog warden for some info !I have just phoned them & am waiting for a call back with update (13.51)Last edited: 2014-06-12 13:51:33 by JANJAN
Thank you MamaBas for this info .. will definitely go & speak to the workmen when we come down on Saturday. We appreciate all the help we can & are getting from the wonderful people of Bude ,all over Cornwall & everywhere. Please keep sharing ! she MUST be somewhere xxx
Also, there is a big building development going on at the back of Sainsburys so it might be worth talking to the builders on site in case they've spotted her lurking around (food?). Perhaps somebody there has been sharing their lunch with her!??
Hi - I've not been here for some time, for various reasons, but I've just seen your poster for Lexie (on the gate leading onto the golf course). We live in the Flexbury end of Bude, just off the golf course, so will keep a look out for her when walking our two and driving around town too. Sending you good thoughts that Lexie is reunited with her loving owners. Thankfully Bude is VERY dog-oriented .... I'd just caution the 'sighting' of her with somebody - there is a Chow living locally in Bude which I see out regularly so sadly this may not be her. We get all sorts here in Bude because it is so dog-friendly. Loads of water out up and down the town.Last edited: 2014-06-12 11:33:51 by MamaBas
Thank you Bobble .... we know everyone is there for us and with 11,000 plus views we are doubly sure ... bless you xx
DogLostBobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
Stay strong JanJan, you have a lot of good helpers and a lot of us further away are praying Lexie is reunited with you both soon and probably checking her page daily like I do x
We will be down on Saturday and will contact who we can regarding CCTV & webcam . thanks moogie for this info . perhaps if we go to police station they can point us in the right direction of how to pursue the content of both .. Thank you all again for your strength & support in giving hope for Lexis safe return xx
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Bude webcams: http://www.budewebcam.co.uk
Apparently the building account next to Sainsburys has a webcam
Hi JanJan - remain positive. It's only been 4 weeks and she may be laying low somewhere having her own holiday on some farmland/hidden park land. Dogs are resilient, but know we are all still looking for her and news may come any day. Last edited: 2014-06-11 12:17:25 by Tiana
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
Still sharing/looking, hope she is going to go home with you
Bless you sweetheart its the not knowing ? is she okay or does she need us ... So sad !!Last edited: 2014-06-10 23:30:57 by JANJAN
Jan, if you need any help when you are down, don't hesitate to get in touch. Lexi is still very much in my thoughts and we won't give up until she's found xxx
Feeling really sad today as all has gone really quiet on what was potentially a probable sighting .where is Lexi ? Someone you would hope has some info but as said before she seems to have vanished! We are coming back down on Saturday for a week and will obvisouly be doing a further search for our baby! We have printed loads more posters & will poster from the Midlands down to Cornwall hopefully to alert holiday makers to be aware of Lexi being missing . Will be bringing more scenting items & will be prepared to do overnight stakeouts on what may have been a possible sighting near the golf course.We cannot imagine life without Lexi ! And the worst is the NOT knowing where or what has happened to our baby ... Please be on the lookout still for Lexi. She must be SOMEWHERE!!!

DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Just had this back from Sandra Evans on Facebook: i was just saying to jan about scenting the areas where the possible sightings of lexie were, and to perhaps set up feeding stations just in case she is in the area, sorry to confuse you. hope lexie is found soon, good luck to you all.
Perhaps grasping at straws but does anyone know if there is CCTV around the Golf Course / Sainsbury's area that may prove useful?
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
The chow on Facebook group Dogs of Great Style is not Lexi as it's from 2012. However the groomers is in Bude. Here's the number in case you haven't contacted them yet: 07813779705.
I have messaged Sandra Evans to find out more
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
I'm looking into it JanJan
I am trying to send an update to Sandra Evans on Facebook who is commenting on Lexi ... But as I am such a plonker on the web ! I don't know how to !! As yet there is no update .. I have spoken to Jenny Brown Tiga's Mum who has offered lots of advise but was not available at the time to consider a search ... Will try to contact Jenny again to see if she can come down to possibly do a search ??
Bless you for searching for Lexi again , You are all truly wonderful for what you do for us ... I did put a poster in the phone box that is next to the job centre car park ... Being here at home I am not sure if that is still there !I also went into the clubhouse & they kindly put a poster up in the ladies changing rooms ... saying that they were aware of Lexi being missing .Sometimes when a poster has been up a while in the same place it almost becomes invisible , so any extra postering can only be good .. Please keep doing what you are doing !!! we can only hope that Lexi will make an appearance & be home soon xxxLast edited: 2014-06-08 18:35:51 by JANJAN
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Does anyone in Bude know if there is another local Chow Chow living here? I met a lady (Alison) this morning when doing another search around the area. She saw a man walking with a Chow on the 'first Monday' after Lexie went missing' through the Job Centre car park towards the Post Office. As the 12th was a Monday, this may have been the following week (19th). It would be really helpful if we were able to eliminate any local Chow other than the breeder's, who Alison said this definitely wasn't as she knows him from the Tiandi Restaurant. I put a poster on the Flexbury footpath onto the Golf Course and then a member kindly took one for the Club House too. Another poster is now up the Job Centre car park, and also at the Car Boot which Chris, the owner, will keep up until August for us. Lots of people there today and it will continue to be busy, so lots of exposure, thank you Chris! I got in a little trouble walking the golf course, and I do apologise for not keeping to the footpath, really sorry guys. All posters (bright yellow) will come down the minute Lexie comes home - there is a reward - . (Sue)
Thinking about our "puppy dog" ( nothing new there ) Hoping because it's Sunday that lots of people will be out n about and hoping also LEXI will be out n about that she will be seen and enticed and "caught" We know this is a long shot but she has to be somewhere ! We hope n pray she will be sighted and we can come down sooner to bring her home . PLEASE LEXI SHOW YOURSELF SWEETHEART , We are here for you !! x
Thank you Fergal's Servant .. it is so reassuring that you are there for us. We are back down there again on 14th June , hopefully to collect Lexi or at least do our bit in finding her xxx
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Just returned from a mooch around the sighting area off East Fairholme and up on the Golf Course over to the back of the Co-op. No luck I am afraid. Went a little along the leafy lane almost immediately behind Melliars Way leading to the Golf Course but very dark by then and the thunder storm started too. Too dark to see anything but an awful lot of places to nest. I spoke to a few people who didn't know about Lexie, and didn't see any posters so will go back with some as soon as I get my printer up and running again.. Checked with the Chow breeder in Bude just in case he was walking one of his at the time, he wasn't, so at least we can eliminate that possibility. But he did say he checked with some of his contacts to keep an eye out on the 'Chow network' which was good of him. There are plenty of places for a lost dog to get a drink, streams etc. AND it is bin day Monday morning so PLEASE everyone in Bude and surrounding areas please check your bin bags and dustbins for any tampering. Don't just clear up the mess and do nothing - let us know.
Hazel... thank you for doing those two service stations, sorry I haven't been able to get on the internet for a few days now to reply but it would have been a great help to speak directly to them so thanks for that. (Sue)Last edited: 2014-06-06 23:37:42 by Fergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
The lady who rang to say she had a possible sighting of LEXI is kindly putting out small amounts of food in the hope that Lexi .. IF IT IS LEXI ? will be tempted to eat it & come again .... Please come & eat the food Lexi .. We want to fetch you & bring you home !!
I had a phone call this morning from a lady in LEWANNICK telling me about a man seen walking a Chow ... I said that I knew about this But as there seems some confusion about this Chow being walked in LEWANNICK that the Dog Warden has agreed to scan this dog next week to eliminate it being Lexi ..
Just to say thank you to Bude & Stratton Post ( LUKE SMITH ) for their brill story & photo about Lexi still being missing . It seems to have generated some interest as we received a phone call earlier about a " possible " sighting in Flexbury area .The Doglost team are helping us as usual to obtain more information to pursue .... Many thanks Red Alert. We have emailed 33 VETS in Cornwall to ask to display a poster from Doglost website ( link provided with the help of my wonderful niece Lucie ). Also that if any Chows are taken into any of the vets that they scan them ,if only to eliminate them as not being Lexi . Many thanks again to our Friends who are working on our behalf .xxx
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Bumping again due to possible sighting
Red Alert
Link of Map https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1415490822065619&set=p.1415490822065619&type=1&theater
Red Alert
There has been a possible sighting of Lexie at Melliars Way at the end Of East Fairholme road Bude on 4th June. It was 2am on Wednesday morning when a resident was woken by a noise in the street. When she looked out of the window, between 2 lamp lights, she could see what she thought was a large fox/dog. It was not until her daughter related the story of Lexie in the Bude & Stratton Post that this sighting became significant. The area is near the golf course and it is quite feasible that Lexie has travelled along the coastal route over Crooklets and then near to the golf course.Last edited: 2014-06-05 18:47:15 by Red Alert
The story is on page 5 of the Bude & Stratton post ... I have been online to BUY & VIEW the story .. This can only be good for getting the word out there of Lexi being missing ..Thanks to everyone again.
Red Alert
There is an article with photo in this weeks Bude and Stratton Post I have just been told by a person on the Bude Banter FB page
WE Paul & Jan are coming down to Crackington Haven on 14th June for a week .. We have to keep trying to find our "puppy dog " It would be great to think that this week would be used to COLLECT Lexi after she has been found or that when we come down we find her ! She has got to be SOMEWHERE or hopefully SOMEONE knows SOMETHING . We will be postering along the way to Cornwall hoping to alert any holidaymakers going to Cornwall & postering further afield when we get there . Bless you all for your continued help & support .. It really does help to know we have you there for us xx
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Not sure if they're the same link as Red Alert but here are two

Red Alert
I have found this article http://www.cornishguardian.co.uk/Dog-missing-Crackington-Haven/story-21185836-detail/story.html
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Will try to find out more about the article. I will bump her page due to the publicity
I have just received a phone call from a gentleman in Bude to ask if there was any news on Lexi as he had seen her story & photo in the newspaper that she was / is missing. Sadly I told him that there had been no news of any certainty about Lexi . He had owned a Chow himself for 13 years & fully understood how devastated we must be without her . He got upset on the phone & ended the call . I am not sure which newspaper the story was in ( I had contacted Cornish & Devon Post & West Briton Cornish Guardian ) but if it got his attention hopefully it will do the same for anyone who has any information that could help us get Lexi home . Another prayer session I think ! THANK YOU HAZEL FOR POSTERING FURTHER AFIELD xxLast edited: 2014-06-04 20:57:31 by JANJAN
DogLostSherlock- Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - Avon & South Gloucestersh
Fergal's Servant....just to let you know posters are now delivered to both Gordano and Michealwood Servicea here on the M5 ....both very concerned and will do there most to post ...:)
Chows are notoriously difficult to WALK ... They don't like to get their feet wet .. Lexi will walk around a puddle rather than through it ... She spends most of her time on a walk stopping to "SNIFF" rather than walk. Fifteen / twenty minutes is enough , She will just " PLONK " and have a rest.. As a breed they are VERY stubborn ! They are very aloof .. Which I hope will go in her favour .. Last edited: 2014-06-04 07:33:56 by JANJAN
As Moogie suggested I am looking at the sites that advertise dogs for sale ... They are either for puppies or adult dogs which for now don't fit Lexi's description . Will obviously keep looking .. As there have been NO sightings since the first day .. It is open to whether she is injured , tangled / caught up somewhere TAKEN or very worst scenario is she may have d--d . Please just keep doing what you are doing in the hope she will be found "" SAFE & WELL "" xxx
WoW ! so much going on ... she can't stay in hiding much longer surely ? LEXI "Where are you ? We miss you and need you home NOW ! Come on puppy dog ..We are waiting to go and see Grandpa ! Thank you all for spreading the word .. We WILL find her !
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
I've just had a message from someone who said they saw a dog matching Lexi's description being walked by a scruffy man in LEWINNICK, near Launceston Obviously it might not be Lexi, but I wondered if anyone knows someone who owns a chow chow in this area. Also we could do with a few posters up here too. I am asking around Facebook for help
Edited to say: I've been told there are two Chows in this area and owners are very approachable, so please stop and ask if you have the chance
Edited to also add that someone has messaged me to say they live in Lewannick and know the scruffy man that was mentioned in relation to the Lexi. He is the womans friends dad and he walks many dogs for the local elderly residents of the village. The chow chow dog he was walking belongs to an older lady in the village. We can now rule out the Launceston dog if this is true but posters would be worth putting up in the area.Last edited: 2014-06-03 21:58:32 by Moogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Found in Preloved: http://www.preloved.co.uk/adverts/show/110452998/red-chow-chow-girl.html
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
I'm trying to get as many people on Facebook to go through the sites below.
Someone has mentioned that they saw a dog like Lexi tied up to a post near a travellers camp in North Wales. I dont know where, what date or if it was a chow or not but I am trying to find out more details.
Lexi has now gone national on Facebook with thousands of shares as far as Scotland. (Even France and USA!) Everyone is talking about her and sending their kind thoughts and wishes to the owners). I have a few more to check out and will update once I find out moreLast edited: 2014-06-03 20:20:43 by Moogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Links are here:
http://www.gumtree.com/dogs?distance=15.0 ( Post and check any found or for sale )
Thanks Moogie .... Will get onto it later .
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Hi Jan, it maybe worth emailing all Cornwall vets with Lexi's poster stressing that they make sure they scan all dogs matching her description.
I have covered a few vets and kennels via facebook.
Did you receive my email Jan with useful links. It's worth keeping a look out on Gumtree, Preloved and Vivastreet. They are three main places where people will sell animals and is worth checking regularly. Links are on the email I sent you. Last edited: 2014-06-03 17:07:38 by Moogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
I have been on Dartmoor Rescue site & it seems that you use them by contacting the Police first .. This probably eliminates using them to find animals ... If you know this is wrong please let me know xx
Just checked with "chip "company PETRAC they DO NOT contact vets but put pets missing on a national database that vets can access. Not ideal if a vet doesn't suspect a pet they are treating maybe missing // Stolen .. Too late for us to change the company & Chip that's in Lexi now she's missing !If only we could have a sighting we would know were we should be looking ??
I contacted kennels, vets , rescue centres & Dog groomers last week attaching Lexi's photo ... The chip company have obviously been contacted but I will phone them again & ask their procedure when an animal goes missing ... will report on that later . I will also contact Dartmoor rescue to ask the question ( thank you for that idea devonmade ). Pirate radio have been contacted as has BBC Radio Cornwall . Thank you all for your constant help & advise.... She must be somewhere !!
and also Pirate FM have a lost pets section and they read them out as well
just a thought, and I am sure it has been done, but what about Dartmoor Rescue? they are all volunteers and generally look for humans as I understand it (I could be wrong), but they are brilliant and may want to help - they go over all sorts of terrain, not just Dartmoor
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Has the chip company contacted all vets? If not it's worth sending a poster to as many as possible alerting them that to please scan for a chip if one is brought in?" Also worth sending info and posters to as many rescue and kennels as possible
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Thank you Mads
Been back to Crackington Haven today. We walked from St. Gennys along the coastal path and down to the Old Cottage where we placed Jan's scented shirt and an explanatory poster (it's actually just at the start of the coastal path, where I hope many will see it). Obviously no sign of Lexie, but as we know from experience, she's likely to lay low during the day. Fingers crossed she shows herself if she's still in the area.
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Just had a massive posting session on Facebook, spreading Lexie further afield. Have done as many kennels and dog warden Facebook groups as possible. Also posted on as many sell it and dog/pet pages from Redruth to Devon. Still have St Ives, Hayle Helston and Penzance areas to cover yet, but taking a break and will continue to spread the word far and wide. Can everyone make Lexie as famous as possible please?
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Sharing further afield now on Facebook pages.
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Thank you Red Alert, you have are fantastic :) Changes made to info
Red Alert
Can we add to the description please that Lexie has a black tongue. I believe that other breeds also have black tongues but Chows have this genetically
Thank you RED ALERT .. Great idea to use the Chow Chow sites . we are so grateful to you for all your help . Bless you !XX
Red Alert
Today The Chow Chow Rescue has been contacted in Oxford. The Chow Chow Clubs across the UK have also been contacted with posters of Lexie.
Just heard from RED ALERT ! Simply buzzing with ideas .... Will update ASAP . Thank you all again for your continued support. We can never thank you enough .... What a party we will have when Lexi is found xxxxxx. I am just off to a belated Midnight Mass to beg our dear Lord for help!
DogLostMillieVW - Area Volunteer - West Wiltshire
Aw that's a shame! Is it worth contacting more local tracker dogs? Hope you get a sighting, anything, soon xxx
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Come on Lexie, we need a really good sighting of you. Please show yourself
Thank you MillieVW . I spoke to Jenny earlier & sadly she is not available to come ! I have emailed Bude police to ask if they could be on the lookout for Lexi as they go about the area . I have also had a reply from Luke at The Cornish & Devon post & he is putting a story in the newspaper so hopefully that will help spread the word . Also The Camping & Caravanning Club are tweeting & facebooking for their members to help... Here's hoping !!
DogLostMillieVW - Area Volunteer - West Wiltshire
Hubby says the dog we saw in Bath was darker around the mouth, red rather than blonde.

Is it possible to get tiga down to Cornwall to scent??
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Tweeting to north Cornwall, newspapers, Bude etc
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
The dog I saw was more ginger around the mouth with white hairs which are more ageing hairs than general colour. Sorry to confuse anyone but I will take another look if I get the opportunity as she lives locallyLast edited: 2014-05-29 15:01:57 by Moogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Hi everyone just to update you all .. I have contacted 2 newspapers today West Briton/Cornish Guardian & Cornish & Devon Post , both have said they will put something about Lexi in . Hopefully that will spread the net wider. Also spoke to Jenny with Tiga but she is not available to help at the moment . I will update again later as to what I have managed to do this afternoon. My bum is firmly glued to my computer chair hoping to alert the public further . xxxx
Jan's sending another scented item down. Can I have everyone's expert advice on where is best to place it please? Thanks in advance. I'll be going back up on Saturday and, again, if anyone else would like to meet up that would be lovely x
Please look at Lexi's picture ... She is quite blonde /white around nose and blonde mix on her facial ruff .. also as she was due for her grooming on 2nd June with Debs.... her fur On the BACK of each paw will be long & fairly blonde. She may be what you would describe as "Scraggy " due to her needing a trim ! I have contacted several groomers in the area ... it is quite expensive to keep LEXI & any dog well groomed which means at least every 2 / 3 months .Please be on the lookout for our BABY ! We need her home xxxxLast edited: 2014-05-29 01:02:59 by JANJAN
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Just seen a woman walking a red chow. I stopped and asked about her dog. It was definitley not Lexi as had white hairs around the face and looked older. She said she was 8 years old. She also said there was a breeder in St Austell but doesn't think she is still breeding chows. There are definitely 2 in Stithians and 2 in Penzance.
hi have the scent dogs been used yet as I see the little Chinese crested has been found after they picked up a scent and pinpointed the area he was hiding Last edited: 2014-05-28 14:58:31 by linz
Moogie, I live very near Park Bottom, Illogan and have seen the man walking a red Chow in the area on numerous occasions so think this one can be discounted. Jan - praying you have some good news on Lexie very soon x
Lexi & most Chows don't bark unless there is something worth barking for ! ie something or someone around their domain. But I suppose it's possible that if it is Lexi ? she may bark to get your attention ? Last edited: 2014-05-28 10:02:23 by JANJAN
DogLostMillieVW - Area Volunteer - West Wiltshire
It was quite low and steady but it was quite echo-y as it was in Southgate with tall thick stone buildings. It carried on for a while as to begin with I was stood round the corner, I thought maybe a dog had been left alone. Was very surprised to find it sat with people. It's probably not Lexi but I'll definitely report anything else that comes up x
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Fergals there's been some more fur found recently
DogLostSherlock- Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - Avon & South Gloucestersh
No worries....will get some posters down there and let you know what I've done x
Yes I have the photo of the fur , It's hard to tell if it's Lexi's via a photo... It was found between HILL & SWEET somewhere but Nicky is going to contact the man who found it to enquire further. God ! I think I'm going mad !!!
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
MillieVW .. what was the sound of the barking? Jan & Paul said she has a very low bark, seemed quite distinctive. Perhaps worth you talking with Jan & Paul? Moogie ... I wasn't there but I think it was found on the first search (Wednesday) when searching round the stream and woods by the St Genny's path (through the black kissing gate below the parking area).
Last edited: 2014-05-27 21:03:12 by Fergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Thats strange the papers havent replied. I know several articles on dogs lost on holiday. They dont usually write about general lost dogs but will if its more unusual. I would try ringing them and speak to them directly if you can Jan.
Heard via Nicky that fur similar to Lexi's has been found at the opposite end of Crackington from where she went missing. I am trying to find out exactly where it was found. I think Nicky has sent JanJan a photo so they can check it over
DogLostMillieVW - Area Volunteer - West Wiltshire
I've sent a message and photo to my son and asked him to strike up a conversation. Hubby works in Bath too so he'll see if he sees the dog again. Both times that I saw the dog it was barking and clearly didn't want to be there, it was barking for quite a while and with minimal interaction from the ladies with it. More like a noisy accessory :-/
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Hazel... thanks for that. Yes I think it would be a good idea, they wouldn't do it without getting permission and I couldn't get any reply from the two numbers they gave me. Even if you can't get them to say yes, perhaps there will be somewhere outside prominent enough to put a poster. The other's were really helpful, and definitely said they would. Anyone living near the Exeter Moto please? They wanted someone to come in with the posters (no printer). Thanks Hazel, I didn't send one to Michaelwoods so that would be great if you could x
Last edited: 2014-05-27 20:42:36 by Fergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
DogLostMillieVW - Area Volunteer - West Wiltshire
It's not in the area but I went to Bath on Friday and there was a red chow with a group of young ladies. I had my daughter with me and like to point out different breeds, was quite excited! I had to go back to Bath late yesterday afternoon and saw the same group, same dog, wandering about. It really stuck in my mind. They looked touristy. My son is in Bath everyday, I'm going to ask him to keep an eye out, see if he can strike up conversation x
JanJan, have you tried the Cornishman? They ran a piece on Jay when he went missing and I had lots of local reports of sightings as a result of that one article. It reaches so many.
hi Millie , Don't know how to answer that really , The Chow is not a popular dog in this day & age . go back to 1950's/ 60's and they were more common . So to see any Chow is unusual , making them quite expensive.
DogLostMillieVW - Area Volunteer - West Wiltshire
How rare are red chows?
Hi,Moogie I emailed all current newspapers & have had NO replies from any of them !!
DogLostSherlock- Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - Avon & South Gloucestersh
Fergal's Servant....I can poster Gordano as this is close to home if you think better they speak with someone in person...did this for Poppy up at the next one Michealwoods and they were very keen to help x
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Have you managed to contact the newspapers to get an article written about Lexi yet janjan?
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Someone on Facebook has said they've seen a very similar dog being walked by a man around park bottom Illogan. I have asked if she could put a couple of posters up and keep a look out. Maybe take a photo next time if possible. Anyone else able to get some posters up around here?
Thank you , thank you , thank you all ... We are trying to remain focused as this may not lead to anything ? here's hoping though xxxxx
My half brother lives in Westward Ho! So I'll ask him if he is aware of any chow owners there. I'll also ask if he would be willing to put some posters up x
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
I have sent poster links by email to Gordano services (still awaiting permission), Tiverton Services, Taunton Dean Roadchef North and Southbound (very helpful there) and Sedgemoor Welcome Break (also very helpful). The Exeter Moto said if someone could come in with a poster they would display it. Hope they all do and it helps get Lexie home soon. Sue x
Last edited: 2014-05-27 11:18:15 by Fergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Just a thought. Does anyone live close to a motorway service station, or eating places along the 361 Link Road from Barnstaple to Tiverton? All places where someone could be travelling home from Cornwall. Posters there would get more people looking out for her. X
Thank you so much for helping .. it would be a miracle if it turns out to be Lexi Fingers crossed !! xxx
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Tx Amy even if its just rule out the dog in question..there cannot be many Chows in Westward ho...
Hello, my mum lives 2 minutes from westward ho snd walks her dog down there every day, will get her to keep sn eye. I am also moving there at the weekend so will be down there too. Good luck with having her home soon x
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Further alerts sent to helpers in EX31,33,39.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Owner has rung to say possible sighting last week being walked in westward ho...mmay be something or nothing but red Chows are pretty rare...so if anyone is in the area can they put posters up/share on FB...twitter etc...tx
Just let me know if there's anything else I can do. It's about a 25 minute drive for us up to St. Gennys and I can leave at the drop of a hat (luckily for me I'm self-employed, so generally at home). Wishing for good news, and very soon xxxx
Mads . Thank you so much for going to Crackington Haven today ... There's always 1 who gets stroppy , well done for putting him in his place. We are at a guessing game stage as to whether she is lost or has been found & taken !I have been preparing emails & letters ready to send tomorrow to numerous outlets ie. dog wardens, vets, rescue & rehoming centres, dog groomers in the hope that someone will know something of LEXI'S whereabouts .. We have to do something at this end as for now we cannot be in Cornwall & we just don't know where to look for her . All we can ask is that everyone can Facebook & Tweet to the whole of the UK as someone somewhere MUST know something about where she is!! She is too distinctive to just disappear. Please carry on doing all you can to bring her home .. Thank you all xxx Thank you Hazel keep TWEETING !!
DogLostSherlock- Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - Avon & South Gloucestersh
Tweeted for Lexie...she will be home....keep positive xx
Hi JanJan, Paul and fellow volunteers. We spent all afternoon in Crackington Haven hoping for a glimpse of your girl (though we knew this would not be likely), but mostly trying to keep lines of communication open with locals and holiday makers. Everyone's done a great job of postering up there as only one person, out of the many we spoke to, hadn't heard about Lexie. Lots of holiday makers are keeping their eyes peeled for her. One guy got short shrift from me when his only concern was whether we were going to take the posters down as they were untidy. I was pretty smug when he said we wouldn't have any hope of finding Lexie now and I was able to point to Jay and say that he had been lost for 11 weeks and here he is!!! I'll go back in a few days to make sure we keep up the momentum with the people who are local and likely to spot her. Love Mads xxx
Thanks everyone for all the help & support we are getting... Tomorrow is Paul's birthday and he always gets a present off Lexi, sadly this year the only present he would want is Lexi herself .. You never know I could get to Cornwall & back in time for me to give Lexi to him as a present !!
DogLostBobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
Jan and Paul you are never far from my thoughts as of course is Lexi. As well as the great work going on where she was lost, everybody reading this needs to print off at least one poster and pop it up on a main road, a petrol station anywhere that those travlling about the country might see it and recognise her. also spread the word to vets and dog wardens far and wide. I will be creating some little road signs to pop up on the approach to the Bath & West Show that is starting near me in a few days. I'm leaving the dogs until the last minute and of course I'm praying that Lexi won't be on it, but with her mum where she belongs.

Please pop up a poster - your poster could be the one to make the difference.
Hi JanJan, no, we moved here last year, there's nowhere else I'd rather be. When we lost Jay near Lands End we lived in the South East, 300 miles away from where he was lost. It was a nightmare, but miracles do happen x
Mads Do you not live as far away as you used to when you lost JAY??
Bless you I am so grateful for your support ... It is like something is missing in my heart . I truly was her mum and I know she needs me but I can't find her to help her .. We need a miracle !
I'm definitely heading up to St. Gennys tomorrow. I'll walk in the woods and head back along the coastal path. Are there any feeding stations that need to be checked or stocked? I'm only about 17 miles or so away from the area so am happy to do anything I can to help. JanJan, I know what you're going through, that was me 18 months ago. Thinking of you x
Thank you for update ... Please do everything and anything to make LEXI really FAMOUS ... So she becomes " TOO HOT TO HANDLE .. We are in your hands Thank you as always xxxx
Red Alert
Telephone number has now been updated x
Hi.i know the Facebook page moogie set up will end soon as there is one running already but could the mobile phone number be updated to read 07986803749 in case someone who looks and knows something can contact JAN & PAUL. NOW!!!! Thank you xx
Hi, I did send them emails last week & also a photographer from the Cornish Guardian was supposed to be at the search on Saturday but I didn't see one ! I will call some tomorrow & see if they will do one . Thanks Moogie
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Hi JanJan, have you managed to get in touch with papers for them to do a large article for Lexi?
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
There's a facebook page now for Lexi. Please 'like' and share to keep spreading the word:
https://www.facebook.com/pages/Help-find-LEXIE-the-Chow-Chow-Cornwall-uk/1406496592965042Last edited: 2014-05-25 17:27:56 by Moogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Jan jan so many people now know about Lexi. We just need one sighting to go on and can then act upon it. Postering will continue tough while we wait. Please read Jays story as it will give you hope that it he survived so well for 11weeks. Safe journey back and hoping you get that phone call very soon.
Hi,Mads LEXI is generally good with other dogs ,she loves children too! In fact she likes everyone! Just leaving for home now but part of us is still here.. We can be back quickly if we get the news we are hoping for . again many thanks to everyone for their help and support .you are all truly wonderful ! Xxxxx
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Tx team Lexi....here is link to helper Mads dog Jay who has been on our lost pages before for 11 weeks....he survived///read the story and you will see they can.
Since I couldn't make it yesterday I think I'll take a drive up there either tomorrow or Monday with Jay boy and see if we can find any clues. Does Lexie generally like other dogs?
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
I am following your niece on twitter and she has been very busy tweeting Lexi. She is fast becoming quite famous...which is what we want!
My niece has said she will continue on Facebook & twitter on our behalf to spread nationwide .LEXI is a proper little madam! we know her so well from 8 weeks old n she will NOT be an easy dog to have .If you have her and find she is not the dog for you ... Let us have her back REWARD IS THERE FOR YOU! Please contact JAN & PAUL ANYTIME DAY OR NIGHT ! 01283 211062 OR 07986 803749
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Hi again Jan. The local Bude facebook page has been updated now. Lots of good people there who will look out for her, and all have other contacts around the country. They really helped when my boy went missing last year. Good people are there but tend to only pop their heads up when really needed. So don't give up hope. XX
Lexi was booked in for her next groom on 2nd June but I have contacted her groomer to tell her the situation and she is truly upset as Lexi was a perfect client! X
Comment awaiting moderation
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Hi Jan. Please also contact post offices to let postmen/women know, local oil delivery companies, taxis, bus companies, tourist information, farmers, schools and anyone else who are generally out and about on a daily basis. Lots of people now aware and thinking of Lexi through Facebook and twitter. Local helpers will continue to search and poster the area. Please stay positive if you can. Praying for good news soon.
Hi Julie b we stayed in a cottage and this and surrounding houses have all been checked and checked again. When we go home I will contact groomers and ask the question. If they care what she looks like they will need to keep on top of her grooming as it is difficult , almost impossible to do her yourself . thank you for this valid comment x
Hi moogie .no one was at home but I have contacted " chip " company and they still have her as missing .thank you for highlighting this and thank you and everyone for their continued effort and support . we go back home tomorrow but will carry on doing what we can from there also knowing that help will continue in Cornwall and nationwide. bless you all for your help xx

Last edited: 2014-05-24 21:56:41 by JANJAN
Julie B
I am sorry that Lexi is still missing. Just a thought - would it be worth contacting all dog groomers in the area as if someone had Lexi (hopefully not though) she would need to be groomed in the very near future. Also was she staying on a caravan park ? If so could she be lying low underneath them during the day and coming out at night when it is quiet ? I do hope she is found safe and well soon xx
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Thank you Mads. How can we forget you and Jay! Hope you're feeling better soon

Just a comment from a Facebook friend and want to make sure this has been covered. This is what she asks:
''I was just wondering if lexie was picked up the day she went missing and chip checked would there be anyone at home to answer the call to say she had been picked up if not is there anyway the owners could find out all missed calls for the time they were away from home''
I am so sorry I was too poorly to attend today and that there was no sign of Lexie. I just want to add to Moogie's comment about staying positive. Many wonderful DogLost members will remember me, or more likely my dog, Jay, from 2012 when he went missing from a holiday cottage near St. Buryan. It took 11 weeks but with the help and support of the dedicated DogLost team, we finally got him back safe and sound. Praying for a sighting and similarly positive outcome for you and your girl very soon xxx
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Thank you to everyone involved today with the search. I'm so sorry it didn't end in finding Lexie, but at least that area has been thoroughly covered. Postering now further afield around the Crackington Haven an beyond is the next step. We need some sightings now. Please show yourself Lexie. It's time to go home.
Thinking of you both, Jan and Paul. It must be very difficult for you but please don't give up hope. Dogs have been found when there seems little or no hope is left. We will continue to spread the word and search until she's found.
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Just wish so much that it could have been a better outcome today. My heart goes to you Jan and Paul, you have tried so hard, especially after your op too. At least we know she is not likely to be lying hurt anywhere around that area now. It is very thick gorse and bracken but I did see that people were looking through it with their sticks. Not nice that the posters are being removed so quickly at the field though. We are still here and still searching and spreading the word. I agree with Red Alert, the word needs to be spread further now. XXX
Red Alert
A massive thank you to those that searched for Lexie today. Although we didn't find Lexie we do know that her owners and others have done everything possible to trace her in and around Crackington Haven. So much sharing, postering and networking means that Lexie will remain in the minds and hearts of the locals for some time to come and may still be found by them or by visitors. It makes sense now to continue to spread the search net for Lexie across the UK. So please share her details everywhere you can. This distinctive, beautiful girl may be somewhere near you x
I am so sorry we didn't find Lexie today. We will continue to spread the word in the local area and will keep our eyes peeled. We're thinking of you.
To far away to help in the search but have been sharing and will be thinking of you and willing Lexie to show up good luck
Springer sharon
Sending best wishes from afar for your search tomorrow. Miracles do happen and no one deserves it more than you. Come on team Lexie!
Thank you Max & Moogie We can hope it helps to raise awareness & loads of people turn out ...WEATHER slighty better than first predicted .MIRACLES DO HAPPEN!!! Last edited: 2014-05-23 21:56:34 by JANJAN
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
I have been spreading the details of the search on Facebook and twitter. Lots of people know about the search and are wishing you luck tomorrow
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
JANJAN, have sent a message to Anneka Rice @ radio2, as she has an early morning programme, asking her to give this a mention. Hope she does. Good Luck
DogLostSherlock- Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - Avon & South Gloucestersh
Tweeted search party details....fingers crossed for you all xx
Have been out all day doing posters ,been to Liskeard & Bugle,done holiday parks & cafés ...Paul still out covering places on his mountain bike please can i ask as many as humanly possible to join the search tomorrow atCRACKINTON HAVEN CAR PARK 11.00 am Thank you in anticipation xxxLast edited: 2014-05-23 21:59:47 by JANJAN
DogLostBobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
Wishing you all the best of luck with the search on Saturday. The worst case is you should be able to identify another feed station location. Will be thinking of you and I hope the weather is kind.
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
I'm working tomorrow so unfortunately can't come but good luck and I hope Lexie is found. I'm bumping her page due to the search tomorrow
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
I cannot make it on Saturday, but I hope loads turn up & something positive comes out of it. ( Sadly I have a committment I cannot change.)
New search organised for Saturday 24th May @ 11.00am Crackington Haven car park - if free please help & show up.
Keep spreading the word, a local farmer helped yesterday find another safe for us playing happily in his field and went to find the contact number off poster nearby, so keep positive hopefully we'll get Lexie soon. Best of luck!Last edited: 2014-05-22 17:09:35 by Tiana
Hi, just commented on Bude police page saying that there is a search on Saturday .. Asking for any help offered ?
Well ! Are some people sick or what ?? had a crank call tonight from an idiot fooling me saying he had got my dog .... lets hope something like this never ( or does ) happen to him ... of course no phone number to trace ... We will be back in Crackington tomorrow armed with laminated posters & determination to carry on searching for our beautiful Lexi .We Have been advised by Jenny with Tiga that we could be looking at a search area of 7 miles . If this is a 7 miles radius it is a massive area that will probably be impossible to cover . But we will do our best with the help of all you wonderful people coming together to help us too! See you tomorrow xxx Last edited: 2014-05-21 21:45:54 by JANJAN
Red Alert
Just returned from the feed station and the farmer has closed the field off and has moved his cows in there. This means that the feed station cannot continue as we cannot put dog food down in case the cows eat it. A scenting article has however been left but came home feeling very sad as the posters clearly say this is feeding station but I guess the farmer has to farm. Tonight another thorough check has been carried out behind the cottage Lexie went missing from. Not heard back from the ranger for the National Trust but will follow this up again tomorrow.
Red Alert
Hi Owl yes this has been done but there are no prints, so frustrating. Today I have left a message for the Head Ranger for the National Trust to contact me as there are quite a few National Trust Tenancies in the area and he will know the area
Have you tried a sand trap for pawprints at the feeding area? Difficult as it dries out and blows around in this weather. Maybe a mud trap would work better here. What you do is spread mud over a flat area round the food, dampen it and then look at what pawprint you have. If it is fox or badger or even hedgehog taking the food, then you will be able to tell.
DogLostBobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
The best bet would be onnce Jan and Paul are back to set up a rota to watchthe feeding station from a short distance.
A camera was obtained to use in the search for Pringles could you not get to use this ?
Red Alert
Nicky has just returned from the feed station and all of the food has gone. This particular area will need more surveillance as we can not be sure its Lexie thats eating it however the possibilty remains that she is! A search has now been set up for Saturday 24th May from Crackington Haven Car Park at 11am. The Cornish Gaurdian is sending a photographer down so hoping for a good turn out. The poster for the search is on this link https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10152865786091562&set=a.10151260781811562.557548.594701561&type=1&theater please share & help if you can. There are now photo's of the area being searched on my timeline so click into the above link and then my name xLast edited: 2014-05-20 21:11:34 by Red Alert
Just to say that Paul & me are coming back down on Thursday to stay until Sunday so that we can carry on trying to find Lexi .
Your continued help & support is AMAZING ... Thank you all !
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
If there is anyone in Cornwall or coming to Cornwall who can help in a search this weekend please ring/text my mobile with your name etc, so we can get an idea of numbers. 07973 775652,Thanks
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
Red Alert, thanks for all you are doing. I know the area is vast & so more volunteers are needed to help with the search. Will share again on fb.
Red Alert
Just returned with helper Nicky from the food station and all of the food had gone. The area was undisturbed which would be unusual if it was a fox or badger as they tend to root around for every last bit but the stones were as they were left apart from one. More food has been left. New laminated posters have been put up on the gates and a poster is on the garage of the cottage where the owners stayed. Photo's have been taken of the area but not in the woods as a thunder storm prevented this tonight. I will send Lexies owners the photo's and will also post them on Lexies FB page. At the weekend we hope to have volunteers to post poster through every door in Crackington Haven in the beach area and and the surrounding area. We are also trying to organise another search party for Saturday. Jenny with Tigga is being kept upto date. I will visit the woods tomorrow during the day to take more photo's. Have suggested to owners that we start to spread the net of the search further just in case someone has picked Lexie up and has travelled home with her. Still lots to do and still lots of hope xLast edited: 2014-05-19 22:14:12 by Red Alert
We had an idea about empty holiday homes .. If you know of any near you perhaps ? if they could be included as possible places that Lexi may have got trapped or stuck or locked in .. Perhaps check the gardens if allowed to ? Thank you !
When we get down later this week we will try & get to as many holiday sites that we can to display the posters . We did put on a couple of sites when we first started last week but probably not enough .Great idea , thank you Owl.
We have had more posters printed this morning & are in the process of laminating them ready for when we come back down to continue the search for Lexi .We are overwhelmed with the support & encouragement we have & are receiving. My niece has continued to Tweet & Facebook & has just had a reply from Debbie Matthews ( Bruce Forsyths daughter) who had her two Yorkies stolen .She has been sharing Lexi's info so we can spread the word . She is asking everyone to sign a petition to make it compulsory for VETS to scan all dogs that they see in their practices . She needs a lot of signatures to be able to take it to the government for consideration , so please sign it if you can !Once again paul & I would like to say thank you for helping to find our little one !
Done as requested. Have posters gone to every caravan and chalet site in the area? People on holiday don't always have net access.
Red Alert
A quick update. Can we remove tagged from description as Lexie did not have her collar on, also Lexie has some black hairs running through her fur on her tail xLast edited: 2014-05-19 15:13:08 by Red Alert
Little Pooch Dog Boutiquecavalierandlhasamummy
I have shared Lexie's details on my facebook and twitter pages, hope she is home safe soon xx
Jan I so hope you will get your girl home soon. Jenny and Tiga are brilliant!! Tiga has a very good success rate so hopefully sh will be home before he can get down but if not he really is good at finding dogs.

Will keep everything crossed for you x
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
We won't give up on her until she's found
Thank you all so so much for your support and loving thoughts . we just hope that by all the exposure we are creating together will highlight people to be vigilant to look out for Lexi everywhere . Life is not ever going to be the same without our special little " sugar lump " ..my pet name for Lexi . Every morning was a pleasure to wake up and see her tail wagging when we came downstairs to start our day .Please don't give up on her while we cannot be there but we will be back sometime this week to continue the search. If anyone has any ideas to help find her .. Please contact us 07986803749 anytime day or night early , late whenever I will always answer ... She is so special to us ! Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts xxx
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
We are all praying that Lexie is safe & will be with you soon. You have a lot of people here in Cornwall behind you.
DogLostSherlock- Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - Avon & South Gloucestersh
Tweeting for Lexie and sending you positive vibes for her save return...keep strong for Lexie xx
Spayed added to details.
Red Alert
Could the details be amended please to state Spayed as I know Lexies owner confirmed this to me
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Red Alert has informed me that 2 bulk emails have gone out to network Cornwall members. That's usually over 3000 plus people that are now aware of Lexi.
Please show yourself Lexi.
Springer sharon
Stay positive Jan, the doglost network is full of amazing people and I'm sure they will bring Lexi back to you. In the meantime sending good wishes from Dorset
We have been emailing with attached photo of Lexi to several local kennels around the Bude area to make them aware of Lexi being missing .My neice has been tweeting & facebooking to as many people , business's & celebrities ,ie, Simon Cowell ( for his love of dogs ), Kirstie Allsopp, Joss Stone, Caroline Quentin , Phillip Schofield, Dawn French & more as I believe that they live around the Cornwall area. I have collected some of Lexi's fur from around the house & an item of my clothing (unwashed) & parcelled it ready to be posted first thing tomorrow for Red Alert in the hope that they will be useful if we can get Jenny & Tiga to help track for Lexi. The " CHIP " company are aware of Lexi being missing & I rang them again today to confirm they have that information . I contacted Bude Police but was informed that they no longer take details of lost / missing dogs. Tomorrow we are going to get more posters printed & lamenated ( to keep them dry )ready for when we come back down & put them all over the area again . Paul & I are at the moment totally relying on the wonderful people of Bude & Cornwall to still be actively searching for Lexi. We are so grateful to all you animal lovers for helping us in our HOURS of need .It is so sad being at home without our best friend sniffing around & nuzzling us. We thank you all again for your help & support . Please come out of hiding Lexi ... Your Roast Chicken is waiting for you !
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Team Lexie are doing everything possible for Lexie until you and Paul return. I'm hoping she's finding the food being left daily
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Well done team Lexi!
We want to thank all of you lovely people for all the help and support you have given us since our bestest friend ever went missing .She truly is a beautiful dog with the nicest temperament ever . We tried our hardest to find her but it seems an impossible task to try and cover the ground and terrain she may have got lost ( or injured ) in . We unfortunately had to come home as I, JAN ( LEXI's MUM ) have to go into hospital for a small operation but we will be back down as soon as humanly possible . We cannot imagine our lives without our precious little one !! Please if you are walking in this lovely part of the country look out for our LEXI . We are available to contact at ANY time ... There is a substantial reward for her safe return to us .. PLEASE HELP & THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH !xxxxx
DogLostBobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
Fingers crossed Red Alert Dogs that it is Lexie and it won't take long.
Red Alert
Tonight we returned to where where the dog poo was found Thursday and Friday and there is more dog poo in this particular area. A scenting towel was left there by the owners. We have now set up an area with dog food on a base of soil brought to the site so that we can see paw prints. This will be checked nightly.
DogLostBobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
I have alerted the owners of the holiday cottage we stay in when we visit Crackington Haven. As well as a delivery driver that comes down that way. Feel so hopeless being in Somerset, but so pleased there is plenty of local help.
Red Alert
UPDATE ON LEXIE - Lexies owners have spent hours and hours searching for Lexie around the coastal path at Crackington Haven. On the Monday (12th May) she went missing there was a sighting of her on the coastal path beside Old Cottage in Crackington Haven. This is over the bridge past the pub, up the hill and on your left hand side. The area has been saturated with posters but there have been no further sightings. On Thursday a search party with helpers/locals took place and a walker reported hearing a dog whimpering in the woods behind St Gennys church. Barking was then heard on 3 separate occasions in the area surrounding the woods behind St Gennys church. The stream area was concentrated on all day yesterday but no further barking was heard. Lexies owner picked up what looks to be some of Lexies fur and this was found on the ground between St Gennys church and the woods/stream. The woods are so dense that Lexie could have got caught up but despite listening and searching there has been no more to go on. In addition food was left both at the stream and inside the field that meets the coatal path. The food at the coastal path had been eaten by Friday morning. On behalf of her owners I am asking that everyone continues to share Lexies details and ask if you could print off a DogLost poster to put up in your area. If you are in Crackington Haven please spread the word and if walking on the coastal path from Crackington to Bude please keep an eye open for her. Her owners have done everything possible to find her and have now had to go home but will be returning to the area shortly. An article/information has been sent to the West Briton & Cornish Guardian Newspaper.
Red Alert
Dog hair the same colour as Lexie has been found, very downy hair, so not from a sheep (I own sheep). Food eaten at the top gate but not at the woods. Returned back from the woods at 10pm. No more barking has been heard. BBQ was used in the wooded area but no noises heard. Search will continue and Facebook sharing will also continue to keep raising awareness. The area is saturated with posters and local people are being fantastic spreading the word.
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Jenny & Tiga are in Scotland for a week and K9 searchdogs need a positive sighting to track.
Owners and Red Alert are having a BBQ in the wooded area and sitting quietly to listen foa any noise. Thinking she may have become stuck in the brambles.
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
Good luck to everyone who is up there searching. Come on Lexie, show yourself.
now a den has been found can the tracker dogs try
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Received this message from the owner yesterday after the search where they found a den: the "den" is by the stream as is the fur . the area is part of trail that goes by side of St gennys church through a field & down a steep slope then you cross the stream into a wooded area this is the area of "den".
HAve suggested a bbq in this area today. Owners are supposed to be leaving today but have been offered a static caravan for a couple of days
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Thanks Alison...thought I was going mad for a second
Not you Moogie that option has been removed so I have put it in the OTHER INFO box as that appears on the poster.
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Not sure if it's me! But I'm trying to add there is a reward for her safe return but I can't find the option. Any coords able to help ?
DogLostBobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
Please bare in mind that sighting was on Monday morning 11am 12th May, three days ago. Owners followed it up quickly and have searched that area. I think the dogs need a more recent sighting or a den in order for tracking to work.
Red Alert
Just about to leave the search when we stopped walkers to explain that Lexie was missing and they told us that they had heard a dog whimpering in the wood not far from where we had stopped them. The search has now resumed and everything is crossed that this is Lexie x
Red Alert
Asked K9 Search dogs to help. Spoken to owner and there was a confirmed sighting of Lexie, by a walker, on the coastal path 1hr after she went missing
Actual photo of Lexi now added (refresh page to view)
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Posted on to Pirate fm and BBC radio Cornwall websites
circulating on twitter...LEXIE Red Chow Chow MISSING http://bit.ly/1jIJ6kq #CrackingtonHaven #Bude #EX23 Plz RT
Red Alert
Search party being organised for 1pm at Crackington Haven Carpark at 1pm tomorrow Thursday 15th May
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Just spoken to owner and they are leaving an item of clothing and a bowl of water where the sighting was. Also advised to leave a trail of urine from the sighting place, back to the cottage.
Red Alert
Just made contact with Lexies owners as they now have a signal. They are continuing to poster everywhere and are aware of Widemouth Bay, Bude. A boat is going out tomorrow to check the cliffs. They are overwhelmed by the response from local people and are so grateful.Last edited: 2014-05-14 19:11:26 by Red Alert
Red Alert
There is no phone signal in Crackington Haven or very poor. I have the address of where the owners are staying so please contact me as I can visit them as only 3 miles away
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Have radio stations been contacted. I have put info to be read out on pirate and BBC Cornwall Facebook pages but maybe worth a call too.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Please owner don't have a phone on that's says your number is currently un available....will add my number as contact...another sleepless night!
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Tx red alerts for spreading the word. Twitter alerts requested to riverlady our Twitter queen.
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Hi Bobble, I havent phoned owner and dont live nearby, so happy for you to continue if thats ok. Sharing around on facebook and twitter
Red Alert
Owners are aware of this sighting and have approached the address suggested by locals however as there are Chow puppies at the address the sighting may have been of their own Chow female dog.Last edited: 2014-05-14 14:35:59 by Red Alert
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Tx Bobble and red alerts...who lives 3 miles away...red alert will update with a possible sighting shortly...owners have been informed.
Red Alert
Possible reported sighting in Bude. Message that was received via Facebook pm 'I have seen a dog just like that in town yesterday being walked with a lead by a man who was chinese and in his late 20s'
DogLostBobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
Owners have had some posters printed and are putting them up and dropping into pubs etc. I also advised to talk to delivery drivers, postmen and milk lorries. They are also going to stop at the school bus drop of point and talk to the driver and give him a poster. Lexi went from the main road in Crackington Haven and there has been a possible sighting on Monday morning along the South West Coastal Path in the Bude direction, they have been concentrating their search along there.

Moogie, I'm sorry I jumped on this one, I did not realise you lived near Crackington Haven until the owner told me you had phoned as well.

Possible sighting in Bude was not Lexi, another Chow.
Red Alert
The case Id for Lexie is now 101001376660 should she be found
Red Alert
I have just spoken to the owners of Lexie and advised them to call at local farms and Pubs/Restaurants with posters. I will also put the dog details on local selling sites and have been in touch with the Council Dog Welfare Service to ensure the owners have a case ID.
DogLostBobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
I know Crackington Haven well, having spent holidays there walking the South Coast Path, so will contact owners to advise.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Lexies owners are at a holiday home with out a pc...so local help appreciated in sharing on media sites etc. Telephone details on tag are for their home number.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alerts sent to helpers in EX22,23. PL15,32,33,34,35.
Sorry to see that LEXI MISSING 10 YEARS is missing.
  • If your dog is microchipped please let the microchip company know that your dog is missing and check that all details are up to date.
  • Owners targeted by a malicious hoaxer demanding money for the return of their dog should phone the police on 101 immediately and contact admin@doglost.co.uk
  • A photograph of your dog is essential for the website. If you have not already uploaded one, please do so by clicking on Update details. Alternatively you can email it to admin@doglost.co.uk quoting the dog's DogLost ID number: (68830)
  • Obtain a missing poster by clicking on View poster above. Posters are very important so start postering now!
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  • Contact dog wardens, vets and local rescue centres, and in Scotland, the Police. Give a detailed description with any distinguishing marks/scars or send them a copy of your DogLost poster. You can find vets in your area here.
  • If your dog has been stolen inform the police immediately and obtain a crime reference number (CRN). Send an email to stolen@doglost.co.uk.
  • If your dog is picked up and taken to rescue kennels, it can be legally re-homed after seven days. Visit rescue centres in person and do not rely on checking by phone alone. Other people may not recognise your dog by your description, so give them a DogLost poster.
  • Keep us updated by keeping your dog's page up to date and check for posts from helpers who may have suggestions and possible matches or sightings
  • DogLost is free and anyone asking for money to find or return your dog is not volunteering for us. If you are concerned about an approach you have received, please email admin@doglost.co.uk

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