Rainbow Bridge: White With Tan Eyes And Ears Parson Russell Terrier Male

  • Dog ID 65665
  • Status Rainbow Bridge
  • Registered 07 Mar 2014
  • Name JASPER
  • Gender & Breed Male Parson Russell Terrier (Neutered)
  • Age Adult
  • Colour White with tan eyes and ears
  • Marks & Scars
  • Tagged No
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 07 Mar 2014
  • Where Lost Hucclecote, Gloucester
  • Lost In Region South West
  • Lost In Post Area GL3
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info Wearing a green camouflage collar
  • Listed By AlisonH
  • Views 3790
  • JASPERPoster Image
  • JASPERExtra Image


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DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
I am so very sorry to see this, I can hardly type through my tears :( I kept checking for him. He had such a distinctive beautiful face.
Run free in the warm sunshine at Rainbow Bridge Jasper.
mrs doyle
so very sorry...RIP beautiful Jasper xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
so very sad run free dear jasper
So sorry to hear about Jasper. Night, night Jasper, sleep tight, and have fun when you awake with your pals at the bridge. Look down on your family, who really need your strength at this time, and let them know that you will always be around in spirit, and one day you will all meet at the bridge, where you will cross over together: when the time is right. RIP+ God blessx A~~~Candle~~~ burns for Jasper. Run free sweetheart:-(
Oh how heartbreaking. I am so very, very sorry to hear about Jasper. RIP darling, run happy and free over the Bridge beautiful sweetheart xxxx
So very sorry to read your sad news. RIP Jasper x
Jasper was found on the motorway. RIP beautiful boy. God Bless, my thoughts are with your family would tried so hard to bring you home Last edited: 2014-03-12 07:58:58 by Mollychops
Abe babe
so very very sorry...
Life can seem so cruel sometimes. My thoughts are with Jasper's family. x
oh no! so very sorry. My heart goes out to you. RIP lovely Jasper. xx
Really very sorry to hear this sad news. Run free now Jasper you lovely boy. My thoughts are with the owners x
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
So very sorry to see Jasper has gone to Rainbow Bridge.
Run free beautiful boy.xx
So very sorry to hear jasper didn't make it back home to you. RIP sweetheart.
animal mad
My heart goes out to you,I am so sorry to hear this sad news.:( xxx
Oh no :( such sad news, I'm so so sorry xx
Left a message with owner, Oh no this is very sad. Il update when I hear more
Sadly we've had some news, jasper is no longer with us :(((((
Thankyou to everyone who has helped xx
This is very positive news Mel!
We have heard from the highways agency today that the road crews near the roadworks on the m5 saw a jack Russell on the embankment a few times over the weekend. It hadn't been logged as he was not near the motorway. Please anyone travelling on the m5 look out for jasper. He could have travelled some distance by now xx
Ive sent you details of the Fell and Moorland people if you do find some rabbit holes he may be down. They are excellent in this line of work , I will update poster with reward offered. You are doing a great Job Mel, Its exhausting I know, Im so hoping he will be home soon XX
Jasper still missing, no sign of him after another long search.
I'm thinking he's either stuck down a hole, gone further a field or has been taken.
I am offering a reward for his safe return !!
Me and the children miss him so much :((
Thankyou for that x
We have organised a group search today with lots of people and dogs to cover the area again to see if we can locate any holes.
We are meeting at The Pineholt Club at the bottom of Bird Road at 4pm today.
Sorry that Jasper is still missing. I did go to the rough ground on Saturday morning and searched most of the drainage ditches in the area. Nothing to be seen unfortunately. Come home Jasper!
Finder got back to me earlier, sorry Ive been at work yes, the sighted dog was way down in the West country, I will update the foundpage, if its not already been done, Ive not looked yet. Owner has been out searching again today
Aww no sorry its head has more brown on it x
Could this one be the one on found Paige?
Oh what a shame :( sorry for the false hope, the guy hadn't said whereabouts it was. x
The sighting was near Quad world in Devon !! That's miles away I can't imagine that's him :((
Im bumping his page, due to the possible sighting, Ive also left a message with the person who saw him , hopefully It wont be long before we here.
Thankyou, I'm really hopeful that this is Jasper . I need to know whereabouts on the embankment he was spotted, we live right next to the motorway , desperately want to find him and get him home, me and the kids miss him so much x
Missimel, here is the link http://www.doglost.co.uk/dog-blog.php?dogId=65719#.UxvE638gGK1. It doesn't say what area of the m5. x
Thanks Devon, this is positive news Hopefully he will stay of the motorway
How do I search this id number ??
Where did u see the report??
There's a report of a mostly white JRT seeing running alongside the M5 today, I'll grab the dog ID, one sec.
Thanks Sueh 83 and animal mad for your kind help. If Jasper has gone down a hole and stuck it may be a few days before he can dislodge and come out , we get this lots with teriers , they can be underground for two weeks and have survived, Mel you are going a great job, please call me when you get a mo
Thanks for your help. I think he may be in that rough area or adjacent to the field maybe down a hole
We appreciate any help x
Sorry to see Jaspers Missing. There is some rough ground not far from Bird Rd that separates Brockworth/Hucclecote with the new housing development and there are a few holes, lots of drains to prevent flooding /ditches across the ground that I have nearly fell down/over. Will have a wander over this morning as only 5 mins away.
animal mad
I am Sorry to hear Jaspers missing,have shared it on Facebook and will check for any incidents logged with the police when I go to work later.everythings crossed for news of his safe return.xxx
Landline number now added.
Still missing
Can you please add landline number 01452 545877 , thanks
Email alerts sent to postcodes GL1,GL2,GL3,GL4,GL50,GL51,GL52,GL53
Jasper went missing at Bird Rd fairly near the M5 at Junction 11a he may well have gone to ground ,he would know his way home from this area. the motorway is pretty secure here, bit Ive suggested owner calls the Highways agency for that stetch, Ive an email address now, will send out advice sheets and a photo will be coming on soon either from Admin or me Last edited: 2014-03-08 14:07:45 by Mollychops
message left to help
I will contact ownwer

Drone SAR

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