Reunited: White Jack Russell Terrier Cross Male

  • Dog ID 64899
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 19 Feb 2014
  • Name WILLIAM
  • Gender & Breed Male Jack Russell Terrier Cross
  • Age Adult
  • Colour White
  • Marks & Scars Mainly white on the body with two large patches of brown and black over his ears and one eye and he
  • Tagged No
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Lost 18 Feb 2014
  • Where Lost Newmarket Heath Petrol station. Seen in Swaffham Prior 10pm last night.
  • Lost In Region East Anglia
  • Lost In Post Area CB25
  • Date Reunited 24 Feb 2014
  • Other Info
  • Listed By baker
  • Views 2809
  • WILLIAM Poster Image
  • WILLIAM Extra Image


Sightings and Information

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DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Great news!
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
Great news, William has been found and is now home x
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
Sighting of William today at around 8.30 in Burwell near the co-op.
I might pop up to a stud up the lane tomorrow and ask the trainer (who is very well-known) to spread the word amongst the other trainers in the Newmarket area.

Another good idea is to spread the contents of your vacuum cleaner around where he was last sighted if you can get an accurate location. It smalls of home and he just might stay there long enough to get noticed or caught - put a poster up beside it asking anyone who sees a similar dog sniffing the vacuum stuff to catch him. Dogs can detect a scent from a couple of miles away.

Go to pubs in the area, on Friday, Saturday night and Sunday lunchtime when they're busy and just ask the landlord/landlady if they'd display a poster. And don't forget Newmarket itself - De Niro's and all the pubs on the High St are absolutely packed with people from miles around on a Saturday night - they'll look out for him and FB him so take along about 20 posters with you. It was a bit weird, but I felt I'd done my very best for my dog and that makes you feel better about the situation.

It was just some chap in a pub who told us he'd seen a black lab like my William a couple of nights before, so we were able to narrow down the search area. He was spot on and William was found just down the road, but about 3 miles from my sister's house.

He''s out there and as he's chipped, you know he's still alive. People would stop and notify a vet about a dead or injured animal who would scan him and let you know.

Anyway JRs are tough dogs. Don't worry. He'll be found even though it seems improbable for you atm. I've been there myself and it's the worst. Try to sleep and save your energy for looking for him.Last edited: 2014-02-21 05:17:13 by Iceni
Thank you for this lovely comment. That has given us some hope he could still be found. Fingers crossed it isn't long before he is safe and sound! We would just love to have him home :)
If it's any comfort, my William was lost for 3 days in an unfamiliar area (we were house-sitting for my sister). We heard of several sightings and narrowed it down to the next village, but of course we were always too late at the scene. Eventually, he got tired and hungry enough to just give up and sat in this lady's garden overnight. When he was still there next morning she realised he was lost and phoned the police.

There are a lot of racing studs in the area and it might be worth asking their trainers for their 'lads' to keep an eye out for him. They exercise the horses early every morning and would get a good view of the countryside on horseback.

I expect your other big fear is he'll be hit by a car, but as he's mostly white, he'll be very visible to drivers so not quite so vulnerable as a darker dog.

I'm sure you'll be reunited after a few days, so don't despair. it won't be too long, but every moment feels like a year.

Last edited: 2014-02-20 23:25:38 by Iceni
Alerts sent to helpers in CB5,8,21,25.
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
Thank you Riverlady x
circulating on twitter...WILLIAM JR Cross MISSING #Newmarket Heath. Seen in #Swaffham Prior #CB25 #lostmydog Plz RT
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
Photo received ready for E-mail alerts thank you x
I have added William's details to Dog Lost Cambridge facebook group and other groups in the area .
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
I will E-mail general information including contact numbers for vets in the area and also request a photo.

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