Rainbow Bridge: Black With Flecks Of Grey Lurcher Male

  • Dog ID 60053
  • Status Rainbow Bridge
  • Registered 16 Nov 2013
  • Gender & Breed Male Lurcher
  • Age Adult
  • Colour Black with flecks of Grey
  • Marks & Scars
  • Tagged Yes
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 16 Nov 2013
  • Where Lost Shave wood/Clay Hill area near Minstead - Seen heading towards ensclosure
  • Lost In Region South East
  • Lost In Post Area SO40
  • Date Found 31 Dec 2013
  • Where Found Sadly Alibis body was found on new years eve near where he went missing. He had been hit by a car. Judging by the body/injuries, he died around the day he went missing and would have been killed insta
  • Date Reunited 06 Jan 2014
  • Other Info He is a black rough coated lurcher with flecks of grey. He is microchipped and his collar has a ID tag
  • Listed By Tory Buxton
  • Views 7681


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DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
Run Free Sweet Alibi, I have only just seen this after plucking up the courage to check all dogs at Rainbow Bridge.
So very sorry.:(
So so sorry that Albi didn't make it home, blurry screen here. Run free sweet boy over the Rainbow Bridge. Hugs to Tory and family. xx
I am so sorry to hear this awful news. RIPOTRB Albie. Condolences to Tory & family.
So sad RIP dear Alibi
So very sorry to read this tragic news. RIP Alibi xx
So very sorry to hear this sad news
DogLostRavenette - Area Co-ordinator - West Sussex
So sorry to read this. Run forever free sweet boy xxx
Really sorry to hear the sad news about Alibis - thoughts with all that loved him.
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
So very sorry. Run free at Rainbow Bridge beautiful Alibi.xx
Post duplicatedLast edited: 2014-01-06 22:37:49 by Sammie
So sorry to hear this news.
Not sure if the owner has tried to update his page, but it was changed to reunited instead of rainbow bridge, so I will change it now. So sorry he didn't make it home.
Similar dog in NEWCASTLE cat and dog shelter...have text photo if found dig to owner...xx
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
Sadly the owner has said the found isn't Alibi.
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
Found 61968 looks a little like Alibi, have informed his owners to check.
Fergal's Servant - sadly this isn't Alibi but great that Chief has been reunited with his owners.
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Check Found 61686, found Aylesbury
Advertised in this weeks Countryman's Weekly magazine. I hope it brings some news.
Possible Sighting this morning SO40
Southern Pet Services 29th Nov 2013
Possible sighting of Alibi in Bartley this morning by the post office and the stream, the dog ran towards the stables, near the agisters. If you're in this area please keep a look out. I have messaged the owner.
The owner and some others are out searching today. The possibly sighting was about 6 miles away. They are all members of this local FB page where you can see they are keeping in contact with each other.
Possible sighting today at Longdown car park. Owner went there and some searching will be done tomorrow in that area. Totton Dogs Club on FB is keeping up to date with sightings if you are on FB.
Springer sharon
Sorry I can't join you today but I am not far away and can come out early next week if he is still missing. Hoping for a positive result
Good luck for todays search. Sadly we are too far away to offer assistance but our thoughts are with you. Come on Alibi we need you home.
I have had contact with the search organiser to give some advice and also Poochpal reviewd the advice to ensure they had the best knowledge. I have also joined the Totton Dog Club on FB who have organised the search. Good Luck
Margret Palmer
We will be riding our two horses down through Shave Green enclosure tomorrow from Malwood towards Cadnam and will of course be looking for Alibi, wishing you good luck in finding him, Margret
This is the search areas I have put together. I was thinking if people took different areas, we could cover more ground. https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/1471274_688894431134150_1469981229_n.jpg We are meeting at 11 am at shave Wood Car park tomorrow 23rd November 2013. But if anyone can cover any of these area at any other time or any other day it would be appreciated. thank you in advance.Last edited: 2013-11-22 17:28:38 by rescuedogsrock
Thanks Jen glad you found your way to the search group/ event. I was thinking if I did maps for everyone that could join of a pre agreed set area that they were happy to cover, then people could combine searching and giving their dog their walk. It is a very big and dense enclosure, with only a few greens and I didn't come across any heathland so it's a hard search. But the more people walking in the area it gives a chance that he might seek out help or a dog or person might find him. I have never met Alibi but it's my worst fear one of my dogs getting lost. The more people we have the bigger the area we can cover, so if anyone could help that would be so great.
I copied the link into my browser and it worked fine, it is an even organised by this page,

Rescuedogsrock, good luck I will pm you via FB
Link not working for me, but I'd like to help on Saturday
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
We are planning a search for Alibi on Saturday, is anyone free to join and help cover a bigger area, here are the details https://www.facebook.com/events/257665517716956/?ref=4
We will walk my two dogs there today and will use my GPS which records the paths that we take, and then I can upload that as a map showing where we walked. Obviously that only means that area is covered at the time that we walk there as he may be moving about. Would he know the underpass under by Malwood castle, http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/782734 I didn't know it existed until I saw it on geograph last night. We have a dog whistle and will take your mobile no with us.
Sorry to hear about Alibi Is this where he went missing http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/54990 this is an area map https://scontent-b-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc3/996966_688176841205909_1949694256_n.jpg I will keep a look out, hope he is found Safe and Well soon.Last edited: 2013-11-21 04:20:42 by rescuedogsrock
Tory Buxton
yes I have - sadly they are in scotland at the moment - equally they need a sighting and so a line which is no more than 7 hours old.
Tory, have you thought about using the service of a bloodhound search team http://www.k9searchdog.org/ They are based in Plymouth but may travel.
Tory Buxton
Having looked on the OS website, I would say my location was SU 28980 12082
Tory Buxton
If you look at the OS, there is a path directly opposite Hazel Hill Car park (North side of the lane) which is juut below clay hill. I was on that path (its a mud path not track) so north of the shave green car park,as had come through the underpass and was walking up towards London Minstead. He went off to the right towards Shave Green Inclosure but I didnt see him go in it as he went into the woods. Hope that makes sense. I dont think he is round Clay Hill/Hazel Hill. Im hoping he is in the inclosure and cant work out how to cross road back to bartley.
Hi Tory Can I clarify the area because on the OS map, Hazel Hill is over the other side of the Minstead lane (South side) and Clay Hill is North of the lane. What side of the lane were you on when he disappeared? But anyway, you basically saw him go into the Shave Green Inclosure ie under the wire, running away from the lane, direction the dual carriageway, ie Northwards, is that right? It's just that I will take a closer search up into Shave Green Inc and away from Minstead/Clay Hill/Hazel Hill.
He is confirmed registered with NFDO. Hope he is found soon. I have a poorly little girl at home otherwise could have helped in the search today. :-(
Tory Buxton
Dear All,

Thank you all so much for your help.

I was walking from Bartley to Minstead - an area he has walked many times and followed me on the horse. As we came from Cadnam underpass, past shave wood car park, he went to the right towards to Shave Wood Enclosure after a Deer. He went missing just below Hazel wood car park and to the south of clay hill.

He went missing yesterday about 2 pm yesterday but I had a large team out this morning to walk the perimeter fencing if the Cadnam/Lyndhurst road, A31 from Minstead to Cadnam and the whole of the shave wood enclosure. He is not caught on a fence round there.

I just desperately hope he is in a stable or such like and someone rings the dog warden tomorrow - again - thank you all so very much.

Whatever the outcome, I would love to meet you all for a drink to say thanks in person.

Tory x x xLast edited: 2013-11-18 16:56:00 by Tory Buxton
DogLostPoochpal - Regional Co-ordinator - South West - Police Liaison Team
Can you register him with the New Forest Dog Owners Group, http://www.newforestdog.org.uk/lostdogs They will be able to spread the word.
I'll put Alibi's photo and details on the lost dogs page of the Greyhound and Lurcher Rescue and the Stray Dogs Sanctuary websites, and an appeal on the front page of both sites for people to look out for him.
UPDATE: Texted owner. Dog ran into inclosure at Shave Green. They were walking from Bartley through the underpass out into Shave Wood. I walked from Shave Wood carpark to Clayhill to the first farm then back again along part of the inclosure line. Then down to the underpass. By this time it was dark and Shave Wood carpark area is not a great place to be at dusk/night (beware).

MORE INFO: Alibi responds to a whistle. He is ok with dogs. Person is currently postering. It would be great if someone is available to walk the inc fence line from beginning to end in case he ran into the wire/ditch. Please let me know as I can spare a hour tomorrow to do this with someone. There have been no sightings. He may have retraced his steps back through the underpass then he would be the other side of the A337 if so.Last edited: 2013-11-17 17:47:15 by deburs
Does anyone know under what circumstances he went missing? Was it closer to Clay Hill or Shave Wood? In the enclosure or the open forest? Near the house there along the main road?
Alibi is still missing, I have sent on advice sheets and suggested contacting Warren Ave Kennels in case his tag has come off and has been handed in.
Have cross posted on a number of relevant Lurcher/Sighthound & L&F fb pages. Hope he is home soon.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
TX...alerts sent to helpers in SO40,42,43.
Photo added ready for alerts

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