Reunited: White West Highland White Terrier Female

  • Dog ID 55211
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 25 Jul 2013
  • Gender & Breed Female West Highland White Terrier (Spayed)
  • Age Adult
  • Colour White
  • Marks & Scars Small grey area at base of tail
  • Tagged No
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Lost 20 Jul 2013
  • Where Lost Ran out of garden onto B2144 Oving Road on Saturday night at 10pm
  • Lost In Region South East
  • Lost In Post Area PO20
  • Where Found Maidenhead area wandering and very sad and dirty !
  • Date Reunited 30 Jan 2015
  • Other Info First home unsuitable, came to live here in April, has a tendency to run away
  • Listed By Maggie
  • Views 7626


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Annie is featured in the DogLost Safe and Sound section of the April edition of Dogs Today magazine out now.
have asked annie,s owners if its poss to have a new reunited photo of them both looking happy and well and fully recovered from their awful long separation. the current reunited photo shows her thin dirty and missing hair so I would love to know that she is fully recovered from her ordeal.

This gives hope to other animal owners.
Wonderful cant imagine how the owner feels

Oh bless, look at the state of her when she was found - I would love to see an update once she is returned to her former glory. I do hope Annie is settling back into home well.
Thank you Clarkey for alerting us to the paper article it is truly heartwarming to see Annies reunited photo.

Have a lovely time together again now no more long adventures if only they could talk!

Stay safe now Annie xxxx
Last edited: 2015-02-08 11:16:31
DogLostSherlock- Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - Avon & South Gloucestersh
Jus tweeted this fantastic story....well done Annie for staying safe, Owner for never, ever giving up, everyone involved in looking out for her and Pines for scanning ....stay now forever close xx
lovely story……long happy & safe life Annie x
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
In the papers today
What a wonderful ending gives hope to others and a wonderful start to the year.
love happy endings and love doglost - but this takes some beating for happiness. at times like this I wish dogs could talk - would love to know where annie has been all this time. her family must be overjoyed - I know I am
Absolutely brilliant, and after all this time too. Welcome home beautiful Annie - stay very safe now. Many thanks to The Pines Pet Clinic xxx
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
I am so happy to see this. I don't know how many times I have looked at this picture & checked against others in the past. :) :) :)
Simply beautiful. So happy for you.
This is wonderful news. Am so pleased for her owners. It has also cheered me up as I am recovering from a recent operation. Please stay safe now Annie:-) :-) :-)
A dreary wet weather cold day has just turned to complete sunshine for us all to read this heartwarming news. What a lovely picture that says it all. So pleased for you both. No more escaping Annie now that you are once again, in your rightful home. xx
DogLostBobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
Gives hope to others - and made my screen go blurry. So pleased for Annie and her family x
Words can't describe the happiness that's oozing from that reunited picture..It's brightened me up no end..Welcome home darling Annie :-) xx
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
WOW:)) Amazing news:)) Welcome home Annie, sending gentle hugs.
Lovely reunited photo that says it all :)) Well done to everyone involved.xx
Omg i couldnt stop crying as i read this!!! Such happy news that she has been found and reunited. Thanks dogslost xxx
FANTASTIC well done everyone xx
Such heartwarming news! Welcome home Annie
Lovely news, and fab reunited pic, gives hope to others who have lost dogs for a long while, never give up hope
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Fantastic news and such a lovely reunited photo (You may need to refresh page couple of times to see it)
Another dog who has been found thanks to their microchip.
Happiness yorkie lover xxx
Welcome home little one x stay close now to the family that love you x no more adventures Annie xxxxxxxx
Overjoyed for this little dog and her owner.xx
OMG how amazing, what a happy ending and just shows you should never give up!!!! Made my day x
I hope so soon Elaine xxx
Elaine Tinker and Hemps mum
What fabulous news, it's so good to see her home, it gives me hope that I will be reunited with my two missing Tinker and Hemp, they have been missing 7.5 months now xxxx
TOTAL AMAZINGNESS!...AWWW!...I have been given the pleasure of switching ~Annie over to the best colour ever!...over to the BLUE you go !...Stay happy and safe Annie XXXXXX
Just seen the reunited photos. Heartwarming xx
Excellent news x
Ravenette thanks for posting so pleased this little one is going home where she belongs.

Thanks ravenette! What a state she was in!....Maidenhead not far from me....poor girl ....lucky she is good at escaping!....If only she could tell us where she has been kept as prisoner (by the looks of it!)
Happiness yorkie lover xxx
Fantastic news x x I'm over the moon for you all xx well done vets for scanning Annie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxwow
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Oh my goodness! What an amazing story .. well done to The Pines Vet Clinic who are caring for Annie until her owner collects her. Looking forward to Reunited photo.
Happy Happy Happy, I had lots of contact with the owner when she went missing so this is wonderful news :)
This is the most wonderful news. So happy for Annie and her owners x
Wonderful news xx
DogLostRavenette - Area Co-ordinator - West Sussex
It's her Janet!!! Her mum is picking her up tomorrow. Just so happy she is safe now xxx
OMG Fingers crossed
DogLostRavenette - Area Co-ordinator - West Sussex
Unbelievable if it is Shereen!(I don't know of any other Westie called Annie that has gone missing in the area) Annie went missing at night in July 2013 and we were all so worried as she lived near the railway and the A27. I often think of Annie when driving past her house. Her owners will be overjoyed. All fingers and paws crossed that this is soon in the blue xxx
Happiness yorkie lover xxx
Have sent number a txt to see if Annie still missing x x
I think this is the same Annie! can Admin check?
Owner has sadly not had any response from the article as yet, we had so hoped that someone may have taken this little poppet in.
Bumping as she has been in the paper edited: 2013-08-01 18:56:24 by Sammie
The owner has contacted The West Sussex Gazaette who are doing a story on Annie this week.
DogLostRavenette - Area Co-ordinator - West Sussex
I have spoken to owner, sweet Annie disappeared from her garden last Saturday night and has not been seen since. Her owner has thoroughly searched the surrounding area and informed the dw, local business's etc and posters are up. The west sussex gazette are doing an piece on Annie this week. I had a look around the area this morning and will be looking around the nearby airfield and fields tomorrow morning. Fingers crossed that Annie is reunited very soon xxx
I received an email back from the owner last night
"ear Sam
thank you to everyone fr their concern.
in answer to Ravenette we have searche the area including the nursery innumerable times..we have given a poster to the gribble but please keep all suggestions coming"

If you are local to the area, please give her a call and offer to help. I so hope Annie is found soon.
Duplicate of 55255 x
I will let the owne know there is a few posting here as not sure she has seen them.
Sorry Annie is still missing will take a few diversions around there over the next few days, Glad to see her on dog lost now it will raise her profile locally
DogLostRavenette - Area Co-ordinator - West Sussex
Which end of Oving road do you live? I am hoping she has gone in the direction of Oving village and not the A27. She could be getting shelter in the old nursery or the school grounds. Also worth asking in the Gribble. You say that Annie has a tendency to wander...has she come home on her own before...could she be where she has gone before? I am around on Saturday if you would like some help looking and putting up posters...but fingers and paws crossed that dear Annie is home by then xxx
This is West Sussex but close to the Hampshire boarder so I have emailed the owner and sent some advice.
Alerts sent to helpers in PO18,19,20,21,22.

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