Lost: Black And Brown Welsh Terrier Male In North West (SK7)

  • Dog ID 51290
  • Status Lost
  • Registered 16 Apr 2013
  • Name ARTHUR
  • Gender & Breed Male Welsh Terrier (Neutered)
  • Age Adult
  • Colour black and brown
  • Marks & Scars he has moles on his stomach .
  • Tagged Yes
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 15 Apr 2013
  • Where Lost bramhall park stockport
  • Lost In Region North West
  • Lost In Post Area SK7
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info he has medical problems which he is on permanent medication for.
  • Listed By claire
  • Views 7155
  • ARTHURPoster Image
  • ARTHURExtra Image


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Please check out the Terrier found now at this boarding kennels
http://cefnycribkennels.com/01495244686 Check out ID no 111953 on found section ......Last edited: 2017-02-27 00:00:39
No problem, will keep looking. The found 311024 looks a bit small to be an Airedale, only up to the guys shins in the pic....have a neighbour with a big Airedale :)
Shame not Arthur:( Hope hes found very soon. He looks a little like my little Sparky(Lakeland)when she was alot younger xx
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Thank you Annie Sparky for the alert greatly appreciated. :)

The found in LCDH looks like an Airedale and not Arthur. x
One worth checking in Leigh dogs home: Ref Bolton area-311024

worth a look very similar x
Animal Warden Services. Norfolk Dog warden
Liked · about an hour ago

This little dog was found in Billingford near Dereham last evening, 18th July. Does anyone know the owner or where it lives? We would appreciate any information on 01362 858500, quoting 51/13.
Thank you all.
could this be your dog at all
Thanks Sue x
Advertised in this weeks Countryman's Weekly magazine. I hope it brings some news.
DogLostSpringerMad - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Clare72 did you check out the 2 found dogs below in this listing. I believe the welsh terrier found in my area has still not been claimed. I so hope you find him as he looks so sweet in that pic!
I'm surprised that Arthur hasn't been put on the list for a Countryman's Weekly magazine advert but I've put him on now and will send his details off asapLast edited: 2013-06-18 06:59:56 by B30
im arthurs owner and im sorry to say he hasnt turned up my only hope is someone loves him as much as we do even though he isnt thiers to love. IL NEVER GIVE UP AND THANK U TO ALL U LVLY PEOPLE THAT CARE XX
I'm assuming owners will already have looked here, but if not there's a dog photo on here they might like to check (found Leigh & Wigan area number 325)
DogLostSpringerMad - Area Volunteer, East Sussex

Found today, a long way from you, but worth checking. Hope the link works but if not it is area TN31
301941-www.animal wardens.co.uk-found small brown terrier type m24 15th april-suppose youve checked this one?wirral kennels,leigh,bleakholt,little dog rescue?will keep sharing for you.x
DogLostClaire Gresty - Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - North West
Is there still no news on Arthur? x
Thank you Sarah W. Sadly there is still no news :(
Sarah W
Otterspool Animal Haven are hosting a Fun Dog Show Sunday at 12:45 The Shady Oak,Bramhall, which I'm going along to and will ask organisers to display some posters which I can take with me.
Sadly still no news :( Thank you ASV, that would be lovely. Babs 21 It's quite a distance for Arthur to be taken there. He is chipped and details uptodate but thank you and i will keep on eye on their website.
Babs 21
It would be a good idea to check Leigh Cats and Dogs Home too as a lot of dogs are taken there.
Animal Support Volunteers
Animal Support Volunteers are having a fund-raiser this evening in Wilmslow so I will display this poster for Arthur.
I have been intouch with family and there is still no news about Arthur. They have been out everyday and night and so many people are looking for him. All surrounding areas have been postered but sadly no sightings. They are going to Manchester Dogs Home today even though he is chipped. The family are doing a fantastic job to find him are really grateful for all the help and advice from DogLost...

Thank you Riverlady :)
Thank you Riverlady x

No problem Hippy Chick, requested to go on twitter too :)
Thankyou Maggie :)
Circulating on twitter
Bumped his page due to being mentioned on the radio
I've spoken to the owner who has been out looking for Arthur again tonight. Sadly posters are being taken down in the park where he was lost. The owner has replaced them. Family members will be searching again tomorrow day...
Sadly still no news. He was mentioned on a local Radio Station this morning and lots of people are helping. Everything is being done to find this young man...
DogLostClaire Gresty - Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - North West
Shared on FB - hoping for a safe return for this little man x
Will share him - hope he's soon found xx
Postcode now changed from Sk2 to Sk7. I don't know Sarah, but you can call the contact numbers above to offer any help :)
Sarah W
Ok I pop over with my dog. Has anybody contacted Bramhall golf club groundskeepers, over the road from Bramhall Park? There is lots of nice digging places and backs onto carrwood woods. I have a friend who lives along here so have asked her to keep an eye out aswell.
Hi Sarah' Yes, he is still missing and thankyou :)
Sarah W
Is this dog still missing? I can go out to bramhall park and help look if need be? I didn't receive an alert (SK9) and Im not too far away.
Shared on facebook, we live in Stockport, SK3, hope he comes home soon x
I spoke to the owners sister a while ago when i saw him missing via FB and told them to register him. He is actually missing from post code SK7. Local vets are aware and he is registered on AW site. I have spoken to Stockport DW and not picked up so far and have spoken to MDH. I Will check AW site later for out of hours pick ups. Posted on the RSPCA page with lots of people sharing. Have given advice regarding postering. Microchip details are uptodate...
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alerts sent to helpers in SK1,2,3,4,5,6,7,12,22.
Sorry to see that ARTHUR is missing.
  • If your dog is microchipped please let the microchip company know that your dog is missing and check that all details are up to date.
  • Owners targeted by a malicious hoaxer demanding money for the return of their dog should phone the police on 101 immediately and contact admin@doglost.co.uk
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  • If your dog is picked up and taken to rescue kennels, it can be legally re-homed after seven days. Visit rescue centres in person and do not rely on checking by phone alone. Other people may not recognise your dog by your description, so give them a DogLost poster.
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