Lost: Yorkshire Terrier Cross Female In East Anglia (CB25)

  • Dog ID 45898
  • Status Lost
  • Registered 04 Dec 2012
  • Name ROSIE
  • Gender & Breed Female Yorkshire Terrier Cross
  • Age Puppy
  • Colour
  • Tagged No
  • Microchipped No
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 03 Dec 2012
  • Where Lost Reach near Burwell Cambs when house was broken into and burgled.
  • Lost In Region East Anglia
  • Lost In Post Area CB25
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info Although called Rosie, she is too young to know her name. Likely to be sold on so if anyone hears of a single young pup being for sale I would be very anxious to hear about it. Thanks.
  • Listed By Alison
  • Views 8470
  • ROSIEPoster Image
  • ROSIEExtra Image


Sightings and Information

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https://www.gumtree.com/p/dogs/3-yr-old-yorkie-x-jack-female-/1174433776 i know this is a long shot but one for sale 3yrs old could be her.,
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
I spoke to the owner the same evening and left it with her to check out. No further news to date.Last edited: 2013-08-29 17:45:05 by Fergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
I tried to phone owner but had to leave a voice mail, but have emailed this pic to the DW that found the other dog.
Well Done Fergal's Servant!
Julie B
Has anyone contacted rosies owner about the found dog ? X
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
Fergal's servant, you could be right, the markings are the same, well spotted, fingers crossed
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Think the Found 56673 is Rosie !!! Fingers crossed xxxx
Eliza Lawlor
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=138780506323706&set=a.135526369982453.1073741828.132280670307023&type=1&theater this one was found in nottingham , and no one as claimed her yet
Last edited: 2013-06-28 19:28:57 by Eliza Lawlor
Beginning to think that Rosie could have been taken out of the area. Think she was put in large professional camera bag as she was stolen. Could be anywhere! So grateful for people still keeping their eyes open and spreading the word. Thanks
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
looking for lurchers
We're local to the Huntingdon area and will keep eyes peeled. I've also forwarded to friends and fellow dog walkers in the area. I hope we find her soon! I presume Wood Green Animal Shelter has been contacted, but will take a poster up there too.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
copy of tweet....

ROSIE Yorkie Puppy STOLEN http://bit.ly/Ud6i8L Car involved comes from #Huntingdon Plz RT
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Twitter alerts for Huntingdon requested.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Updated alerts sent out to helpers in PE27,28,29.
SHAME ON THE SUSPECT could at least do the decent thing and say where she is. Will put her on fbook again and plug the Huntingdon area. Hope you soon get her home xx
Hi I am Rosie's owner and I just wanted to say thank you to everyone for your comments and suggestions. Also to everyone just keeping their eyes open for Rosie. The car used in the robbery came from the Huntingdon area. The police have arrested someone but not found Rosie. The suspect is refusing to speak! So back to us to hunt for Rosie. Thank you again. Last edited: 2012-12-13 18:13:04 by Alison
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
Thank you anglia dogs for helping to spread the word on little Rosie x
anglia dogs
She is quite distinctive so hopefully will be spotted soon. will put posters up and twitter etc. Good luck
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
Thank you Fabapocalypse, I have let the owner know x
Oops duplicate postLast edited: 2012-12-10 19:02:21 by Fabapocalypse
This could well be a complete coincidence but walking my own dog today I saw a tiny, tiny dog in our town's high street (Hoddesdon, EN11), on the ground, off lead, no collar even, skittering about on the pavement. I believe it was 'with' a couple (didn't get a look at the woman, but there was a big bloke in a black/dark jacket, wearing a woolly hat) who had stopped to talk to another lady with a baby buggy. I thought when I saw it that it was far too young to be out, it was quite fluffy, my first thought was a teacup Pom or something similar. The dog's colourings were very similar to the second pic of Rosie. As I say this might be nothing, but to me it looked weird, something was very off about the whole thing. Then I saw Rosie's photo on Facebook and came here.
I read 'believed to be in st neots area' if so try eynesbury area (carefully though).........worth mentioning reward and someone might know..
looking for lurchers
Forwarded to friends in the area to keep a look out. Fingers crossed, she's hiding somewhere near.
Hi, following on from Angelmort's suggestion, I can assure you that there have been several incidents where dogs were believed to be stolen in burglaries but in fact ran and hid from the intruders, either at home or on a neighbouring property. With this in mind please carry out a very close search of all sheds, stores, outhouses, rubbish piles etc. If Rosie is still around home she will be seeking food so pay attention to anywhere that bird food is put out, or food for outdoor cats. We need to keep up the search on both fronts equally, both around home and in area burglars are believed to be. Is there anyone who can help owner search around home? Another pair of eyes is always useful. And how about a flyer drop to every house in neighbourhood, asking people to check their outhouses?
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
Posters and flyers made up and E-mailed to the owner.
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
Rosie's owner was interviewed on Radio Cambridge this morning, hopefully this will bring some news xx
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Further alerts sent out to helpers in PE19,27,28,29. MK44. SG19. CB23,24.
circulating on twitter
i also live i reach ill keep an eye out for her xx
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
Rosie was stolen in a house burglary and the theives were seen to head towards the ELY area. The owner has a CRN and will be contacting the Dog Warden's in Cambridge and the surrounding areas. I have advised to contact vets too.
I will E-mail General Information including contact numbers for vets in the area. I have added Rosie's details to Dog Lost Cambridge facebook group and other groups in the area.
Hopefully Rosie will be found very soon xx
So sorry to read this - Poor litle Rosie, agree it is worth a search just in case she got out while they were in the house, but probable they stole her. Will circulate to friends in Burwell who also lost a dog some years back.Are there 'visitors' nearby?poss Upware? suggest poster Arbury and Chesterton Post Office Ads, also Histon Post Office Ads and near S. Fen area just in case anyone has any helpful info!Will forward to other doggy people, suggest poster 5 Miles from Anywhere pub too - Good Luck FLY
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
I will contact the owner.
Hi. Although it is likely, sad to say, that Rosie was stolen she would be very little and could possibly we hiding / stuck somewhere. If you haven't already, please have a very good search in cupboards, under / in furniture etc, inside and out side the house. Hope you find her soon x
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alerts sent to helpers in CB1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,21,22,23,24,25.
Posted on twitter x
Have put her on fbook - good luck hope she's soon found xx
Sorry to see that ROSIE is missing.
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  • If your dog has been stolen inform the police immediately and obtain a crime reference number (CRN). Send an email to stolen@doglost.co.uk.
  • If your dog is picked up and taken to rescue kennels, it can be legally re-homed after seven days. Visit rescue centres in person and do not rely on checking by phone alone. Other people may not recognise your dog by your description, so give them a DogLost poster.
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