Lost: Cream Terrier Cross Male In East Anglia (NR27)

  • Dog ID 44160
  • Status Lost
  • Registered 19 Oct 2012
  • Name HECTOR
  • Gender & Breed Male Terrier Cross (Neutered)
  • Age Adult
  • Colour Cream
  • Marks & Scars Hector was wearing a muzzle when he went missing.
  • Tagged Yes
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 15 Oct 2012
  • Where Lost Tolls Road, Northrepps, Norfolk.
  • Lost In Region East Anglia
  • Lost In Post Area NR27
  • Date Reunited
  • Listed By Helen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
  • Views 5767
  • HECTORPoster Image
  • HECTORExtra Image


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DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
Thank you Xenas Mum, this will help to spread the word further x
DogLostXenas Mum - Area Volunteer, Norfolk
Little DL posters of Hector are going into Nero's Kitchen Christmas Selection Boxes of Dog Biscuits being sold in the "Truly Local" shop, Stalham. I do hope there is some news of him soon....
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
Hector is featured in the North Norfolk News, hopefully this will bring some news xx
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
Thank you Sue, I will let the owner know x
Advertised in this weeks Countryman's Weekly magazine. I hope it brings some news X
I have organised a search party from Kerry Greyhounds in Cromer to look for Hector today in Overstrand. Good luck team! I am back home in Kent looking for a Greyhound being fostered from Kerry Greyhounds, so we are helping each other out! Come on Hector now is your chance to make yourself known - TODAY!
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
Thank you JB and the wonderful Tiga for searching for Hector.
I have put an appeal out on Dog Lost Norfolk and Suffolk facebook group for people to help search the area xx
Thanks Owl! Yes it has been a very busy couple of days with Tiga tacking this little boy. Is there anyone who can help to search, this area behind the shops in Overstrand, I ran out of time and it is possible Hector is hiding or has got himself shut in to any of the sheds, gardens, yards etc in this area. It is now getting much colder and all help would be appreciated to do maybe a door to door asking people to check all outside areas. The owners are now looking around this area and have been asked to get more posters up. Come on lets get Hector home now, Jesper his playmate is missing him.
I am bumping this to top because JB and Tiga went tracking Hector over the last 2 days and Tiga followed his trail to an area behind the shops in Overstrand. Please can everyone there watch out for him, checking their gardens etc.
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
Sadly no news of little Hector yet x
Julie B
Is there any news of this gorgeous little fella ? xx
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
Yes this is possible dekkaann, this is searched as much as it can be daily x
He may be now using the sugarbeet field as a base, just a thought.
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
Thank you all for helping to spread the word x
There was a possible sighting of Hector on the 18th (Thurs) coming out of the field on to the back lane towards Cromer.
I have posted on Facebook and my friends on there have started sharing. I hope this may bring in a few more searchers, we really need as many people on the ground as we can muster.
Sharing on twitter. I hope you find Hector soon.
May sound odd but, was the sugarbeet very dense?
years ago a friends Beagle went in a field of
wheat and was missing for two days. Only found due to owner weaving in and out the wheat. Can only think it must have been like being lost in a maze. Dog was exhausted but OK.
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
Are there any helpers local to this area that are able to search for Hector, this little lad needs to be found xx
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
Thank you Jayne and Riverlady.

Posters and flyers now made up and E-mailed on to the owner.
circulating on twitter
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alerts sent out to helpers in NR10,11,12,24,25,26,27,28.
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
I have spoken to the owner and Hector chased after a phesant into a field of sugarbeet when he was out on a walk. The owner has notified the Dog Warden and all local vets. There are posters up in the area.
I will E-mail general information including contact numbers for vets in the area. I will add Hector's details to Dog Lost Norfolk and Suffolk facebook group and other groups in the area.
Keep safe Hector until you are found xxx
Sorry to see that HECTOR is missing.
  • If your dog is microchipped please let the microchip company know that your dog is missing and check that all details are up to date.
  • Owners targeted by a malicious hoaxer demanding money for the return of their dog should phone the police on 101 immediately and contact admin@doglost.co.uk
  • A photograph of your dog is essential for the website. If you have not already uploaded one, please do so by clicking on Update details. Alternatively you can email it to admin@doglost.co.uk quoting the dog's DogLost ID number: (44160)
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  • Contact dog wardens, vets and local rescue centres, and in Scotland, the Police. Give a detailed description with any distinguishing marks/scars or send them a copy of your DogLost poster. You can find vets in your area here.
  • If your dog has been stolen inform the police immediately and obtain a crime reference number (CRN). Send an email to stolen@doglost.co.uk.
  • If your dog is picked up and taken to rescue kennels, it can be legally re-homed after seven days. Visit rescue centres in person and do not rely on checking by phone alone. Other people may not recognise your dog by your description, so give them a DogLost poster.
  • Keep us updated by keeping your dog's page up to date and check for posts from helpers who may have suggestions and possible matches or sightings
  • DogLost is free and anyone asking for money to find or return your dog is not volunteering for us. If you are concerned about an approach you have received, please email admin@doglost.co.uk

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