Reunited: Sable Border Terrier Female

  • Dog ID 41774
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 02 Aug 2012
  • Name GRACIE
  • Gender & Breed Female Border Terrier (Neutered)
  • Age Adult
  • Colour sable
  • Marks & Scars
  • Tagged Unknown
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 01 Aug 2012
  • Where Lost Walworth/Kennington area. Lost near home.. Was startled and ran
  • Lost In Region South East
  • Lost In Post Area SE17
  • Date Found 21 Aug 2012
  • Found In Region South East
  • Found In Post Area SE5
  • Date Reunited 21 Aug 2012
  • Other Info Originally found tied to a fence in Putney Common and taken to Battersea about 10 months. ago. Could shehave returned to that area?
  • Listed By Helen
  • Views 5668
  • GRACIEPoster Image
  • GRACIEExtra Image


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Absolutely brilliant news. Stay safe little one xx
Sarah W
Brilliant News x x
This is really, really fantastic news. So haooy to see Gracie reunited with her family. Stay safe now cute face:-)xxx
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Great news...
Oh what wonderful news,absolutely thrilled to bits she's home safe and sound.
So happy for you! I did an extra round of postering Monday on Wyndham and Camberwell Road and will be genuinely thrilled as I take them all down today :D

Best news to wake up to :)

DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
So pleased to see Gracie is home,stay safe little girl.xx
Its a shame the council man who made you leave wasn't more helpful.
What wonderful news to wake up to. Well done everyone and welcome home Gracie.xx
DogLostCJ - Police Liaison & SE Regional Coordinator
Helen so pleased for you!! Hope some suggestions may have helped but looks as if you did all the righ things.
I will email council again as i sent a letter asking for help who best to speak to and whether we could set a trap. BUT not needed as Gracie decided her adventure was finished and she wanted to come back home!!

Helen I'm thrilled for you, so pleased you have your little girlie back XX
Oh Gracie, your little face has haunted me for weeks and I just wanted you home so much. I am crying because I am so happy and ever so relieved too. I been round all my posts sharing the good news. Well done Helen and well done the ambulance man for calling you and starting the ball rolling to bringing you home. Chuffed to bits.
Also doing last checks tonight and so great to see the brilliant news that you found Gracie. A good rest now for Gracie and everyone xx
well done I am so thrilled and happy...tears of more running off...I went to the park several times and to think she was in hiding...welcome home Gracie xxxx
Brilliant news - well done Helen. Really pleased she chose not to play too hard to get. Great work with the postering and well done to that ambulance driver that gave you the heads up about where she was. Fab news!! Welcome home Gracie!:))xx
Brilliant news. Welcome home Gracie. Stay safe now x
Excellent, excellent, excellent news!!! Well done - I'm delighted for you. Just doing a last trawl thro' before going to bed - welcome home Gracie! Your mum has worked so hard to get you home..xx
just going to post something absolutely brilliant news hope shes okay what a fantastic result welcome home gracie you stay safe now girl xxxxx
Thats fantastic Helen, i was just coming to post a comment from a friend!!

Whoop whoop, yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy (((HUGS)) to you both xx
Welcome home Gracie xx
We found her!!!! She was under some bushes in the wild growth beside the park. She was happy to see us and doesnt look too bad considering she's been living rough for 3 weeks.

Thank you to everyone. You have all done so much to help find Gracie. It was a DogLost poster which led to her being recognised. I am so grateful.
DogLostJulie - Area Co-ordinator - Surrey & South London
Helen - does she have a favorite toy pref. one with a squeak or noise that may entice her to you or does she have a favourite doggy friend that could go along with you she may come to. Failing that very smelly food burgers, sausages anything with a very strong meaty smell. Fingers crossed you manage to catch her. Julie x
Good Luck Helen!
I really hope you can find a way to get her to come to you. I have someone putting up more posters in the park area tonight.
Nothing to add except ..... good luck! Keeping everything crossed that tonight's the night!
Thank you. Will try all of that.
DogLostCJ - Police Liaison & SE Regional Coordinator
i have emailed advice direct to you
Does anyone have any suggestions or advice on getting here to come out of hiding? There is alot of undergrowth and wild bushes near where I saw her. She could hide forever in there.
Went to Burgess Park and spotted Gracie through a boarded up fence! The park is largely closed at the moment for development but managed to find a loose fence and got in. She had disappeared. Called and called. Then a council guy came and made us leave (health and safety). He didnt care about Gracie being there. When they were letting us out two of the workmen said theyd seen her there in the park last week. We hung around for hours looking through the fence. Im going back with food later this evening when the workmen have gone, going back in thru the loose fence. I just hope she comes to me. She must be very frightend after nearly 3 weeks. At least I know where she is now, getting her to come is the problem. Tried Southwark Dog Wardens to access park. They put me on to RSPCA who told me to call police.
I have updated my posts and also blitzed twitter again. I have also updated the SE1 forum as someone on there had offered to put up posters. Last edited: 2012-08-21 17:14:14 by reggiemollieros
Had a phonecall from an ambulance driver saying her spotted gracie this a.m. near Wyndham Rd/Burgess Park. He had seen the poster shortly before spotting her
I have added Gracie's details to The London Dog Forum should be on as soon as Andi gets a chance I have also added Gracie to the SE1 forum which is pretty active.
On Southwark website they are offering free microchipping at this park. Would it be worth taking some small posters down there and asking them to hand them out or just show them to people who are coming to get their dogs chipped?
Nursery Row Park, Orb Street, SE17 1AL. 8 July to 2 September.
Just checking in. Still sharing and asking people to put up posters. Thank you Lex I am sure Helen will really appreciate your help.
I can put some posters up in my area. I live in Camberwell, near Wyndham road. I'll put them there and around New Church street at the bottom end of Burgess park. Hope you find her safe and well.
circulating on twitter
Thanks so much for your help!!! Didnt know about Gumtree but have put an ad in as you suggested. Im not on Facebook or Twitter so really appreciate you putting it up there.
Had a twitter blitz and got some re-tweets and a woman called Liz who lives local has offered to put up some posters. She said: Larcom St, behind the library on Walworth Rd; I'll put some up around there and near Nursery Row park. I also emailed South London Press on the off chance they might do an article if they get in touch with me I shall come back on here and get in touch or speak to Nik in Doglost PR.
I am sure you have plenty of posters up but just in case is certainly worth it as a local dog was reunited recently and the finder waited to see if a poster would go up before they did anything. I hope you and Gracie are reunited soon. Also have you checked other kennels besides Battersea as a lost dog was handed into Southwark police station and ended up in a kennel quite far from there. They dog warden was supposed to inform Battersea but they did not. This other dog was not chipped so at least you have that on your side. I have been sharing on Twitter and Facebook. One other thing if you have not tried it is to place an advert in the Missing Section of gumtree. I was emailing a man the other day and he was reunited that way. Some finders are just a bit lost as to what they should do. Although in London Battersea is quite well known for being the place to contact. Last edited: 2012-08-13 10:01:11 by reggiemollieros
Gracie still missing Have taken all the recommended steps + endlessly searching the streets and parks calling her name. Its like looking for a needle in a haystack. Very worried
Had seen that but Gracie's collar is green, not red. Person who found that dog also got in touch. Still hoping & praying. And thankful to all of you for your help!
Any chance this could be this little terrier found in Dagenham yesterday wearing a red collar? See found dog list.
Have done as you suggested. Also added that she was originally picked up as a stray in Putney common. Could she have tried to get to her original home???
If you want to change it the terriers are listed under T then alphabetically e.g. Terrier Border Terrier Fox etc....
I will share again on twitter and hope she is home soon.
DogLostBattersea Dogs HomeBattersea
Report made at BDCH, ref 293457.
Have shared on FB and Twitter
Have shared her on FaceBook and posted her on BT World,hope she's home soon,sweet little dog.
Have shared Gracie in a few places and on twitter. I hope she is back home soon.
Yes, I think Gracie is full Border. Didnt see that option in the drop down menu. She is a Battersea rescue so details not known.
Is Gracie a cross?Looks full Border,will share her details
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alerts sent to helpers in SE1,5,8,11,14,15,16,17,22,23,24. SW1,2,3,4,7,8,9,10,11,12.

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