Lost: Tan Cross Breed Female (ALL AREAS)

  • Dog ID 38771
  • Status Lost
  • Registered 17 Apr 2012
  • Gender & Breed Female Cross Breed (Spayed)
  • Age Adult
  • Colour Tan
  • Marks & Scars Long coat but recently been clipped.
  • Tagged Unknown
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 15 Apr 2012
  • Where Lost Tasha escaped at a parking area off the motorway between Nuremberg and Regensberg in Germany.
  • Lost In Post Area ALL AREAS
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info Tasha is a Romanian rescue who was in transit to safe rescue kennels hoping for a new life.
  • Listed By Shereen
  • Views 12398


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shoot the owner
Emmalouise I will clarify. Google up Serius Pet Travel that was run by a certain Gary Rios and all will become very clear! He has since stopped operating under this name but is still around, his company name he can change but not his own!!
I was asked if i can change where Tasha went missing from x
I have to say that as an outside party reading this it still seems strange to me that someone could manage to lose 2 dogs in different places on the same day..?
Apologies could you also add this to the poster also

"Tasha escaped at a parking area off the motorway between Nuremberg and Regensberg in Germany" "REWARD for information leading to her safe return"
Hi,would someone please update the poster with this information:

"Tasha lost between Nuremberg and Regensberg in Germany" and add "REWARD for information leading to safe return"

And delete this part please:
Thurrock Services, Grays, Essex.
Lost In Region South East
Lost In Post Area RM16
Other Info Taken from Thurrock services by an unknown female.

As we now know Thurrock services have nothing to do with this anymore...Tasha was not stolen but lost..

I understand you are all very busy but this is essential as so much time has been lost already...
DogLostJulie - Area Co-ordinator - Surrey & South London
Nik - I wonder if Gary Rios may be persuaded to donate some monies to Dogs Lost for the wasted time and resources ? Julie x
Whilst Gary Rios may now be co-operating in the search for Tasha and Romy, I think it is only right to point out that he wasted a huge amount of DogLost's and other agencies' resources by sending us all off on a wild goose chase. I hope now that his assistance to BC and Kelly will bring a positive outcome.
A very, very sad interlude in this dog's life. I presume the motorway that is mentioned is the E56? any further info. re. location so that I can start to email posters? Thanks for all you're doing BC and Kelly. xLast edited: 2012-07-22 13:25:16 by jobadger
Kelly and I have both spoken with Gary. To move forward with this Gary will speak directly to us, and will do anything he can to help try and locate Tasha and Romy. Chrissy can you email me the poster for the dogs, i will send them to Gary and he will distribute them in the areas where both dogs were lost. I have spoken with Kelly and we are both in agreement that we should now concentrate on finding the dogs, we are not going to make any further comments about Gary, and solely spend our time now trying to pinpoint the exact location where the dogs were lost, with Garys help. He wants to try to make amends in some way by helping us find both dogs, so can we please ask that people stop messaging him, as he will not answer any questions as he is worried that things will get distorted, if he just deals with us it will be easier all round. Any important information regarding the whereabouts of the dogs will be posted by myself or kelly. I know that this will not sit pretty with a lot of people, but Gary knows what he has done is wrong, he has now admitted the truth, so please can we all concentrate on the most important thing, finding Tasha and Romy
Yes, you did dig a huge hole but I have no sympathy for you just for the poor dogs that are missing and may never be found. Gary if you had confessed earlier then it would have saved a lot of people time and effort in looking for the dogs and it taking time off dogs over here who need help. I hope you go and search for these dogs for the rest of your life. You owe it to them.Last edited: 2012-07-21 20:54:43
Bumped due to new info
Confession by Gary Rios:
Gary Rios
I am in deep regret for my actions over the last 3 months. I have lied and betrayed you all. Romy and tasha were lost on transit that day romy in Bucherest and tasha between Nuremberg and regensberg. Romy escaped at Carrefour and we spent 3 hours chasing him till we lost him. Tasha escaped at a parking area off the motorway and spent 2 hours chasing him through woods till we lost him also. The right thing to do on that day would of been to phone straight away the people involved but we panicked! It was a spur of the moment thing of which I truely am sorry. I feel awful for the people involved miheala corina and kelly i can i regret my actions so much i dug a hole of which i couldnt get out of and im so sorry! We have been looking ever since in a hope we would find the dogs but nothing. I will do whatever I can to find them and will never give up!
I'm so sorry to everyone on carpe canem for betraying you all after the support you gave me I feel awful and hate myself so much for allowing things to get out of hand! I'm sorry to you all.

The Investigation into the Theft of Tasha from Thurrock Services has now been concluded. Gary Rios has stated all along that he handed Tasha over to an unknown woman at Thurrock Services, this has now been proved by CCTV Evidence that what he is saying is NOT TRUE, the Police have reviewed the CCTV footage, and Gary Rios did not hand Tasha over to anyone at Thurrock Services. The police are still waiting for confirmation from Defra on the number of dogs he bought into the UK, but by the evidence the Police have obtained, they are pretty sure that the confirmation will show that only 13 dogs arrived in the UK and not 15 as stated by Gary Rios. Further evidence shows that Tasha and Romy were lost by Gary Rios before entering the UK. The information we have is that Romy was lost in Bucharest, and Tasha was lost somewhere in Germany. To date Gary Rios has not attended any arranged interview with the Police, and has not helped with any Police Investigation. The Police have said that Gary Rios has just wasted Police time, and they are looking into this Matter.
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
We just have to praying and willing these dogs to safety. This Gary has really messed up from the sound of it and he certainly didn't reckon on the force of us dog lovers. x
Please look at the posting from kentprivateeye on DL 40523 re. Margate. xx
What can i say, more and more lies from Team Rios, threats being made to potential witness, this guy just has no remorse. The search for Romy and Tasha still goes on, We now have helpers in Germany, who are contacting all rescues known to them, hopefully some good news to report shortly, we have a lead which we are working on at the moment
No unfortunately not Carole, we have got several good contacts in Germany who are making enquiries, and have registered tashas microchip with Tasso, so at least now if she is picked up we have half a chance of finding her. All we know is that she was lost in a rest area, off the motorway, near a wooded area, and the land was very boggy, no more information than that. If Gary Rios had an ounce of regret about what has happened here, then he would tell people the location to look for Tasha. Sirius Transport actually posted a photo of a dog they say is romy taken in Austria, they said this proves that Romy wasnt lost in Bucharest, but the photos isnt of Romy , its of a dog called Alice who looked very much like her. So they are still lying to cover up what has happened here
Do you have any info on possible German location? I have just forwarded Tasha's details to dog loving friends who live just outside Cologne.
We have just been informed that Gary has cancelled his appointment with the Police as he is out of the Country. We are limited as to what we can put up here today, we were hoping to be able to tell the whole story about what has happened to Tasha and Romy, but there is still an ongoing Police Investigation, and although we would love to tell all we are unable to answer any quetions at this time at the request of the Police.
After liasing with the Police today we can safely say that we need to be looking for Romy in Romania and Tasha in Germany.
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Going to check Romy's page now too! x
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Thank you for the clarification BC and yes, I agree he is guilty of wrong doing. x
kimmybear, id just like to clarify, Tasha was handed over to unknown person, but while he was on route to the the uk he rang the rescue and said that Romy would be perfect for a very good friend of his who was looking for a dog, the rescue agreed to this, but told him the adoption paperwork would have to be sent straight back, nothings was recieved, then when the rescue asked for the details, he kept saying he would have to get back to them,he provided a mobile that was registered to Germany, but the dog was supposed to be in Scotland, if he was such a good friend of Garys, it was strange that he didnt know his surname, and didnt have a contact number for him, the information has been recieved today, we are trying to establish if in fact Romy is at the address given
Free Run, what more proof do you need, he has admitted handing the dog over to a non appointed person, so the blame lies solely with him, no doubt!!!
Come on Tasha, get yourself found. All xd.
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Free2run, its more a questioning of why the transporter is slow to co-operate with the police and why he handed two dogs to two separate individuals when he had no authority to do so. He has admitted he was guilty of doing this. Sadly. But why did he? (If he did). Its a very strange affair. He is the clue to finding these dogs. Let's hope he comes through for them. x
May I politely suggest that until there is proof to the contrary that people stop pointing the finger of guilt at the transporter . I hope there is news soon and that Tasha is found safe .Last edited: 2012-06-02 21:18:32 by Free2Run
I've asked the Thurrock Gazette to help us appeal for witnesses at Thurrock Motorway Services. It's a hugely complicated story so it makes it very difficult to place. Unfortunately the bank holiday gets in the way, so I'll see what I can do on Wednesday.
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Thank you posting Tasha's story. Did the fosterer decide to keep her? I suspect that angle has been checked. Obviously, Gary is worried about something, we just need to know what? I hope the police will not leave him alone and I hope he comes back into the country very soon. As you say, we just need to know that she is safe and loved, somewhere.
aw what a sad story, and an all to common tale nowadays of someone who's supposed to be helping dogs letting them down. I hope the story is made public and rescues have been warned about using this company.
Sounds to me that the likelihood is that she has been lost and maybe never even made it into the country, I really hope I'm wrong and she's safe x
I'm going to see what I can do here.
This is the story from Kelly, which goes into a bit more detail as to what happened that day, we need all the help we can get to find Tasha, please would all Co-ordinators post in there areas, Tasha could be anywhere in the UK Thanks

On April 13th 2012 one of our rescued dogs was collected by Sirius transport company... a company that advertises itself as ....

"Reliable Pet Transport across the UK and Europe. We safely and securely transport pets and rescue animals by road, providing quality care and comfortable facilities in air conditioned, Defra approved vehicles."

Tasha is a middle aged spayed cross breed dog of no monetary value, the transport company were paid to collect her from one of our reliable fosterers in Romania and deliver her to me at a rescue centre in Norfolk UK along with 9 other dogs on the afternoon of Sunday 15th April. When the van arrived at the rescue centre that afternoon I was told by the driver that somebody called Jan had approached Gary (driver and owner of the company) at Thurrock services (a previous drop off point of a different dog) and had told him that I had given her permission to collect the dog. Without calling and checking with me he handed her over along with her passport which included her chip number. I had made no such arrangement and no of nobody called Jan.... Tasha had apparently been stolen by somebody who had access to the information of my name, Tasha's name and the fact that Gary would be at Thurrock at that time.

Since this incident six weeks ago we have been working with police to find Tasha, desperately hoping that she is with someone who is taking good care of her. Her microchip number is now registering her as a stolen dog. However suspicions are growing at the accuracy or even truth in the whole 'Jan' story as Gary seems to be deliberately obstructing the investigation with the police. After the incident I was badgering the police everyday to get Tasha's disappearance investigated as a crime. By the Wednesday I had a crime number and within a week my local police had been round to take my statement...it took three weeks for Gary to give his. CCTV footage has been obtained from Thurrock services and has beeen sent off to the police technical department to be enhanced but the police have told me that it is too grainy to show anything conclusive and in fact it doesn't even show Gary handing Tasha to anyone. There have been many facebook theories and rumours that Gary lost Tasha somewhere in Europe and that this is a cover story to hide his negligence...... we are still waiting for the police to prove with customs that Tasha even got into the country. Gary was supposed to go to the police station last week on Thurs/Fri, he called the police and told them he couldn't get there as there was an accident on the M25... so the appointment was re-arranged for 1pm on Sunday. On the Sunday Gary called pc Rob Giurney of the Greys area investigation team and told him he was running late and would be there at 5pm...he never showed up and when pc Giurney tried to call him he didn't pick up his phone. Gary was supposed to go to the police station to discuss some 'discrepencies' between what Gary said in his statement and what was on the cctv....he has now left the country on another trip and when I asked him why he didn't show up on Sunday he said that another officer had called him and told him Rob had been called out and that he shouldn't go.

I am desperate for news of this dog, just to know that she is safe. She was headed for Faith rescue in Norfolk wh
We have 6,664 follwers all over UK that see the tweet....it has #essex as a placename so esses folk will look as well folks all over UK.
DogLostXenas Mum - Area Volunteer, Norfolk
Poster going up with the others by my HomeMade dog biscuit stand (Nero's Kitchen) in Happisburgh. By the way my names Jan and it wasn't me! (Although I do have 2 Greekies and a Polish girlie and think Tasha is adorable!)
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Dear Riverlady is twittering all over the place. Remember that this girl could look different now, with a trim or grown fur. Possibly even the same, its hard to tell what her fur is naturally like.
Have put Tasha on twitter + will circulate.
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
I guessed it was transport run, but that was the end of it. Am now sharing again on FB. Will ask Riverlady for a twitter.
I was thinking that too Claire. I feel so very sorry for this girl. xx
Thanks for the info Shereen. There seems to be some people who think it is ok to take dogs that are not theirs when on transport runs@(((
Hi shereen would this be a good one for Crimewatch by any chance?
Posted on behalf of BC who cant log in at the moment....
'It is now time for the Truth to come out what actually happened with Tasha.
Tasha was being transported from Romainia by Sirius Transport of Eastbourne, Gary the owner of the company is saying that when he dropped another dog off at Thurrock Services he was approached by a woman called Jan, who said she had been authorised by Kelly Hare to pick Tasha up from him. This was not checked and the dog was handed over to the mystery woman. It didnt become apparent that Tasha was missing for hours, when the van turned up at the Rescue and he told them that Tasha had been picked up by Jan. The only people who knew about the designated stop off points (ie Thurrock Services), were Sirius Transport and the members of the Carpe Group on Facebook. We have obtained cctv from Thurrock Services, which hasnt been very much help because of the poor quality. Gary who owns Sirius transport was supposed to go to Greys Police to go through the cctv with them last Sunday, but didnt turn up, the police tried to contact him by phone but he didnt answer, and as far as we are aware they have still been unable to contact him. The transport company have been less than helpful in trying to find Tasha.
Did anyone see the Sirius Pet Transporter van at Thurrock Services on the 15th April 2012 around 11 am .
Tasha could be anywhere in the UK, please would everyone put Tasha posters up in their local vets, and rescues, thanks'
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Not heard anything back from anyone on this. So sad. :-(
any news?
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
If she came from Romania, she has already suffered a dreadful life. I can't bear the thought of her getting into the wrong hands over here. Please everyone, wherever you live poster for this girl. Especially around Essex and Kent. Thank you.
This little ones now got a Facebook group:
Posted on Facebook to friends in SS postcodes and beyond
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Thank you so much Shereen! Must have missed the addy somehow. Emailed now. x
Tasha was on her way to rescue in Norfolk, but was taken from Thurrock Services in Essex
Bit confused - the phone number is North Norfolk, which is where Faith is, but the area lost is Essex. Can someone explain the circumstances?
Have spoken to Police they are not very forthcoming at the moment, but working on it. Spent the last two days trying to convince them that this is a theft, not a civil matter. This is definately a case of the dog being stolen by deception, ive got to speak to them again tommorowLast edited: 2012-04-17 21:44:12 by BC
Have been in touch with Thurrock Services, but unfortunately the cctv dosnt cover the area involved
Have been in touch with Thurrock Services, but unfortunately the cctv dosnt cover the area involved
Sorry dont know why it posted 3 timesLast edited: 2012-04-17 21:40:22 by BC
Jo - Area Co-ordinator, Essex
Is there CCTV? Are the Police assisting?
Alerts sent out to helpers in DA9,DA10,DA11,RM14,RM15,RM16,RM17,RM18,RM19,RM20,SS17
Dont worry Kimmybear ,I have spoken to them today...email is above though are you logged in?
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
No email or mobile. Need help on this one please!
Hope she is found soon xx
Sorry to see that TASHA MISSING IN GERMANY is missing.
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